Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1189

Chapter 1187: Macathay, My Name Is Suna

On June 25, the third year of Dingwu, the main force of the Taiping Army’s Northern Expedition departed from Laizhou Port and headed for Dongjiang Town.

Dongjiang was originally the place where Mao Wenlong fought against gold. It governed the islands of the Bohai Sea, Lushun, Kuandian and other Ming military fortresses, as well as strongholds such as Tieshan and Changcheng in North Korea.

After Mao Wenlong’s death, the Dongjiang Ming army quickly collapsed and disintegrated. One died in the fight against Jin, and the other was led by Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, and Shang Kexi to descend Jin, and became the main force of the Han army flag and one of the main forces that later conquered Nanming.

In the Jiashen year, after the Qing army entered the customs in large numbers, the Dongjiang has never been stationed by the Qing army. The Ming army camp on the original island was either deserted or occupied by fishermen and pirates.

It took the Taiping army four days to arrive at Lushun’s outer islands and two islands. Without a single soldier, they occupied the islands of Huangcheng Island, Guanglu Island, and Changshan Mountains. They quickly established the northward battle with Changshan Island as the center. command headquarters.

Because some of the Manchu soldiers escaped in the first battle of Wei County, these Manchu soldiers saw through the identity of the Marine Corps disguised as Yu Qiyi Army, and Beilertuntai has rushed to report to the Qing court that the Taiping Army is advancing northward.

The huge fleet of the Taiping Navy sailed in the northern waters and could not hide its traces. When heading north, the navy’s clippers had spotted many fishing boats watching the fleet, and there were indications that the Qing court probably knew that the main force of the Taiping army was heading to Liaodong.

To this end, after occupying the Liaodong Islands, Zhou Shixiang immediately ordered the new Second Army to land in southern Liaoning under the leadership of the army commander Suna and the general town Shao Chengguo, occupying the Qing army fortresses along the way, attacking Liaoyang, and directly attacking Shengjing, killing it in one fell swoop. The Manchurian nest, and then used Shengjing and Liaoyang as the support points, marched to the Ningjin line, and tried to block the western Liaoning corridor as much as possible.

A large number of ronin, pirates and young men who accompanied the army northward followed the path of the new Second Army’s attack, sweeping all the Manchu villages in the area to ensure that no one was caught.

Zhou Shixiang personally led the main force of the naval division, the new three armies and Jinbingzhen to land in Inchon, North Korea, and launched the North Korean offensive.

After receiving the military order, Suna didn’t care that the entire army had just passed the long-distance shipping and was exhausted. He personally led the entire three towns to land from the South Pass of Jinzhou, and the goal was to hit Liaoyang.


Liaoyang City, where the former Daming Liaodong Capital Division was located, has been the military and political center outside Guanwai since the beginning of the dynasty. In the first year of Tianqi, the Jin army conquered Liaoyang, and Zhang Quan, the imperial envoy of the Liaodong patrol, was captured in the city, and he was taken to see the slaves.

The slaves took Zhang Quan back to the official office, and the Han people in the city cried and demanded to protect Zhang Shijun. After hearing this, Zhang Quan said to everyone: “You are all good people.” After saying that, he adjusted his clothes and hats, made a rumor to worship the capital, and then swung his sword to kill himself. He was only 46 years old. In the same year, Nurhaci moved the capital to Liaoyang, and then conquered Guangning and Shenyang successively. Four years later, he moved the capital to Shenyang and changed his name to Shengjing.

As Guangning and Yizhou were firmly in the hands of the Jin Army, Liaoyang’s strategic position declined, and it was no longer the largest city outside the customs, but became more of a link between southern Liaoning and Shenyang. In the second year of Tiancong, Hong Taiming handed over the defense of Liaoyang City to the Xianglan Banner, and Jier Harang, the leader of the Xianglan Banner, sent 800 troops to station in Liaoyang City.

In the Jiashen year, the Qing troops outside the customs entered the customs in large numbers, and the Eight Banners of Manzhou left outside the customs were mostly the old and weak of the five banners. In the seventeenth year of Shunzhi, after General Shengjing Dunbai led the army into the pass, the Manchu Eight Banners soldiers who remained outside the pass were even more rare, and there were only more than 200 defenders in Liaoyang. Thai.

Ma Chatai has done the most to collect taxes since he took over as the defender of Liaoyang City. Liaoyang is located in the north-south traffic area. Although Liaoyang lost its status as an important military town outside the customs due to the large-scale entry of the Qing Dynasty, it developed on the commercial road.

The land outside the customs is originally a place where fur, ginseng, and dongzhu are special products. All ethnic groups have trade. Even Northeast Korea also has businessmen who come to trade. This naturally makes the business tax extremely developed. The tax revenue of Liaoyang alone is not enough for one year. It is enough to feed half of Shengjing, so this Liaoyang guard is a big fat difference.

You don’t have to work hard with your head, and you only count the silver to drink every day. These good days make Machatai not thinking about Shu, but more than ten days ago, he didn’t know what happened. There is no trace, and there is no news from Shanguan. It seems that apart from Liaoyang City overnight, there will be no more cities and big living people in this world.

In the first few days, Machatai didn’t care. Although it is summer now, it will not take long for the temperature outside the pass to drop. At that time, merchants of all ethnic groups have also packed up for the winter, and this business will have to wait until It can only be done in the spring of the coming year, and perhaps this year the merchants have received it ahead of schedule.

But what makes people unexpected is that from the tenth day onwards, the bannermen outside Liaoyang City successively discovered that there were bannermen who had fled from the south, as well as some ragged bannermen, and they brought back a surprising news—more than The Ming army of Wanji killed them from the sea to the south.

The Ming army killed it from the sea in the south? !

Hearing this news, Machatai’s eyes almost popped out: How is this possible!

Ma Chatai did not believe that there were tens of thousands of Ming troops, it was impossible. He estimated that most of the pirates at sea came ashore to loot, and this had not happened before. So, Ma Chataiyan rushed to Gaizhou with a Duo Niu Lu flag soldier in his hand, intending to drive the robbers back to sea with the defenders there. When he came to Haizhou, Ma Chatai met Gutai, a leader with a red flag, who had fled all the way from Yaozhou.

Seeing Ma Chatai, Gutai cried like he saw his own father, and he looked as sad as his dead father and mother. After crying for a while, he didn’t say any useful information. Machatai was so angry that he whipped a leather whip in his hand, which stopped Gutai’s crying, but what he said later about the strength of the Ming army was Let Machatai feel sad while being shocked.

I don’t know if it’s true or not. Gutai firmly insisted that there were tens of thousands of Ming troops, and they also carried hundreds of cannons. The hawk-billed guns and the big-handed guns were not less than 10,000 shots. There were actually several thousand cavalry in the army, which was terrifying.

They kill people when they see them, and they don’t leave chickens and dogs wherever they go. They can fight better than the Eight Banners warriors. The Ming army also sent a lot of robbers to burn, kill, and loot. They killed people when they saw them, robbed things when they saw them, and burned houses when they saw them. Some of the bannermen who escaped also said that some Ming troops could not grab the food, so they killed their bannermen as cattle and sheep to eat, each one of them was ferocious, and the red light on their faces looked terrifyingly strange.

This time, not only Ma Chatai was terrified, but the Eight Banners soldiers who came with him were also panicked. Together with the people brought back by Gutai, they only added more than 200 people. How can this number of people be compared with tens of thousands The Ming army fought against each other?

The Eight Banners soldiers were all timid and looked at Ma Chatai with embarrassed expressions. At this time, it was much better to rely on the strong city than to fight against the Ming army alone.

Ma Chataiyan was also in a dilemma. If what Gutai said is true, then this Ming army suddenly appeared in Liaodong, and it was about digging the foundation of Manchuria. Liaodong will definitely fall into the hands of the Ming army unless the whole country of the Qing Dynasty is put into use.

Regardless of whether what Gutai said is completely true, just from the fact that all the cities south of Liaoyang have fallen, this incoming Ming army is definitely not something that Ma Chatai can compete with. After only thinking about it for a moment, Ma Chataiyan ordered to return to Liaoyang without hesitation, and immediately recruited bannermen to defend the city, and sent people to report to Shengjing quickly.

This made people in Liaoyang City panic, and those Manchurians who stayed outside the customs never dreamed that one day the Ming army would appear in Liaodong again, under their noses, and it would come so fiercely.

What the **** happened in Guan? !

All the people outside the Guanwai banners are panicking. Most of them are under the five banners. Many things in the upper three banners in the customs do not tell these people who have stayed outside the customs. When the soldiers entered the pass, they did not tell the remaining bannermen what happened in the pass.

Now, Liaoyang City can only wait for Shengjing’s rescue, other than that, they can’t do anything. Ma Chatai once sent out to explore the horses to the south, but was hunted by the Ming cavalry, which outnumbered them. Just yesterday, a team of Ming army explorers appeared under the city of Liaoyang. It is certain that with the advance of the Ming army, Liaoyang city will soon be attacked by the Ming army.

There are all kinds of rumors. In the past few days, hundreds of bannermen who fled from southern Liaoning to Liaoyang brought a lot of terrifying news. According to them, the Ming army brought in many robbers who hunted down the old and weak in Manchuria, and took pleasure in taking their heads. These people are extremely cruel and completely inhumane, and some even kill people. A banner woman claimed that her brother’s family in Gaizhou was cut open by Ming army robbers, washed, cooked and eaten; another bannerman claimed that her cousin’s family in Baozi, Jinzhou was fried in oil by the Ming army. ~www.readwn.com~ euphemistically called “Fried Sheep”.

More and more terrifying rumors about the atrocities of the Ming army spread in Liaoyang City, and the Manchus in the city were already terrified. They finally felt the horror of the Ming Dynasty once again, and this feeling disappeared for 40 years.

Ma Chatai had no way to stop the spread of these terrifying rumors in the city. He could only hope that Shengjing would quickly send reinforcements to Liaoyang. Otherwise, once Liaoyang fell, the connection between Shengjing and Beijing would be cut off. If the army of the Ming Dynasty took Liaoyang as a foothold and went straight to Shanhaiguan, Beijing would be over.

During the few days of waiting anxiously for reinforcements, Ma Chatai could not eat well, could not sleep well, and lost his temper inexplicably. His wife persuaded him several times to no avail. Xu Shi knew that the Ming army had invaded, and also knew the rumors about the Ming army in the city. He knew that once the Ming army broke the city, the whole city would be burnt with jade and stone, so this Manchu woman who always prided herself on being able to control her husband did not dare. Angered, the former tigress became extra docile.

Ma Chatai didn’t feel the change in his wife at all. He only felt the invisible pressure, which reached its peak after the small cavalry of the Ming army was discovered outside the city. When the nerves of the military and civilians in the whole city were stretched to the extreme, the brigade of the Ming army finally appeared.

With the appearance of the red flags, teams of cavalrymen encircled Liaoyang City from all directions.

Ma Chatai estimated that the Ming army outside the city was no less than 10,000 people. He was almost desperate because he could not defend Liaoyang City at all.

Ma Chatai was so anxious that he didn’t know what to do, but outside the city, a familiar voice came to the city.

“Machatai, I’m Suna!”

The mixed-race female anchor forgot to turn off the camera after the live broadcast. Private_life video was exposed!! Please pay attention to the WeChat public account to watch online: (long press for three seconds to copy)!

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