Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1162

Chapter 1161: Fascist Book Club

After coming out of the memorial hall, the “central officials” were placed in the Jiangxi Academy, not far from the Governor’s Yamen. Reading at zero

Ding Zhixiang returned to Jiangxi Governor Li Zhicui’s banquet, and he and a group of officials were in the Academy, eating together as usual. Seeing this, Li Zhicui and others had no choice but to dine in the Academy.

The food was specially prepared by Jiangxi, but it was not too extravagant, so Ding Zhixiang didn’t say anything.

After eating, Ding Zhixiang, Li Zhicui and other Jiangxi civil and military officials said a few polite words, and then went back to their room. He has a daily habit of writing down what he did during the day before going to bed, and then reflecting on whether what he did was right or wrong. This may have something to do with his former post as the inspector of Guangdong.

I just picked up a pen and wrote a few lines, but there was a knock on the door, but it was Wan Nian’s policy, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry of the mission.

This person was originally the minister of the household of the Yongli court. After Yongli fled from Kunming, because of his despair at Yongli and his unwillingness to abandon the country, Wannian Ce separated from officials such as Sun Shun, Minister of War, and Liu Qin, Shaoqin of Dali Temple. The Yongli Brigade was originally going to abandon the official position and find a place to hide. Later, it was rescued by the Taiping army envoy led by Xu Yingyuan and Guo Shao, and went to Annan.

Although Ding Zhixiang was the official ambassador for this visit, the person in charge was Wanniance. From the handover and liaison with the local government to the eating, drinking and living of the officials, etc., all of them are specifically arranged by Wannian Policy. It can be said that Wanniance, the waiter, is the steward of the entire team, and everything is in his hands.

In terms of qualifications in the imperial examination, Wannian Ce was a Jinshi in the Tianqi period, but Ding Zhixiang was a Jinshi in the ten years of Chongzhen. In terms of official qualifications, when Ding Zhixiang was an inspector in Guangdong, Wanniance was the minister of the household. Therefore, although Ding Zhixiang is now a bachelor in the cabinet, he is not high on this older servant. He himself got up and opened the door for Wanniance.

“Brother Xuan Hua, it’s so late, what’s the matter?”

While talking, Ding Zhixiang made tea for Wanniance. Wanniance dared to let King Qi’s confidants and cabinet scholars make tea for him, and hurriedly grabbed the teapot. While leaning, he said: “Zheng Zhonglei in the official department, Zhang Xuan, the censor of Yunnan Province, and Ma Lun, the Shaoqing of Taipu Temple, have not returned yet. I asked their teammates, and they all said that they did not know where they went. I’m afraid there will be an accident, so I’ll come and report… Would you like to say hello to Li Zhicui and ask him to send someone to look for it.”

“This matter,” Ding Zhixiang sat down slowly, took the teacup from Wanniance’s hand, placed it on the table, and shook his head, “I don’t think it is necessary to send someone to look for it.”

Don’t have to look for it?

Wan Nian Ce was startled, not knowing what Ding Zhixiang meant.

Ding Zhixiang did not speak, but took the roster on the table, opened it, and drew a circle on the names of the three people mentioned by Wanniance.


Wan Niance was confused: What circles do you draw so well?

Ding Zhixiang closed the roster, glanced at Wan Nian Ce, who was stunned, and said calmly: “Brother Xuan Hua doesn’t know anything, these three violated the wartime ban and have been rectified by the pro-military.”


Wan Niance was taken aback: “When did it happen, why don’t I know? What ban did the three of them commit?”

“When they visited the memorial hall earlier, the three committed the death penalty of shaking people’s hearts, slandering the order of King Qi, and openly going against the government.”

Wan Niance was stunned and shook his head helplessly. Those three people really wanted to do this, and he was afraid that he couldn’t save them even if he tried to save them.

“Although these three people have violated the order, they are all officials of the imperial court. How can you kill them if you say they are killed? Acting in person is too… overbearing.” Wan Niance really couldn’t think of anything. For euphemism, I had to use the word “overbearing”.

“There is no domineering or domineering. Now is wartime, the Northern Expedition is imminent, and the purpose of the reform of King Qi’s constitution and reorganization of the army is to expel the Tartars as soon as possible and restore the old capital. For this reason, King Qi unified the decree and unified Thought and hard work want to unite the army and the people of Ming Dynasty, and avenge the tens of millions of compatriots who died tragically under the knife of Tartar. At this juncture, Zheng Zhonglei and the three openly questioned the king of Qi, and to absolve the Manchu people of their sins. Your Highness King Qi, do you want to kill them?”

What Ding Zhixiang was talking about was the work of “unification of minds” that is now spreading from the southern capital to the provinces. This ideological unification can be summed up in one sentence, that is, before the old capital is restored and the great revenge is not avenged, the Ming army and the people can only obey the command of one voice. This voice, of course, was King Zhou Shixiang of Qi.

Organizing officials from various ministries to visit the Holocaust memorials in various places is one of the specific arrangements for the “unification of ideas” hosted by the Grand Governor’s Office.

The purpose of the Grand Governor’s Office was to make officials realize the harm of alien invasion to the Han nation, so that they completely abandoned the Confucian dregs of benevolence and righteousness to govern the country and appease the barbarians. In this way, the iron-blooded thought of the Han nationality that was castrated by Confucianism after the Han and Tang Dynasties can be revived.

Wannian Ce was very clear about this matter, and also understood his own responsibilities. The Chinese people’s martial arts was advocated by Confucius’s six arts. Mounting a horse can kill the enemy, and dismounting can govern the country. Being Tian Shelang in the morning and ascending to Tianzitang in the evening are exactly what scholars yearn for. Now the country is so dilapidated, with the loss of sixty-seven percent of the people, and everywhere there are no people and nothing. No other dynasty can compare to such a tragic situation in the past thousand years.

Now that the south of the Yangtze River has basically recovered, the King of Qi is sharpening his sword and preparing for the Northern Expedition, and in one fell swoop, he will pacify the built slaves who have troubled China for nearly 40 years. For this reason, it is inevitable to eliminate internal noise and reduce unnecessary internal friction. Otherwise, after the army goes north, there will be another incident like the Jiangnan riots in the rear. Wouldn’t the northern expedition be left behind?

Wanniance supported the king of Qi in unifying the army and the people’s thinking, but it was a bit difficult for him to accept that just unifying the thinking would kill people.

“Actually, if King Qi really wants everyone to be twisted into a rope, and think about it, the key is not to issue various bans, but to allow those who oppose doubts to speak, such as court proceedings, such as public disclosure, etc. Let these people who ignore the overall situation be allowed to speak. Tell them what they think, and then the big guys will criticize him together. In this way, how can these people hinder the great cause of the Northern Expedition. At that time, they will be like rats crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating, and simply punishing them with severe punishment is worse than violence. Qin is normal?”

Wanniance’s words are a bit harsh. He killed the second emperor of Qin. He described King Qi’s current policy as violent Qin. If it spreads out, I am afraid that the minister of industry has also done it. However, he has been with Ding Zhi for a long time, and he knows that although this person is a close believer of King Qi, he is not an unreasonable person, and he is not a person who speaks ill of people behind his back, so he does not worry that these words will reach King Qi’s ears. middle.

It is true that Ding Zhixiang had no intention of telling right and wrong in front of King Qi, causing Wan Nian Ce to end miserably. He chuckled lightly and said to Wan Niance, “Brother Xuan Hua, do you know that King Qi once said something at the Grand Governor’s Mansion. I’m afraid these words will relieve Brother Xuan Hua’s confusion.”

“Oh?” Wan Niance was a little surprised, “Please let the scholar tell me.”

Ding Zhixiang nodded slightly, recalled for a moment, and said slowly: “King Qi said at the time that some people’s heads in this world are like stones in a cesspool, stinky and hard. Not only that, these people always think they are right and don’t accept it. The opinions of others always think that others are wrong, and he is right. When others think differently from him, he thinks they are paranoid and stupid. It seems that only by listening to his opinions and adopting his methods can we Govern the country, make the world long and peaceful.

However, this kind of person does not know that since Jiashen, I have faced the survival and death of the nation, a situation like the subjugation of the country and the extinction of the species like five chaotic flowers, and nothing else. Therefore, at the moment, I don’t need this kind of stinky and tough. , and arrogant and self-righteous, look down on others, always be rational and objective. If there are too many such people, our nation will be finished again, because they never consider the life and death of their compatriots, they only care about the so-called reputation, such as great Confucianism, such as everyone, such as some **** master.

As long as his official hat is still there, as long as his family’s privileges are still there, as long as the books he reads can continue to be read in a grand manner for future generations to read, and do as they say, then they will be happy to die and live, feeling that they are in this life. It is worth it, it can be famous in history, and it can be an example for future generations forever. One hundred years have passed, two hundred years have passed, three hundred years have passed, no matter how many years have passed, there will always be children and grandchildren who help these people continue to sing praises for them. ”

Speaking of this, Ding Zhixiang took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and said: “King Qi said, these people have a lot of things in their heads, and they read a lot of books. The export is the history, and the pen is the classic. , citing the scriptures, no one is as good as them. Even if there are people who are better than them, they don’t admit it, and the literati are underestimated. The sage boss, my second child. Dealing with such people, reasoning with them and presenting the facts, will it work? …. King Qi said very clearly, if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t mean that they can’t reform their thinking, but it’s too long, and it won’t work right now. What is our mission now? It is to take revenge for the thousands of compatriots who died under the knife of Tartar. Those who do not take revenge themselves, but also prevent others from taking revenge, euphemistically called forgiveness and tolerance, Brother Xuanhua guess what King Qi said?”

“What did your Highness say?”

“It’s all killed, one hundred is done. Correcting the wrong must be over-corrected. Although doing so will kill a lot of people and cause great trouble, it is much more beneficial than not doing it, allowing those people to exist and spreading their fallacies and heresies. Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether those three people are innocent or not, the important thing is that they must die.”

“Brother Xuanhua may still think that King Qi’s decree is harsh, but brother Xuanhua better understand that as long as King Qi can lead me to the Ming Dynasty, to avenge the death of thousands of compatriots, and to allow the people to live a stable life, this The word “violent Qin” will never be detected on King Qi. Those people are not the common people, I think, if the common people knew what those people said, I’m afraid the spittle stars could drown them…”

Speaking of which, Ding Zhixiang spoke earnestly to Wanniance: “Brother Xuanhua, with all due respect, I will no longer be able to protect each other as an official in the future. What kind of integration of the gentry and the emperor will rule the world together. Times have changed. Now, the so-called people’s heart is no longer the heart of the gentry, but the heart of the common people. Whoever makes the common people live well, and who makes the common people stop being bullied, will win the hearts of the people.”

Wan Niance was silent, Xu Shi Ding Zhixiang’s words made him unable to digest for a while. Ding Zhixiang took a copy of the memorial and handed it to him: “Oh, by the way, I want to co-sign this memorial with you, does Brother Xuan Hua think it’s okay?”

Wan Niance silently took the note, and after reading it, his face showed surprise: “Is King Yong still alive?”

“King Yong has not died, he has been hiding in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and now he has recognized his ancestors and returned to the clan. When there is no son today, King Yong is the blood of Emperor Xiaolie. If King Yong is made the crown prince, the army and the people of the world will obey. Therefore, I intend to sign with brother Xuanhua. Play up.”

“Since Emperor Xiao has an empress, he should be made a prince.”

Wanniance has no objection to making King Yong the crown prince. After all, the emperor has no heirs and his health is getting worse. Now the army’s northern expedition is imminent.

Seeing Wanniance agreeing to sign the joint name, Ding Zhixiang felt relieved and handed over a pen to ask him to sign. Wan Nian Ce did not hesitate to write down his name. After putting the brush back on the pen holder, Wan Niance saw a book on the table with no title, but a strange object that looked like a big stick drawn on the cover.

“What pattern is this?” Wan Niance asked curiously.

“The name of this thing is the stick, and it is the emblem of a Fascist Book Club in Zhenjiang. This booklet is also published by the Fascist Book Club. After I read it, I felt that what was written in the book was extremely useful, and it may be the way to govern the country in the future.”

“Fascist Society?”

Wanniance had never heard of it before. Before, we only knew about Fushe, Wushe, and Qianshe. When did a fascist club appear?


Don’t read too much into what is written in this book, because you exaggerate what the author thinks. I am a pragmatist, and I can do whatever is beneficial to the Han people at that time. Simple and rude will make people criticized and questioned, but it is a good medicine. The country is so dilapidated that it is almost extinct, and talking about other things is just a joke. In the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the gentry and literati were killed, and everyone was killed. Why didn’t some book friends criticize it, thinking that the “Qing Dynasty” would not last for a long time.

Some book friends, mainly book friends without subscription fans, you curse the bones for writing in the book, but in reality, these are all done by the “Qing” who you don’t want to insult.

This makes the bones very strange, you don’t like to see my work, you don’t have to. Radish and cabbage, each has its own advantages, why do you have to quarrel with me?

No matter how poor my bones are, I can’t make money from writing books, and I don’t want to beg you guys to subscribe me for a few chapters.

In addition, I have been busy negotiating compensation and reinstallation with the upstairs for the past two days, and I am a bit busy and tired. .


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