Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1178

Chapter 1176: The Whole Family Copied The Beheading Of Jinghaihou

Thanks to the good brother who killed Tartars for a reward of 100 yuan!


“Zheng Zhilong is dead?!”

In Tianjin, Shi Lang was shocked when he learned that Zheng Zhilong and his third son Zheng Du, fourth son Zheng En, fifth son Zheng Yin, sixth son Zheng Mo and other 16 relatives were executed in Chaishikou by the auxiliary minister Suksaha. words come.

Although his father and brother were killed by Zheng Chenggong, Shi Lang didn’t have any hatred for Zheng Zhilong.

Moreover, although Zheng Zhilong was placed under house arrest in Beijing after he surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, he was also the Marquis of Tongan, and he was willing to make money. Many officials in Beijing took good care of Zheng Zhilong, such as Ning Wan, the leader of the Han court, and Fan Wencheng, who have been in Shunzhi. Protecting Zheng Zhilong in front of him has enabled Zheng Zhilong to save himself from danger many times and live safely to this day.

Shi Lang, on the other hand, also surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, but he has been sitting on the bench in Beijing for ten years, and he is so destitute that he has to rely on his wife and daughter to work as female workers to supplement the family. There are not many big people in the court who like him Shi Lang, and comparing the two, even if Shi Lang wanted to seek revenge on Zheng Zhilong, he would not have the opportunity and ability.

Even if Shi Lang is now the Tianjin Admiral who holds real power, as long as the Qing court does not intend to execute Zheng Zhilong, Shi Lang will not be able to touch Zheng Zhilong.

At first, after hearing the news that Zheng Chenggong’s father and son turned against each other and died of vomiting blood, Shi Lang did not laugh, but cried. Sitting in the rented courtyard in Beijing with a wine jar all night, crying bitterly to the south.

Shi Lang really hated Zheng Chenggong and hated him for being unfair. However, when the great enemy who had been wanting to be slashed by a thousand swords suddenly died like this, Shi Lang’s heart became a lot empty, and even his hatred for the Zheng family also faded a lot.

Everyone is dead, what are you still doing with hatred?

Shi Lang just wanted to save his own life now, and he didn’t even think about going to Zheng Zhilong and asking him to “pay the debt to his father”, but he never thought that Zheng Zhilong was actually executed by the Qing court.

This is really beyond Shi Lang’s expectations, but this incident also shocked him, not the slightest gloating.

Because Suksaha’s actions were so unbelievable and ruthless that he even cut Zheng Zhilong to the ground, leaving no descendants behind!

On the Tianjin side, many officials are discussing this matter. There are various theories about Zheng Zhilong’s killing.

The famous saying is that Zheng Zhilong was killed because of “Tonghai”, but in private, many people believe that Zheng Zhilong’s death is related to Huang Wu, the governor of Shandong. At the beginning of the year, Huang Wu once made a case, urging that the traitorous family should be expelled from the capital and relocated to the Ninggu Pagoda, but this matter was suppressed by Fan Wencheng.

Now that Shandong is in a tight spot, the court needs Huang Wu’s efforts to stabilize Shandong, so some people speculate that the execution of Zheng Zhilong may be for the purpose of appeasing Huang Wu. Otherwise, if Huang Wu is passive and slack at work, and Shandong is in chaos, it will not be a good thing for the Qing Dynasty.

Shi Lang would definitely not believe this kind of speculation, because he knew that Huang Wu had the same plan as him and was looking for a way back for himself. However, Huang Wu chose Nandu, and he chose Wu Sangui and Man Qing.

A governor who is ready to change his clothes at any time, how could he still have the mind to plot against Zheng Zhilong?

Even if the Qing court wanted to appease Huang Wu, it could have allowed him to give up his son and exiled Zheng Zhilong’s family to Ninggu Pagoda.

Therefore, regarding Zheng Zhilong’s death, Shi Lang has only one opinion, that is, the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse! Zheng Zhilong was killed for no other reason, just because he was Zheng Zhilong.

The three words Zheng Zhilong have a great influence on people living at sea. Shi Lang himself was born in the Zheng family’s navy, and Huang Wu, the governor of Shandong, was also born in the Zheng family. There are many Zheng family Jiang in the Qing Dynasty, and the Taiping army in the south of the Yangtze River. The main force of the division is the original Zheng family navy.

If the Qing court is still strong, perhaps, these are not enough to kill Zheng Zhilong. However, now, these have become Zheng Zhilong’s reminders.

If he were Suksaha, Shi Lang thought he would kill Zheng Zhilong as well. There was no way, because this person could not be subdued at all. At the beginning, he was also tricked into Beijing by Nanzheng coach Bellebolo.

It can be said that in his bones, Zheng Zhilong has never truly surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and he still has a great influence after losing his freedom. In order to avoid future troubles, it is reasonable for Su Kesaha to kill Zheng Zhilong. Letting Zheng Zhilong swim in the sea is not what a wise man did.

Shi Lang shook his head slightly, sighing in his heart.

Three days ago, Beijing dispatched Lang Deke, the full servant of the Ministry of War, to confer a reward on Shi Lang, granting him the title of General Jinghai, and the title of Marquis of Jinghai. At the same time, the Tang News of the Great Victory in Tianjin was also distributed to all parties, but Shi Lang knew that these were all fake. His victories were fake, and so were Beijing’s awards. Only in this case, the false must be true. The Qing Dynasty needed victory too much, even if it was a virtual victory in a naval battle, it would be good. Anyway, no one knows the truth of this naval battle.

In the Tianjin naval battle six days ago, Shi Lang tried his best, but in the end, his strength was too disparate~www.readwn.com~ the enemy was outnumbered and the entire army was annihilated. The flag ship he was on was also sunk by the dragon artillery of the Taiping Navy, and two loyal personal soldiers rescued him ashore with wooden boards. After going ashore, Shi Lang only thought that his death was coming. Unsurprisingly, the victorious Taiping navy swarmed into the port, and then attacked the Tianjin Benwei, but they approached Beijing.

However, the Taiping Army navy who had won the battle suddenly withdrew. It came silently, and it went silently.

Tianjin is saved!

How to keep it, those who know won’t tell, and those who don’t know won’t tell.

The news of the good news came out, and the awards came down. Shi Lang was now a hero of the Qing Dynasty.

However, how long can he be a hero?

Shi Lang smiled bitterly, sighed softly, and prepared to go out to patrol the camp. After the Taiping Army navy retired, the tense atmosphere in Tianjin was finally relieved, but there was still some unease and commotion in the market, and it was necessary for him, the Marquis of Jinghai, to show his face to reassure people.

Outside, Shi Lang saw that Yao Qisheng, the prefect of Tianjin, was leading the yamen to maintain order, and he couldn’t help but admire him a little.

When the Qing army occupied Jiangnan in the first year of Shunzhi, Yao Qisheng went to Tongzhou, but was insulted by the local gentry and local tyrants. Yao Qisheng, who became a state governor, immediately took the Qing soldiers to arrest and kill the local tyrants who insulted him, and then resigned and left.

However, because of the lack of livelihood after resigning from office, Yao Qisheng had no choice but to go to Beijing to rely on the tribes of the Han Eight Banners, and was later enlisted by the Han army to set the red flag. Thanks to Shunzhi’s adoption of Fan Wencheng’s advice to carry the Han army into Manchuria, Yao Qisheng was carried in. Manzhou inlaid red flag.

Prince Kang Jieshu, who presided over the flag-raising, appreciated Yao Qisheng quite a bit. He was called to Tianjin to be the prefect, and he and Shi Lang were both civil and military, which was considered a proper cooperation.

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