Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Intimidate

Qi Yuantai and others have long known about the donation of food from Lu Changyuan, and they also doubted the true identity of the Ming Army in the city. It is not that they have not moved their minds, but under Lu Changyuan’s persuasion and intimidation, they did not dare to act rashly. , With Kong Guoliang’s lessons learned, each family can’t ignore the consequences. If they don’t kill the snake, they will be in big trouble.

From a standpoint alone, Qi Yuantai, Wu Qingde, and Zhang Changquan all have their hearts toward the Ming Dynasty. After all, they all served in the Ming Dynasty, but the current situation is not optimistic. Last year, when Li Dingguo sent troops to the east, the three of them were eager to respond to the insurgent division, but before they could make up their minds, Li Dingguo was defeated and returned to Guangxi.

In this way, their hearts are towards Nanming, and the three of them do not dare to renew their dissent. Who does not have a large family behind them, is it possible to gamble with the lives of all the young and old to bet on the rejuvenation of the Yongli court, the northern expedition to the Central Plains, and the restoration of the society?

Alas, Li Dingguo can’t counterattack Guangdong if he can fight like this, this Daming looks really hopeless, he’s exhausted!

In terms of integrity, it cannot be said that these three people did not. After the Qing army occupied Luoding, although Qi Yuantai and the others were forced to cut their hair, they did not serve as officials of the Qing Dynasty. The attitude of not cooperating, this is also the way that the gentry who belong to the Ming Dynasty in the areas controlled by the Qing army are often adopted.

However, in the words of Zhou Shixiang’s previous life, these so-called “remainders” could not be beaten and did not want to die, but they thought they had national integrity and a scholar’s character, so they set up a spiritual arch for themselves to comfort themselves, so as not to be later People accuse them of being greedy for life and fear of death, seeking fame and fame.


If it was the Ming army who entered the city, Qi Yuantai and the others, who claimed to be the “remainders” of the Ming Dynasty, would naturally be willing to raise some food for them, but no one could say whether they were soldiers or bandits, so when Lu Changyuan found them, the three of them immediately After discussing it privately, a consensus was finally reached. That is to say, no matter whether the Ming army or the bandits enter the city, the blood must be given out, but it cannot be too much. First, each family has good money and grain, and which one is willing to hand it over for free; second, it is necessary to guard against clearing After the army came over, they still had to collect food, so they had to leave a way out for their own family. If you really give all the food to these bandits, then this year will be very sad.

The Yang family’s warehouse, which is engaged in the fabric business, has some cloth in the warehouse, but not much food. I have also thought about it in private. If those people really want them to bleed, then they will use the cloth to cover it, and the left and right cloth can’t be sold. If it’s rotten, it’s better to take it out and buy your life. No matter whether it is a soldier or a bandit, that dazzling knife cannot be faked. It is not a decoration, but it can really kill people!

Compared with the Lin family, who owns the most land, the Zhao family is really not as good as the latter. Because of the years of war, most of his tenant farmers died in the military disaster. Renting the land of his family, how much food can be produced with only so few people?

What’s more, there are hundreds of people in his Zhao family, which mouth doesn’t want to eat? If you want food, you can. One stone and two stones will do. If there is more, there will be no discussion.

Lin Wanfu’s timid character is destined to be a scumbag. The city head changes the king’s flag. He will serve any king who comes, and he is afraid that he will not serve it thoughtfully, so that these people with knives will not be killed, and he will leave a way for the Lin family to live. .

At the beginning of the year, when the Ming army retreated and the Qing army called, in order to protect his family property, Lin Wanfu even gritted his teeth and even gave his daughter to Kong Guoliang. The outsiders also ridiculed him, Qi Yuantai and the others even ridiculed him a few times, but what about this, after the daughter sent it over, didn’t Kong Qian stop embarrassing his Lin family!

Can a daughter with a dowry attached to it compare with the Lin family’s fortune? Can compare to the life of a family!

Buyers and sellers can’t talk about integrity. The Ming and Qing Dynasties change each other. People always have to live, and this business will always go on. As long as they don’t suffer, the external affairs are left to their own devices. It’s up to us to ask what’s going on that day!

Lin Wanfu calculated in his mind that he could still provide some food. Rather than being robbed by these bandits, he might as well donate it directly. Anyway, there were not many people in his own family. Besides, it is dangerous to have too much food. There was a fire last night, and many pairs of eyes were staring at his Lin family. That is, if these bandits don’t come to ask for it, then the gang of victims won’t come to grab it? These days, in order to survive, people can’t do anything! Open the history books, have there been fewer people grabbing grain shops since ancient times!

After calculating, Lin Wanfu was the first to rush to show his loyalty, and said earnestly, “If your lord needs anything, just ask him, and the little people must share the worries of the lord!”

Seeing that Lin Wanfu is so interesting, Song Xianggong was also delighted, he immediately laughed, and then said: “It’s not a big deal, it’s just that the soldiers and horses in the city lack some food, and the Gaozhou side can’t help for a while, so I want to invite you all. Please help me for a while, lest the soldiers go hungry, as for the food you donated, when the food and grass are delivered from Gaozhou in the future, this official will return it as much.” In the words, Li Dingguo’s banner was pulled out to scare people.

After Lin Wanfu heard this, he said smoothly, “Since the army is short of food, I will wait for it naturally…”

“But I don’t know how much food my lord needs me to raise?” Seeing that Lin Wanfu was about to sell his family, Qi Yuantai, who was complaining in his heart, quickly cut the conversation.

He said well, but was interrupted, but Lin Wanfu didn’t dare to be angry, and he couldn’t see the slightest unhappy expression on his face. The businessman’s confidence is very insufficient.

Song Xianggong was also unhappy in his heart, but he didn’t have an attack. Instead, he looked at Qi Yuantai and said, “Not much, one hundred and fifty stones.”

“One hundred and fifty stones!”

Hearing this number, Qi Yuantai was taken aback, Wu Qingde was even more bitter, and Lin Wanfu was also taken aback: My darling, so many!

One stone is one hundred and twenty catties, and one hundred and fifty stones is a full 18,000 catties. It is true that each family does not have so much grain, but if they really want to give this amount, most of their grain depots will be empty. .

The six families were all embarrassed, but Lu Changyuan and a few minor officials were calm and watched, they were not the ones who were bleeding. Well, these bandits won’t really weigh themselves bags by bags.

Qi Yuantai and Wu Qingde exchanged eye contact in private, and then bit the bullet and said, “Sir Song, one hundred and fifty stone is too much. Although our family has some surplus food, it is difficult to collect such a large sum of money. Your lord is kind enough to reduce this number.”

Song Xianggong snorted, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com still had a smile on his face, and asked in harmony, “Then how much can you give?”

Qi Yuantai, Wu Qingde, and Zhang Changquan whispered a few words, gritted their teeth and reported the number: “Fifty stone!”

“Fifty stone?”

The smile on Song Xianggong’s face disappeared in an instant, replaced by an extremely gloomy face, “You guys don’t want to share the worries of this official!”

“Damn, it’s not just borrowing you some food, doing something so stingy, it’s not that I won’t pay you back in the future!”

Ge Wu, who received Zhou Shixiang’s gesture, jumped out cursing, and scolded in front of Qi Yuantai, “I’ll ask you, do you really give me this food!”

“Master, I…”

Qi Yuantai was so frightened by Ge Wu’s face that he was about to speak, but he heard something fall on the floor behind him, and then he heard Lin Wanfu and Zhang Changquan scream “Aah”, Lu Changyuan They even jumped aside as if they saw a ghost. Several people looked at each other, looking at the objects on the ground, holding their breath and not daring to take a breath.


Qi Yuantai was so frightened that his back became cold, and his legs were trembling slowly as he turned around slowly. When he saw it, his eyes were darkened, and he couldn’t stand, and swayed and sat on the ground.

What Qi Yuantai saw were more than a dozen human heads strung together with hemp ropes, and the one with wide-eyed glaring eyes at the top was not the one who was President Qian Kong Guoliang!

“Can you borrow this food?”

With a fierce look on Ge Liu’s face, he lifted the hemp rope, and a stream of people’s heads were immediately lifted up in the air.

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