Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1184

Chapter 1182: Stick Soldier

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The sailors and marines brought by Wei Dalong are all good at sea, and it is not difficult to swim across the Wei River. The problem is that the fire guns and medicine bags they carry cannot be soaked in water, otherwise they will become useless after crossing the river.

Relying on broadswords and spears alone, and lacking effective siege equipment, no matter how elite the Marine Corps was, Yu Qizai was willing to use the lives of his men to fill it up, and it was difficult to capture the Wei County, which was guarded by thousands of troops. The only way now is to quickly tie up wooden rafts, cross the river with soldiers, and then blow up the city gate of Wei County with the blasting method of the Taiping Army.

“Fifth, pass my order. After an hour, everyone from each family will have to work hard to break the county town of Wei, and I will give everyone a reward!”

In order to boost morale, Yu Qi also went out of his way. Before he started the army, he had accumulated a lot of wealth. After the rebellion, he destroyed many prefectures and counties and seized a lot of them. This time, he promised them all. Although Wei County was occupied by the Qing army, the people in the city were Han Chinese, and Yu Qi had not yet lost the reward of entering the city without a sword.


Yu Qi bowed his brother Song Wuhao with an aura and went to pass on the words.

Soon, thousands of rebels were led by their respective leaders to cut wood, and the chopped wood was soon transported to the river, and all kinds of ropes and cloths that could fix the wooden rafts were collected. Because there are forests behind it, it is easy to cut down the wood, and it does not need to be too strong, as long as it can carry people. After an hour, dozens of wooden rafts will be tied up, each of which can stand seven or eight people. .


The rebels were busy arranging to cross the river, and at the head of Wei County, the Qing army gradually recovered. Shandong Green Battalion General Zhou Tianyi wanted to fight, but Han Juyuan, the supervisor, opposed the reckless battle, believing that the life and death of the Nima River in Manzhou in the east was unknown, and he did not know how many rioters had come. It would be too dangerous to go to war rashly, so he might as well shut it down. The gate of the city will be decided after the situation of the Nima River is proved.

Schulke, the leader of the Manchuria Association, finally accepted Han Juyuan’s advice and was not allowed to play.

The Qing people’s debate about the defense of the war, the Korean officers were naturally unable to intervene. However, seeing that the Manchus did not let them fight, the North Koreans were somewhat relieved and happy.

“Uncle, what are the chaotic people of Qing doing?”

Shen Tong opened his eyes wide and looked around, but he couldn’t see what the chaotic people of the Qing Dynasty were doing.

With his uncle by his side, Shen Tong was not at all afraid of those chaotic people in the Qing country, but he really wanted to know what those people in the Qing country were doing now. Shen Tong’s question was also Shen Liu’s question, but he couldn’t explain it to his nephew, because he also really wanted someone to tell him what the Qing people on the opposite side were doing.

Zhou Tian, a member of Shandong Green Camp, who was eager to ask for merit in the battle, walked to Ma Wende, the prefect of Qingzhou, and said with some worry: “Master Ma, the rioters seem to be trying to force the Weihe River in Jampai. We must stop them, but we can’t let them cross.”

After listening to Zhou Tian’s words, Ma Wende couldn’t help but nodded. It was safe for Schulke to not be allowed to fight, but now the chaotic people on the other side of the river are about to cross the river. If this is not stopped, it will be too prudent.

“What is the best solution for Zhou Cang?” Ma Wende asked.

Zhou Tian hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the group of Koreans, and then said: “I heard that the Korean soldiers are good at bird guns, maybe they can stop the rioters from crossing the river.”

Ma Wende heard it well. Birds and guns can shoot farther than bows and arrows. As long as the Korean soldiers are sent to the shore, the chaotic people will not be able to get over.

Ma Wende, who felt that this method was very good, told Han Juyuan about the matter. After Han Juyuan listened to it, he was noncommittal, so he called Shen Liu and asked him if he was willing to send troops to stop the rioters from crossing the river.

Shen Liu has observed that until now, he has not found that there are artillery and cannons on the opposite side of the rioters, and there are no rules and regulations for the chaos, so there should be no danger, so he agreed to let the North Korean soldiers under his command stop the rioters from crossing the river.

However, neither Han Juyuan nor Ma Wenyuan could decide this matter, so they suggested to Schulke together. Schulke thought for a moment and agreed to the North Korean soldiers to go to the river to stop the rioters from crossing the river.

Shen Liu ordered 10,000 households and Park Zhengtai to lead 500 good hands out of the city to block the attack. Although he was very confident in his own shotguns, none of the North Koreans dared to take it lightly below Shen Liu.

Some things, although the Qing officials did not inform the Koreans, the Koreans were not stupid. They saw that the Qing people urgently needed them to participate in the war, and the chaos continued for several months and could not be pacified. It can be seen that the so-called chaos in the mouth of the Qing officials is by no means ordinary. The people who rebelled must have some elites who could see the battle. Otherwise, why would the Qing army be unable to pacify the chaotic people for a long time?

This battle is the first battle of the North Korean army after arriving in the Qing Kingdom. It must be won, otherwise the North Koreans will be too ugly.

Park Zhengtai did not transfer the good hands of the Shotgun Hall, but brought 500 good hands drawn by the Northern Frontier Army. Compared with the good hands of the Shotgun Hall, the northern frontier army is stronger in combat effectiveness and fighting will. After all, some of them had seen battles with the Manchurian Tartars back then, and they had also entered the customs to help the Qing Dynasty attack the Liaodong Army of the Ming Dynasty. .

When the North Korean soldiers left the city, the horses sent out to inquire about the situation had already gone out a few times. If there were no accidents, Wei County would soon be able to get in touch with the Nima Creek Department to find out what happened.

“Brothers, the Qing army will definitely attack us when we cross the river, so I need the first batch of people to cross the river who are not afraid of death. They will kill a **** path for our group and firmly nail it on the other side of the river! Seven rewards and punishments are clear, the first to cross the river will be doubled, and if he dies, I will take care of his parents, wife and children in Qi, and if he is injured, I will ask someone to treat him in Qi, and if he can’t be cured, I will keep it as well!”

In front of the woods, Yu Qi is cheering for the soldiers who are about to cross the river. He is a big man in the green forest. Although he is now the leader of the rebel army, his behavior is still the habit of the rivers and lakes.

“Yu Ye, in this land of Shandong, what you always say is the thunder in the sky, as soon as it strikes! Brothers don’t believe in his official government, so they believe in Ye! No other words, we have done it with Yu Ye!”

“Since the day I fought with Master Yu and Gou Qingbing, I have no way out. Today, if I fight this Wei county town, even if Master Yu doesn’t give everyone a big reward, everyone will have to give up their lives!”

“It’s all his grandma’s, don’t hesitate, it’s the man’s cry, when you don’t work hard at this time, when you work hard!”


The composition of the Rebels is complex, and the backbones are all green forest robbers. Each and every one of these people are outlaws. After listening to Yu Qi’s words, they have nothing to say, and they all stood up and crossed the river without hesitation. Driven by this group of people, some rebels who had hatred for the Qing army also took the initiative to sign up. For a time, the sound of crossing the river to kill the enemy resounded on the riverbank.

After the first batch of more than 500 people to cross the river was selected and ready, Yu Qi said to Wei Dalong: “Brother Wei, you are here, and I will personally lead people across the river.” , with bare upper body, pulled out the big knife, and was about to go up to the wooden raft.

When Wei Dalong saw this, he hurriedly grabbed him: “Brother Yu, you are the leader and the commander-in-chief of an army, how can you risk yourself!”

“Hey, what commander-in-chief, how many pounds and how many taels I have in Yu Qi, don’t I know? If you want me to see, Yu Qi is also a commander in chief.”

Yu Qi couldn’t help but break free from Wei Dalong, “I fought against the Qing in Yu Qi, in order not to lose the face of our grandfather, but also to avenge our Qi’s army who died in Hunhe, and to vent our evil spirits for the Han people! The Qing army used to be strong, and I was in Qi did not dare to move, and was forced to accept their recruitment. He became the general manager of the green camp, and he lost all face. He was laughed at by friends in the rivers and lakes. I’ve been beaten away, what else is there for me to dare to do, Yu Qi, if he were to be the **** boss of the Qing Dynasty again, I would be ashamed to death of myself Yu Qi! Come on, Brother Wei, don’t say anything, Don’t stop me, I have to personally take someone down this Victoria County, otherwise, I will have no face to see anyone!

After Yu Qi finished speaking, Chao Wei Dalong clasped his fists, tightened his belt, and got on the wooden raft. Wei Dalong knew that he couldn’t stop him, so he repeatedly told him to be careful, and at the same time told the Marine Corps to make preparations for crossing the river, assembling the six “unconscionable” launchers that were not willing to use the Nima Creek Department before, ready to cross the river at any time. on seven.

“Brothers, follow me to kill the Qing army at Qidu River!”

As soon as his right foot stepped on the wooden raft, Yu Qi roared loudly, and then kicked his left foot vigorously.

“Follow Master Yu to kill Qing soldiers!”

The heroes on the wooden platoons saw the leaders of the seven bodies, and went into battle in person with their upper body naked, and all of them were hot in their hearts. They also followed suit, all took off their shirts and threw them on the wooden raft or directly into the Weihe River. Under the sunlight, more than 500 men stood above the wooden rafts like iron towers with big swords and spears in their hands.

The breeze blows, the river ripples, the light and shadow on the wide river surface reappears, and the fish that emerge from the water to absorb oxygen can’t stop spitting small bubbles. In the rising water vapor, dozens of wooden platoons pierced the opposite bank like arrows from the string under the forceful rowing of the rebel heroes.

The wind rises, the clouds hide, and the air disperses.

When the first wooden raft where Yuqi was located reached the middle of the river, the two banks could be clearly seen.

The Qing army in Wei County saw the rebels on the wooden platoon, and the rebels on the wooden platoon also saw the Qing army on the top of the city.

“Yu Ye, the Qing soldiers have come out!”

Yu Qi’s brother Song Wu was on another wooden raft in front, and at a glance, he saw a team of Qing troops rushing out of the gate of Wei County.

“It’s not a Qing soldier, it’s a Koryo stick!”

Seeing that the clothes of the Qing troops who left the city were not correct, Yu Qi knew that most of them were the soldiers who came from North Korea.

“Bangzi” is a special name given to North Koreans by the people of the Ming Dynasty. The reason is that the North Korean embassy personnel in those days often stalked the gangsters and committed illegal acts when they entered the Ming Dynasty, so they were hated by the people and called it “Bangzi”. Different from the name of the officials of Ming Dynasty, the people are still used to calling North Korea as Goryeo, so the North Korean soldiers who came shouting at Qi Cai are Goryeo sticks.

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