Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 22 Is There a Possibility

Emmanuel was momentarily stumped by Jimmy's question. He couldn't outright say that some people are born in Rome while others are born as horses.

To become a successful "horse" in one's career, you must study diligently during your student years. Only then will you be more valuable to be exploited by conglomerates or capitalists.

Of course, if you're truly exceptional, then boldly confront this unfair world with all your might!

Luckily, at this moment, Dematero, feeling disgruntled towards Jimmy, retorted, "Do you have problems with your eyes? I sit with Xanthia, and I didn't see her reading comics!"

He detested people who, despite already being in dire straits, still tried to drag others down. That's just plain disloyalty!

No matter what, Xanthia was a friend Dematero wholeheartedly acknowledged, and when it came to defending her, he would do so without hesitation.

Subsequently, Dematero earnestly assured the class teacher, Emmanuel, "Xanthia pays attention during self-study sessions, I guarantee it!"

Emmanuel nodded, choosing not to expose Dematero's lie but rather finding a way to smooth things over.

Finally, he softened his previous stance and earnestly advised Jimmy, "I won't bother with some people because they don't need my interference. Their future remains bright. If you have that kind of confidence as well, I'll completely ignore you in the future, as long as you don't affect other students. If you choose to wallow in decadence, that's your prerogative."

Although Emmanuel was the responsible, old-school type of teacher, if he became thoroughly disappointed in a student, he would naturally let them be, which was actually a relief.

For students like Xanthia, being completely disregarded in class was the most convenient attitude, and on holidays, the gifts from her familia to the school never diminished.

Sometimes, Emmanuel even felt relieved. At least Xanthia wasn't the kind of troublesome heiress of an influential familia, privileged student who caused constant headaches for class teachers. In comparison, that would have been truly vexing.

Following this, Emmanuel remained in class until the end of the morning self-study session, effectively quelling the restlessness within the class.

Because of Jimmy's disturbance, classmates who previously hadn't paid much attention to Xanthia's academic performance now seemed to unanimously agree that her "grades were not good."

Only Luciel scoffed at such a "consensus." After all, she was Xanthia's companion in private study and discussions, so she knew Xanthia's true academic prowess.

As for Xanthia's poor performance in the assessment, Luciel didn't take it seriously. Xanthia was inherently playful and lively. It was likely that she had enjoyed herself during the summer vacation after the high school entrance exam. Then, shortly after starting high school, the school conducted a surprise assessment, catching her off guard and leading to her failure.

It could only be said that as Luciel's relationship with Xanthia grew stronger, she unconsciously developed a filter. In any situation, she firmly stood by Xanthia's side.

During the long break after the self-study class that day, while Xanthia was out with Luciel, Dematero turned back to Jimmy and solemnly said, "Don't you have anything to say to Xanthia? At the very least, an apology is in order, right? She was just reading comics by herself, not disturbing anyone, and yet you insulted her?"

Jimmy's deskmate on the right, named Crissante, couldn't help but agree, "Dematero is right. It's bad enough that you got caught, but you still had to drag Xanthia down with you. What kind of character is that?"

During their school days, classmates generally despised behavior like "reporting to the teacher" among their fellow classmates. It was simply unspoken rule.

After calming down, Jimmy actually felt quite regretful and guilty. However, he couldn't help but argue stubbornly, "I wasn't targeting Xanthia on purpose. I just can't stand his double standards. I saw Xanthia reading comics during self-study, and yet he completely ignored it. This isn't the first or second time. Why should I accept it? I'm not happy about it!"

Dematero frowned, "Listening to you, it does seem like Sir Emmanuel really ignores Xanthia. Even when she sleeps in class, she's never caught by the teacher. I used to think she was just really skilled at sleeping, but now, thinking about it, maybe there's something else going on?"

Jimmy suddenly became excited, "Right, right! This is too strange. Sir Emmanuel is so strict with everyone else, but he's so lenient with Xanthia. This is the kind of treatment only top students get!"

Dematero, however, remarked, "The treatment of top students usually includes being called upon by teachers to answer questions during class when necessary. But Xanthia has never been called upon, which is a sign of complete neglect."

When Jimmy heard the phrase "complete neglect," he suddenly felt enlightened. He had been feeling unbalanced because Xanthia seemed to have "privileges," but now he felt a pang of sympathy. If he were also "completely neglected" by the teachers, that would be unacceptable and painful.

Although his grades weren't as good as Dematero's, he ranked 19th in the last assessment. He used to be a top student in junior high, but in Thessaloniki First High School, where there were many talented students, he didn't stand out as much.

"Um, if this is the truth, then Xanthia is really pitiful... Damn, I was misled by our teacher. When Xanthia comes back, I'll apologize to her immediately. I was wrong!" Jimmy no longer argued stubbornly; he was genuinely afraid of being "completely neglected."

Dematero also thought Emmanuel's "irresponsibility" was a bit excessive. Although Xanthia's grades were indeed not good, and her attitude toward studying was not proper, it wasn't to this extent of insult!

Jimmy's deskmate, Crissante, couldn't help but join the discussion, "Is there a possibility that Xanthia is actually the daughter of a wealthy familia with special background, so the teachers dare not discipline her?"

"Impossible!" Dematero and Jimmy said in unison.

Dematero confidently said, "I've been Xanthia's deskmate for so long, and I know her very well. She doesn't have any airs of a rich girl. The stationery and cups she uses are all affordable for ordinary people. Besides, most of the comics she reads are about underdogs rising up against the wealthy and powerful. Do you think a wealthy heiress would like that kind of comic?"

Jimmy added, "Girls from wealthy families wouldn't have Xanthia's personality. Just look at Hera La Andronikos in our class for reference. She has that lofty and arrogant demeanor. It's annoying! What's even worse is that there are quite a few people in the class who like to flatter such wealthy girls, it's really disgraceful!"

With their explanation and reflection, Crissante also thought about the rumors about Xanthia before. Although rumors like "she's very insecure" and "so poor she can't afford to eat" had been refuted in her interactions with Xanthia, pushing her into the role of a "wealthy heiress" seemed too far-fetched!

Crissante concluded, "It seems that Sir Emmanuel and other teachers have reached a consensus that Xanthia is 'beyond redemption.' How could they be so irresponsible!"

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