Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1172: Zheng Zhilong Must Die

“Tian Chuan has seen His Royal Highness King Qi!”

Because he has lived in the Japanese country since he was a child, Tian Chuan’s behavior has been completely Japanese. If he hadn’t been able to speak fluent Chinese, it would be hard for people to imagine that he was the son of Zheng Zhilong, a former pirate in the Ming Dynasty.

“Old Zhu Zhiyu pays respects to His Royal Highness King Qi!”

“You two, please get up!”

Zhou Shilian hurriedly stopped Tian Chuan and Zhu Zhiyu who were about to bow, especially the latter, who was not only an old man in his sixties, but also a legendary figure. How could Zhou Shixiang dare to bow to him.

Zhu Zhiyu was born as a Gong Shi, but he had never been an official in the Ming Dynasty. In the eleventh year of Chongzhen, he was recommended by the local government to the Ministry of Rites as “the first in civil and military talents”. However, Zhu Zhiyu saw that the world was getting worse and worse, the country was wrong, officials were money, government was bribery, and refugees were everywhere. , only focus on learning in his hometown.

In the Jiashen year, Li Zicheng captured Beijing, Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself in Coal Mountain, and Zhu Zhiyu was forty-five years old. Soon, the King of Fortune, Zhu Yousong, was located in Nanjing and changed to Yuan Hongguang. At that time, Fang Guoan, the commander-in-chief of Jiangnan, recommended Zhu Zhiyu and ordered him to be recruited by the emperor, but Zhu Zhiyu still refused to take office. In the first month of the first year of Hongguang, the court ordered Zhu Zhiyu to be recruited, but he still did not take office. After Emperor Hongguang and Emperor Longwu died one after another, Zhu Zhiyu saw that the country was in crisis, so he went out to Japan to raise money.

Due to Japan’s sea ban, foreigners were not allowed to stay, and Zhu Zhiyu returned without success. In the fourth year of Yongli, Zhu Zhiyu floated again in the East China Sea to Japan, but was discovered by Qing soldiers. The Qing pirates were surrounded with bare swords, forcing him to surrender, but he vowed not to surrender. The Qing soldiers were moved by his righteousness and secretly drove him back to Zhoushan.

The following year, Zhu Zhiyu went to Japan again, and then from Japan to Annam. When he was about to set off to return to Zhoushan, both Zhoushan and Siming cottage were captured by Qing troops. King Lu fled to Xiamen, and in the eighth year of Yongli sent an edict to recruit Zhu Zhiyu, who was fifty-five years old. However, because Zhu Zhiyu was wandering, and his residence was uncertain, Xishu did not reach him until two years later. Zhu Zhiyu received the edict and wanted to immediately transfer to Siming to return to Zhoushan, but was stuck in Annan because he had no means of transportation. I had to reply to a letter from King Lu first, stating his painstaking efforts in overseas operations and fundraising over the years.

Zhu Zhiyu, who was eager to return to China as soon as possible to repay his loyalty, finally waited for the Japanese ship in the eleventh year of the Yongli calendar, ready to cross the sea by boat to return to China. Unexpectedly, in February, he was imprisoned by Annan and was detained for more than 50 days.

Zheng Zhan, an official of Annan, knew that Zhu Zhiyu was a famous scholar of Ming Dynasty, so he kept him, worshipped him as an official, and forced him to kneel and worship as a minister, but Zhu Zhiyu stood upright and refused to kneel. The messenger raised his staff and drew a word “Wai” on the sand, and Zhu Zhiyu used his staff to add a word “No” on top of the word “Wai”. Zheng Zha was furious, and in front of Zhu Zhiyu, he killed many people to threaten him.

Zheng Zha had no choice but to let Zhu Zhiyu go. Not long afterward, Annan was attacked by the expeditionary forces of the Taiping Army.

The treaty stipulated that Annan must release the imprisoned officials and people of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, Zhao Ziqiang, the governor of the expeditionary army, only wanted to rescue the princess and his party, but did not know that Zhu Zhiyu was in Annan. Annan thought that the Ming army wanted them to release all the imprisoned officials of the Ming Dynasty, so they released Zhu Zhiyu as well.

Zhu Zhiyu, who was released, did not pay attention to him because he had no official status, and the Taiping Army did not know of his existence. Because Zhu Zhiyu did not know the details of the Taiping Army, he only wanted to go to Jinxia to help King Lu, so he did not choose to go to Guangdong, but took a merchant ship to Jinxia.

After Zhu Zhiyu returned to Siming, when Zheng Chenggong and Zhang Huangyan joined forces for the Northern Expedition, he happily joined the army. The Northern Expedition Army recaptured Guazhou and conquered Zhenjiang and other battles, and Zhu Zhiyu personally participated in the formation. The Northern Expedition Army marched smoothly for a time, regaining 24 counties in the four prefectures and two prefectures, and reached the suburbs of Nanjing. The military force shook the southeast.

However, due to Zheng Chenggong’s short-sightedness, he blindly stationed troops under the strong city of Nanjing, delaying fighter opportunities and lax military discipline. As a result, the Northern Expedition was defeated outside Nanjing, and Zheng Chenggong retreated to the coast of Fujian, and then went to sea. Zhang Huang said that the Zhejiang army also collapsed under the encirclement and suppression of the Qing army, and was rescued by the Taiping army who arrived from Jiangxi.

When Zheng Jun withdrew, Zhu Zhiyu and Zheng Chenggong lost contact. After hiding in Jiangnan for a few days, they heard news that the Northern Expedition Army was annihilated by the Qing army. It was even rumored that Zhang Huangyan was also captured by the Qing army. In desperation, Zhu Zhiyu believed that there was no hope of regaining his sight, but he swore to the death that he would not shave his hair and surrender to the Qing Dynasty. With the help of his friends, he passed the day and vowed never to return to his homeland.

After Zhu Zhiyu traveled east to Japan, but because of Japan’s implementation of the country’s lock-down policy, he did not leave a Tang Dynasty person for thirty or forty years. He was not allowed to land and was trapped in the boat. Anton, a Japanese scholar, heard about Zhu Zhiyu’s arrival, and asked Zhu Zhiyu about his studies in handwriting, and held a disciple’s salute. Anton Shouyue and others ran for him to settle in Japan. After Zheng Zhilong’s second son Tianchuan knew about this, he helped Zhu Zhiyu to lobby the Japanese shogunate. Finally, the shogunate broke the national ban of more than 40 years and was able to rent a house in Nagasaki. The result lasted ten years. Years of drifting life at sea.

Although he settled down in Japan and no longer wanders at sea, Zhu Zhiyu has always been uneasy about his homeland, but when he thinks that his homeland is now in the hands of mandarins, he is inexplicably sad and angry.

Originally, I wanted to live forever in a foreign country and keep my thoughts of my motherland in my heart forever, but I never thought that my motherland had undergone earth-shaking changes at this time.

Tian Chuan personally told Zhu Zhiyu the news of the restoration of the southern capital. When he heard the news, Zhu Zhiyu excitedly came to the seaside of Changqi, kowtowed to the opposite side of the sea, and at the same time eagerly wanted to return to his homeland. To this end, Zhu Zhiyu expelled Manchuria and persuaded Tian Chuan to return to the country with him on the grounds of saving his father.

Tian Chuan has always been very worried about his father Zheng Zhilong being imprisoned by the Qing Dynasty. Now that the eldest brother has died of illness in the army, the Zheng family’s foundation has been completely absorbed by the imperial army, and he has lost the meaning of making profits for the family by staying in Japan. Only now, if you want to save your father, you must rely on the army of the Ming Dynasty, otherwise, it will be extremely difficult.

In the end, Tian Chuan accepted Zhu Zhiyu’s persuasion and wrote to his younger brother Zheng Xi, who had been named Prince of Fujian by the Ming court, and asked him to convey his intention to return to the country to serve in the country to His Highness Prince Qi, a powerful minister of the Ming Dynasty. Soon, there was a reply from across the sea, and his younger brother Zheng Xi told his half-brother that His Royal Highness King Qi of Daming welcomed him to return to work in the country.

Tian Chuan immediately took the Zheng clan in Japan and the recruited thousands of ronin warriors and Zhu Zhiyu on the road to return home. After drifting at sea for half a month, they finally arrived at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Before going ashore, Zhu Zhiyu deliberately put on the clothes of his homeland that he had not worn for many years. After seeing the young and heroic His Royal Highness King Qi, he was very sighed. Once upon a time, the surname of the country also stood in front of the world in such a heroic manner, but it is a pity that the hero has passed away.

Zhou Shixiang personally came to meet Tian Chuan and Zhu Zhiyu, not only to affirm their return from overseas, but also to understand the situation in Japan through them and prepare for the future expedition.

After hosting a banquet for Tian Chuan and Zhu Zhiyu to welcome the wind, Zhou Shixiang did not break his promise, and awarded Tian Chuan the rank of commander-in-chief, and his subordinates were organized as the First Marine Regiment of the East Sea Division. Bai Zhu Zhiyu was the military counselor and was in charge of liaison with Japan and overseas countries.

Tian Chuan and Zhu Zhiyu were not very excited after learning that King Qi’s army would set off for the north in two days and attack Liaodong.

After the two of them withdrew, Suna, the commander of the New Second Army, frowned and said in a low voice: “Commander, this Tian Chuan is Zheng Zhilong’s son, and he is probably not going to participate in the Northern Expedition for Daming, but to save him. Father. If Zheng Zhilong is rescued, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble for the navy.”

“What the Marquis of Xin’an said is very true. Zheng Zhilong’s generation was a hero. Now the tiger has fallen to Pingyang, and he has to lie down. But if he is allowed to re-enter the sea, I am afraid that the navy will change.”

Dong Changqing, who served as the aide-de-camp of the Grand Governor’s Office, also thought of this problem. Now the navy is divided into three divisions: the East China Sea Navy, the Yangtze River Navy, and the South China Sea Navy, but in terms of strength, the East China Sea Navy is undoubtedly the strongest, with warships and soldiers. The number is also the most. The Yangtze River Navy and the South China Sea Navy together are less than one-third of the East China Sea Navy.

This time, the North Sea Division was the main force, and the Changjiang Navy Division was only responsible for material transportation and cooperation. The Donghai Navy was adapted from the original Zheng Jun navy, and the commander Zheng Mingjun’s uncle and nephew were even more juniors of Zheng Zhilong. The Zheng clan basically accounted for 80% of the officers in the Donghai Navy. If Zheng Zhilong was rescued, who would the Donghai Navy listen to? Yes, are they still surnamed Zhou?

According to Zheng Zhilong’s temperament, if he is free one day, he will not be willing to be the queen of others. Once the East Sea Division changes hands, it will undoubtedly be a huge threat to the Taiping Army. Although it is impossible for Zheng Zhilong to affect the overall situation by relying on the navy alone, it can make Zhou Shixiang’s overseas strategy for the future to be ruined~www.readwn.com~ Without a strong navy, Zhou Shixiang has advanced consciousness and vision, no matter how much Resolute perseverance and determination will never be put into practice.

“Commander, Zheng Zhilong is definitely a problem, do you want to send someone to kill him?” Suna’s eyes were rather cold.

Dong Changqing nodded: “This matter can be handed over to the Office of Military Intelligence. Ambassador Zhang has someone in Beijing.”

“Zheng Zhilong can’t die in our hands, it will chill people’s hearts. In this world, there are not many secrets that will never be known.”

Zhou Shixiang shook his head and rejected Suna and Dong Changqing’s proposal. Zheng’s navy was very important to him, but that didn’t mean he had to deal with Zheng Zhilong himself.

“Zheng Zhilong’s death in the hands of the Qing court is in our best interest.” Zhou Shixiang expressed his thoughts.

Dong Changqing disagreed: “If the Qing court wanted to kill Zheng Zhilong, they would have killed him long ago, and they would not have kept him until now.”

“Yeah, Commander, Tartars won’t kill Zheng Zhilong, let the MISI do it.” Suna echoed Dong Changqing’s opinion, he didn’t think the Qing court would kill Zheng Zhilong.

“That’s not necessarily true.” Zhou Shixiang chuckled lightly, “Gu Yanwu has a nephew who won the Qing court’s champion, and the matter of Zheng Zhilong falls on him.”

Dong Changqing was a little surprised and said: “The commander is talking about Xu Yuanwen from Kunshan? It is true that this person was the champion of the Qing court, but as far as his subordinates know, he is just a word minister now, and how can he decide Zheng Zhilong’s life and death?”

“Sometimes, to decide a person’s life and death, only a casual sentence is needed. This sentence does not necessarily need to be said by a big person, but a small person can also.”

Zhou Shixiang smiled, Zheng Zhilong had to die, this was not discussed. Now, let’s see if that Xu Yuanwen will think about his future and whether he will listen to his uncle Gu Yanwu. 8)

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