Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1191

Chapter 1189: China And North Korea 1

Inchon is the only city in North Korea named after Dohufu.

After the “Rimchen Japanese Rebellion”, in order to prevent the Japanese from invading North Korea again, the North Korean army stationed heavy troops on the southern coast, and the South has always been the focus of North Korea’s domestic attention. But since the “Dingmao chaos” and “Bingzi chaos” happened one after another, Pyongyang and Seoul were occupied by Manchurians one after another, and the Japanese country implemented the policy of closing the country, the defense focus of the Korean army has completely shifted from the south to the north.

Incheon Dohufu, as an important coastal defense town in the south of Seoul, did not have many garrisoned troops. The Taiping navy warships that lifted anchor from the Dongjiang were densely distributed in the waters of Incheon. Before the defenders could react, they landed on a large scale. They wiped out more than 2,000 North Korean soldiers in Incheon with almost no effort. And go.

The news of the fall of Inchon and the massive invasion of the capital by the Ming army shocked the entire Korean nation, and Seoul was once again in danger of being lost.

Not only did the Joseon King Lee wonder why the Ming army, which had already subjugated his country, suddenly came to Korea, but also a group of ministers of civil and military affairs in Korea could not explain the matter to the king.

Jin Daquan, who was captured by the Ming army, was released back to Seoul by the Ming army.

More and more news gathered in Seoul, and the Korean monarchs and ministers who were very confused about the Ming and Qing wars finally figured out what happened in China.

For a time, both the court and the people, there were voices accusing Joseon King Lee, saying that the young king had brought disaster to North Korea. If the king had not been coerced by the Qing envoys to send troops to help the Qing conquer the Ming Dynasty, how could the army of the Ming Dynasty have come to Korea.

Li also blamed himself, but the Ming army was already advancing on Seoul, and he couldn’t even escape from Seoul as hastily as his father and grandfather did.

Li thought of resistance, but the Ming army made rapid progress and landed from Inchon. In a short period of time, the frontier troops on the northern border had no way to rush back to Wangcheng to resist the Ming army, and when the domestic situation in China became clear, the supporters of the Ming faction in North Korea The voice got louder.

In the end, under the persuasion of officials from the pro-Ming faction, such as Zheng Taihe, the Minister of State for the Consultation, Shen Zhiyuan, the Minister of State for the Left, Li decided to make peace with the Ming army and re-identified Ming as the suzerain as a vassal state.

Jin Daquan once again set off from Seoul and rushed to the Ming army camp without stopping. He brought Zhou Shixiang a letter from the Joseon King Li. In the letter, Li completely asked the Ming army to forgive his crimes as a vassal.

Shen Zhiyuan, the Minister of State for the Left, also arrived from Seoul and formally submitted the surrender of North Korea to Zhou Shixiang.

The “rapid thunder” of the North Koreans made Zhou Shixiang, who was still preparing to fight in Seoul, a little confused, because he thought that North Korea was a complete country, and he also fought with the Japanese and Manchurians. After more than a dozen battles, if the mountains and rivers are not exhausted, they will definitely not be called ministers to the Manchus. This time, even the will to resist does not exist. As soon as the Ming army arrives, the whole country will surrender, which is really unexpected.

In advance, the Grand Governor’s Office’s judgment on North Korea is that the country will at least put together tens of thousands of troops to resist for a period of time. Even King Li Hui of Korea fled Seoul like his father and grandfather and asked for help from the Qing Dynasty. Although it was impossible for the Manchu Qing Dynasty to send reinforcements to Korea, and the Han River could not stop the army, but one more day in Korea, the Taiping army itself The food crisis will also worsen. If the Korean King Li died and did not surrender, the Taiping army could only rush to withdraw from Korea, otherwise it would fall into the quagmire of war on both sides and lack of food on both sides.

Well now, North Korea surrendered as soon as it said it surrendered, and even the army did not have to go to Seoul. Zhou Shixiang was ecstatic, and the North Korean Zuo Yizheng Shen Zhiyuan spoke Chinese extremely fluently, and his closeness to the Ming Dynasty greatly changed his impression of North Korea.

Zheng Taihe, the leading minister of state, sent a mission composed entirely of pro-Ming officials from Seoul. They had persuaded King Li, who was at a loss, to not only unconditionally support the Ming Dynasty’s return to the country, but also to dispatch a large army to assist the Ming army in fighting against the Ming Dynasty. Combat operations of the Manchus in Liaodong.

This really made Zhou Shixiang not know what to say. Paying money and food and providing people, North Korea is now not only a surrender, but also a clear-cut ally of the Ming Dynasty.

“In the year of Jiashen, the northern captives entered the customs and the Celestial Dynasty moved to the south. This is the pain of our country in Korea!”

Shen Zhiyuan mentioned that when Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself in Meishan, he cried until his tears dried up. The gang of pro-Ming officials from Seoul also raised eyebrows. Zhou Shixiang could see that these North Korean officials were really sincere towards Daming, and none of them were pretentious.

Before the formal negotiation began, a large number of grain, grass, wine and meat were collected from Seoul and sent to Incheon to reward the Taiming Army. The people of North Korea also rushed to serve in the Heavenly Army, and everyone was proud of being able to serve the Heavenly Army.

The scenes of the military and civilian fishing and water conditions near Incheon only made the Taiping soldiers think that they were still in Ming Dynasty. In addition to the language barrier and the need for translation, the Taiping Army is really like a duck in water in North Korea. The food is all transported by North Koreans from all over the world, so there is no need for them to bother. There is another good thing in Korea that makes the Taiping Army soldiers overjoyed, that is, the women here have the habit of showing their breasts. Whether it is a girl or a woman, they all show the double peaks on their chests, which is an eye-opener for them. .

North Korean officials from the central to the local level, while unconditionally consoling the Great Ming Army, also tried their best to solve the physiological problems for the soldiers of the sky. Many North Korean women were recruited by the government ~www.readwn.com~ for a small price in exchange for their willingness to serve the heavenly soldiers. As a result, on the fourth day when the Taiping Army landed in Incheon, hundreds of “acacias” sprang up one after another along the line from Incheon to Seoul.

The political situation in North Korea also evolved rapidly. Most of the officials of the pro-Qing faction were dismissed and exiled. Cao Jin Yinghai, a soldier who once advocated sending troops to help the Qing Dynasty, was put to death in prison, and the rest became staunch pro-Ming factions. Before he officially set off for Incheon to meet His Royal Highness King Qi of Daming, King Lee of Joseon even followed his father Lee’s example and worshipped the emperors of the Daming dynasty.

It only took less than six days for North Korea to go from the king to the people, and all of them became “traitors”, which is an unprecedented scene.

On July 3, Li came to Incheon “on the verge of guilt” and met with Zhou Shixiang as a minister of the Daming vassal. The whole process is in charge of officials of the North Korean Rites, many of which are not even known to Zhou Shixiang and his staff.

In the end, Zhou Shixiang saved Li some face, and did not accept the other party’s surrender, but the two sides redrawn their credentials. After a lapse of 26 years, North Korea once again became a vassal of the Ming Dynasty.

On the seventh day of the seventh month, Zhou Shixiang personally led the new three armies to take the navy warship directly to Juehua Island. On the North Korean side, more than 20,000 northern frontier troops also crossed the Yalu River from Uiju, Changcheng and other places to attack the Manchurians in Ningguta, Hetuala, Fushunguan and other places, and then marched toward Shengjing from the north.

In response to the strong request of King Li of the Joseon Dynasty, Zhou Shixiang personally gave him four big characters, and wrote “the family of the Chinese Dynasty”.

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