Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1131: Rebelled

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When Emperor Dingwu was overseeing the country in Guangzhou, the Minister of the Household at that time was held concurrently by the senior scholar of Wuyingdian and the second Fulian City Wall. [Love ↑ go to △ Xiao ↓ talk △ Net WwW.AiQu] After Lianchengbi died of illness, Guo Tianxiao, who was the former censor of the Zuodu of the Duchayuan, was in charge of the household department, but he did not enter the cabinet.

This Guo Tianxu was the head of the Rites of the Chongzhen Dynasty, and he was over fifty when he was picked up by Zhou Shixiang from the countryside. At that time, there were no officials from the original Ming Dynasty in the Taiping Army who took the initiative to vote. There were only a few low-level officials of the Qing Dynasty who were captured. No one understood the etiquette system of the Ming Dynasty. Zhou Shixiang needed someone to take care of these matters for him, so Guo Tianxu was old and developed. , rose step by step, and eventually became a minister of households in one of the six ministries of the Ming Dynasty.

Although the Ministry of Households had no real power, even Guo Tianxu had to receive his salary from the Prince of Qi’s mansion, and he could not see any oil flowers from the top to the bottom, but in any case, Guo Tianxu was already a high-ranking official of the court, so he I am satisfied with my current life.

Everyone in the household knows that Lord Shangshu is a believer in Buddhism. In the main hall of his house, there is a statue of the Buddha. Every day before the sun goes down, Lord Shangshu burns two sticks of incense. . When Lianchengbi was the governor of Guangdong, he was famous for worshipping the Buddha. As long as the Qing army came to attack, the first thing he did was not to call his subordinates to discuss ways to retreat from the enemy, but to worship the Buddha first and save the Buddha to keep him safe.

Guo Tianxu worships Buddha, and he is also devout. In addition to hoping that the Buddha can keep him safe, he also hopes that the Buddha can bless him to go further and return to his hometown with the status of a cabinet scholar after his official career. The Taiping Army was apprehensive.

However, outsiders do not know that the Buddha Guo Tianxuxin is actually not the Tathagata Buddha, and the Buddha statue in his house is just a prop he used to conceal his true belief.

Guo Tianxu is a Luo sect, and he worships the lifeless mother in his heart.

The Wuweijiao is the **** of Wuweijiao, and Wuweijiao is called Luojiao in Lingnan, and the birthless mother is called Luofu.

There are Luo believers in the Taiping Army. General Tie Yi is a believer of Luojiao. There are at least 80 officers in the army with more than 100 households who believe in Luojiao. Most of them were miners like Tie Yi. They were concentrated in the second town, one of the four elite old towns of the Taiping Army. Now they are scattered among the various armies with the restructuring of the Taiping Army.

Zhou Shi was relatively supportive of Luojiao. First, the teachings of Luojiao absorbed a lot of Buddhism, leading people to be good, not to persuade people to do evil. Second, the organization of Luojiao is very strict, and it is very similar to the early Taoism that revolted as its main business. The third point is that a large number of followers of Luojiao are members of the Taiping Army, and under the guidance of high-level generals such as Tie Yi, these believers deliberately publicize that Zhou Shixiang is the reincarnation of Yue Wumu, and is the incarnation of Luofo rescuing the suffering Han people. The fourth is that Luojiao is extremely xenophobic, very resistant to foreign races, and its teachings have the point of view of “not my race, its heart must be different”.

These four points are very in line with the interests of Zhou Shixiang and the Taiping Army, so as early as in Guangdong, Zhou Shixiang secretly instructed Tie Yi to strengthen the Luojiao, and formed a self-contained system, which was different from the original Luojiao. As the area occupied by the Taiping Army continued to expand, the Silla Church, which had been controlled by the military, continued to infiltrate various places, using official support to continuously absorb believers and set up various Luojiao institutions.

However, strictly speaking, the Luojiao supported by Zhou Shixiang was no longer the Luojiao of the past, and the one who worshipped was no longer a lifeless mother, but Xuanyuan Huangdi. The teachings are also constantly being revised. Every once in a while, Zhou Shixiang will add some new teachings drawn up by him to the teachings of Luojiao. This new teaching is called “Heaven and Earth”, which is messier than the original Luojiao The pieced together teaching scriptures should be systematic and much more advanced. The original so-called doctrine of immortality has changed beyond recognition.

Luojiao is no longer the old religion. Zhou Shixiang changed the name of Luojiao to Hanjiao after preparing for the success of the Northern Expedition. Of course, Zhou Shixiang, who is very repulsive to religion, naturally cannot make himself the pope, make Han religion the state religion, and interfere in the future secular regime. The purpose of his creation of the Han religion is just to hope that in the future, the Han Chinese in China will have a tool that can fight against foreign cults.

Without the support of the government and the clan, there is such a religion that can unite the Han people and stand up for them. Even if in the end this Han religion, like the early Taoism, rebelled and messed up the country, as long as it was beneficial to the inheritance of the Han nationality, Zhou Shixiang thought it was worthwhile.

There is never a shortage of saints in the world, the saints of today and the Virgin of the future.

Zhou Shixiang, who hated religion very much, created religion by himself. I have to say, it is also a great irony.

The reason for this is Zhou Shixiang’s unforgettable past life memory. In the previous life, the Semu Sect, which had almost perished, had tens of millions in just two or three hundred years, and caused a tragedy in which more than 10 million Han Chinese were killed or injured. This lesson cannot but be said to be painful. However, the painful lesson did not arouse the vigilance of the rulers. Instead, they raised tigers, causing the main ethnic group to be greatly suppressed. If they resisted a little, they would hit the top with a big stick.

Heaven can learn, those high-ranking so-called religious people are actually all Han people, but none of them no longer admit that they are Han people!

In the past life, Zhou Shixiang was powerless to do it, but in this life, he has to try hard, even if it is wrong, he will do it. The reason is that one day in the future, the people will also have the power to compete with foreign religions.


There are many followers of Luojiao in Lingnan, and Guo Tianxu’s hometown has a large number of believers. He has heard about it since he was a child, and he has also believed in the birthless mother. It was just that many officials in the imperial court believed that the Luo Sect was a branch of the White Lotus Sect and was a cult, and advocated its ban.

During the Wanli period, another Wuwei disciple, Liu Tianxu, deliberately took action in Fengyang. He called himself the “Wuwei leader” and said that the “Huangji Buddha” would be born. Arrested, his followers included officers and soldiers.

This incident directly led to Luo Jiao being banned by the Nanjing Yamen at that time. After that, anyone who caught someone offering sacrifice to the lifeless mother would be treated as a traitor. As a result, after Guo Tianxu became an official, he did not dare to make offerings to his lifeless mother at home, but instead looked for the statue of the Buddha. After becoming an official of the Taiping Army, Guo Tianxu also always remembered the events of the year. In addition, the Taiping Army murdered people like hemp, and he did not dare to disclose his identity as a Luo Christian.

Last year, Guo Tianxu suddenly heard that there was a Luojiao altar giving lectures in Dongcheng, Nanjing, but the government did not prohibit him. He was a little excited, so he secretly went to listen to the scriptures, and found that the teachings of these people were fundamentally different from those he had been in contact with since he was a child. There is a hint of Romanism. In a fit of anger, he secretly sent his old family to Lingnan to find the authentic Luo Sect, and repeatedly told the old family to find the top three venerables in the sect, “Kongkong”, “Space”, and “Qingxu”.

As a devout believer, Guo Tianxu hopes that the three venerables in the church can stand up and tell the believers that what those people outside are doing are fake, their gods are not Xuanyuan Huangdi, Yue Fei is not a disciple of Huangdi, their gods are only One, that is the lifeless mother.

Because of the discovery of the “false religion”, and the fact that the Ministry of Household has no real power, there is nothing in the Ministry, so Guo Tianxu has been very busy recently. He knew everything that had happened in Beijing these days, but he was too lazy to get involved.

Guo Tianxu didn’t want to be a person on both sides, because in the eyes of the officials in Jiangnan, he Guo Shangshu was a Cantonese, and Cantonese people were Zhou Dang. Therefore, even if Guo Tianxu has objections to these things Zhou Shixiang did in Jiangnan, he even wished that Gu Yanwu, the nonsense guy, would die sooner, and would not dare to jump out like Huang Zongxi and the others.

But that’s fine, at least Guo Tianxu doesn’t have to worry that Jin Yiwei’s people will find him. He Guo Tianxu couldn’t do anything else, but he could do it with caution and self-discipline. People, you still have to do your job well, and you have to be knowledgeable. How can there be a knife handle in someone else’s hand, but he wants to change the world with a three-inch incorrupt tongue.

If there is no ghost in the heart, naturally there is no need to worry about being afraid, living like a year. As usual, Guo Tianxu cleaned his hands early at home, wiped his face, squeezed three sticks of incense and offered it to the Buddha, then changed his clothes and showered and went to work in the ministry.

Leisurely returning to leisure, as a court official, Guo Tianxu still has to do his duty well. As soon as I entered the household, I didn’t have time to ask someone to make a pot of hot tea, but I heard a commotion outside. It seemed that someone was shouting something loudly, and I vaguely heard someone yelling something.

When did the ministry become so unruly?

Guo Tianxu frowned, showing displeasure on his face, turned his head and shouted outside, “Who is making a noise outside?”

Hearing Lord Shang Shu’s call, Lang Zhong Jiang Yiqing, who was looking out with his colleagues, hurried over and said respectfully, “Lord, it seems that he is a member of the army.”

“People who are pro-military!”

Guo Tianxu’s heart “thumped”, his expression panicked, and he became a little nervous, “What are they doing in my household department?”

Jiang Yiqing shook his head and said, “Sir, those who are pro-military are going to the Ministry of Rites, not to our Ministry of Households.”


Hearing that it wasn’t from the Chonghu Department, Guo Tianxu sighed, raised his hand, and ordered Jiang Yiqing: “Go and see, what happened to the Ritual Department.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Jiang Yiqing agreed without hesitation, and hurriedly went outside the Ministry to inquire, not wanting to be blocked before leaving the door of the Ministry.

Look around: my darling!

It turns out that outside the yamen will be full of Jinyiwei with knives and guns~www.readwn.com~ They are five steps one person, ten steps one post, actually surrounded the six yamen, whether it is the Ministry of Household, the Ministry of Rites, or the The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment, looking at it from a distance, it seems that there are also many Jinyiwei guards in the Metropolitan Court.


Jiang Yiqing was so frightened that his face was pale.

Jiang Yiqing agreed without hesitation, and hurriedly went outside the Ministry to inquire, not wanting to be blocked before leaving the door of the Ministry.

Look around: my darling!

It turned out that outside the yamen would be full of Jinyi guards with knives and guns. They were one person at five steps and one post at ten steps, and they actually surrounded the six yamen, whether it was the Ministry of Household, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment, far away. Looking at it, it seems that a lot of Jinyiwei have also gone to the court.


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