Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1172

Chapter 1170: Headhunting

Due to the system delay, the 1169 chapter was repeated and one more chapter was posted, and the background was inquired and told that it could not be deleted. I have no choice but to ask readers to forgive me. I will add three or four hundred words at the end of each chapter for the extra few cents, so as to compensate everyone in disguise.


Chongming was originally affiliated to Shanghai County, but now it is affiliated to the Grand Governor’s Mansion, which has become a military base shared by the Yangtze River Navy and the Donghai Navy.

More than 2,000 original people on the island have been relocated ashore one after another, some of them in Changshu in the south of the Yangtze River, and the other in Haimen in the north of the Yangtze River. Now the residents of the island are all family members of the navy, and most of them are the family members of the former Zhejiang army.

The three islands of Changsha, Sansha and Nansha under the jurisdiction of Chongming have also built corresponding wharves and barracks and arranged garrisoned troops. These three places are mainly used for hoarding naval supplies. Thanks to Ma Fengzhi’s operation in Chongming earlier, the investment of the navy was relatively small, otherwise everything would be rebuilt, which would have been a big project.

After the riots in the south of the Yangtze River were quelled, the Grand Governor’s Office transferred a large amount of materials originally hoarded in Jinshan Port to Chongming. At the same time, the military supplies collected from Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and other places in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River were also transferred to Chongming. It makes Chongming Island very lively.

On June 9, half of the New Second Army and New Third Army, the main force of the Northern Expedition, had arrived in Chongming. The arrival of more than 20,000 officers and soldiers made Chongming very crowded, but it was also more popular.

In order to divide the officers and soldiers, Tie Yi, the governor of the Fifth Theater Command, personally went to Chongming to sit in town, and placed the New Third Army on Nansha and Sansha Islands, the New Second Army on Chongming Island, and the rest of the troops and horses on Chongming Island.

Now, whether it is Jiangbei or Jiangnan, the area within 30 miles is designated as a restricted area, and the people in the restricted area are not allowed to go out, and no one except the army is allowed to enter, not even the local officials.

Considering that after the establishment of the restricted area, the lives of the local people will be greatly disturbed, Zhou Shixiang specially ordered the Third War Zone to allocate some money and grain to compensate these people. And try to recruit these people to engage in simple engineering construction, so that their lives are not in trouble due to the blockade. The original fishermen were also requisitioned even with their boats, but instead of sending them north to accompany the army, they were responsible for helping the army transport supplies on both sides of the Yangtze River, and were paid according to their work.

This policy made the people in the blockade area applaud, because the Taiping Army is very generous, the pay settlement is very generous, and there are many places where labor is needed. Difference.

The sudden increase in cargo transportation and the entry of a large number of troops made the people in the blockade area smell the imminent war.

Every day, they carried their own boats and helped the fishermen who carried the soldiers from the shore to Chongming Island. They watched the energetic young people humming a tune they had never heard before, and then excitedly discussed how many Tatars to kill. When children were young, the fishermen were always in a complicated mood.

People always die in wars, but I don’t know how many of these young people will be able to come back alive in the future.


On Changsha Island, south of Chongming, more than 3,000 Taiping troops were stationed here for three days. On the sea, warships sailed by from time to time. Whenever the warships passed by, the Taiping soldiers who were training on the island would subconsciously stop their movements and look at the warships with eagerness.

The Taiping soldiers, who had been mobilized before the war, had unimaginable heroism and urgency about going north to participate in the war of genocide as mentioned by the commander.

The officers are also eager to board the warships and sail to the north, so at this time, they will not scold the soldiers, but will also stare at the warships, hoping that the ships will dock and take them to the north.

The sound of “bang bang” cannons resounded at the eastern end of Chongming Island, where the commander-in-chief guarded the entire Eighth Town Musket Brigade.

The brigade school is the young Duke of Zhejiang, Yu Youming. He has just arrived from Suzhou and is now hurrying to train the troops for the last time.

The gun brigade officers and soldiers are all flintlock guns, and their range, rate of fire and power are much stronger than those of other town’s fire gun troops. However, since its establishment, this musket brigade has not been involved in any battle, and even when Jiangnan was pacified, the brigade was required to stay in Zhenjiang.

With Xu Yingyuan’s “help” and Zhou Shixiang’s “pressure”, as well as Yu Youming’s brave face in order to participate in the Northern Expedition, Liu Xiaozhao, who only wanted to marry a pretty scholar, was finally persuaded by his mother. , put away your mind and become a lady of a small country.

Qian Qianyi is still dissatisfied with this marriage, but he is not dissatisfied with Youming. After being Zhongliang, Qian Qianyi likes it in his bones. It’s just that Zhou Shixiang’s actions in Jiangnan were thousands of miles away from what he said at the beginning, which made him lose face among the gentry in Jiangnan, and even his nephew was formally punished by Zhou Shixiang. Under such circumstances, how could Qian Qianyi still have the face to stay in Nandu as his grandfather, and finally resigned and returned to Suzhou.

After Qian left Nandu, Huang Zongxi took over his leadership in the Jiangnan literary circle and organized a major criticism of Gu Yanwu. It was just that the flowers bloomed for a hundred days. After a month, the situation reversed. Zhou Shixiang married the princess and the imperial court was restructured. Huang Zongxi, who had spent all his time tinkering with the “public servant theory”, was put on the shelf by Zhou Shixiang, and there was no place for him in the six cabinet departments and the palace. Now I stay in the same house as my disciple Vance all day, and I say to the outside world to concentrate on learning, but no one knows what it is in fact.

Huang Zongxi was invited by Qian Qianyi personally from Zhejiang, but now he has ended up with himself, Qian Qianyi can see that he is angry. At this juncture, Zhou Shixiang actually attacked his daughter’s idea and promised his daughter to Yu Youming, the son of the late Duke of Zhejiang, Yu Shizhong. Qian Qianyi was unwilling.

However, Hedong Junliu Rushi looked at Yu Youming like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looked, the more happy she became, and she insisted on marrying her daughter to Yu Youming. Qian Qianyi really loves He Dongjun, and can’t bear to touch her, so he has to pretend to be deaf and let her go.

He Dongjun knew that her husband was stabbed in his heart, so he told him the psychological words one day. She said: “Since Jiashen, the one who has a knife is more reassuring than one who has a pen. When my daughter grows up, I am a mother. I don’t want to, I just want her life to be safe. If I find a weak scholar to marry, no matter how talented, if something happens to the country, can he protect our daughter?”

After Qian Qianyi heard this, he could only sigh. Thinking of him as a dignified leader of the Jiangnan literary world, the Qing court said that if he was arrested, he would be arrested, not to mention others. Although the southern capital has been restored, the world is still in chaos. In a chaotic world, what can best ensure peace is undoubtedly the sword.

Jiang Guozhu, the governor of Jiangsu, personally came forward and gave the Qian family a letter of appointment for Yu Youming. The Qian family accepted and returned the gift, and the marriage was settled.

Yu Youming, who finally let go of his heart, didn’t have time to wait for Jiang Guozhu to send him a return gift from the Qian family, so he rushed to Chongming quickly. He was afraid that the commander would break his promise and would not let him participate in the Northern Expedition.

Zhou Shixiang had no intention of letting Yu Youming go north, but his Musket Brigade was his own personal guard, and it was unreasonable not to let Yu Youming go north. Coupled with Yu Youming’s eagerness for revenge, he also wanted to exercise this young master, so he approved his invitation to fight and ordered him to bring the Musket Brigade to Chongming to wait for his life and board the ship at any time.

The sound of the gunfire from the training of the Musket Brigade made the lively Chongming Island seem to be setting off fireworks.

On the beach by the sea, groups of cavalry roaring past proudly showed off their equestrian skills, causing the infantrymen to be jealous for a while. But when they saw dozens of cavalry soldiers who couldn’t control their horses being kicked and beaten by the officers, they suddenly felt the same sympathy.

This cavalry is the whole three towns of the Second Army, and the whole three towns are also the only pure cavalry towns among the five main forces. The whole town is full of 10,200 people and 14,500 horses. Just transporting the entire three towns with people and horses would account for one-third of the transportation capacity of the Donghai Navy and the Yangtze River Navy~www.readwn.com~ The three piers on the island are now full of large docks. Large and small ships, on the river and the sea, there are still ships full of supplies waiting to enter the port. The officers and soldiers of the baggage battalion, together with the islanders, were busy carrying food there, and they were sweating profusely.

“one two Three!”

Accompanied by the sound of the horn, more than 200 shirtless men are laboriously moving several cannons to the boat. The man who issued the horn will be very anxious. According to the military order, they must take these twenty before dark. A number of new artillery pieces were pulled onto the ship, otherwise they would be dealt with by military law.

On the south side of the pier, hundreds of young people sat on the ground around a steaming cauldron, each with a pair of bowls and chopsticks in their hands. Some people have very clean bowls in their hands, while others are dirty and black. They wear uniform white clothes, but they are not the Taiping army’s navy uniforms, but they also have a command system.

These people were all sailors from Jinxia who voluntarily went north. There were fishermen, sailors on merchant ships, former outlaws at sea, and even Fusang ronin and red-haired ghosts. The total number was about 9,000.

They volunteered to go north with the Taiping Army for many purposes. Some people hoped that they would earn military merit and become a member of the Taiping Army. There are also people who just want to go with the army to make a fortune, whether it is robbing or rewarding, as long as the life is bold, there will always be a harvest.

Some people went there because the Taiping Army posted the bulletin on the “covered land”. They want to have their own land in Liaodong, they want to have their own slaves, and they want to gain a share of prosperity and wealth for their children and grandchildren.

A ronin from a Japanese country took out a crumpled piece of paper in his arms and asked the people around him: “Jun Zheng, do you think the Taiping Army’s headhunting order is true or false? Like me? Can overseas people really become the people of Ming Dynasty with the head of the Hu people?”8)

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