Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 94: The Lady And Her Guardian Must Not Be Offended!

Xanthia had always been quite restrained in using her extraordinary ability.

Although her summoned insect, small as a speck of dust, was incredibly fast and invisible to the naked eye—essentially giving it an effect akin to invisibility—she remained cautious and controlled. This made the usage of her mind-control summons, a highly covert affair. She had no fear of her unique ability being discovered by others.

Xanthia was inherently prudent and methodical, a classic embodiment of someone who treads cautiously. She could not afford to resort to her insect summon for every little conflict or disagreement. While using it once or twice might seem manageable, doing so repeatedly would undoubtedly attract the attention of perceptive individuals, despite the lack of concrete evidence.

Hence, apart from the initial incident with Jimmy, where her use of the summon was rather abrupt and uncontrolled, Xanthia had been very restrained in her subsequent usage. She preferred a more subtle approach, acting in harmony with the situation.

For instance, with Henry and Yannis's minor embarrassments, which were relatively mild, she allowed them to slip by without significant disruption. Particularly in Yannis’s case, who, after suffering from an embarrassing mishap, directed all her ire toward Sequanni. Yannis perceived her misfortune as simply a result of her overbearing roommate, and she had no suspicion that Xanthia might be involved.

As for "The Queen of Farting" Hera, who merely produced a series of loud farts, her actions were different in nature from those who experienced severe accidents. With Jimmy's previous disturbances fading away, Hera's antics drew no particular scrutiny from the observant.

Xanthia understood well that her incredible ability could not be used too frequently or too conspicuously. It was akin to being a mastermind in the shadows; one could not employ outlandish moves at every turn. If overused, the true mastermind would inevitably be exposed, like someone unable to remain in the background and being forced to take center stage and reveal everything.

Xanthia was reminded by this with the arrogant main character from Deathnote, who in the end, got exposed and died.

Thus, even when faced with Kenny's arrogant and morally coercive behavior, Xanthia refrained from impulsively deploying her summon. The more fundamental reason was that Xanthia was deliberately playing a role of feigned weakness, to portray herself as a victim, and gain sympathy to participate smoothly in the 3000-meter race.

She aimed to let Hera enjoy her moment of triumph, raising her expectations and mood so that she could later "harvest" more from her, much like fattening a pig before slaughtering.

However, Xanthia did not anticipate that her deliberately exaggerated appearance of red eyes, tear-streaked face, and despondency would be captured by a skilled backstabber and shared with Dematero through a small group of gossipers.

Dematero’s reaction was explosive!

People with generally good temperaments often become more volatile when something touches their bottom line. Dematero, despite his usual calm demeanor, could not tolerate seeing Xanthia’s distress, especially when it involved her "life and death" and "longevity."

He alone understood the gravity of Xanthia's condition, particularly her mental health struggles which were akin to a ticking time bomb. Her happiness was crucial to countering the looming threat. Witnessing her suffer so terribly, with her tear-streaked, snow-white face looking heartbreakingly beautiful, was unbearable.

Once Dematero’s anger was ignited, it was inevitable he would act. As someone with a "korean regressor mc" mindset, despite his youthful appearance, his soul was that of a seasoned adult yet still harbored biases especially towards Elena.

He was no longer the talkative individual who might hesitate in critical moments or cared about anyone's thoughts about him. Everything was about Xanthia and nothing else. His experiences had transformed him completely.

The old Dematero might have hesitated, feared the repercussions of taking action, and preferred resolving disputes through words. But the current Dematero carried the arrogance of a reborn individual and the mysterious confidence of a protagonist.

In his eyes,  he was the 'protagonist of this world'.

Kenny, despite his urgency and status as a high school sports committee member, was merely a high school student. Dematero felt there was no need to hesitate; it was essential to beat him up for Xanthia’s sake. Any reborn individual would do the same—otherwise, they would be unfit to be the main character.

At this moment, Kenny, who had been disoriented by three head smashes on the desk, instinctively covered his forehead, crying out in pain. However, he had not lost his ability to retaliate.

Fortunately, Dematero's rage was contained by Jimmy, who, having changed seats, was now in a position behind Kenny. Realizing the situation could escalate further, Jimmy intervened to restrain Dematero, preventing a potential tragedy.

Kenny, coming back to his senses, saw his attacker was none other than Dematero, the class's recognized fool and weakling. His anger surged to new heights!

How dare someone from the bottom of the class hierarchy, like Dematero, attack him? It was an affront that demanded retribution.

Clenching one hand around his forehead, Kenny's other hand formed a fist, ready to strike Dematero in retaliation. He intended to defend his dignity and exact revenge.

A true man would not backed down in a fight!

But as he swung his fist, Dematero’s hand intercepted it effortlessly. Taking advantage of Kenny’s other hand still covering his forehead, Dematero swiftly seized Kenny’s neck, his voice cold and menacing: "Who told you to pick on Xanthia? Why make her cry? Do you want to die that badly?!”

Dematero’s deep, menacing voice resonated from his throat, making him seem like a dark, beastly figure with an overwhelming aura of terror.

In such a situation, Xanthia seamlessly executed her plan from behind the scenes. Her summoned creatures worked in perfect synergy, their coordination flawless and utterly natural.

Kenny, gripped by Dematero, inexplicably began to cry out of fear. Almost immediately, he lost control over his bladder and began urinating uncontrollably. His pants became soaked, and the stench of urine filled the air. The surrounding classmates were all hit by the strong odor...

Jimmy, who had initially tried to calm Dematero and prevent any excessive force, found himself recalling a similar scene from a past incident. He remembered the day when he, too, had been overwhelmed by fear and confusion due to an accident involving urine.

In disbelief, he thought,“What on earth?! It turns out the real anomaly isn’t the seat, but Dematero himself. Is he some sort of ‘Sacred Body of Waste’? Does everyone who clashes or argues with him set off this automatic reaction?”

Or perhaps, did he possess a natural "Overlord's Aura" that could terrify people into crying and wetting themselves with just his presence?

The horror was palpable—Dematero emanated an aura of pure dread!

At that moment, Kenny, who was now completely under Dematero’s control, had become the center of attention in the classroom. Yet, no one could bring themselves to laugh. Instead, everyone was stunned into silence by the terrifying scene. The fear and unease lingered deeply within them.

“Dematero is unbelievable. He frightened Kenny so badly he ended up crying and wetting himself, just from his presence!”

“I’ve worked it out. He’s got that Overlord’s Aura. Dematero’s extraordinary—what a real hard case!”

“Did he perhaps go a bit overboard? I didn’t expect this clown Dematero to have such a tough streak!”

“So brave! He’s not even putting on an act anymore. Just how much does he care about Xanthia?”

“I always thought ‘wetting oneself’ was just a bit of hyperbole online. I didn’t expect it to be so dramatically real. This is absolutely mind-blowing.”

Crissante watched in amazement and recalled a similar incident when Jimmy had argued with Dematero, resulting in a similar reaction. She also remembered how Henry had accidentally had an embarrassing mishap after scolding Dematero.

Connecting the dots, she took a sharp breath, contributing to global warming with her astonishment. Her gaze towards Dematero was filled with awe. She even fancied that Dematero might have superpowers!

This superpower, evidently, was the ability to cause immediate accidents like wetting oneself or diarrhea in anyone who crossed him... Truly terrifying. Dematero was not to be offended!

Crissante, however, missed a crucial detail: besides not offending Dematero, one should especially avoid offending Xanthia.

At that moment, Dematero noticed Kenny’s exaggerated reaction and frowned in disgust. He heard a female voice from behind—Hera.

“Dematero, don’t overdo it!”

Hera, instinctively defending her subordinate Kenny, still perceived Dematero as the class’s bottom rung and assumed she could command him at will.

Dematero, now recovering from the overpowering stench of Kenny’s urine, released his grip on Kenny’s neck. Hearing Hera’s words, he turned around and shot her a furious glare.

Hera’s anger flared, and she was about to scold him, but then she suddenly burst into laughter and let out a series of loud, foul-smelling farts that completely overpowered the urine odor.

Dematero, overwhelmed by the stench, covered his nose and muttered, “What a nightmare, dealing with two lunatics,” before quickly retreating from the odor-infested “battlefield.”

This “battlefield” was far from Xanthia’s position at the northeastern corner by the water dispenser, so Xanthia had no reason to worry about being affected. This only amplified the amusement.

Meanwhile, the students near the “battlefield” were frantically fleeing, shouting:

“What a biological assault—this stench is absolutely foul!”

“I’m off! I’ll be sick if I stay any longer!”

“Open the windows for some fresh air, or we’ll choke!”

“So Hera’s ‘Queen of Farting’ isn’t just about the noise—she can make them smell to high heaven!”

“Did Hera’s laughter set off these dreadful farts? It’s impossible to keep a straight face!”

“Could she be covering for Kenny? I’m on the verge of collapsing here…”

The back row of the classroom, now a chaotic “battlefield,” was a scene of utter disorder, with the cause of this biological crisis being none other than Kenny and Hera.

Both of them were still in a state of bewilderment, struggling to come to terms with the unexpected urination and farting that left everyone unprepared.

Kenny, seeing Hera laugh, initially felt desolate, thinking his efforts were in vain. However, the overpowering stench of Hera’s farts that masked his own urine smell filled him with a deep sense of gratitude.

Dematero’s voice, deep and menacing, rumbled from his throat, transforming him into a dark, beastly figure with an overwhelming presence of terror.

Upon returning to his seat, Dematero was met with looks of profound awe from his classmates. Many had noticed a telling detail: when Hera tried to intervene and seek justice for Kenny, Dematero had simply glared at her. The "toilet humor aura" flared up, causing Hera to burst into laughter and release a series of loud, foul-smelling farts. It was an extraordinary display of power!

Lilim, seated in front of Dematero, had initially considered reporting the incident to the teacher.

However, she quickly reconsidered. If the matter escalated and Dematero was offended, wouldn’t she end up like Kenny?

'No... no... no. I don’t want to jeopardise my reputation. Not a chance in hell!'

Ultimately, Lilim backed down. Her relationship with Dematero was decent, and after his significant drop in grades during the last monthly exam, he had made a concerted effort to improve. His frequent interactions with class monitor Ryan and vice-class monitor Lilim had naturally made them closer.

As long as the teachers remained unaware, Dematero's actions would not be scrutinized, and even Kenny seemed too intimidated to report the incident. Dematero was, indeed, a force to be reckoned with!

Kenny was also wary of reporting the incident, fearing that Emmanuel might see Xanthia’s plight and immediately change the list, nullifying all of Hera’s scheming. His sacrifice was too great to bear a failed conspiracy!

For now, he was willing to swallow his anger for Hera’s sake…

Hera, on the other hand, imagined Dematero as an unknown super-BOSS with extraordinary powers. She recalled their previous encounter under the national flag and wondered if Dematero had discovered her targeting Xanthia, leading him to retaliate so fiercely.

Why, she thought bitterly, did Xanthia, the weak and easily bullied girl, have someone like Dematero protecting her? How unfair was that?

Her resentment and negativity towards Xanthia only deepened. She resolved to keep her enmity well-hidden and to search for more powerful allies. For now, the only one exposed was Kenny, her disposable pawn. Xanthia’s “guardian” might be terrifying, but as long as he remained unaware, she could still plot Xanthia’s downfall.

[ System Notification: Pain Value from Kenny +++, Pain Value from Hera +++ ]

Both parties had exploded with a flood of coins, and Dematero had captured the attention of most of his classmates. Xanthia remained modestly hidden behind the scenes, thinking, 'Did I go too far?'

The classroom atmosphere, which had been tense as if a cosmic collision was imminent, had transformed into a chaotic “biological crisis,” making it rather entertaining.

The spectators who were far from the back row were thoroughly satisfied. While they refrained from laughing at Kenny’s embarrassment, Hera’s maniacal laughter and the subsequent foul-smelling farts, which filled the room with a nauseating stench, caused the back row’s students to flee in a panic.

The scene was so absurd that it was impossible for an outsider not to laugh. Who could have predicted such a turn of events?

The conclusion was clear: Dematero was toxic! Whether it was his “Overlord’s Aura” or “Sacred Body of Waste,” the lesson was to avoid provoking him. And even more importantly, don’t offend the girl he cared about. His role as her protector was incredibly formidable!

Jimmy and Henry were acutely aware of this. They would never dare to cross Dematero again, fearing another backlash from his “Sacred Body.”

Marcus, having played basketball until the large break was almost over, returned to the classroom. His seat was in the last row of the first group, closest to the small room at the back.

By this time, the shadow of the “biological crisis” had receded. Kenny had quickly slunk back to the dormitory to change his pants and dared not seek revenge. It wasn’t due to a lack of courage but rather because Dematero was genuinely formidable!

Marcus glanced toward Xanthia, who was surrounded by her friends in the northeast corner by the water dispenser. She seemed cheerful as ever, and he couldn’t help but think:

“It’s another day of world peace.”

A few days later, the XXth Annual Autumn Sports Meet of Thessaloniki First High School finally arrived!


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