Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 84

Chapter 83: Condition

“There is absolutely no such thing, where did this come from!”

Lei Xianchu didn’t expect Zhou Shi to point out his intentions quite bluntly. Apart from the red face, he naturally denied it. How can such a private matter be disclosed? Besides, it is not something that can be put on the table.

If this group of bandits really made a fuss about this, it would be difficult for the governor to explain to them. After all, it was the Ministry of War who recruited the bandits from Daqiao Mountain to go down the mountain. In name, these bandits are no longer bandits, but serious people. Daming officials, can there be annexation between the officials?

If this is really the case, if you think about it in a big way, I am afraid that the court and the opposition will be noisy, the foreign enemies will not fight, and the internal strife will lead to chaos. This is an omen of the country’s subjugation. Daming, how about working for the emperor?

Pang Tianci was also surprised. He didn’t know that Lei Xianchu had come to Luo Ding with the intention of annexing the Taiping Camp. He only knew that the governor had asked him to come with him. he. If Fuya intends to accept annexation, he should explain it to him in advance, so that he can know what to do or deal with it immediately. But seeing Lei Xianchu’s blushing face, his eyes flickering uncertainly, he couldn’t help but feel suspicious: Could it be that Lord Lei’s coming here, Luo Ding really intends to annex these bandits?

Seeing Lei Xianchu was quite excited, Zhou Shixiang indicated that he didn’t have to be so, and said: “Lord Lei, don’t be excited, I am indeed a grass bandit. Throughout the ages, grass bandits have been recruited by the court, and it is inevitable that they will be disrupted and adapted. The military annexation is not uncommon. As long as the imperial court treats us well, the brothers don’t care about it. It’s just an ugly story. It’s not that I can’t rely on the governor Zhang and Lei, but before that, the governor and Lei must The adults can come up with a suitable condition. As long as the conditions are suitable, everyone will be happy. The court has to wait for my brother to serve, and I can also have an official body. Why not do it?… But if the conditions are not suitable , I am bound to make some plans for myself. After all, the brothers killed the Tartars with their heads and occupied the city of Luoding. They felt the righteousness of the court. Of course, expelling the Tartars is one aspect. If I don’t get good treatment from the court, that’s why I, Zhou Shixiang, are willing, but my brothers are not afraid.”


Lei Xianchu was stunned, what Zhou Shixiang said seemed like a deal, although the truth was true, but it sounded so awkward, and there was a hidden threat in the words, maybe if they didn’t meet the other party’s conditions, they would have to change their flags and cast it out. ?

Pang Tianci was even more disgusted by Zhou Shixiang’s remarks. If the other party was not a bandit leader, I’m afraid he would be angry at the other party, saying that the other party did not want to serve the country, and that he acted speculatively for profit. However, he really couldn’t figure out the real intention of Lei Xianchu to come to Luo Ding. If the Lei guerrilla and the governor really meant annexation, then he would not have the confidence to criticize others. After expressing his position, he leaned slightly and looked at Lei Xianchu calmly.

Song Xianggong was also stunned. Zhou Shixiang had never said such a thing to him before. Erjin suddenly said it, and he was a little surprised for a while. I don’t know what Zhou Shixiang’s plan was. Did he really plan to take Luo Ding and Taipingying with Zhang Xiaoqi Would you make a deal with Lei Xianchu in exchange for a formal Nanming robe to wear?

Thinking about it carefully, Zhou Shixiang is not such a short-sighted person, how can he stand in a chaotic world? Only the soldiers will go! If there were no soldiers, no one would take him seriously, and no one would listen to him. Kuang Zhou Shixiang had a deep blood feud, and he has always acted decisively. How could such a person do such a thing that he digs the foundation for himself. I’m afraid there’s more to come…

Song Xianggong narrowed his eyes slightly, took a sip from the tea bowl, and watched calmly.

Zhou Shixiang turned his gaze to Duke Xiang of Song and said to him, “Master Song, you should inform Master Lei of the details of my Taiping Camp.”

Hearing this, Duke Xiang of Song got up and took a roster and handed it to Lei Xianchu, and then said: “Since the day I set up the camp in Taiping, there have been more than 60 officers below the general level, and 1360 sergeants. There are 9,520 auxiliary soldiers. There are 320 knives, 482 spears, 126 long spears, 40 short knives, 24 cotton armors, and 15 long and short bows in the battalion. The total number of the battalion is 10,880.”

Song Xiang’s public announcements are all real numbers, and there is no exaggeration. Lei Xianchu only listened to a few words, then waved his hand and said: “Auxiliary soldiers and sergeants are all common people, so we don’t need to mention these, let’s just talk about the main soldiers. With more than 1,000 main soldiers, it is enough to be a general. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Shixiang had already taken over the conversation, and he said, “Then ask Mr. Lei to report to the governor, and the post of General Luo Ding will be succeeded by the next.”

Lei Xianchu was stunned for a moment, and secretly scolded this little girl for being shameless! He said in a sullen voice: “The appointment of the generals is a matter of the Ministry of War. How can the governor intervene? Besides, this official is only a guerrilla. If you are a general, will you listen to this official or this official will listen to you in the future?”

Zhou Shixiang laughed and said: “Luo Ding was cleared of land before my brother’s recovery. The imperial court granted Luo Ding’s general to my eldest brother. I’m afraid that An De may not have any good intentions. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Now Luo Ding It has already been occupied by us, this succession as a general is just a small section, as long as the governor reports it to the court, will the court still not approve it?” After speaking, he paused and said: “As for what the lord said, listen to me, this Well, I’ll be honest with you, these days, there are many soldiers and generals who have been crowned kings, and the commander-in-chief, deputy general, and my Taiping battalion have tens of thousands of soldiers to obey, so the guerrillas of Mr. Lei are probably a little smaller.”


Lei Xianchu snorted, but did not accuse Zhou Shixiang of saying anything wrong, he only said: “I will tell the governor about this, but what are the conditions you said earlier?”

When Pang Tianci heard this topic, he immediately sat upright, and his eyes became dazzling. Song Shixiang also listened attentively.

“There are not many conditions, only one.”

To Lei Xianchu’s surprise, Zhou Shixiang had only one condition. In doubt, he raised his brows: “Just one?”

Zhou Shixiang said with certainty, “Just one!”

Lei Xianchu was surprised: “What conditions?”

Zhou Shixiang said resolutely: “The conditions here are very simple. The governor must choose a county from the two states of Lian and Lei for our Taiping camp to garrison, and Luo Ding will be stationed by the governor.”

It was Zhou Shixiang’s condition to propose that Yilian and Leizhou could choose a county for Taiping camp to garrison. Although he was not familiar with the maps of this era, he knew that after reading more maps of China in later generations, this Lianzhou prefecture now has a fairly large jurisdiction. In later generations, Beihai, Qinzhou and other places in Guangxi. The jurisdiction of Leizhou is equivalent to Zhanjiang, Leizhou and other places in Guangdong Province in later generations. The two states have one thing in common, that is, they are both coastal areas.

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