Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Hero

Under Ge Wu’s wanton misinterpretation, the attack on Luo Dingcheng was not for the sake of finding a decent background for everyone, nor for fighting the Tartars to the death based on the righteousness of the nation, nor for the reward of the Nanming Yongli court, nor for the sake of his wife’s shadow in the future. son, but simply “big ticket”.

A scholar who dares to make a big vote has become the best reason for Ge Wu to cheer everyone up. Hearing that those guys are full of enthusiasm, and they are still hesitant to give it up. This is really worse than a scholar. , his mother is not ashamed to panic!

As Ge Wu’s mouth froze, the abstract Luo Dingcheng has been concreted into how much food the Qing army hoarded in the city, how many big households in the city, the daughters and daughters-in-law of which big households are beautiful, and which house Looking at the style, which restaurant’s food and wine are delicious… Finally, the most reliable statement Zhou Shixiang has heard is how many strong men can be drawn to expand the team. In addition, a little constructive, or visionary Never heard of it.


The frenetic discussion of these men made Zhou Shixiang laugh and cry. He remembered a movie he saw in a previous life. There was this line in the movie: “The Qing Dynasty has always bullied us Han people and robbed us of our silver taels and women, so we have to turn against the Qing.”

Yes, for a bunch of bandits who don’t know big characters and have no national righteousness, the anti-Qing Dynasty is probably as simple as that – to take back our money, grain and women. As for the rest, these rough guys have never thought about it.

His subordinates were all thinking about going to Luoding City, and Mr. Hu would not pour cold water on him. The prospect that Zhou Shixiang described to him was still very tempting. . At that time, with land, people, money, and food, wouldn’t it be more fun and prestige than being a bandit in this mountain nest. If the emperor blesses him, and Daming can rejuvenate again, he will really offer this head for the Zhu family, and take his brothers to fight against Tartars to avenge the dead old lady and brother!

Shit, bet!

Boss Hu finally made up his mind, but he made up his mind, but his mind did not faint. He had served as a personal soldier in Li Chengdong’s army, and he had seen what it was like between the two armies against each other. Things you can do with your shirt on. How to beat Luo Dingcheng, and how to beat it, this matter must be discussed carefully, otherwise, if you are not careful, everyone will have no place to bury.

Seeing that his subordinates were still yelling and grinning, as if Luo Ding had already got his hands, Boss Hu frowned and coughed lightly at Duke Xiang of Song. After hearing this, Zhao Sihai couldn’t help nodding his head, then pulled Ge Wu over and whispered a few words. Soon, the Ge Wu brothers pushed a group of people out of the house.

After everyone went out, only Hu Boss, Song Xianggong, Zhao Sihai, and Peng Dazhu were left in the house. These people were also the core leaders of the Daqiao Mountain bandits.

After dealing with the five brothers outside for a while, they knew that they were discussing the matter of attacking Luo Dingcheng inside the house, so they sneaked back again. When he entered the room, he heard Zhao Sihai ask Zhou Shixiang: “Listening to what Xiucai said just now, it seems that he has seen the world, but I don’t know what Xiucai thinks about capturing Luoding City?”

“Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy can help you fight a hundred people. I don’t know the situation in Luoding City. I don’t have any idea right now. You have to know the situation in the city before you can make a decision.” They also dare not act rashly when the enemy’s situation is unknown.

Hearing this, Duke Xiang of Song took it seriously: “Yes, knowing yourself and knowing the enemy can help you win a hundred battles. I have been to Luoding City to buy medicine, and I know a thing or two about the situation in the city. Why don’t I tell Brother Zhou.”

Hu Boss has no opinion. Song Xianggong went to Luoding to buy medicine and naturally inquired about the situation in the city. No one in this house knew more than Song Xianggong. He said it was the best.

At the moment, Song Xianggong briefly stated what he knew.


According to Song Xianggong, Luoding Prefecture was a newly built Zhili Prefecture in Guangdong in the fifth year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty. In the second year of Yongli and the fifth year of Shunzhi, after the Qing army entered Guangdong under the leadership of Li Chengdong, Xu Anguo, the general soldier of Nanming stationed in Luoding, betrayed the Ming Dynasty and surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. After that, Li Chengdong returned to the Ming Dynasty anyway, and Luoding became the Ming Dynasty again. .

After Li Chengdong’s defeat in Jiangxi, Guangzhou soon fell again. The Ming army stationed in Luoding fled without waiting for the Qing army to come, and Luoding city was once again owned by the Qing Dynasty. Afterwards, Li Dingguo attacked Guangdong, and Luo Dingcheng, like other prefectures and counties in western Guangdong, went back and forth between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, until now it is again owned by the Qing army. There is a flood of green battalion soldiers stationed in the city, there are several hundred people. I heard that these green battalion soldiers are not soldiers from Guangdong Province, but they were transferred from Jiangxi.

After hearing these simple situations, Zhou Shixiang thought about it and asked Song Xianggong, “Are there Qing troops stationed in Dong’an and Xining counties?”

Song Xianggong shook his head and said: “Dong’an and Xining were slaughtered by the Qing army a few years ago, and Dong’an County was burned down by a fire. Now it is a ruin, and no one lives at all. The same is true for Xining, the current Luoding Prefecture. Except for Luoding City, there is no good place.”

“Where is the Qing army closest to Luo Ding?”

“It should be the Qing army in Deqing.”

“How far is it?”

“At least a hundred miles away.”

“It’s so far away?” Zhou Shixiang was a little surprised, “It’s so far away, if something happened to Luo Ding, how could the Qing army in Deqing be able to rescue him? Luo Ding City only has a few hundred troops stationed, so with such a small number of troops, is the Qing army not afraid of Li Dingguo? The army will fight again?”

This question does not need Song Xianggong to answer, Zhao Sihai said on the side, “The Tartars are afraid of Li Dingguo’s army coming again, so they dare not spread the force, Luo Ding’s hundreds of green battalion soldiers are probably also an outpost. Meaning, if Li Dingguo’s troops come again, they will definitely run away.”

Song Xianggong smiled and said: “The Tartars are not afraid of others, but they are afraid of Li Dingguo’s troops. If they really want to completely control Luoding Prefecture, they will not even appoint a prefecture.” , By the way, Luo Ding’s city wall has long been ruined due to the back and forth between the Ming and Qing sides in recent years. Last time I went there, I saw two big gaps. Tartar just repaired it. Look at the posture, Li Dingguo really wants to Come, they will definitely abandon the city and return to Guangzhou.”

Ge Wu interjected on the side: “No matter how far away the Tartar reinforcements are, and the city wall is broken, but we have too few people, we still can’t get down to this city.”

“That’s not necessarily true.” Zhou Shixiang was moved, “Since Luo Ding’s Qing army is so afraid of Li Dingguo’s army coming over, why don’t we use this to make some articles?”

“What does Xiucai mean to scare them away?” Zhao Sihai shook his head, “Tatar is not a fool, how could he run away without seeing a real person?”

Zhou Shixiang did not answer him, but turned to Song Xianggong: “Does Mr. Song know about the sesame plums in Xuzhou at the end of the Yuan Dynasty?”

“Sesame Li?” Song Xianggong was stunned, and after searching his mind for a while, he remembered who this person was, and he couldn’t help but say: “I have read this person in a book, saying that he is from Pi County, Xuzhou. There is a warehouse of sesame seeds, which is used to provide relief to the victims, so it is called sesame plums.”

Zhou Shixiang nodded. The Sesame Lee that Song Xianggong said was the same as the hero he knew in his previous life. He said to the crowd: “This Sesame Lee is a great hero who fought against the Mongolian Tartars at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. In order to respond to the Red Turban Army, Yuan Zhizhi Li led dozens of heroes from his hometown to prepare to attack Xuzhou City.”

“Xuzhou, I know, it’s a big city, how dare dozens of people from Sesame Li dare to fight?” Peng Dazhu looked incredulous, but he cooperated very well with Zhou Shixiang on this question.

“It’s surprising to think about it now. Yes, there were thousands of soldiers in Xuzhou City at that time, but this Xuzhou City was taken by Sesame Li with dozens of people. You know how he took Xuzhou City. Right?” Zhou Shiyi said here and deliberately stopped.

“How did you get it, Xiucai (Brother Zhou), don’t give a shit, tell me quickly!”

Including Boss Hu, everyone’s appetite was immediately raised by Zhou Shixiang, but Song Xianggong smiled mysteriously, already knowing what Zhou Shixiang planned to do.

“The situation that Zhizhi Li wanted to attack Xuzhou at that time can be said to be the same as us, or even more dangerous than us, because there were thousands of Yuan soldiers in Xuzhou City, while the Qing army in Luoding City was only a few hundred! There must have been some people who disagreed with Zhizhi at that time. Li’s risky move, but Sesame Li’s strength is different from others. He ordered eight of his men to disguise themselves as migrant workers who took the river to go to Xuzhou City at night. Four people entered the city, and four stayed outside the city. At the fourth watch, four people in the city started The four fires shouted in unison: “The Red Turban Army has entered the city of Xuzhou.” The four people outside the city also lit four fires in response. The four outsiders also took advantage of the situation and rushed in, shouting to kill in unison.”

Zhou Shixiang said so much in one breath, took a breath, and said with high spirits: “The Yuan soldiers in Xuzhou city woke up in a dream, UU reading www.uukanshu.com listened to the sound of killing in the city, I don’t know how many red scarves came from the city. The army was so frightened that they ran around in chaos. At this time, Zhizhi Li led the rest of his men to take the opportunity to invade the city, fought bravely to kill the enemy, scattered the defenders of the city, captured the state officials alive, and quickly captured the entire city of Xuzhou. After that, Sesame Li recruited people to join the army on the banner of Chengtoushu, and the number of applicants reached more than 100,000. He also erected a banner on the Bawang Building in Xuzhou, and wrote “Three thousand tigers and three thousand, straight to the land of Youyan; Longfei ninety-five, Reopen the Great Song Dynasty! ”

“It’s really magnificent!”

Hearing such a heroic story, the five brothers Ge couldn’t help cheering in unison: “What a sesame plum, what a great hero!”

Boss Hu was also excited and rubbed his hands together and said, “Brother Zhou, do you mean to let us learn from that sesame plum and capture Luoding City like this?”

“Yes, the predecessors can do it, how can we not do it!” Zhou Shixiang said decisively, and then folded his fists and bowed to Boss Hu, “Big Brother Hu is Sesame Lee, and I am that group of heroes, I also ask Big Brother Hu to lead the way. I’ll be a big hero again!”

“it is good!”

Boss Hu was so arrogant that he couldn’t help shouting: “I, Hu Quan, learned from a former NPC hero, and took Luo Dingcheng to find a place to live for the brothers!”


Author’s Note: The Qing and Han military used green flags, commonly known as “green battalions”, which were stationed in various provinces. , Flood (Qianzong, Baozong, etc.) have four levels, and they are under the command of each level.

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