Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Persuade

What I heard and witnessed today gave Zhou Shixiang a feeling of how similar history is. I remember that when the Kuomintang in later generations was defeated and retreated to the mainland, they sent a large number of “commissioners” and ‘specialists” to the mountains to make wishes for the bandits to be added to their posts. Attending a seat or something, Erjin, the Nanming court, is also doing the same thing, the only difference is the name and purpose of the official position. Of course, the two are also very different in nature. Compared with the Kuomintang, the justice element of the Nanming court’s move is much higher.

It is a pity that since ancient times, no matter whether it is just or not, there is no precedent for relying on bandits to make things happen.

Zhou Shixiang shook his head secretly. Originally, he was not going to get involved in this matter. When the matter was over, he said goodbye to Boss Hu and Duke Xiang of Song, and went straight to Guangxi to join the army of Li Dingguo. But on second thought, although Li Dingguo is a famous general, and the Ming army adapted from the former Daxi Army is also strong in combat, he can’t stand that there is only one Li Dingguo in this world, and the Yongli court is more of a faint and incompetent generation, otherwise he would not think about it. Come up with such an unreliable idea to win over and incorporate bandits!

Zhou Shixiang didn’t see the situation in other places with his own eyes, so he didn’t dare to judge, but he still understood the situation in Guangdong to some extent. Take the Xinhui people as an example, if the Qing army did not commit crimes in Xinhui, most Xinhui people would be more interested in the Qing Dynasty than the Ming Dynasty. What about the imperial examinations in the Qing Dynasty?

The reason for this loss of heart is naturally related to the corruption of the military discipline of the Ming army, and the reason for the corruption of the military discipline of the Ming army, in addition to the corruption of the Ming army itself, I am afraid that it has to do with the bandits being recruited into the army, resulting in a mix of fish and dragons in the army. .

Once the heart is lost, how can this country not fall into the hands of the Tartars!

If the officials at the top and bottom of the Nanming court were like the officials who came up with such a bad idea, that one Li Dingguo would never be able to save Nanming. Thinking of the memory of his previous life, Li Dingguo failed to turn the tide, and Emperor Yongli did not escape Wu Sangui after abandoning his country. Bow Xian, Zhou Shixiang couldn’t help but reconsider whether his decision to join the army in Guangxi was wise.


“I mean Brother Hu might as well accept the appointment of General Luo Ding.”

Boss Hu asked Zhou Shixiang what his intentions were. He didn’t hide it, and he told him bluntly that he wanted Boss Hu to take the seat of the General Counsel of Luoding Prefecture in South Ming Dynasty. As for whether Luoding Prefecture belonged to the Qing Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, there was no need to care about it. .

“There’s no need to deny it right now, what Big Brother Hu and all the other brothers have done is definitely a robbery, this kind of behavior is definitely not a long-term way, this world will never continue to be in chaos, no matter whether it is Mingsheng or Qingsheng, in the future, the government of the new dynasty will There will always be an attack. When the time comes, where will you brothers go?”

Zhou Shixiang didn’t have a big reason to persuade them. The righteousness of the family and country didn’t really touch these guys. Except for the fact that they had an undeniable hatred with the Manchu Qing, it was difficult for others to put their heads on the Qing army as an enemy. . In fact, most of the men in front of them have already given up on the Yongli court of Nanming. They don’t hold out any hope, even the Boss Hu, who has a deep hatred with the Manchu Qing, is probably the same. Otherwise, why would he rather be a bandit than be a Ming army? What about serving for the Yongli court and avenging the old lady and brother?

Ge Wu was used to being a bandit, and he never thought about the future. After listening to Zhou Shixiang’s words, he blurted out: “Have a drink today and be happy today, who cares about tomorrow, what do you want to do so far?”

Zhou Shixiang shook his head and said: “That’s not what you said, you always have to think about the future, it’s not pleasant to say, everyone is strong now, but in ten or twenty years, will you still be able to do this business of robbery? ”

Ge Wu rolled his eyelids and said indifferently: “If you can grab more, then grab more and bring it back. When you get old, you will never starve to death.”

Zhou Shixiang smiled and asked him: “If the official army comes over in the future, will you be able to keep the things you robbed?”

Ge Wu didn’t even think about it and said, “Then wait for the official to call.”

Zhou Shixiang didn’t expect Ge Wu to be so rough, and he was dumbfounded for a while.

Seeing this, Zhao Sihai couldn’t help but say: “Xiusai, you said so much, just to want Brother Hu to receive the general seal of the Lao Shizi, but do you think those people are so kind to serve us as officials?”

Peng Dazhu also shouted at the side: “Yes, Brother Zhou, you don’t know, this Yongli court official is not easy to be, and they don’t have any good intentions, this Luodingzhou is in the hands of the Tartars, but they Asking our eldest brother to be Luo Ding’s general, isn’t this rewarding people with other people’s things, what’s the matter?”

“That’s it, it’s not easy to be a general. You didn’t listen to the little white face surnamed Cheng who said that as long as our eldest brother becomes this general, we have to take Luo Ding’s Qing army to fight, otherwise, who will recognize it? You, General Luo Ding?” shouted a man in the room.

“Then Luoding City has hundreds of Qing troops from the Green Battalion, but it’s not that dozens of us can defeat them. The surnamed Cheng wants us to die. This business cannot be done!”

Ge Wu shouted, in his opinion, being a bandit is a good businessman. If you don’t live in the cottage, you will fight with the Qing army with your head up. Isn’t this a broken head?

Ge Liu has always listened to Ge Wu, and Ge Wu objected, so he naturally objected.

Song Xianggong didn’t speak, he just pondered there. Boss Hu was moved by Zhou Shixiang’s words just now, and he thought about the matter of getting older in the future.

When Zhou Shi met Boss Hu, he persuaded him: “Brother Hu, I don’t think it’s all bad. If you become Luo Ding’s sergeant, the brothers who follow you can be regarded as having a serious background. With this Luo Dingzhou The big seal of the generals, at least in name, everyone has a place to live, and the money and food in Luoding Prefecture also belong to everyone.”

Boss Hu sighed and smiled bitterly: “Luo Dingcheng is good, but we can’t eat it with our eyesight. The money and grain can be seen, but we can’t touch it…”

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Shixiang said: “Whether it is to fight Luo Dingcheng, we will talk about it later, now go to get the official body and the big seal, and take this Luo Ding counselor to the ground.”

“It’s not authentic to take people’s things and not do things for them, right?” Boss Hu hesitated.

Song Xianggong opened his mouth. He said, “Boss Hu, don’t think it’s useless. If those officials fool us, we’re not allowed to fool them?”

“That’s true!” After Song Xianggong said this, Boss Hu immediately became happy and said with a smile: “It’s okay to lie to these turtle grandchildren, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will be regarded as last year’s compensation.” After a while, he looked at Peng Dazhu and Zhao Sihai and asked, “What do you think?”

Peng Dazhu scratched his head and thought about it for a long time, Fang said: “Brother Zhou and Mr. Song are both scholars, I knew from a young age that scholars must know more than us, and they are more knowledgeable than us. Since Mr. Song and Brother Zhou If you say you can do it, you can do it.”

“I have no opinion. As long as the brothers are not allowed to go to Luoding City to die, everything can be said.” Zhao Sihai did not object to deceiving the General Luo Ding.

The rest of the men in the house also expressed their opinions, and most of them supported Mr. Hu as Luo Ding’s general. It seems that what Zhou Shixiang said played a certain role.

Seeing that there was no objection from everyone, Boss Hu decided to settle the matter, and got the official first, and then asked Cheng Bangjun to come over.

When Zhou Shi met his goal, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he heard Song Xianggong suddenly say a word from the side: “It’s not wrong to have a long-term vision. It’s a good thing to have the official seal of General Luo Ding, maybe in the future. Useful…”

What’s the use, Song Xianggong didn’t say any more, but Zhou Shixiang saw something from his unfinished face, maliciously guessing that this “three surname slaves” might think that Nan Ming was really finished in the future, so he took this Nan Ming. The official seal of the ginseng general went to the Qing Dynasty, and it was impossible to find a clean official to do it.

After Cheng Bangjun came over, Mr. Hu promised that if the official seal was not fake, Hu Quan would serve as a sergeant in Luodingzhou of Daming from then on, and since then he would serve as a dog and horse for the children of tomorrow. Cheng Bangjun was overjoyed and ran away in the mountains. After a month, I finally managed to get rid of an official seal!

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