Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Official

Luo Dingcheng did not have the prefecture appointed by the Qing Dynasty, but there were a bunch of clerks left by the magistrate of the former Ming Dynasty. At the beginning of the year, after Li Dingguo’s army retreated from Xinhui and returned to Guangxi, Luoding was reoccupied by the Qing army. According to the rules, the prefecture of Luoding appointed by the Qing Dynasty rushed to Luoding to receive Anmin as soon as possible, and established Luoding’s official residence belonging to the Qing Dynasty. , in order to levy money and food to supply the garrison and maintain the place.

Luoding is the Zhili prefecture in Guangdong. According to the official system of the Ming Dynasty, Zhili prefecture is at the same level as the prefecture, and subordinate states are at the same level as the county. Therefore, Luoding’s prefecture’s grade is not low, and it is the same as the prefecture. Rank, there are naturally many people who want to be Luo Dingzhizhou. But the fact is that although the Qing army has occupied Luoding for three months, until now, there has not been a new candidate for Zhizhou in Guangzhou, and no one is willing to come to be one of these four-rank Zhizhou, so Luoding’s Zhizhou Yamen. The main role has always been vacant, and all the affairs in the yamen are handled by the gang of clerks in the office.

The dignified and dignified fourth-grade Zhizhou adults have no one to do it, which is strange to say. When Shang Kexi, the king of Pingnan, and the king of Jingnan, Geng Jimao, who were appointed by the Manchu Qing Dynasty, went south to Guangdong, the Qing court ordered the Ministry of Officials to give these two princes a large number of blank official seals in order to capture Guangdong with the least cost and the fastest speed. , allowing them to act cheaply in Guangdong. This means that Shang Kexi and Geng Jimao have the right to directly appoint Guangdong officials, and they only need to report to the Ministry of Officials afterwards. This kind of treatment is not enjoyed by Wu Sangui, who is the same as the prince.

Not only did these two vassal kings have the power to appoint officials, but the new governor of Guangdong, Li Suitai, also had the same power. In his yamen, there were many scholars who came from the north. Most of these people were from Juren. There are also some talented people who are looking at each and every one of them, waiting for them to be sent by the Governor to be an official. Anyone who can be appointed as a seventh-rank magistrate, Da Ya, will laugh off, let alone a fourth-rank magistrate. Woolen cloth.

There are so many people under the lord’s subordinates, and under the governor’s office, waiting for him to become an official, but no one is willing to come to the fourth-rank Luo Ding Zhizhou. Instead, he tried to block the fourth, and made excuses in every possible way. As a result, Luo Ding did not have a chief official for three months. , this sounds ridiculous, but the reason is actually quite simple.

They are afraid of Li Dingguo!


Since the end of the Ming Dynasty, the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty mentioned that the Qing army all talked about the change of the tiger. Whenever the military situation was urgent, the Han army who surrendered to the Manchu Qing Dynasty asked the Qing court to ‘send real Manchu soldiers”, as long as the real Manchu soldiers arrived. Even if it is dozens or hundreds of people, the Ming army with tens of thousands of troops is often defeated in a hurry and dare not fight against it.

The Ming army was so timid that it naturally increased the prestige of the real Manchu officers and soldiers. The Qing court regarded the Manchu soldiers as the favored sons of the sky, and believed that as long as the Manchu soldiers came out, they would be invincible and unstoppable. As a result, Li Dingguo was “famous king” in Guilin and Hengyang, and he broke the myth of the invincibility of the Qing army, which made the Qing court tremble.

The emperor is still like this, and the mentality of the officials below can be imagined. During the ninth and tenth year of Shunzhi, officials in Beijing regarded being dispatched to the south as an official death sentence, evading appointments to the Ministry of Personnel, and even entrusting people to pay bribes to escape from the southern faction, and even the governors and officials in order to avoid them. He went to Guangxi to take office and pretended to be sick, but was hanged by the mad Shunzhi.

After Li Dingguo transferred his army to Guangdong, although he suffered two defeats in succession, the loss of his headquarters was not large. The Qing army in Guangdong did not dare to fight Li Dingguo’s army head-on, and only dared to bully other Nanming soldiers and horses in Guangdong, such as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. Lianchengbi’s subordinates, the righteous division led by the great scholar Guo Zhiqi and other miscellaneous troops.

Against Nanming’s motley army, the Qing army in Guangdong had been victorious in a hundred battles, but even so, they still did not dare to fight against Li Dingguo’s soldiers and horses. Instead, they were afraid when they heard Li Dingguo’s name. Under such circumstances, which group of Han scholars who sold themselves to the Manchu Qing Dynasty dared to come to Luo Ding to become an official? You know, this Luo Ding is close to the Gaozhou city where Li Dingguo’s troops and horses are stationed!

Not only does it have bad neighbors, Luoding is a typical poor mountain and bad water. Not only does Yunwu Mountain pass through the state, but also the jurisdiction borders the mountains of Guangxi, and Dongning and Xi’an under the state are no longer populated. Unless you have enough to eat in such a ghost place, who is willing to come!

Besides, the Qing army in Guangdong had just occupied the Chaoshan area where Hao Shangjiu was entrenched. It was the land of water and rice, and it was rich in products. Isn’t this fertile land a hundred times better than the ghostly place of Luoding? Instead of sharpening his head and going to the camp, he came to Luo Ding to die, what a genius!

There was no local official to preside over, and during the period when Kong Guoliang’s Jiangxi Green Camp was stationed in Luoding, the supplies were basically managed by the small officials in the book office of the Zhizhou Yamen. And these small bureaucrats are all natives of Luoding, most of them are still the sons and fathers, and they will be the local snakes who will be working in the yamen in the Ming Dynasty.

Changing the dynasty is not a big deal for these local snakes. As long as Luo Ding still has an official government, they will not worry about losing their jobs.

Officials, officials, there are only officials and no officials. There are so many affairs, how can the officials handle them alone, and everything has to be done by them!

When the Ming army comes, they are the officials of the Ming Dynasty; when the Qing army comes, they are officials of the Qing Dynasty when their hair is tickled, and there is no delay in any of them!

This is indeed the case. Although Luo Ding has changed hands back and forth in the hands of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in recent years, and officials have changed several times, what has remained the same is the small officials in the yamen who are unstoppable!

In the middle of the night, the fire started, and after hearing the sound of the Ming army entering the city from outside, all the bookkeepers were not nervous at all. Those who are at home instruct their family members to close the door, and prepare buckets in the yard just in case. Those who are in the yamen will honestly lock themselves in the public room, don’t care about what’s going on outside, and they won’t come out if they are beaten to death. This is Mingzhe to protect himself!

After dawn, it was determined that Kong Guoliang’s Green Battalion had been annihilated, and after Luo Dingcheng started fighting today and went back to Ming, a bunch of yamen officials who were at home and in the yamen collectively came to the lobby of the Zhizhou yamen, and they all came together. Shushua knelt on the ground, and then respectfully invited the new Daming Luo Dingzhi to show his orders. Some people acted in a hurry, and even cut their braids, but others knew that the braids were still in their arms, and when the Qing army would call again, they would get some glutinous rice paste and stick them down.

Boss Hu was a rough man, so he had no control over this matter, so he hurriedly called for Duke Xiang of Song and Zhou Shixiang.

Zhou Shi didn’t have much ill will towards these gang of junior officials, and he didn’t have any good feelings for them, but Song Xianggong was very happy to see them, and Zhang Luozhuo made the gang move.

Some went to count the money and grain in the state, some went to count the population in the city, some went to count the damaged materials, some went to help coordinate and maintain order, some went to put up notices to calm the people… In short, all the affairs in this city, Regardless of whether it is big or small, as long as it is related to the government, these little officials will be busy.

With this group of skilled hands, Song Xianggong was like a duck to water, and he didn’t have to worry about it at all. Luo Ding knew that the state yamen was running, and the efficiency was faster than the gang of elites and big families he organized.

The secretary who wrote An Min’s notice was an old scholar, with gray braids and gray beard, but his handwriting was beautiful, and he wrote it in a flash. Song Xianggong and Zhou Shixiang nodded frequently, and they praised a few words.

Recognized and praised by the “Shangguan”, the old scholar was also refreshed, and he wrote the words “Eighth Year of the Eternal Calendar” under the notice, and then bowed his waist and asked the Lord Zhizhou to seal it.

How could Duke Xiang of Song have a seal, but fortunately, Hu Quan had a large seal of the generals, and he immediately took it and put it on it. Seeing that it was the seal of a military general, the old Xiucai was very stunned, and he didn’t dare to ask, so he retreated in embarrassment.

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