Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 68: Like Smoke

Dematero never imagined that Xanthia was truly a heiress of a wealthy familia.

And to confirm this news, it was actually Dionysius who caused him a great misunderstanding!

If all the heroines in his writings had shades of Xanthia, then the most detestable villains in his stories would always carry traces of Dionysius.

In reality, the disparity between him and Dionysius El Papadopoulos's social status was vast. However, in the world of novels, he could fiercely counterattack!

He often enjoyed writing plots where a loser and weak male lead, who got along well with a beautiful and delicate female lead, would lose her to the villain at a critical moment...

And then the male lead, deeply affected, would finally begin to grow. This process was extremely frustrating and heart-wrenching, but when the male lead successfully counterattacked in the end, readers would find immense satisfaction.

This style made his works popular, often leading to many fanfictions titled "Return of XXX".

"XXX" could be "Infinite World", "Warhammer World", and other brutal worlds, where "XXX" naturally became the male lead. At the beginning of the story, "XXX" would have already grown up, remedying all regrets and making the entire story thrilling.

The significance of fanfiction was to fill in the gaps left by the original work.

At this moment, upon learning that Xanthia was an heiress, he suddenly recalled a saying:

'In the past, it was said, 'the moon under the sea is the moon in the sky, the person in front of you is the person in your heart.' Later, I understood, the moon under the sea cannot be retrieved, and the person in your heart is unattainable.'

Initially, when facing Xanthia, he was insecure, especially after she became his white moonlight. He felt she excelled in every aspect, including the talent he prided himself on.

Xanthia's own compositions of songs were so amazing that sometimes he found fault with her lyrics being too straightforward, filled with clichéd expressions of love. If he were to write lyrics, he would definitely treat them like modern poetry.

But regardless of the song, its melody was most important. Catchy tunes were all that mattered, and this was clearly her innate talent.

He imagined that an heiress like her should lead a life of luxury, elegance, ease, happiness, perfection, and carefreeness. Thus, they were people from two different worlds, confirming his previous actions were indeed correct.

Such a moon under the sea, he couldn't retrieve. Such a person in his heart, he didn't deserve!

Yet, before he could firmly hold onto this viewpoint, he came across more revelations...

It turned out she was born into a prominent business familia, practically abandoned and ignored.

Because her mother was the once-famous singer Ella La Fielsola, from the same era as Rafael El Montinillo. Rafael had even written two songs for her, "Tiny" and "Amnesia".

Among them, "Tiny" should be one of Ella La Fielsola's representative works: "Memories are like a storyteller, speaking with a rustic accent... In my heart resides a person who used to be so small..."

After marrying into the Papadopoulos familia, Ella La Fielsola's life became extremely difficult, and she passed away early due to illness. Her early death was a tragedy, and losing her mother at a young age meant Xanthia had no one to rely on!

Because Xanthia's father was Demetrios El Papadopoulos!

There was no need to elaborate on his reputation; those who loved gossiping about the dark secrets of wealthy familias online had thoroughly exposed Demetrios!

In the end, Xanthia didn't benefit much from her heiress status, and her spirit was always under internal pressure and oppression.

Unfortunately, she also inherited her mother's fragile constitution. The double blow, both mentally and physically, made her like a candle in the wind, with her life's light ready to extinguish at any moment.

Online evaluations of Xanthia were filled with regret and sympathy:

"Today, I just found out Xanthia is the daughter of singer Ella La Fielsola. Fate is so unfair; I loved their songs!"

"Ella La Fielsola was my childhood idol. I never expected that the talented and creative Xanthia, who I am now a fan of, is her daughter. Following in her mother's footsteps is such a fateful cycle; such cruel twists of fate!"

"Xanthia surpasses her mother, Ella La Fielsola, in many ways. Not only does she compose and write lyrics, her singing is also excellent. She truly excels beyond just her looks; her mother never reached the heights she has now..."

"Yes, Ella La Fielsola was a briefly famous singer, but Xanthia has already become a rising star in the music industry. Her original talent is outstanding, and she could have gone much further. It's such a pity we won't hear any new songs from her."

"I heard that when she was on her deathbed, she was composing her final song, titled 'Like Smoke'. Unfortunately, she only completed half of the lyrics..."

"We must acknowledge that when Xanthia debuted in the band, she wasn't as attractive as Ella La Fielsola. But later, she became more and more stunning. In a sense, she passed away at her most beautiful and brilliant moment, leaving too soon. What a tragic story!"

"I feel so sorry for Xanthia. Her last live performance of 'Only One' was simply divine, and it moved everyone to tears. It was so powerful."

"Here's a rumor to share: Xanthia, like her mother Ella La Fielsola, also encountered an unworthy man and suffered from serious depression due to physical and emotional stress. She died after complications from the failed rescue."

"The most heartbreaking person must be Dionysius. He is truly his father's son and was the most capable heir in the Papadopoulos familia. It's a pity he couldn't protect Xanthia, who left us too soon."

"Poor Dionysius too; his father is Demetrios, and his mother is Eleanor La Liam. Both parents were unreliable and only held him back. With Xanthia's death, he might just turn to the dark side. Anyway, the scumbag who hurt Xanthia is doomed!"

"Am I the only one who thinks guitarist Santhos El Zanthos might go crazy too? This narcissistic tsundere is also a big romantic, and I loved seeing them together. Unfortunately, with her death, who knows how many men are heartbroken for her!"

"Please don't limit gender; Xanthia had more female fans. She was truly charismatic. Her life was like a dazzling firework, fleeting but memorable. Even if she passed away, she will forever live in our hearts!"

"Can someone please share her legendary final masterpiece, 'Like Smoke'?"

"It's too hard for her. We can't just let her come back to life. The music was written, but only half the lyrics were completed. Who will finish the rest?"


Dematero trembled as he finished reading everything about Xanthia, tears flowing uncontrollably, just like the flood of negative emotions that overwhelmed him. His heart sank into a deep sense of despair!

If Elena had made his heart cracked, now, his fragile heart was pulverized.

This was the most painful moment of his life. He even felt that his life had completely lost its meaning!

In a world without Xanthia, what else held any meaning?

Torn apart emotionally, he listened to her song "Only One," hearing her sing, "I truly love you, no one can compare, your uncertain gaze always sees clearly at crucial moments, your hesitations match my tumultuous life, awake in death, understanding your cleverness behind my back..."

Suddenly, he had an epiphany. Perhaps she had already known that his days were numbered. Since he had deceived her in that way, she deliberately fell for it, naturally leaving him like this. She didn't want to show him the messy side of herself lying on a sickbed.

In this way, as time passed, he would gradually forget her, and her passing wouldn't bring him any more pain.

He understood her too well. She was the kind of girl who was gentle to the extreme.

She would rather bear everything herself than let others suffer. She gave him all her happiness but kept the sadness to herself.

Dematero's heart twisted in agony, tears streaming down uncontrollably!

This was the most undignified moment of his life. The most painful. The most unbearable. Even when he cried before, it was always silently shedding tears. He always thought he had an unusually strong capacity to endure, and no pain could affect him...




But Xanthia's premature death made him cry out in heart-wrenching agony, as if he were howling, punishing himself!

He owed her too much, but in the end, he didn't even have the chance to say "sorry" to her face.

His pain index was ruthlessly squeezed out again, and he fell completely into a frenzied state. His mind seemed to be filled with memories of him and her, some real, but many entirely imagined.

He began to turn to writing again, composing poetry for her. His tears soaked his journal—


We have even lost the color of dusk.
When the blue night descends upon the world, no one sees us holding hands.
From my window, I already see the sunset ceremony on the distant mountain top.
Sometimes a piece of sun burns like a coin in my palms.

In your familiar sorrow, I think of you, with a solemn spirit.
At that time, where were you? Who else was there? What were they saying?
Why does all the love suddenly arrive when I love and feel you slipping away?

As usual in the twilight, books fall to the ground, my shawl curls like an injured puppy at my feet.
Always like this, erasing the direction of statues in the twilight, you always disappear into the dusk.


If learning about Xanthia's death was the first knife of utmost pain for Dematero, what he didn't expect was that there were heavier knives waiting for him.

He couldn't comprehend why, just as his new work "Gods" was flying off the shelves, at the pinnacle of his life, at his highest emotional state, he would encounter such extreme pain and sadness!

All he wanted was for her to be well and to live happily, even if he didn't have the right to be with her. He wished for her lifelong happiness!

Yet, she had departed so abruptly.

He initially thought he had no right to attend her funeral, but unexpectedly, he received an invitation from Dionysius.

Without hesitation, he attended.

Dionysius did not retaliate against Dematero; his attitude towards him was calm and rational.

He simply handed over Xanthia's belongings from her past—her diary she had started in high school—to Dematero.

In reality, Xanthia did write this diary, although she had only begun it for fun and later abandoned it because she found it dull.

But in this fabricated memory, the system directly continued the diary, turning it into the sharpest blade that pierced Dematero's heart...

Xanthia's diary recorded many details of their time together. At first, Dematero was skeptical—were all these events real?

But soon, he became convinced that everything must have happened. He had simply been entirely absorbed in his writing at the time, forgetting all memories associated with her.

Since all their high school memories were genuine, the later entries in the diary must also be true. Surely, they couldn't have been generated by AI, could they?

Especially after Dematero's novel became a massive success, earning him a substantial amount of money, he naturally wanted to spend it on her.

The diary crafted by the system detailed—

'He took me to get a haircut. The light brown hair looked pretty, similar to styles I'd seen in magazines. But I still think black hair like his looks the best. Then he took me shopping for lots of clothes. The princess dress was beautiful; he called me 'Your Highness.' High heels are scary, but many people say every girl should have a pair, so I'll keep wearing them.'

'Went to Burgestein Skytree with him. The warmest spot in the world is at the top of Skytree.'

'Went to Quasiland with him. The haunted house was scary, but with him there, I wasn't afraid. Ate pizza for lunch; it tasted odd, but it was my first time, and I loved it. There were so many rides at the amusement park, but with him, each one was fun. I collected many brochures; tomorrow, I'll choose one and ask him to take me. It almost rained on our way back and nearly got the shoes he bought wet. The things he buys are important and should be kept safe.'

'I felt a bit uneasy, but as long as he's happy, that's what matters.'

The tide of memories once again flooded Dematero's mind. He tightly clutched Xanthia's "last diary," and another wave of poignant memories washed over him.

What he couldn't bear the most was deceiving Xanthia that day, intentionally making her leave him.

The diary concluded—


'I am spoiled orange juice and thick soup
I am roses and lilies crawling with insect eggs
I am a polar star that exists clearly
In a city of colorful lights
But no one can see and no one needs'


Dematero held his head in his hands, his head pounding as if it might split, tears completely drained from his eyes!

How deeply had he hurt her, for her to feel unneeded!

He truly, desperately needed her, even if it meant being her dog...

On the other hand, Dionysius remained as cold as the system itself, observing silently from the sidelines.

When Dematero finally began to recover slightly, Dionysius handed him Xanthia's unfinished song "Like Smoke" and said to him, "The parts of this song that she didn't finish, I think you are the most suitable to complete it. Write."

Dematero looked at the lyrics. The parts written by Xanthia were these—


I sit by the bed, looking out the window, memories filling the sky
Life is a gorgeous illusion, time is a thief, stealing everything away
At seven years old, I caught that cicada, thinking I could catch the summer
At seventeen, I kissed his face, thinking I could be forever with him
Is there such a thing as forever, never changing, embracing beauty, never to be shattered again
Let the treacherous years not run wild on my face
Let the partings and farewells be distant, who can hear them
I sit by the bed, turning my head to look, who is sleeping
That aged face, seems like it's my tightly closed eyes
Those who used to love me, and those I deeply loved, all surrounding me
Those things that can't be taken away, regrets and lingering attachments, turn into the final tear...


Dematero seemed to need no further thought. He took up his pen and continued writing because the lyrics or poetry he wrote next were the heartfelt expression he most wanted to convey—


Is there such a tear, that can wash away regrets
Turning into heavy rain falling on the streets we can't return to
Give me another chance, to rewrite the story
Still owing her a lifetime, a single apology
Is there such a world, where darkness never falls
Stars, sun, and all things, obeying my command, the moon not hurriedly waxing and waning
Spring never strays far, tree branches tightly embracing the leaves, who can hear?
In my ears, before my eyes, this life, replaying itself.
From darkness I come, and back to darkness I return.
In the blink of an eye between heaven and earth, who will I be next?
Is there a rose that never fades,
Forever proud and perfect, never yielding?
Why does life end up like a crumpled piece of paper,
Not even a petal, once so vibrant?
Is there a bookmark to stop that day,
The simplest smiles and the most beautiful year?
The schoolbag filled with cakes and soda,
Eyes filled with innocence and purity, where we knew no bounds?
Is there a poem without an ending,
Youth forever residing in our time?
Boys and girls with guitars and dance shoes,
Forget the pain of the world, only sweetness remains.
Is there a tomorrow to start anew,
Let me relive the days I once wasted?
Whether living or just surviving,
I won’t let the story end in regret, can anyone hear? I won’t bid farewell.
I sit by the bed, watching my fingertips, already fading like smoke.

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