Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Beheaded

Zhou Shixiang had no choice but to be in a hurry. There were only 30 bandits from Daqiao Mountain who entered the city, but the Qing army commander took more than 100 people to run to the west gate. Right now, they were panicking and just wanted to run away, but once they found out that they had entered the city. When it wasn’t Li Dingguo’s army at all, the trouble would be big.

Don’t be afraid of 10,000 in everything, just be afraid of what happens!

There was a sudden uprising in the night, killing people and setting fires. Everyone in Daqiaoshan did a good job, but they really wanted to fight against the Qing army’s open fire. I’m afraid they are not their opponents at all, not to mention that the bandits in Daqiaoshan are actually a group of rabble! If it wasn’t for the Qing army’s fear of Li Dingguo like a tiger, how could this fox-fake-tiger plan succeed!

Zhou Shixiang, who was worried that things would change, was so anxious that he wanted to fly to Ximen, but now he had no other way to think, except to kill the Qing army thousand generals in one fell swoop, causing the rest of the Qing army to completely collapse due to no command.

“Drive! Drive! Drive!”

Zhou Shilian threw the whip several times, and the big blue horse under his crotch clearly felt the urgency of the new owner on his back, but the road ahead was not smooth, there were burning houses everywhere, and there were panic-stricken people everywhere. Can’t be faster.

On several occasions, the big blue horse almost collided with the crowd in front of him. If it wasn’t for the good riding skills he had acquired when he was a cavalryman in his previous life, Zhou Shixiang would have fallen many times.

Not only wanting to get to Ximen as fast as possible, but also not wanting to rush into the crowd, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world!

Although 10,000 didn’t want to, Da Qing Ma knocked down a middle-aged man who was busy escaping for his life. He didn’t care to look at the man. Zhou Shixiang walked away full of guilt. The screams and the curses of the people.

“Kill, kill me!”

Before reaching the west gate, Zhou Shixiang listened to the shouts of killing in front of him. By the light of the fire, dozens of Qing soldiers and more than 20 men from Daqiao Mountain were fighting together under the gate of the city. Under the shadow of the sword and fire, there were already twenty or thirty corpses lying on the ground.

The place under the city gate is very small, dozens of people are fighting together, and the light inside is dark, and it is impossible to see who is who.

Zhou Shixiang didn’t see Boss Hu, and his heart sank, thinking that Boss Hu had been killed, but when he saw the Daqiao Mountain under the gate of the city, everyone did not panic. He heard Ge Wu’s voice faintly again. He must not have died, otherwise, the bandits would not have been here to resist the Qing army, and they would have dispersed long ago.

The Qing army can’t do it without a head, and the bandits can’t do it without a head!

In addition to the dozens of Qing soldiers who were fighting for the gate under the city gate, Hu Shixiang saw a few Qing soldiers on horseback less than ten feet away from the city gate. Because they fled too hastily, these Qing soldiers did not wear hats. He was also wearing some uniforms indiscriminately, and it was impossible to tell which one was the general of the Qing army from the clothes alone.

However, it was not difficult for Zhou Shixiang. He fixed his eyes for a while and found that one person kept gesturing to the side of the city gate, shouting something from time to time, while the other Qing troops on horseback just surrounded him without gestures or movements. , Zhou Shixiang pondered for a while, and knew that the Qing army gesturing must be the Qian General, and most of the rest were his personal soldiers.

Shoot people first, shoot horses, capture thieves first capture kings!

After judging which target he was going to kill, Zhou Shixiang held his breath and pulled out Yu Yunlong’s saber from the scabbard. With a violent force on his legs, Da Qing Ma suddenly neighed, spread his hooves and rushed forward.


At this time, Kong Guoliang was so anxious that he was smoking. He didn’t realize that it was not the Ming army who entered the city, nor did he realize that it was the other’s main men who were trying to prevent him from escaping. He only thought that these people were the Ming army sneaking in. The inner response of the Ming army has not yet arrived.

The reason for this is to thank the people of Luoding who were even more alarmed than the Qing army. It was their shouting that covered up the voice of the real enemy in the city, making Kong Guoliang unable to tell how many enemies there were. He just thought that the Ming army had already After entering the city, if you don’t escape from the city, there is only one way to die.

It had been a long time delay, and Kong Guoliang, who was only a few minutes away from leaving the city, looked very ugly. He wanted to get off his horse several times to grab the door in person, but he was afraid that he would not have the chance to ride away again, so he had to pin his hopes on it. On Shao Jiugong, who was commanding people to grab the door.

When he was so anxious that he didn’t know what to do, there was a sudden neighing of war horses behind him. Kong Guoliang was startled, and he had a sense of ominousness: Could it be that the cavalry of the Ming army is chasing after him? !

When he turned his head, he saw that there were no Ming cavalry, but only one man and one horse galloped towards him. Kong Guoliang was stunned there, not knowing whether the other party was an enemy or a friend. When he saw that the tip of the knife in the man’s hand was pointing at him, he suddenly woke up and shouted at his personal soldiers, “Stop him, stop him!”


Two of Kong Guoliang’s personal soldiers rushed towards Zhou Shixiang with their swords and horses. As personal soldiers, their life and death were already one with the generals and their officers. How long will it take to work hard!

Kong Guoliang’s soldiers were the Green Battalion soldiers of Jiangxi Province. The Green Battalion soldiers had no cavalry, and were all infantry. Only the soldiers at all levels were equipped with some Mongolian horses as mounts, and most of their personal soldiers were just inferior. Therefore, compared with Zhou Shixiang’s crotch, the big blue horse that took the freedom of the cloud dragon, the mounts of the two Kong Guoliang personal soldiers were short and small.

With the tall superiority of Daqingma, and having acquired a good skill in a previous life, how could Zhou Shixiang take those two Kong Guoliang’s personal soldiers in his eyes? The knife slashed over, and immediately hit the face of the Qing soldier on the right, but after hearing a scream, the whole person fell off the horse, and the ownerless mount rushed forward without knowing it.

When Kong Guoliang’s personal soldier on the left saw the Mongolian horse under Zhou Shixiang, he was already crying in his heart, and when he saw his companion was hit by the other side, his heart was completely cold, and there was no intention to kill, so he turned around. The head of the horse wanted to avoid it, but Da Qingma moved faster than it. As soon as the horse’s **** turned around, he was hit by Zhou Shixiang’s knife in the back, and the blade brought Da Qingma’s inertia to throw him off the horse.

Zhou Shi killed two people in a row. He moved so fast that Yunlong was stunned. Knowing that this man was incompetent, he subconsciously wanted to run out of the city. He hated it again, and Zhou Shixiang charged at him again with a knife. As a last resort, he could only grit his teeth and rein in his horse to meet him in person. He was on the horse, but his heart was trembling, his eyelids couldn’t stop twitching.

Kong Guoliang rushed up, and the remaining three personal soldiers also rushed to follow, but they were a little slower.

When the road meets, the brave wins!

Zhou Shixiang, whose aura had stabilized Kong Guoliang’s head, had no fear, and charged forward with a single sword. The moment the two mounts crossed, a column of blood sprayed into the air, followed by a severed arm that fell to the ground. In the hand of the broken arm, a waist knife was still tightly grasped.

The moment his arm was chopped off, Kong Guoliang felt a pain like a thousand arrows piercing his heart. After losing his arm, he couldn’t balance on the horse. After shaking a few times, he fell to the ground. Holding the broken arm, he didn’t shout, but staggered and wanted to stand up again. It’s a pity that Zhou Shixiang wouldn’t give him a chance to stand up. The big blue horse rushed past, and the long knife slid from the back of his neck, cutting the skin to pieces in one fell swoop.

Kong Guoliang’s left hand instinctively wanted to touch his neck, but his head slumped before reaching the neck. Ren was still standing, but the braid on the back of his head hung to his front waist.

“Master Kong is dead, Master Kong is dead!”

The three personal soldiers who witnessed Kong Guoliang’s death screamed, and the Qing troops who heard the voice were all stunned, and Shao Jiugong looked back in shock. In sight, Kong Guoliang’s body fell to his knees, his head sank on the ground in front of him, and he did not move.


Shao Jiugong’s only breath fell, and he stood there dumbfounded.

“Whoever descends shall be spared death!”

Zhou Shixiang stabbed immediately, and his voice was so loud that he could hear it clearly.

When everyone in the Daqiao Mountain in the Chengmen Cave heard the sound, they all cheered. Ge Wu shouted excitedly, “It’s Brother Zhou, it’s Brother Zhou!”

“Brothers, Brother Zhou killed the leader of the Tartars, Brother Zhou killed the leader of the Tartars!”

Although Boss Hu couldn’t see the clear appearance outside, the sudden stop of the attack of the Qing army on the opposite side made him sure that Qian Shixiang of the Tartar was indeed killed by Zhou Shixiang, and the excitement in his heart was really hard to describe in words. If Zhou Shixiang couldn’t kill the Tartar General, I’m afraid these men in the city gate cave would not be able to support him.

The rest of the Qing army did not know what to do, and they neither fought against the bandits in front of them nor retreated, they just stared blankly.

“Your President Qian is already dead, do you want to be buried with him! Put down the swords in your hands, the Han people don’t kill the Han people, I’ll keep you from dying!”

Zhou Shixiang didn’t want to cause extra trouble. It would be better if these Qing troops could lay down their weapons. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was already victorious. He didn’t want any unnecessary casualties in the darkness before dawn.

“Boss Shao, what should I do?”

Someone in the Qing army was moved, looked at Shao Jiugong, the only remaining officer, and pointed at him to make up his mind.

Shao Jiugong smiled bitterly. If Kong Guoliang is not dead, even if these people are all dead, it doesn’t matter. As long as he can escape and meet Kong Guozhi, Shao Jiugong will still be in command, and there will be soldiers under him. But now that Kong Guoliang died, he had nowhere to go. Even if he could escape, Kong Guozhi, the elder brother, would not let him go.

Seeing that everyone was shaken, and thinking that the Ming army did not have the habit of massacring the Qing army prisoners of war, Shao Jiugong immediately gave it up, and now he should save his life.

“Brothers, let’s go, we have done our best, and Mr. Qian will not blame us for knowing something underground.”

“Fall down!”

Hearing what he said, the Qing army suddenly felt relieved, and threw the swords in their hands to the ground, and then honestly withdrew from the city gate hole and walked to the open space in front.

Boss Hu used to be Li Chengdong’s personal soldier, and some of his men were also in the Ming army. Naturally, he knew how to deal with these surrendered Qing troops. According to their ideas, it would be better to kill them all than to keep these Qing soldiers. There is a shortage of manpower. If these Qing troops know the truth, they will definitely cause chaos if they are not reconciled.

Boss Hu quietly pulled Zhou Shixiang to kill the Qing army and told him about it, but Zhou Shixiang insisted on it. In the end, Boss Hu gave in and proposed to send people to tie up these prisoners and **** them to the Zhizhou Yamen to guard them. After dawn, they will completely control the city. Once the situation is over, discuss how to resolve them.

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