Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Adult

Song Xianggong’s performance surprised Zhou Shixiang at the same time, but he was also impressed. It really is a real person who doesn’t show his appearance, and his appearance is not a real person!

It turned out that after Zhou Shixiang rushed to the west gate on horseback, Duke Xiang of Song actually persuaded those who wanted to leave the city not to leave the city, and also organized the young men among them to participate in the firefighting. The area around Dingdongmen is for the homeless to settle temporarily, and at the same time, it is constantly preached that the person who entered the city is the master of Daming, who will never disturb the people and will not harm the people. Therefore, the hearts of the people in the Dongcheng area have been settled in a short period of time. If it weren’t for the fact that there were too few available people under him, I’m afraid that even those rogues who took advantage of the fire would be able to clean up together.

This is a cure!

Although Zhao Sihai’s descriptions are a bit confusing, and some parts are unclear, but Zhou Shixiang has a general understanding of what Song Xianggong has done. In the words of later generations, this Song Xianggong is trying his best to do the work of self-rescue after the disaster, and he has done a good job. improvement.

No wonder Boss Hu always said that Duke Xiang of Song was talented. At first, he only said that Boss Hu, a rude man who didn’t know big characters, was flattering him out of respect for scholars. The Manchu county magistrate who came to him for a few years did not work in vain. At a critical time, this kind of person who has done actual government affairs and has the corresponding means to deal with emergencies is stronger than 10,000 soldiers with knives!

People can’t be good looking, and they can’t be underestimated. “Three surname slaves” are talented!

Zhou Shixiang had already put away his contempt for Song Xianggong’s past experience in his heart, and admired it so much that he asked Boss Hu for his life, and also brought two people to assist Song Xianggong.

On the way, I kept seeing some young people with cloth strips on their arms shouting:

“Master Daming Wang entered the city without hurting the people!”

“Don’t be afraid of the people, each family saves themselves!”

“The army entered the city, and Qiu did not commit any crimes!”


The shouts of those young people had a great effect. Zhou Shixiang saw all the way, that most of the people who were panicked and rushed for their lives had settled down and were helping each other to put out the fire in their neighbors. some valuables and food.

After rushing to the east gate, he saw that Song Xianggong was surrounded by a group of people. Every time he said a word, someone walked away. After a while, the group of people surrounding him had dispersed.

In the open space in front of the east gate, hundreds of old and weak women and children were sitting cross-legged on the ground, and children were running around in the crowd. .

On the other side of the city gate, there were more than a dozen iron pots already set up, and a fat old man like a shopkeeper was directing a dozen or so guys to unload bags of rice noodles from several mule carts, who were waiting there long ago. More than a dozen women hurriedly took it, and then methodically cooked porridge or mixed noodles. They were very busy.

A piece of open space next to the city wall was separately divided. Twenty or thirty young men were setting up tents there. The ground was piled with quilts and mats, and some quilts could clearly be seen on the fire. The traces appear to have been snatched from the fire.

Dozens of wounded were carried to the south of the crowd of old, weak, women and children. Relatives were taking care of them, and two people who looked like Langzhong were carrying medicine boxes on their backs to give them simple treatment. Most of these wounded were burned by the fire, and the injuries were so serious that there was no way to treat them. All the two men could do was to apply some healing ointment such as rat oil to those with mild burns.

Right in front of Zhou Shixiang, a man with severe burns gasped, his wife and children lay on top of him and wept bitterly, causing the already stable crowd to stir up again.

Zhou Shixiang couldn’t bear to look at it any longer. As the culprit, his conscience was naturally uneasy, and he paced through the crowd to find Song Xianggong. Along the way, there were more than a dozen young men with cloth strips tied to their arms, either with wooden sticks or in their hands. A kitchen knife, or holding a pole, glanced back and forth on him with vigilant eyes. If it wasn’t for the fact that the three of Zhou Shixiang had swords, and some people had seen Zhou Shixiang and knew that he was a Ming army, they would have come up to stop him long ago.

The whole scene looks chaotic, but the chaos is orderly. Except that the panic on the faces of the people has not yet faded, it looks exactly like the disaster relief scene in later generations.

When he walked to a place that was only a dozen feet away from Duke Xiang of Song, Zhou Shixiang was about to call someone when he saw the fat old man who looked like a shopkeeper trotting past with a smile on his face, and then bowed to Duke Xiang of Song. He said respectfully: “Sir Song, Xiaomin has already delivered all the food in the house according to your instructions. The guys have already delivered almost all of it, but I don’t know what other orders the lord has?”

“There is shopkeeper Laurin, the shopkeeper is kind and this official will tell the court that after the army enters the city, it will never embarrass the shopkeeper, but this official has nothing else to bother the shopkeeper for the time being. I also ask the shopkeeper to bring your buddy to help put out the fire. If you can save an extra family, you will have an extra point of virtue.” Duke Xiang of Song did not notice the appearance of Zhou Shixiang, who looked like a parent official in a state, and his words were full of official style.

Manager Lin said very interestingly: “Xiaomin dare not expect the reward from the imperial court, but please let the adults save the lives of Xiaomin’s family. The adults are busy here, and it is inconvenient for Xiaomin to disturb them, so I will take someone to put out the fire. Your Excellency If there is something you need to tell the common people, just send someone to say it.”


Song Xianggong lightly moved his beard, and UU read www.uukanshu.com to watch Shopkeeper Lin leave. After he was gone, he realized that Zhou Shixiang was already beside him, and he couldn’t help but smile at him: “My fake Zhizhou-sama is actually making me laugh at Brother Zhou, but if Otherwise, it would be difficult for these people to manage. Since ancient times, people have been fearful and respectful of officials, and as long as they are instructed by officials, they will definitely obey. Therefore, it is urgent to follow the authority, so I named myself Luoding Zhizhou. The victims should be properly resettled first.”

Zhou Shixiang cupped his hands and said, “Mr. Song’s move is a great deed, and the imperial court in the future will definitely teach adults one state’s parents.”


Song Xianggong smiled. If the Yongli court can grant Hu Quan as Luo Ding’s counselor, he can naturally be named as Luo Ding’s prefecture, but this is a future matter, and it is difficult to say whether Luo Ding can keep it.

“Oh, by the way, you came just in time. I heard the brothers from all over the world say that you killed the thousand Tartarians, and the rest of the Tartars surrendered because of this, but I don’t know where this will lock them up?”

“Shut up in the Zhizhou Yamen, and Big Brother Hu will personally lead people to watch. When the situation in the city settles down, we will discuss how to deal with them.”

“Alright, fighting the fire and arranging the people is a big issue right now, but the prisoners are not in a hurry.” Having said that, Duke Xiang of Song looked at the city with a worried expression: “I don’t know how many people will die when this fire comes down.”

Zhou Shixiang didn’t know how to comfort him, so he could only say: “It’s already like this, I can only do my best to remedy it.”

“Yes, try your best to remedy it.”

Song Xianggong sighed. He is not a sentimental person, nor a saint. He knows that regretting is useless now. No matter how many dead people are, they are not as important as the living ones.

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