Happy Tycoon

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062: No matter how poor you are, you can’t have poor education

After coming out of Nanyuan Community, Bai Zhengqiang got into Yang Jing’s car and looked at the casual officials behind him.

The relationship between Bai Zhengqiang and Yang Jing is rarely known to outsiders. Among these officials, apart from the secretary of the old Zhangren and the first and second in command Yang Zhengyu and Chen Zesheng, none of them knew about it. Naturally, they were a little confused by the leadership’s actions.

But Yang Jing doesn’t care about them. The old man has come to his own territory. If he doesn’t entertain him well, doesn’t Grid have to let himself sleep on the sofa when he returns home?

not only had to entertain, but also had to make the old man feel comfortable. Therefore, Yang Jing simply ignored the advance arrangements in the city, and directly drove a very ordinary Audi Q5 in person, and took the old man to prepare for an inspection in the urban area of Tianqu.

Now that I have come to the International City, I will stop by after visiting the International Industrial Park before entering the urban area for inspection.

“Dad, this is the planned Tianqu International Industrial Park. In the next few years, there will be a large number of factories set up by international multinational giants. The ones that have been set are Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz. The three auto giants, General Motors and General Motors, will set up production plants for automobile engines, gearboxes and other major components here, and may also build vehicle assembly plants and new energy vehicle R&D centers according to the situation.”

Sitting in the co-pilot position, Bai Zhengqiang nodded affirmatively: “This is a good thing! These international giants are now also beginning to transfer their main production departments abroad. Their domestic production costs are too high, and their labor costs are higher. If By moving to us, their products will be more competitive.”

“Yes, attracting these international giants to our side to establish industrial clusters will also increase the attractiveness and produce a huge Matthew effect, and then attract more giants from this industry to settle in our international industrial park. This international The industrial park is destined to become a new engine for Tianqu’s economic take-off.”

“Okay! This thing is done well!”

“Dad, in fact, there are more than these multinational giants that have determined to settle in the international industrial park. Nike, Adidas, Nestlé, Wyeth and several pharmaceutical international giants are also preparing to enter the international industrial park, and there are more than a dozen multinational giants. There is also this intention.”

“So many?” Bai Zhengqiang was a little surprised.

“Haha, Dad, I actually promoted this incident. After all, the subsidiaries under my name hold a lot of shares in these multinational giants, and the establishment of factories in China is very important for these multinational giants. It’s also a good way to reduce costs. I pushed it a little bit, and many things are just a matter of course.”

Bai Zhengqiang smiled bitterly and shook his head, “Your model cannot be replicated. You have too much power in those multinational giants. They must carefully consider your opinions. But if you change individuals, do this. If not, even if he is the President of the United States, it will not work.”

“Dad, don’t you know that American President? He wants to move all the manufacturing industries in the world to the United States. How can he let American companies set up factories abroad? But even if he doesn’t want to, he can’t control it. Those multinational giants. And he was lucky to be re-elected this time. If Bloomberg hadn’t temporarily withdrew from the presidential race, I am afraid that there would be no such thing as the Twitter president.”

“What? You know the situation well?” Bai Zhengqiang asked curiously.

“Well, it’s okay! I have a good relationship with that Bloomberg, and there are several consulting companies under my name. You also know what kind of consulting companies do, so this time Had it not been for Bloomberg’s health, the new president’s seat would have been nothing like that.”

Bai Zhengqiang stopped speaking immediately. As a senior government official, he should not be too involved in some things.

Yang Jing was also very acquainted and immediately changed the subject. He stopped the car, got out of the car with his old husband, and then pointed to the large green field in front of him and said: “This is the planned international industrial park, covering an area close to 15 square kilometers, and if too many companies settle in, they will apply to expand the area of the industrial park.”

Bai Zhengqiang said seriously: “What are your plans for environmental protection?”

“Dad, this is very simple. As long as it is a heavily polluted or even moderately polluted company, the industrial park will refuse entry. Only slightly polluting companies can enter, but the strictest environmental protection measures must be implemented.”

“Well, you must control this. This is what we traded for these fertile fields, so we can’t lose the blue sky and green water after losing the fertile fields.”

“Dad, don’t worry, I will strictly control this aspect. I would even rather not make money than bring in some polluting companies.”

“Well, I’m relieved with your words. After coming to Shandong Province, what I feel most is that there are really few green mountains and green water here. I have been in Nanyun for several years, and the environment there is It makes me a little uncomfortable with the environment of Shandong Province. Although this gap is mainly caused by the geographical environment, we have to say that it is our duty to protect the environment!” As he said, Bai Zhengqiang patted his son-in-law on the shoulder. , “Xiao Jing, you also have a long way to go.”

Without the instructions of the senior officials from White, the officials who accompanied them naturally did not dare to go forward, and could only stand in the distance and watch the happy exchanges between the old and the young.

A deputy director quietly approached Lu Zhiwei and asked in a low voice: “Director Lu, who is this young man? Why does it seem that the boss has a good relationship with him?”

Lu Zhiwei is Bai Zhengqiang’s chief secretary. However, because of his short time as secretary, he has not mentioned the deputy director of the Provincial Government General Office, but only concurrently serves as the Director of the General Office of the Provincial Government General Office.

Lu Zhiwei had a very good personal relationship with the deputy director. He shook his head slightly and said: “Zhao Ting, there are some things I can’t say, you have to be considerate of me, brother.”

The deputy director surnamed Zhao also shook his head with a wry smile, and stepped aside.

The same question was asked of Yang Zhengyu and Chen Zesheng among the officials who came with Bai Zhengqiang, but the main target was Yang Zhengyu. After all, Yang Zhengyu was the secretary of a district under Quancheng before he was transferred to the secretary of Tianqu. Therefore, all over the place.

However, Yang Zhengyu and Chen Zesheng also did not dare to reveal the relationship between Yang Jing and Bai Zhengqiang. This kind of more private things, if they do not get the consent of the parties, they will not talk nonsense. Not to mention that one of them is the richest man in the world in the true sense, and the other is a straight boss, neither of them can afford to offend.

“Go, let’s go around the city and see how things are going in the city.” Bai Zhengqiang tightened his collar and opened the door to Yang Jing and went in.

Yang Jing started the car and said while driving, “Dad, after you get to the city for a while, you have to be a little bit mentally prepared. Now the whole city has become a large construction site, which is a bit messy.”

“Hehe, what is there to do with construction, especially such a large-scale construction? But will it affect the travel and daily life of the local people?”

“This is not the case. At present, Tianqu City has started construction of three subways and one light rail at the same time, as well as the construction of four main road elevated highways. This is the most important engineering project in the urban area. The others are auxiliary. Projects have been completed, such as the construction of sewage treatment plants, high schools and middle schools.”

“Well, why is there a high school building?”

“Dad, this is the case. Now there is a very unreasonable educational situation in Tianqu, and it is estimated that this is also a situation in the country. Before the 12-year compulsory education is implemented, children will be after graduating from junior high school. Suddenly I found that their way to high school was suddenly reduced to an incomprehensible level. It is no exaggeration to say that the children’s high school entrance examination is no less difficult than the college entrance examination thirty years ago. I remember that I went to high school at that time. It’s very difficult to take the exam when it was, and it’s even harder for kids now. It’s common for junior high school students to do their homework every day until 11 or 12 in the evening. Because if they don’t study hard, they won’t be able to pass the exam! So, don’t Looking at the above, I said all the time to reduce the burden on the children, but in fact, due to the bottleneck of high school education resources, the children in junior high school, especially the children in the third year, are even more tired than the children in the third year. I think this is a very abnormal thing. , So I plan to build five or six high schools in Tianqu, so that junior high school children will no longer be an army of troops and horses to cross the single-plank bridge www.readwn.com Yang Jing drove the car and stopped at a red light. When he came down, because Bai Zhengqiang did not order, the police cars that opened the road followed far behind.

“Dad, let me take a look at the situation on Tianqu first. If the effect is good, the charity fund established by Grid and I will invest heavily in the construction of high schools. It will be promoted in our province first, and then gradually Extend to the whole country. If the land is not counted, the construction of a high school with two thousand people will cost about 50 million yuan. This fund is nothing to the charity fund of Grid and me. As long as the local government can provide land, we will A high school can be built for the local government for free. Of course, the high school is ultimately owned by the local government.”

“Then how are you doing at Tianqu?” As a senior official, Bai Zhengqiang naturally attaches great importance to education. Education is related to the future of a country and cannot be overstated.

“Here, Secretary Yang and Mayor Chen gave me and Gege a lot of support. Mayor Chen found us six plots of land, each with an area of more than 100 acres, enough to build a high school. If these six plots of land are converted into commercial land, it can increase the municipal government’s revenue by billions, but Mayor Chen is still very bold in granting the land!”

“Well, Xiao Chen has done a good job! You Tianqu will do a good job in this pilot first. If you do it well, I will focus on promoting it throughout the province! No matter how poor you are, you can’t have poor education. Delayed.”


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