Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Certificate

A group of men in the room scolded and quarreled. Hu Quan, the leader, was silent, making Cheng Bangjun so angry that his face was ashen. At the same time, he also secretly complained: I had known that this job was so difficult to do, why did I recommend myself to run again and be fooled by this gang of bandits. Angry, it also threw the face of the court, and even made a mistake in my own future!

Last year, Cheng Bangjun came to Guangdong once. At that time, he carried the edict of Emperor Yongli and ordered Lianchengbi, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, to recruit righteous teachers to cooperate with Li Dingguo’s army. In the battle, all the troops were concentrated around Guangzhou to stand firm, and the prefectures and counties in western Guangdong were successively recovered by the Ming army. Under this circumstance, anti-Qing righteous divisions from all over the country marched to Guangzhou one after another, and the bandits from all over the country also consciously “righteous” and accepted the inclusion of Guo Zhiqi, a scholar of Nanming University, Lianchengbi, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Zhang Xiaoqi, governor of Gao, Lei, Lian, and Qiongfu. , cheered and marched to Guangzhou under the banner of the Ming Army.

Under the good situation, Cheng Bangjun, who was supposed to return to Anlong Mansion to resume his life, also took the opportunity to invite Lianchengbi, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, to recruit some bandits and righteous teachers in the name of imperial envoy. Fang Shilang is still one step away.

Two months ago, Guo Zhiqi, a scholar of Nanming who stayed in Guangdong to preside over the anti-Qing situation, and Lian Chengbi, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, jointly signed to the Yongli court, saying that after the army of Li Dingguo returned to Guangxi, the Qing army of Guangdong occupied the prefectures and counties that had been restored, which made Guangdong. The surviving Ming army could only operate in the coastal mountainous areas and could not cope with the attack of the Qing army in Guangdong at all.

Therefore, in order to relieve the pressure of the Qing army’s attack, and also to solve the lack of the Ming army’s own strength, Guo and Lian proposed that, as last year, once again, in the name of the imperial court, the anti-Qing righteous divisions and volunteers should be recruited from all over the country, and they would not be stingy with high officials and generous rewards. , so that the Guangdong Ming army can be strengthened in a short period of time, so that it can cooperate with Li Dingguo’s Ministry of Gaozhou to pose a threat to the Guangdong Qing army, and when necessary, it can cooperate with Li Dingguo’s army again, so that the entire Guangdong Province will not be owned by the Qing army.

The Emperor Yongli in Anlong Mansion in Guizhou received approval from Guo Zhiqi and Lianchengbi immediately, and at the same time asked the Ministry of War to send someone to Guangdong to assist in this matter.

After receiving the edict, the Ministry of War was supposed to send others to Guangdong, but Cheng Bangjun offered himself to the superior, saying that he had been on a mission to Guangdong last year, he knew the situation in Guangdong very well, and he had some friendship with local officials, so it would be better to send someone else. Send yourself. The Ministry of War also thought about it, and just like that, Cheng Bangjun brought a large number of seals cast by the Yongli court and the confession issued by the Ministry of War to Guangdong.

Who knows, this trip is no better than last year. After starting from Gaozhou, Cheng Bangjun ran into a wall one after another. Whether it was those anti-Qing righteous teachers with thousands or hundreds, or those bandits who called themselves kings with only a few dozen people, there was no one. Interested in senior officials appointed by the Yongli court. The good words with a good attitude will send his “imperial envoy” away, while those with a bad attitude will just coax him away, and clean the face of a soldier from the Yongli court.

The reason is the bitter fruit that Nanming Guangdong officials planted by themselves. Last year, the anti-Qingyi divisions from all over Guangdong responded to the call of the Nanming court to cooperate with Li Dingguo’s army. As a result, there were countless casualties. When Li Dingguo’s army was cleared from Xinhui and returned to Guangxi, these anti-Qingyi divisions turned from the sweet pastry in the eyes of the original Nanming officials into stinky dogs. shit. If you really want money, no food, no weapons, not even the blood of the dead, you wave your hand when you really want it, and wave your hand away when you don’t, and you don’t even have a good word. Doing this made the anti-Qing righteous divisions from all over the world feel cold towards the Nanming court, and those bandits had no good words for the Nanming court.

What you did last year was inauthentic, can you expect others to respond to you and work for you this year? Moreover, the reason why volunteer teachers and bandits from all over the country responded to Nanming last year was that after Li Dingguo’s army entered Guangdong, the Qing army did not dare to fight against it. Now Li Dingguo’s army has retreated into Guangxi, leaving only a few soldiers and horses in Gaozhou, while the fighting strength of the Ming army in other places is surprisingly poor, even the righteous division can not compare, seeing the Qing army almost fleeing, in this case , Nanming officials in Guangdong want to make people work for it by making a wish to make people work for it, and fight to the death with the Qing army, who is willing to do it?

Who is stupid!


Cheng Bangjun, who was complaining, went to see Boss Hu several times, pointing out that the righteous man Zhang Xiaoqi had greatly praised could change his mind, and persuaded this group of people to accept the appointment of the court to fight against the Qing army, but after taking a few glances, Boss Hu did not to be moved.

These bandits, Qiu Ba, don’t know how to praise!

After Cheng Bangjun scolded secretly, his intestines were considered to be regretful. Last year’s credit has already allowed him to scoop up a military department staff member Wai Lang. It takes a few years to stay at the Anlong Mansion with peace of mind. Is it possible for a staff member to run away? already? He is still young, how can he be so restless, how can he be so good now, he is in trouble everywhere, and he has come to Guangdong for more than a month, but he has not achieved anything, but he does not know how to explain to the court, and how to meet Zhang Xiaoqi, the governor of the four prefectures who boasted about Haikou before he came.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement except for the ridicule and abuse of a group of bandits. No matter how thick-skinned Cheng Bangjun was, he knew that the people of Daqiao Mountain could not be used by the imperial court, so he left behind to remove the humiliation. Useless. Angrily, he wanted to say goodbye, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com heard someone ask him: “Dare to ask your lord, the imperial court’s reward is real, so the confession and seal of the generals will not be fake, right?”

“Presumptuous!” Hearing this, Cheng Bangjun, who was already angry, immediately became angry, “How can you doubt the imperial court’s famous weapons!” He looked up, but it was the righteous man Zhou Shixiang, who had shaved his hair.

Song Xianggong didn’t know why Zhou Shixiang asked this, but since the other party asked, it was inconvenient for him to stop him, and he stood there with his hands behind him.

Zhou Shixiang suddenly spoke up, and Boss Hu and Zhao Sihai were also strange and didn’t know what he wanted to do.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhou Shixiang slowly came to Cheng Bangjun, bowed his body slightly and said: “Don’t misunderstand Cheng, I’m not suspicious of the Ming Dynasty, I just want to confirm, after all, this confession and the big seal are here and in this room. None of you heroes have ever met, so it’s safe to check it out, and it won’t get in the way.”

“What are you talking about? Could it be that you are suspicious of this official? Hmph, do you need to verify the identity of this official?”

Cheng Bangjun frowned, and the young scholar Zhou Shixiang joined the Qing army to avenge his parents, wife and children. A spy had already found out from the Qing army’s notice, so when he heard about this act of justice, he was still very sympathetic to the client. respected. However, when he saw that Zhou Shixiang was actually in the company of a group of bandits in Daqiao Mountain, he could not help but question Zhou Shixiang’s character. In addition, he has been running around in the mountains for the past few days, but nothing has been accomplished, and his attitude towards Zhou Shixiang was very cold under the dry fire. Now that he dared to come out to test the official seal and confession issued by the imperial court, his tone suddenly became less friendly. With a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

However, Zhou Shixiang said solemnly: “If possible, it is best for Mr. Cheng to show a certificate that can prove his identity.”

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