Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Home Hate

The Zhou family was just an ordinary family in Xinhui County. Zhou Shixiang clearly remembered that his father, Zhou Shanyuan, made a living by beating wooden barrels for others, and was honest and honest. Mother He is also a kind-hearted woman, she believes in Bodhisattva, and can’t see the poor people in the world. The old couple are typical residents of this era, so ordinary they can’t be more ordinary.

Zhou Shixiang was the only son in the family, and Mrs. He only gave birth to him when he was in his forties. He was considered to have a son at an old age. Therefore, Zhou Shanyuan and his wife loved him very much, just like many parents in later generations. , I can’t wait to keep my son in my mouth to protect it.

Zhou Shanyuan, who has been honest with him all his life, knew that he had suffered all his life and did not want his children and grandchildren to suffer like him again, so he specially named his son a celebrity and insisted on asking his son to study, so that he could obtain the title and become a high-ranking person in the future. Lintel.

In order to support their son to study, the husband and wife cut down on food and clothing, and could not wait to split a penny in half, but what delicious food is eaten close to the son, and they are reluctant to take a bite.

Zhou Shixiang was also talented and intelligent, and lived up to his parents’ expectations. Can’t close your mouth.

At that time, Guangdong still belonged to the Ming Dynasty. Zhou Shixiang originally planned to strike while the iron was hot and go to the provincial capital to participate in the rural examination the following year. Unexpectedly, the Qing army in the north was suddenly killed, and the rural examination in the Ming Dynasty could no longer be held. Busy with the Ming army competing for Guangdong, I couldn’t take care of opening a department and recruiting scholars, so I was delayed because of the examination of candidates.

When Zhou Shixiang was eighteen years old, Zhou Shanyuan and He Shi saw that their son was getting older, and he could not test his fame for the time being, so they had the idea of holding a grandson and asked someone to tell him about the marriage for him. The other party was a rice shop in the city. The daughter of the Zhao family is from a well-off family and looks good. If it wasn’t for Zhou Shixiang’s reputation as a scholar and a promising future, why would the Zhao family not marry their daughter into the Zhou family? Compared with the Zhao family, the Zhou family Also really poor.

Zhou Shixiang was not satisfied at first when he told his parents about this marriage, but when he met Zhao, he fell in love immediately. After a few days, the young couple became glued to their knees.

Within two years of their marriage, the Zhao family lived up to her father-in-law’s expectations and added a big fat boy to the Zhou family. Zhou Shixiang, who became a father, happily named her son Zhou Bingzheng, which means upright character, and nicknamed An’er.

With An’er, the young couple in the Zhou family are happy, and the old couple is even more happy. The days are peaceful and full of joy. For them, whether it is the Ming Dynasty or the Qing Dynasty, the matter of changing dynasties is far away. They are too far away, and it is enough for the common people to live a good life.

There are old people on the top, young people on the bottom, and the family has surplus food. Isn’t it the good day that the people have been looking forward to all their lives. As long as the knife is not around his neck, and as long as his family can live on, whoever is full enough to hold on to the knife and desperately wants to work for the old Zhu family.

Besides, although Zhou Shixiang was a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty also recognized his fame, and the benefits he deserved were not bad. Even compared with the Ming Dynasty, the officials of the Qing Dynasty paid special attention to these famous scholars.

Nanming is already on the west side of the sun, and there are only a few provinces in the southwest left. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Ming Dynasty is over, and now it is still lingering. Let’s live like this. When the situation in Guangdong is completely stabilized, he plans to take the township examination in the Qing Dynasty. At any rate, he has to take the test and come back. If the naive person can make him Zhou Shixiang high school jinshi, then it is really on the grave of the ancestors. smoke.

As for who is not a barbarian or a Chinese barbarian or a Chinese barbarian, it is not something that he should consider as a little showman. Then the Ming Dynasty emperors have died a few times, so many ministers and generals have died, and the territory is getting smaller and smaller. , what can he do with a little show? Obedient to people, obedient to people.

No one expected that Nanming, who was about to die, would return to Guangdong in the tenth year of Shunzhi. The next year, the Ming army coach Li Dingguo personally led the army to attack, and immediately surrounded Xinhui County. , This circumference is a full eight months!

The Ming army was besieging the city and the Qing army was defending the city. The residents of Xinhui in the city were not too worried at first. The Ming army fought in Guangdong once last year, but in the end, didn’t they meet in Miaoqing and go back in blood and blood? Although the old thief Li Dingguo personally came to attack once, but the Qing army was strong and strong, he could not break the Xinhui City, and when the food and grass ran out, it was not where it came from and where it went.

Unexpectedly, the nightmare of the residents of Xinhui came so quickly, and it should still be on the Qing soldiers they thought they were relying on.

In order to defend the city, the generals of the Qing army ordered to loot all the food in the city, and the Qing soldiers looted from house to house. , the Qing army did not let go of the search of the people in the city, and they broke into the homes of the residents at every turn to loot and loot.

The old man said, I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in a chaotic world. In this chaotic world, people are not as good as dogs!

Four months after the Ming army besieged the city, the Qing army began to prey on people for food. They slaughtered the residents of the city as meat to eat.

In the early days, the Qing army only ate those ordinary people. Those with fame and fame were able to escape this disaster, but later, whether they had fame or not, they became edible meat in the eyes of the Qing army.

When the Ming army cleared the siege and withdrew, when the Manchu-appointed governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Li Lutei, led his troops into the city, he discovered that the Qing army in the city had more than enough grain for horses and soldiers, and the remaining food was still available for the Qing army to last for three months. Only the bones of the people all over the land don’t know who to complain to!

Prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer.


Just like the tragedies staged everywhere in Xinhui County, when the Qing soldiers rushed into Zhou’s house to arrest Zhou Shixiang, his father Zhou Shanyuan stepped forward and was willing to die for his son, his mother He was willing to die for his husband, and his daughter-in-law Zhao. I would also like to die for my aunt. In the end, the Qing army killed Zhou Shanyuan and the He family, and then came three days later to kill the Zhao family. Even An Er, who was in the swaddling clothes, fell to death and took away in front of Zhou Shixiang.

Zhou Shixiang was the only one left in the family of five. This was because his wife, Zhao Shi, begged so hard before he died that the Qing soldiers let him go. Otherwise, it would be impossible to escape death.

When his parents died tragically, Zhou Shixiang, who was cowardly by nature, was so frightened that he hid in the house and dared not come out. When his wife and children died tragically, he was so frightened that he fainted. Zhou Shixiang, who had been there, had already disappeared.

It was really a joke made by the gods. Less than ten days after Zhou Shixiang’s parents, wife and children died, the Ming army retreated.

Ten days, only ten days!

Zhou Shixiang, who completely carried the memories and emotions of the owner of the body, beat his chest and stomped the ground, and howled on his back. He felt ashamed for the owner of his body and watched his parents, wife and children die. Zhou Shixiang, Zhou Shixiang, are you still a man! How could you just steal and survive! Why don’t you die, why don’t you fight with the Qing soldiers, why!

All your relatives are dead, what’s the point of you living alone in this world!


The two new tombs in front of them that did not even have tombstones were built by Zhou Shixiang, a later generation, and there was nothing in the tombs.

The skeletons of parents, wives and children are long gone, and there is no place in the world to mourn!

Whether there are graves or no graves, what is the use!

The country is hated by the family, and Zhou Shixiang, a later generation, stands quietly in front of these two empty tombs, his heart is full of sourness and sorrow.

As a Han Chinese, the blood of Yan and Huang in his bones made Zhou Shixiang naturally reject all foreign races. In his previous life, the society he lived in despised the main ethnic group and advocated beautifying the rule of foreign races. At that time, although he was the only cavalry in the republic. A soldier in the company, however, he has nothing to do with this abnormal phenomenon in society, and can only be the silent majority while scolding. But after the transmigration, the death of his parents, wife and children made him no longer able to be the silent majority!

For the first time, the hatred of the country and the family was so **** in front of him, no one could be that tortoise, no one could turn a blind eye! Anyone should stand up for revenge!

Zhou Shixiang, since you have lost your blood, let me, a later person, reshape your spine for you!

In my mind, scenes flashed…

In the courtyard, the father with white hair looked at the wooden barrel hooped in one hand, showing a satisfied smile;

Under the light, the elderly mother looked at the soles of her son’s shoes, and her eyes were full of kindness;

Beside the book desk, the wife looked at her husband who was reading with the prepared supper, and her face was full of happiness;

In swaddling, the son, who was only a few months old, giggled and looked at his father, his expression full of curiosity.

Scene after scene flashed in his mind constantly, Zhou Shixiang only felt his nose was sore and uncomfortable, he wanted to cry, but he couldn’t cry, and there were no tears in his eyes.

Father, mother, Qinger, Aner, I, Zhou Shixiang, will definitely avenge you, I will definitely avenge you!

At some point, Zhou Shixiang turned around and left the two empty tombs.


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The work “Han’er is Not a Slave” just wants to tell the world that history is bloody, and time travel is also bloody. In this time of Lushen in China, does the Han family really want to be a slave of that alien race!

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