Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 73

Chapter 72: Old Camp

Since ancient times, the Han people have always been wealthy and safe. Since the Song and Ming Dynasties, there has been a saying that a good man should not be a soldier.

Unlike those residents whose homes were burnt by fire, it can be said that they were destitute and had nothing to participate in the Taiping Camp in order to survive. Luo Shizi Taiping Camp.

Even if such a person’s home is also full of apprentices, and the whole family has a long meal without a meal, these people will not abandon this home, because this home can shelter them from the wind and rain, and can give them a root.

If you have a home, there will be hope; if you have roots, you will not be a lonely ghost who died in a foreign land.

Unless they are in a desperate situation, the Han people will not leave their hometowns, let alone become soldiers or masters of the cannon fodder. Therefore, when the prefecture yamen posted a notice that all the residents of the city should join the army, panic and resistance were naturally inevitable.

In the eyes of these residents, the Taiping Camp deceives the victims of what they need to eat, clothe, and eat. It is completely deceiving ghosts. How can there be such a good thing in this world? Besides, their eyes are not blind, and it can be seen that many of the people who have poured into the city in the past two days are suffering. If this is really a good thing, they can be bitter, like dead parents? And those guys who were clamoring to sign up a few days ago, how many days has it been? The person who was alive at the time is now buried in the ground. Did this person die yesterday? That battle was fought yesterday? The devil knows!

Wu Yuanwai and Qi Master are well-known good people, scholarly heirs, and they have all been officials of the Ming Dynasty. Why did Taiping Camp copy others? Is it an order from the Emperor Yongli? No matter how you look at it, this Taiping Camp is acting strangely. Anyway, it doesn’t look like a serious Ming official army. I can’t say that it is really like what some people say. These people are not Ming army at all, they are bandits at all!

Besides, our common people are illiterate, illiterate, unable to read the great truths in the book, and unable to understand the teachings of sages, but our common people are not stupid. In this world, they can pull all the common people into the army regardless of the old, weak, women and children. No one but rogues!

The common people and the small households, the poor are poorer, as long as we abide by the law of the king and be honest, no matter which emperor in the world did it, no matter the surname of the master in the yamen, no matter the surname of Ming or Qing, we can live on. After so many years of fighting, then the officials should have someone to farm and pay for them, right? No matter what, it can give us a way to live, and now a **** announcement tells us to join the army. Isn’t this driving people to death and not giving us a way to live?

One hundred people have one hundred hearts. Under such circumstances, the word “voluntary” on the notice of Zhizhou Yamen is really just the word voluntary on paper. No one is willing at all, and they are all hiding at home!

At first, Duke Xiang of Song also recruited a group of small officials, and found some young people from the camp who knew a few words and could talk, most of them were clerks and runaways. These people held the gongs issued by the yamen in their hands, beat them all over the street, and then shouted at the top of their voices, but they shouted and shouted, but to no avail. Two hours later, none of them took the initiative to open their doors and go to Taiping Camp to sign up.

And so, the violence began.

During the process of forcing the residents who refused to join the Taiping Camp, some had their arms broken, some injured their legs, and some were beaten with blood all over their faces.

The coercion was forced, but under Zhou Shixiang’s repeated warnings, several general banners who were ordered to carry out the task restrained their subordinates, so that no human life was caused. After an afternoon of shouting, crying and chaos, the Taiping Camp finally wrapped all Luoding residents into the camp, adding more than 400 young men and women, and more than 1,000 old and weak women and children.

All the materials that could be used for the Taiping Camp in the homes of the residents who were not affected by the disaster were also confiscated, ranging from iron utensils to small pots and pans. In short, everything that could be used was taken away, even The door panels were also removed, and it is said that they can be used to block the arrows of the Tartars when marching in the future, and can be used to make beds when camping. If there are wounded people, it can also be used to carry people. When it is rainy and rainy, and there is no wood to burn, this door can also be used.

The number of old and weak women and children in the rear camp has increased to nearly ten thousand people, and such a large population made Song Xianggong lose half of his head overnight.

There are too many people, too many people, too many people to coax, too many people to cause chaos, and too many people to speak…. In short, more people are not necessarily more powerful, but also more chaotic and more difficult to manage.

No rules, no standards.

Governing the people is essentially the same as marching and fighting a war. As long as there is a charter and the responsible personnel at all levels are designated, things will not be chaotic. Once the break-in period is over for a few days, things will be back on track.

In order to allow these old and weak women and children to adapt to the life of the Taiping Camp in the shortest possible time and accept the leadership and command of the Taiping Camp, Song Xiang spent most of the night cataloging the basic management system of the Houying Camp. During this process, Zhou Shixiang also combined with later generations In the end, a “Measures for the Organization and Management of Taiping Camp Hou Camp” was newly released~www.readwn.com~ Although this management method refers to some methods of later generations, it generally follows the current era. the idea of governing the people.

Song Xianggong divided the rear battalion into 20 small battalions, each battalion had one battalion elder, five battalion supervisors, and ten deputy battalion supervisors.

The so-called battalion elder is actually equivalent to the general banner officer of the former battalion, but the former is to govern the people, and the latter is to manage the army, so there is the post of “battalion elder”, rather than the general banner officer as in the army.

The elders of the camp are mostly the elders, or the chiefs of the villages and villages. In short, the only condition for appointing the elders of the camp is that they must be unanimously approved by the old and weak, women and children in the camp, and others will listen to what they say. As for the camp management, it is convenient to choose the elderly and weak, and there are people with some strength. If the wounded soldiers retired from the former battalion will be placed in the future, they will be arranged in this position.

The food of the people in the camp is also collected and distributed from the public treasury by the camp elders and the camp manager. In Zhou Shixiang’s opinion, this procedure is very likely to lead to corruption by the camp elders and the camp manager, but it is not the time to consider this. Compared with the drawbacks of the old camp and the management of the camp, which may embezzle the rations of the campers, the management of the old camp is the most effective organizational method at present.

The candidates for the battalion elders and battalion supervisors will be announced soon. The more than 1,000 old and weak women and children from the Laofengzhuang Copper Mine are divided into three battalions. The common people were also appointed by the elders in their original villages. Duke Xiang of Song only intervened when arranging the forced entry of the camp elders and camp managers. Most of the other camps were chosen by themselves, and they were all that was needed to report to the camp. .

As the stall grows, the corresponding organization will inevitably expand.

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