Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 78

Chapter 77: Annexation

The person sent to Gaozhou to report the news was called Zhang An. Because he was not tall, people on the mountain called him “Short Foot An”. Regardless of Zhang An’s shortness, he attended a private school for two years in his early years. He could be regarded as the only non-illiterate person in Daqiao Mountain except Song Xianggong. Moreover, he is not only literate, but also articulate, and his mouth is very clever, which is why when Zhou Shixiang proposed to Boss Hu to send someone to Gaozhou to report the news, Boss Hu sent Banjiao An without thinking.

Zhang An came back early. When he entered the city, Lei Xianchu and others were still twenty miles away. The reason why he had to come back first was to report to Luo Ding in advance, and secondly, it was due to the rules of the officialdom.

Lei Xianchu was a guerrilla from the third rank, a serious general of the Ming army, and this time he came here on behalf of the governor of the four provinces. Therefore, Luo Ding had to prepare a show in any case, and the relevant leaders had to go out of the city to meet him in person. , only in this way can it be considered in accordance with the rules.

What Zhang An saw after entering the city made him very dazed, thinking that he had come to the wrong place. After seeing Zhou Shixiang and Song Xianggong, he didn’t want to be immersed in the grief of the death of Boss Hu, and immediately told what he saw and heard in Gaozhou.

According to Zhang An, after he arrived in Gaozhou, he did not see Cheng Bangjun or Li Dingguo at all, but was taken directly to the Yamen of the Governor of the Four Governments, which was temporarily set up in Gaozhou, where he was detained for six consecutive days. In the room, no one came to see him at all. A few days later, a low-rank official in a green robe suddenly came to see him. He didn’t say who he was. He just told him to tell Luo Ding’s situation and left without a word.

The day after the Qingpao officials came, suddenly another master from the governor’s yamen came over and told Zhang An that the governor had already understood Luo Ding’s affairs and appreciated the bravery of the people in Daqiao Mountain. Lord Xianchu went to Luoding to negotiate with the general Hu Quan.

The master said it decisively, and he didn’t mean to ask Zhang An at all. Zhang An observed his words, and it seemed that the master did not want to mention Cheng Bangjun, the secretary of the Ministry of War, as long as he immediately set off and returned to Luoding with Lei Guerilla. Zhang An was puzzled by the other party’s attitude, but he didn’t dare to ask any more questions. He was so confused and released from the governor’s yamen, and then a soldier took him to the guerrilla master Lei. Lord Lei didn’t talk to him, Rosso, who was reporting the letter. As soon as the whip was raised, he asked him to lead the way. It was not until twenty miles away from Luo Ding that Lei Xianchu’s entourage asked Zhang An to go back to the city to report.

What kind of medicine does this gourd sell?

After listening to what Zhang An said, Zhou Shixiang and Song Xianggong were both strange, where did Cheng Bangjun go, and what did Zhang Xiaoqi mean by sending a military attache here? Do they still admit that the Taiping Camp is the Ming army?

Song Xianggong pondered for a while and asked Zhang An, “Have they ever mentioned Brother Hu’s General Luo Ding?”

“No.” Zhang An tried his best to think about it and then shook his head vigorously, “In Gaozhou, the governor of the yamen didn’t think much of me, and the man surnamed Lei and his subordinates on the road ignored me at all. , these people don’t seem to like to see us, but…”

“What?” Zhang An’s hesitation made Song Xianggong a little unhappy, and he glared at him.

Zhang An hurriedly said: “Looking at Lei Xianchu’s posture, it seems that he wants to annex us.”

Hearing this, Zhou Shixiang laughed: “A guerrilla dares to annex a participating general? If so, this Lord Lei has a big appetite!”

“It seems that something has changed in Gaozhou, otherwise Cheng Bangjun would not have shown up.”

Song Xianggong was a little worried that something had happened in Gaozhou, and he was hesitating whether to take Lei Xianchu into the city, but Zhou Shixiang had already stepped out, “It’s a mule or a horse to go out, this Lei really wants to annex us. Yes, then let him come and go.”


Lei Xianchu was born in Baochang County, Nanxiong Prefecture, Guangdong Province. Grandfather Lei Lin died in the Wanli campaign, and the imperial court graced his father Lei Qing as the official of the 100 households in Tingzhou.

In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, the Jiashen country was in trouble, the Manchus entered the customs, and went south in a big way. On the seventh day of June in the second year of Shunzhi in the pseudo-Qing Dynasty, Zhang Kentang, the governor of Fujian Province in the Ming Dynasty, Huang Daozhou, the Minister of Rites, Nanan Bo Zheng Zhilong, Jinglu Bo Zheng Hongkui, etc., entrusted the Tang King Zhu Yujian with the supervision of the country in Fuzhou. On the 27th day of the intercalary June, he was proclaimed emperor, and Fuzhou was changed to Tianxing Prefecture, so this year was the first year of Longwu.

After the establishment of the Longwu regime, Lei Xianchu was promoted from a hundred households of the Tingzhou Guards to a thousand households, and led more than 600 officers and soldiers of the guards under his department to be transferred to the first assistant, the minister of personnel and the minister of military affairs, under the command of Huang Daozhou in preparation for the Northern Expedition.

Unexpectedly, Huang Daozhou introduced a great Confucian scholar, who was not skilled in martial arts, and Nan’an Bo Zheng Zhilong had a self-respect and did not send a single soldier to Daozhou. Daozhou had to return to his hometown to raise money, food, soldiers and horses, and he won thousands of people and more than ten horses. The troops went to Guangxin, and they recruited three months of rations. Daozhou then divided his troops into three routes to attack the Qing troops, and all three routes were defeated.

A few days later, Huang Daozhou encountered the Qing army in an ambush~www.readwn.com~ participating general Gao Wanrong fled the team, but Lei Xianchu was unable to rescue him, so the whole army collapsed. Daozhou was captured by Huizhou guard Zhang Tianlu and sent to Nanjing prison. The Qing court sent envoy Hong Chengchou to persuade him to surrender. Daozhou wrote a couplet like this: “Shibi Liufang, although it failed, it can be done; hatred.”

When Hong Chengchou saw his couplet, he was ashamed and ashamed. Shangshu asked Daozhou to be spared the death penalty, but the Qing court refused. Later, Daozhou went on a hunger strike for 12 days, during which his wife Cai Shi wrote: “Loyal ministers have a country but no home, don’t look inside.” On March 5, Daozhou died in Nanjing.

After Huang Daozhou’s death, Emperor Longwu, who was under the control of the Zheng brothers, decided to break away from Zheng’s control and arrived in Yanping from Fuzhou in person, ready to venture to Hunan, but was stopped by Zheng Zhilong, and died in Tingzhou.

After the fall of the Longwu regime, Lei Xianchu, who had escaped from Jiangxi, was unwilling to shave his hair and surrender to the Qing Dynasty, so he led more than 30 of his remaining soldiers to Nantou Shaowu Emperor (Longwu’s younger brother) in Guangzhou, and listened to the disciple of Su Guansheng, a scholar of Shaowu’s cabinet. Unexpectedly, the Shaowu regime did not put the resistance to the Qing Dynasty in the first place at the beginning of the establishment of the country. On the contrary, in order to compete for the imperial lineage, it fought with the newly established Yongli regime and fought against each other. As a result, the Qing army fishermen benefited. In November, the Qing army under the leadership of Li Chengdong broke through Huizhou and Chaozhou and headed straight for Guangzhou. On December 14, the Qing army opened the city gate with fourteen cavalry pretending to be reinforcements, and the brigade swarmed in. Su Guansheng urgently summoned Lei Xianchu and others to fight against the enemy, but when they lost the enemy, the city fell. Emperor Shaowu and Su Guansheng all committed suicide by hanging themselves.

After Lei Xianchu escaped from Guangzhou again, he escaped from Guangzhou, and with the idea of not surrendering to his death, he returned to the west to Zhang Xiaoqi, the governor of Gao, Lian, Lei, and Qiong appointed by the Yongli court. The material, seeing that Lei Xianchu was a serious officer of the Daming Guard Station, and he had repeatedly promoted the affairs of the king, he entrusted him as a guerrilla in Leizhou.

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