Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 94

Chapter 92: Security Guard

Taiping Camp set off from Luoding on the 29th, and Zhou Shixiang and Tang Sanshui had just completed the transaction the day before.

The materials delivered by Tang Sanshui were 40% off the amount given by Zhou Shixiang, and the medicines were only given half, if they were actually weighed, they would probably be less than 500 kilograms.

It stands to reason that Tang Sanshui’s discount is too large, and he needs Luo Dingcheng very much. Zhou Shixiang can completely sell it. Although Gaozhou does not want to see the Taiping Camp and does not accept any conditions of Zhou Shixiang, but after all, he did not tear his face and sent troops to suppress it. , and the Qing army did not have any plans to attack Luoding, so the Taiping Battalion could stay in Luoding for a while longer. However, after hearing a piece of news brought by Tang Sanshui, Zhou Shixiang reached a deal with him without hesitation. After returning to the city, he convened a military meeting with officers above the general banner. After the military meeting, the entire battalion began to leave the city and move in.

The news that Tang Sanshui brought has nothing to do with Luo Ding to a certain extent, because this incident was posted in Xin’an County, which is thousands of miles away from Luo Ding. That place is where the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is located in the later generations on the map of Guangdong drawn by Zhou Shixiang.

According to Tang Sanshui, just four days ago, the Green Battalion soldiers from various prefectures and counties in Guangzhou, mobilized by the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, successfully encircled and suppressed Li Wanrong’s troops of the Ming Army in Xin’an County. After his death, Guangzhou Mansion was completely owned by the Qing Dynasty.

I don’t know if this is the case, or if Tang Sanshui was deliberately intimidating. He told Zhou Shixiang that once the troops of the Green Battalion who had gone to Xin’an were transferred back, Guangzhou might send troops to attack Luoding.

What is Tang Sanshui’s purpose for telling Zhou Shixiang this news is not important, what is important is that Zhou Shixiang readily agreed to the deal after learning about it, which made Tang Sanshui feel regretful afterwards: I had known that the poor show was so good. To frighten me, I should give him a 20% discount, and let him earn 20% for nothing, but he loses.

When Tang Sanshui, who was full of joy and rushed to Luoding City with hundreds of new recruits from the Green Battalion, was ready to “recover the big plan”, when he saw Luoding City with its gates wide open, he deeply felt that he was being teased. , at the same time even more regretful, he lost a lot of money in this transaction, because what he saw was an empty city.

Facing the whispered inquiries from his subordinates, Tang Sanshui, whose face was green, still reluctantly staged the ‘siege battle” that had been prepared in advance. So, some people on the barren hills outside the city saw such a scene-hundreds of Qing troops Climbing to the city wall and laboriously dismantling the city bricks, then running under the city wall and desperately digging the wall, and then setting fire to extinguish the fire in the city, the back and forth is really lively.

After the excitement was over, Tang Sanshui solemnly sent an official letter to Zhaoqing.


“Keep up, the people behind will follow! If everyone can’t make it to the Bamboo Village before it gets dark, the Tartars will chase us!”

“There’s not much to go, everyone, cheer up and work hard, the people in front have already prepared hot meals and dishes for us, and when we get to the ground, everyone will be able to fill our stomachs!”

“The road is not easy to walk, everyone should look carefully, don’t fall into the ditch! The elderly and children are walking in the middle, men don’t rush the way!”

“Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze, there is a car stuck in the pit ahead, everyone stop, help!”

“If anyone moves again, they will be dragged out and tied!”


Almost every mile, there are several men in yellow military uniforms, with red silk on their arms, felt hats on their heads, and sharpened bamboos in their hands. Encourage the team loudly, and tell the people behind the news from the front from time to time. When they see that the crowd is stagnant due to crowding or someone disrupts the order of the team because of road grabbing, they will always hold bamboo guns for the first time. rush over. The existence of these people enabled the rear battalion, which had pulled back and forth for more than 20 miles, to slowly move forward. Although it was moving very slowly, it was still moving.

The campers call these people the security team. On the way from Luoding, if it wasn’t for these security team members, I’m afraid it would be difficult for most of them to stick to this place. Because it is with these security guards that they can always know what happened in front of them and what happened in the back. At the same time, they don’t have to worry that they will be pushed down the ravine by the people behind, because these security guards will never allow such a thing to happen. Of course, the most important thing is that these security guards will clearly tell them where to rest and where to eat. Resting and eating is definitely a big thing for the campers who don’t know where they are going. As long as they can know when they can rest and when they can eat, no matter how hard the journey is, the campers will always grit their teeth and persevere—hope is right in front of them.

As for the viciousness of the security guards, the campers can understand. After all, they also know that the team can’t be chaotic. If they want not to be overtaken by the Qing army, they have to go further. If the progress of the team is delayed because of those who don’t know anything, then the price to be paid will be everyone’s head.

The security guards were all men between the ages of forty-five and fifty. These men were not accepted as soldiers in the front camp because of their age, but they were allowed to stay in the back camp like old men in their fifties and sixties. Zhong also wastes too much manpower, so in order to make the best use of the existing manpower and let everyone play his role in the Taiping Camp, Zhou Shixiang suggested Song Xianggong to organize these men into a security team.

The responsibility of the security team is the same as that of later generations, which is to maintain law and order. Specifically, on the road of marching, it is to ensure the order of the team.

The soldiers in the front battalion plus the engineer battalion had a total of more than 1,300 soldiers. The lack of troops made it difficult for Zhou Shixiang to allocate manpower to help the transfer of the rear battalion and suppress the possible riots. Therefore, the existing manpower of the rear battalion was used to form a security team. Must do. This suggestion was strongly endorsed by Duke Xiang of Song, because he also needed to have a semi-soldier force in his hands to be able to deal with the difficulties and emergencies on the march.

Song Xianggong now has a ready-made force, which is to test the 150 soldiers under Zhao Sihai of Baihu, but this force is responsible for the security of the public treasury and cannot be easily called elsewhere. The 200 Kurdish troops were all fifty-something old men and more than ten teenagers. They were named Kurdish troops in name. They sounded like an army, but in reality they were just porters and handymen. It is difficult to use them as semi-military armed security guards, and the public treasury is inseparable from these treasury troops. The money and goods loaded in the carts and carts also expect them to be pushed all the way to Xiangshan County. Without them, who will push them. car?

Originally, before departure, Zhou Shixiang and Song Xianggong did not consider the issue of the order of the team on the transfer road, but after the team left the city only a few kilometers, the two of them thought of this problem at the same time, so Zhou Shixiang just put forward his idea, Song Xianggong will The order was conveyed to the old quarters of the battalions, and soon, a security team of only 120 people was hurriedly established.

Song Xianggong asked Zhou Shixiang to distribute weapons to the security guards, but Zhou Shixiang’s front battalion did not have all the weapons. Where could there be knives and guns to distribute to the security guards? Fortunately, the purpose of the security team is to maintain the order of the team, and they do not need to go into battle to kill the enemy like the former battalion, so it doesn’t matter what kind of weapons they use, what matters is that they can shock the campers. That’s it.

Zhou Shixiang thought privately that the security team of 120 people was just a paper tiger, but now the paper tiger has helped him a lot.

Song Xianggong deliberately let the rear camp stay for one more hour. During this hour, Zhou Shixiang and him conducted intensive training for the security team. An hour later, the 120 security guards started their mission in groups of 5 and divided into 24 teams.

After the security team was put into use, the effect was quickly recovered. Under the command of these security team members wearing yellow military uniforms and red silk, the originally chaotic team immediately became orderly.

After seeing the role of the security team, Zhou Shixiang was inevitably moved, considering that the former battalion would fight against the Qing army anytime and anywhere in the future, and once a war broke out, it was difficult for the thin troops of the previous battalion to free up his hands to help. Take care of the rear battalion, so the rear battalion must have its own armed forces and hematopoietic organization capabilities, otherwise it will definitely not work to rely on the front battalion for everything.

In realistic terms, Zhou Shixiang wanted the rear camp to have the ability to be independent, but to put it nasty, he didn’t want the rear camp to drag the front camp’s legs.

The security team must be expanded in the future. There should be a security brigade, a security squadron, and a security team. If there is a place to live, it will be the prefectural security team, the county security squadron, and the town (village) security team.

With the strength, the training and equipment of the security team can also be strengthened, so that they can also deal with the attack of the small Qing army alone, and can also provide support when the former battalion is fighting. When the time is right, the security team can be used as a supplement to the front battalion.

After keeping this idea firmly in mind, Zhou Shixiang entrusted the back camp to Duke Xiang of Song, and he led the front camp to the first nail on the southward road, Xinxing Town.

Xinxing Town is affiliated to Zhaoqing Prefecture. It is located at the southern end of the Yunwu Mountains. It is the gateway to Zhaoqing Prefecture. Therefore, although it is a town, there is a commander-in-chief of an external commission, and there are 300 green battalions in the flood season.

By unplugging the Xinxing Green Battalion, the Taiping Battalion can enter Zhaoqing Prefecture along the Xinxing River north, or move southeast to Xinhui County, where Zhou Shixiang’s hometown is.


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