Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1187

Chapter 1185: With Respect

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In Laizhou Water Camp, more than 3,000 disarmed North Korean soldiers hung their heads.

On the pier, Zheng Mingjun, on behalf of the Daming army, accepted the surrender letter from the North Korean soldier Ma Yuhou Shenliu, and at the same time informed the other party that because North Korea betrayed Daming, His Royal Highness King Qi of Daming was about to lead a 100,000-strong army to conquer North Korea.

Shen Liu was taken aback and hurriedly defended through an interpreter. The reason why North Korea sent troops to help the Qing Dynasty was entirely because the Qing state had coerced North Korea by force, not really wanting to help the Qing Dynasty.

“You don’t have to tell me about this. When His Royal Highness King Qi arrives, you can tell him yourself.”

Zheng Mingjun impatiently talked to the North Koreans, and waved people to take Shen Liu onto the boat. The news boat has sent the news that His Royal Highness King Qi personally led the army to set off from Chongming nine days ago.

After Shen Liu and other North Korean officials were escorted away, Zheng Zanxu brought people over and said, “Second uncle, Feng Xifan said that Yu Qi heard that we were going north, and was willing to lead his troops to help.”

“You asked Feng Xifan to tell Yu Qi that we took his mind, but now we still need him in Shandong to drag the Qing army for us, so we don’t need his people for the northward trip. In addition, ask Wei Dalong to capture the marines. Give him half.”

Wei Dalong reported that after the first battle of Yu Qi’s self-supply of Wei County, his attitude towards the Taiping Army changed, which made Zheng Mingjun’s impression of Qi also changed, but he really didn’t need the rebels under Qi to participate in the Northern Expedition, because these rebels stayed behind. Shandong plays a far greater role than going to Liaodong.

Two days later, the navy clippers at sea were the first to discover the main force of the Beishang navy, and horns and drums sounded over the Laizhou water camp.

On June 22, the main force of the Taiping Army in the north arrived at the Laizhou Water Camp by navy warships. The army will stay here for two days to replenish fresh water and food and vegetables, and then head north to the destination – Dongjiang.

Zhou Shixiang, who had never been on a sea boat, suffered a lot this time, and vomited on the boat. When he finally set foot on land, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing the details of Zheng Mingjun, Feng Xifan and others about the battle of the navy in Tianjin and the battle of Weixian, Zhou Shixiang ordered the Korean prisoners to be escorted onto the warship, and at the same time, the order to kill was executed.

When he heard that His Royal Highness King Qi wanted to execute the killing order on the Korean prisoners, Zhu Zhiyu quickly persuaded him, saying that the Koreans had surrendered, and North Korea had been a vassal of Daming for more than 200 years, and had always been obedient to Daming. Only by being able to preserve the country, it is inappropriate to execute the killing order against the North Korean prisoners, which is against morality and violates the harmony of heaven.

Zhu Zhiyu’s words can be summed up in one sentence, kill prisoners without surrender.

Zhou Shixiang did not accept his advice, but said: “When I was in Daming, the whole country helped North Korea so that the country could survive. This kind of grace is unparalleled in the world. How could North Korea betray its trust and help Manchu to attack my Daming? China? The benevolence and righteousness discussed is a matter of both sides, if one side is benevolent, the other side is unrighteous.”


After the order to kill was issued, more than 3,000 North Korean soldiers were taken out of the camp and driven off by the fierce-looking Taiping army, and a team of a hundred people boarded each warship in turn. Looking at the ferocious Ming Dynasty soldiers, the North Korean prisoners were extremely frightened.

Shen Liu also found out that something was wrong, because the generals of the Ming army had said that their Royal Highness King Qi would meet him, but now the other party had no intention of summoning him at all, but instead sent his subordinates to each ship in batches, which made his eyesight. Jump, realizing that the Ming people are going to work against them.

Some Korean soldiers guessed from the posture and eyes of the nearby Ming army that they might be massacred. At this moment, they regretted it extremely, but they had no choice but to wait for God’s arrangement. Most of the Korean soldiers didn’t think much about it, because if the Ming army wanted to kill them, they would have already killed them, so why keep them until now.

Hope, even if it is a dying person, even if it is a mortal person, even if it is so unrealistic and so illusory, it is unwilling to give up.

After the Koreans were escorted onto the ship, Zhou Shixiang finally summoned Shen Liu and clearly told him that in order to punish the North Koreans for their shameful actions of helping the Qing Dynasty and betraying the Ming Dynasty, he would execute a brutal killing order on the Korean prisoners, namely three One of the North Korean soldiers must be put to death in order to show respect.

“Your Highness, spare your life!”

Shen Liu was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, hoping that Zhou Shixiang could recover his life and spare them.

“You think that you came to my Daming, not because of your original intention, but because of Manchu people’s coercion. Logically, this is the case, so Gu should let you go and let you go home, but don’t forget, Whether you are willing or not, you have in fact declared war on my Daming, and invaded my Daming territory, killing my Daming people and soldiers. North Korea is no longer my Daming vassal, but an enemy. Treating the enemy, always alone No mercy!”

Zhou Shixiang will never withdraw the orders he has issued, even if it is wrong, he will insist. Since the start of the army, the idea of rather killing a thousand mistakes and not letting one go has been deeply rooted in his mind like a demon’s consciousness.

“Your life is in Gu’s hands. If you want to live, you can live; if you want to die, you will never live! You can hate me or even curse Gu, this is your right, but Gu has to tell You, you are not qualified to beg for mercy from Gu Gu!”

After Shen Liu and a group of North Korean officers heard it, they all turned pale. Even in the hot weather, their teeth were constantly chattering. Xu Yingyuan, Dong Changqing, Zhu Zhiyu, and other officials of the Grand Governor’s Office all had expressions of indifference on their faces, but they knew the character of His Royal Highness King Qi, and no one dared to persuade him.

Zhou Shixiang’s reason is very simple, because these Korean soldiers, his soldiers and Shandong rebels have sacrificed many people, so these Korean soldiers must be dealt with, otherwise, it will be unfair to the dead and living soldiers. More importantly, he must use this to stand up to North Korea, or warn the North Koreans, against the fate of the Great Ming Army.

Zhou Shixiang also left the room, that is, he did not order the execution of all the North Korean prisoners, but was slaughtered. The North Koreans he wants to live know how to obey and obey.


On a lucky ship at sea, dozens of Taiping soldiers pointed at the hundred North Korean soldiers surrounded by fire guns, followed by Taiping soldiers with spears and bows and arrows.

The gunman’s fire book has been held in his hand, and he kept pulling off the stopper and blowing it.

In front of them are the ferocious Ming soldiers, and in the back is the sea. The North Korean prisoners are in the Jedi, and there is no possibility of escaping at all.

Resigned, exhausted and heartbroken North Korean soldiers began to resign, they stood there in despair, many people closed their eyes, waiting for the slaughter of the Ming army.

However, the Taiping Army did not immediately order them to be executed, but an officer asked the interpreter to tell them that not all North Korean prisoners would be executed and that they still had a chance to survive.

This sentence made the eyes of the North Korean prisoners open again in an instant, and they stared eagerly with their mouths open.

People, who doesn’t want to live, even if a drowning person catches a straw and uses it as a lifeline, not to mention the understandable chance of not dying.

“Among you, one of the three must die!”

After Baihu Guocheng finished speaking, he glanced coldly at the translator and ordered him to translate the words to these Koreans. After joining the Taiping Army for more than two years, the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain has transformed into a real soldier, a soldier of iron and blood.

One of the three died?

North Korean prisoners were stunned: who would be killed?

They looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

“Let you decide for yourself who can’t live, you certainly can’t decide, so we have figured out a way for you!”

When Guo Cheng said this, someone brought a large bundle of sharpened wooden signs and placed them in front of the North Korean soldiers. The wooden sign was cut into long, three bundles, and it was obvious that there was a short sign inside.

What is this for?

The North Korean soldiers were puzzled and looked at the wooden signs in confusion.

Guo Cheng pointed at the wooden signs and shouted, “Have you seen those wooden signs? One of the three is short, and whoever draws the short one must die!”

After interpreting the original translation, a hundred pairs of eyes immediately looked at the bundle of wooden signs, and all eyes fell on the short signs inside.

A small wooden sign determines a person’s life and death. Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck.

“The two people who got the long lottery must kill the person who got the short lottery together. Only in this way can those two people live.”

Guo Cheng stopped talking nonsense. He didn’t like to talk at all. He raised his hand. Immediately, the gunmen on the ship raised their fire guns in unison, closely monitoring the North Korean soldiers, staring at them motionless.

There is no sympathy, no mercy, only anger and relief – these Goryeo sticks are not staying in the country, but they want to come to China to help the Manchu Tartars kill my Han Chinese, if we are not strong enough, I am afraid that they will die in them. The number of Chinese under the sword is in the thousands. So, these are what they deserve.

Under the pressure of the Taiping Army, the expressions of the North Korean soldiers changed rapidly, as if thinking about whether they should draw the lottery.

The sailors on the ship and those pirates and rogues were watching the fun. It was the first time they saw this kind of military law enforcement, and they gathered together to laugh and discuss. There is no sympathy for the North Koreans who are about to be executed. Instead, they are eager to see which unlucky ones will win the short lottery. There are even a few people who open the handicap to make a bet. The bet is very simple. You choose the two teams on the side to bet. If you bet on the short draw, you will lose double, and the rest will go to the banker. The biggest fun of these ronin, pirates and outlaws on the boat is to make money, so when someone opened the market, they immediately gambled.

The sounds of laughter and discussions from a distance came into Guo Cheng’s ears, which made him a little annoyed. If it were the past, he would have driven them away, and even took them down to teach him a lesson. Now, he can only forcefully press down his anger and glance at them coldly, ignoring them. Because he knew that the commander allowed these people to go north because they were useful.

The words of the Ming army officers could not be clearer. The Ming soldiers who are facing the enemy are not false. The Koreans know that if they refuse to draw lots, they will definitely die immediately.

However, only one out of three people will be killed, and the chance of winning the short draw is only one-third. That is to say, there is a 60% chance of being able to live…. Draw, draw, if you don’t draw, you will die immediately, if you draw, it may not be Just die…. God bless, Buddha bless, don’t let me draw that short lot…

In the face of life and death, no one will not think, they secretly pray, or talk about various gods, and even talk about their parents protecting themselves in the spirit of the sky.

Almost all North Korean soldiers believed that luck was on their side, and they had no idea what would have happened if they had won the short lottery.

There is a commotion in the silence, a commotion in the heartbeat.

“It’s time!”

Guo Cheng didn’t have time to wait for the psychological decision of the North Koreans, and he didn’t care what these people thought, because this lottery was guaranteed, and he must kill this person.

“Start the lottery!”

The soldiers who had been waiting impatiently heard Baihu’s order and rushed up immediately. One of the teams was led by the general banner Xu Hu, followed by his “little scholar” Wang Qiming. The reason why he is called “Little Xiucai” is because this Wang Qiming attended a private school for two years before joining the army, and it is rare for recruits to know a few words.

It was the first time for Wang Qiming to do such a thing, and he had never killed anyone, so he was very nervous. He trembled and walked to the front of the three Korean soldiers, holding the wrapped wooden sign in his hand, and stretched out to the front a little unbearably. The Korean soldier.

When the wooden sign is really placed in front of him, it doesn’t feel like believing that luck is easy on his side.

When the threat of death is close at hand~www.readwn.com~ the hope of survival is close at hand, how many people are willing to face death?

The heartbeats of the three North Korean soldiers immediately accelerated, and the face in the front was even more frightening, shaking more fiercely than the two behind them.


Xu Hu screamed fiercely, and his hideous eyes fell on the face of the North Korean at the front.

These three North Korean soldiers are all good shotguns of the northern frontier army, but only one of the three can survive. Who the **** is that one!

Am I drawing life or death?

The Korean soldier at the front was very hesitant. He stared blankly at the wooden sign in Wang Qiming’s hand.

The same scene was played out on the boat at the same time, and the expressions, movements, and even the eyes were the same, as if carved out of a mold.

“Pick up!”

Xu Hu waited anxiously. One hundred, if everyone is like this mother-in-law, when will this be over?

Xu Hu is really disgusted by these Koreans who came to Daming to do evil. According to his ideas, these Koreans should be executed like the Manchurians, and they should be left for what to do. But since the commander said that three live and two, let’s kill one of three, and I don’t know which guy will be unlucky to suffer this knife.

“Pick up!”

After another scolding, the Korean soldier in the front finally stretched out his hand tremblingly. The traces of being beaten with the whip should be the result of being beaten by the Taiping Army before. A face is honest and honest, not the slightest treacherous and cunning look that makes people disgusting.

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