Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1146

Chapter 1145: 0Autumn Lee Jin Wang

Huang Mengze, Li Dingguo’s personal guard captain, was reluctant to lead people to retreat. He knelt in front of Li Dingguo and said that the King of Jin was going to pass, so he stepped over his body. Burning Fiction ?????????`

The King of Jin raised his sword, but the sword did not fall in the end.

“Why don’t you let the solitary go, why don’t you let the solitary go away! Is the life of the soldiers not the life, the life of the solitary is the life! Do the soldiers want to go back to the country, but the solitary does not want it! Step back, let the solitary pass! Today is so lonely! To bring the soldiers back to China, even if they die, Gu will bring their ghosts back to their homeland!”

The King of Jin has made up his mind, or he has made up his mind to die. He kicked Huang Mengze away, but Huang Mengze hugged him again in the blink of an eye.

“When we are all dead, it will not be too late for His Highness to go up again!”

Huang Mengze said that he was about to get up and take his men to attack the city. However, Gongchang Wang Bai Wenxuan and his heir Li Sixing suddenly lost their voices: “How did the city gate open?!”

The gate is open?

King Jin, Huang Mengze and other personal guards were all surprised, and looked at Kapok Prefecture City in unison. Sure enough, the gates of the city that had just been closed did not know when they opened, and Wu Jun, who had been densely covered in the city, also disappeared.

This sudden scene stunned the soldiers of the Ming army who were charging, and the people in front stopped subconsciously, because it was really incredible.

The people behind did not know what happened, and they were still rushing forward, causing chaos in the Ming army. After they figured out what happened, thousands of Ming soldiers opened their mouths and stared blankly at the city gate.

How did the gate open?

“What, what happened?”

King Jin’s hands were shaking and his voice was shaking. He couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him.

Is there really a miracle in this world?

Li Sixing didn’t think much, but jumped up excitedly and shouted, “Father, they let us go back to China!”

Bai Wenxuan was apprehensive in his heart. When he found out that it was not Wu Jun’s cavalry that rushed out of the city, but dozens of cavalry wearing red military uniforms, he was shocked and overjoyed, and shouted excitedly to King Jin: “It’s Taiping. The army, Your Highness, is the Taiping Army!”


The one who came out of the city was Lu Guangzu, the general town of the New Fifth Army of the Taiping Army, and Le Tongwu came with him.

Knowing that Kunming had changed its flag, and after the governor Lin Tianqing died, the Kapok Governor, who could not bear to attack Li Dingguo, immediately ordered his subordinates to lay down their weapons and let the Taiping Army enter the city.

Knowing that the Ming army outside the city was preparing to attack Kapok Prefecture, Shao Jiugong was taken aback and hurriedly asked Lu Guangzu and Le Tongwu to leave the city and get in touch with King Jin.

“The soldiers under King Jin’s command, Yunnan has changed its flag anyway, you can go back to China!”

“I’m Le Tongwu, brothers, Yunnan is anyway, everyone can go back to China!”

Lu Guangzu and Le Tongwu shouted loudly in front of the Ming army, and soon the news spread throughout the Ming army, and also reached the ears of the King of Jin.

“His Royal Highness, it seems that there are still miracles in this world!”

King Jin couldn’t hide his excitement and joy, how could he not be excited, how could he be unhappy. At this moment, many soldiers will no longer die in vain in this country, they can finally set foot on their homeland!

God finally left him a ray of life for Li Dingguo; God finally did not fail Li Dingguo, the great hero of the Han people.

Bai Wenxuan was also excited, and even burst into tears in front of his subordinates. Seeing His Royal Highness King Gongchang like this, many Ming army generals burst into tears.

All the soldiers of the Ming army were cheering, and the family members in the rear were crying. This time, they were not crying for their relatives, but for being alive and crying for returning to the country.

Under the order of Shao Jiugong, the Wu army in the city took out the stored grain, collected all the iron pots in the city, and provided the Ming army soldiers with their first meal after returning home.

This meal, the Ming army soldiers who had been living abroad for more than two years were finally able to eat a meal with peace of mind and a full meal.

Seeing the weak and haggard soldiers of the King of Jin due to lack of medical care and food, Shao Jiugong was very moved, and secretly blamed himself for being late. If he had come earlier, these people would have suffered less.

After the subordinates and family members were all settled in the city, King Fang of Jin and King Gongchang, as well as the generals such as his son Li Sixing and Wu Sansheng attended the banquet together.


The banquet was specially organized by Shao Jiugong. Although there was nothing delicious from the mountains and seas, it was already a big fish and meat that King Jin and others had not seen for a long time.

“See His Royal Highness King Jin!”

“See His Royal Highness King Gongchang!”

As soon as King Jin, King Gongchang and others came in, Shao Jiugong led his men and women to pay homage to them.

“I can’t, get up quickly, get up quickly!”

Seeing dozens of Taiping army generals kneeling neatly in front of him, Li Dingguo was a little caught off guard. He did not expect that the Taiping army would give such a big salute to his distressed prince.

King Gongchang was also a little stunned, neither was Shou, nor was he not. Wu Sanxing and other Ming army generals who came with the two princes saw that the people of the Taiping Army treated the two princes like this, which moved them and at the same time gave them respect.

Shao Jiugong and others insisted on the etiquette of seeing the prince and the king of the county, and then invited the king of Jin and the king of Gongchang to sit down.

“General Shao doesn’t have to be like this. My Highness Gong and I are just people who survived the disaster. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid that now, the two of us may have died in battle, so how can we stand here.”

Li Dingguo was telling the truth, he was ready to die under the city, and he even hoped that he could die on the road of attack.

Bai Wenxuan nodded. Although the people of the Taiping Army gave him and Li Dingguo great gifts, he did not dare to really regard himself as a prince.

After King Jin and King Gongchang were seated, Shao Jiugong said sincerely: “My commander has been thinking about His Highness and wanted to send troops to rescue His Highness to return to China, but the domestic situation is extremely urgent. Suffering outside the borders. Therefore, the commander of my family specially asked me to tell His Highness, please forgive him, if he goes to the southern capital, my commander will apologize to His Highness in person!”

“Gu has never blamed King Qi. If it is Gu, it should be the most important thing to recover the southern capital. Since Jiashen, I have suffered too much in Daming. What is the suffering of Gu… After all, Gu They are still alive, but the dead can never come back to life. When I think of them, I feel uncomfortable in my heart, as if there is a 10,000-pound stone pressing down…”

Li Dingguo didn’t blame Zhou Shixiang for not coming to rescue him at all. The importance of recovering Nandu to the overall situation of the anti-Qing Dynasty was much more important than his Li Dingguo, and it could even be said that ten Li Dingguo was less important than the recovery of Nandu. He is really sad now, and deplores those soldiers who died in foreign countries.

Seeing this, Bai Wenxuan hurriedly persuaded: “His Royal Highness, today is a day of great joy. Don’t talk about these, don’t talk about these. If the dead brother knows that His Highness has returned home safely, I’m afraid they will be happy too.”

Shao Jiugong, Lu Guangzu, Wu Sanxing and others also persuaded the King of Jin, saying that he had returned to China today, and His Highness put his mind down. After the rest of the day, he ordered Qi soldiers and horses to go to Burma, and stepped on his Burmese royal city to avenge the dead soldiers.

King Jin pressed his emotions down, not wanting everyone to be upset because of his emotions. After all, today is a happy day for the soldiers to return home.

The King of Jin himself picked up the wine glass and got up, thanking the Taiping Army for saving him. Shao Jiugong even said that he did not dare to do it, and he and the generals drank it all in one go. Gongchang Wang Bai Wenxuan and Wu Sansheng also raised their glasses one after another, and soon, the haze in the banquet was swept away.

Because of his happiness, King Jin drank a few more cups, and his face was a little red. Seeing that King Gongchang and Wu Sanxing had a very happy conversation with the generals of the Taiping Army, he was very emotional, he pondered for a moment, put down the wine glass, and slowly said to Shao Jiu: “But I don’t know how His Royal Highness King Qi arranges these soldiers? Yes Should it be placed on the spot in Yunnan, or somewhere else?”

Hearing this, the liveliness of the banquet came to an abrupt end, and Wu Sanxing and the others all turned their attention to Shao Jiugong’s face.

Shao Jiugong said with a smile: “His Royal Highness has just returned to China, and I will talk about these things later. For now, His Highness and the soldiers still focus on rest.”

King Jin glanced at King Gongchang who was about to speak, and said to Shao Jiu in a deep voice, “I have always wanted to bring my soldiers back to the country. Now, this wish has come to an end, so I have decided to disarm and return to the fields. When this matter is over, I will go to Nandu to listen to His Royal Highness Prince Qi. Therefore, how to arrange these soldiers under Gu’s hands, Gu would like to know if your Highness Prince Qi has any arrangements.”

As soon as these words came out, Bai Wenxuan and Wu Sanxing were shocked, and Shao Jiugong, Lu Guangzu and others were also stunned.

“Your Highness, you can’t leave us!”

Le Tongwu stood up excitedly, and Wu Sanxing and the others were instantly distraught.

Bai Wenxuan sighed, he had discussed this matter with Li Dingguo as early as when he was outside the border ~www.readwn.com~. Li Dingguo told him clearly at the time that if Zhou Shixiang could help him and his soldiers return to the country one day, he would give up his military power and go to the southern capital, so as not to make his subordinates be suspicious of Zhou Shixiang because of his existence.

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Bai Wenxuan knew that Li Dingguo’s decision was not wrong. If Li Dingguo didn’t do it, Zhou Shixiang would tolerate him temporarily, and would not tolerate him in the future, just like the relationship between Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo back then.

Now that Zhou Shixiang embraced the Tang king and established his base in the southern capital, he has the potential to rely on the emperor to command the princes. How could he not be on guard against Li Dingguo? You know, Li Dingguo grabbed Zhu Youlang from Sun Kewang to Kunming, and this led to a series of incidents that led to the fall of the Southwest. If it weren’t for Zhou Shixiang, Daming would have completely subsided.

If he doesn’t want the good situation of fighting against the Qing Dynasty to repeat the old events of the past, Li Dingguo’s best choice is to give up his military power and stay under the watchful eyes of Zhou Shixiang, the southern capital.

If it was Bai Wenxuan, he would make the same choice as Li Dingguo, because they actually didn’t have the strength to compete with Zhou Shixiang. However, he did not expect Li Dingguo to make a decision in such a hurry.

When everyone was shocked, Shao Jiugong slowly stood up from the chair, took a step back, clasped his fist at Li Dingguo, and said with a loud voice: “Your Highness, you don’t have to disarm and return to the fields, and you don’t have to go to the Southern Capital! Because Your Highness is not only the King of Jin of Daming, but also the King of Jin. The king of Jin of my Han people is also the king of Jin on the battlefield, so my commander has said long ago that the king of Jin must fight to the end for me, for me, and for my Han people, just like him.

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