Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 105: Those Who Are Involved And Those Who Are Not

Though the school sports meet has concluded, its impact continues to ripple through the school.

For instance, Year 1 Class 3 emerged as the biggest winners, and many students from this class have gained instant fame within the school.

Marcus El Postacio, already known for being a "rich boy" and a "dribbling expert," has become even more renowned. It’s said that finding basketball friends has become easier for him; he’s no longer limited to just first-year students but has attracted enthusiasts from the second and third years as well.

Surprisingly, even Dematero, the champion of the one-legged cockfight, has gained some notoriety within the school, albeit as part of a classic “urban legend” or “school mystery.”

It’s clear that someone from Year 1 Class 3, intrigued and wary of Dematero’s “mystical physique,” spread the word about his reputation to other classes—after all, with so many dorms, gossip spreads quickly.

Students from other classes have mostly taken this as a bizarre joke, dismissing tales of a “preternatural fecal body” as nonsense.

Some even inquired about Gonzal, the player who forfeited the final match, asking if he had been overwhelmed by Dematero’s “great terror” and thus had to rush to the restroom.

Gonzal flatly denied such absurd speculations, attributing his forfeiture to mere bad luck. If Dematero had caused his discomfort, he would even be grateful, as the experience was quite refreshing and cured his long-standing constipation!

He maintained that although he lost the match, he lose all the toxins and waste in his body and gained health, which rounded out to a win in life!

Since Gonzal himself dismissed the “great terror” of Dematero and attributed his condition to bad luck, there weren’t many students willing to believe in the “urban legend” or “school mystery” originating from Year 1 Class 3.

Ultimately, such mystical events are only taken seriously if one experiences them personally or encounters them repeatedly. It’s similar to ghost stories on forums—regardless of how passionately someone swears they are true, others merely enjoy them for their oddity or entertainment value. Human emotions are forever disconnected.

That said, if one were to assess which student from Year 1 Class 3 gained the most notoriety, it would undoubtedly be Xanthia La Papadopolus!

Xanthia, having made a significant impact during the sports meet, has become the epitome of a girl with strong willpower in the eyes of many classmates. Her portrayal as a “poor yet steadfast girl, never faltering in her lofty ambitions” has only solidified.

This is in stark contrast to her true self; how did this carefree fun-seeker become a role model of positive energy for so many?

Such unintended deification might one day come back to haunt her!

If only the surname "Papadopoulos" is not common in this province, most if not some would assume she has blood relations with Dionysius!

Though Xanthia isn’t particularly afraid of backlash—in fact, she rather enjoys watching the drama unfold—she looks forward to the day her image might collapse, anticipating it will bring even more entertainment.

It’s akin to the entertainment industry where a star’s image crumbles; some fans react with outrage, turning from supporters to detractors, while others, feeling the star needs their support more than ever, rally to defend them against all odds.

For those who enjoy the drama, these situations are ideal for stirring the pot and watching the chaos grow, satisfying their craving for sensationalism.

Who knows? After a collapse of image, the star might even generate a slew of popular memes or join a star-studded platform, bringing more fodder for amusement!

Xanthia's newfound fame has even earned her the title of “Mademoiselle Xanthia” on the school forum.

However, some forum members believe this nickname wasn’t initially a term of respect but rather a half-serious, half-joking black label. Xanthia, through her performance at the sports meet, transformed it into a term of admiration.

In a parallel world where the popular games exists. Initially, the phrase start with a meme, but over time, it became a normal joke, even endorsed by the games' official channels.

This is similar to how Xanthia turned the nickname “Mademoiselle Xanthia” from a label into a respected title.

No matter how much criticism the game faces, its popularity remains. Among students in Year 1 Class 3 who enjoy such games, it is indispensable.

Although Xanthia has turned “Mademoiselle Xanthia” into a term of respect, there will always be some contrarians in the forum.

Even though Xanthia excelled in the 3000-meter race, they still believe that to earn a similar title, one must be a top scholar

Xanthia is undoubtedly good at her studies but hasn’t made it into the top ten of her year, nor does she show any intention of pursuing competitive fields. Why should she earn the title of "Mademoiselle"?

These forum members are akin to the most rigid purists of D&D, unable to tolerate any deviation from classic rules, even criticizing novels that include D&D elements for not adhering strictly to the classic D&D standards.

Many forum members refer to Xanthia as “Mademoiselle Xanthia” purely for the sake of the joke and to capitalize on the game’s popularity. Yet, they still face criticism, leaving them to lament the state of the current generation!

Xanthia herself isn’t concerned about the occasional fan disputes on the forum.

Nowadays, many fans and haters are merely performing their roles for entertainment. If they succeed in provoking you, you become the source of their amusement. The first to lose composure is the loser.

Xanthia is aware that in the real school environment, or more specifically in her classroom of Year 1 Class 3, her status and presence have noticeably risen.

Even if Xanthia hadn’t won the 3000-meter race, her decision to take on the challenge and support her classmates in the event has won her much admiration from the girls.

As a cheerleader for Year 1 Class 3, her enthusiastic support for participating students has been noticed and remembered.

Though classmates might not voice it, everyone has their own gauge of worth. Xanthia’s consistent actions and genuine kindness have subtly won her many friends.

Xanthia’s close friend, Luciel, already well-regarded in Year 1 Class 3, has gained even more respect following the sports meet. Despite only securing a bronze medal in the 200-meter sprint and fourth place in the 100-meter sprint, her determined gaze and graceful running form left a deep impression, becoming a vibrant memory of youth for many.

Luciel may not have won any competitions, but in terms of fan base and personal prestige, she has not fallen short!

Everyone even knows Luciel’s favorite song is “Little Firefly.”

Boys who secretly admire her might start requesting this song on the school broadcast station, hoping such small gestures will make them memorable to their goddess.

Luciel likely attracted admiration from many students from other classes as well, thanks to her striking, aggressive beauty, healthy tan skin, and athletic demeanor.

Most importantly, she possesses a broad-mindedness!

This quality alone makes her stand out, as everyone appreciates a girl who brings people together.

Unfortunately, Luciel is not like Elena La Loannou, who gives some admirers unrealistic hopes. Elena, on the other hand, provides no such illusions and shows no interest in pursuing boys but instead pursue her own career path.

Speaking of Elena, as Xanthia’s deskmate, she continued to solidify her goddess status during the sports meet and won considerable goodwill from classmates, maintaining a great image.

Elena’s enthusiasm was genuine, unlike some girls who, despite not participating in any events or even cheerleading, lazily avoided contributing.

Among these girls are Hera and Lilim.

Hera, who merely attended the sports meet to watch the excitement, only showed real enthusiasm during Dionysius’s match. Her infatuated behavior led many classmates to secretly disdain her as a “Class 3 traitor.”

Yet, Hera, with her thick-skinned demeanor, is unaffected by her classmates’ opinions. As the “Queen of Farts,” she feels her image can’t get any worse, so she embraces her role fully.

Indeed, her mental fortitude was so strong that it may as well protect her in some way or form.

As for Lilim, after completing the task of writing cheering articles assigned by class leader Ryan, she disappeared from the scene, focusing solely on her studies, alone in the classroom and never spending any time idly.

If not for necessity, she would gladly spend all her time studying!

Lilim feels she has gained immensely by spending time studying while others were at the sports meet. She is determined to excel in the upcoming mid-term exams in November, aiming to advance further in her academic pursuits. This dedication is admirable in itself, but it has also made her the target of some animosity from her classmates for various reasons.

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