Happy Tycoon

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: Fragmented

It was 11:30 noon when Yang Jing woke up the next day.

When did it end yesterday, who settled the bill, and how it came back, Yang Jing doesn’t know at all. Last night he drank the fragments thoroughly.

Can    keep filming? Usually Yang Jing is the amount of seven or eight liang of wine. When he is happy, he can barely insist on not being embarrassed by drinking a pound. But last night the five of them drank a total of eight bottles of wine-this is the only number that exists in Yang Jing’s memory. As for whether he would drink beer again, he didn’t know at all.

It’s as if someone is holding a hot red steel needle and is constantly pricking and pricking. Even if I drank Wuliangye last night, I couldn’t stand it after I woke up today.

This is the most time Yang Jing has drunk since he can remember!

got up with difficulty and looked around. Fortunately, there was no trace of vomiting. It would be a joke if he vomited all on the bed.

Yang Jing’s wines are very good. If you drink too much, you don’t make troubles and don’t spit up. You just know how to smirk and go to sleep after a laugh…

staggered into the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, and poured cold water into the water pipe, pulled down his shorts and emptied his bladder all night, which made him feel better.

As soon as he came out of the bathroom, Yang Jing was almost stumped by the alcohol in the room.

“Damn! How much wine did you drink last night? Why is the wine in this room so smelly?” Putting on his nightgown, Yang Jing walked to the window and stretched out his hand to open the window.

The cold air coming in from outside made Yang Jing feel a lot more comfortable, but she was still uncomfortable.

It is said that drinking some yogurt in this case will make people feel more comfortable. There is also yogurt in the refrigerator in the hotel, but Yang Jing dare not drink it. His intestines and stomach do not have any tolerance to yogurt, so he will have diarrhea if he drinks a little…

Putting the smell of wine in the room, Yang Jing grabbed the phone and made calls one by one, only to make the call again and again, but there was no one who answered the phone. It looks like it was high last night!

was about to put on his clothes to smash the door, and the phone rang. Yang Jing picked up the phone and saw that it was from Wang Jiazan.

“Fifth, where are you? Are you okay today?” Yang Jing rubbed his temple with one hand and asked Wang Jiazan.

“Brother, I’m rushing here from home now. I’m fine, I drank more than a catty last night. Good guys, when I see how you drink, I don’t dare to drink more, for fear of drinking. After that, no one will send you to you, and it really made me guess right. Last night, if I didn’t control the amount of alcohol and didn’t drink too much, you would all sleep in someone’s store! I rely on, you guys, you know How much did you drink?”

“I wouldn’t ask you if I knew it. I’m still confused now! I just got up and took a pee, my shit, where is the urine? It’s pure alcohol…”

“Haha, deserve it! Who made you drink so much? I tell you, yesterday we drank a total of eight bottles of white, and after drinking the white, you and the boss quarreled and insisted on drinking red wine, and then opened three more bottles of red wine. After drinking the red wine, the fourth and sixth elders said to have another beer rush, but it turned out that this rush was pourable, and two boxes of Yanjing went in again…”

Yang Jing smiled bitterly and covered his forehead, and said to his heart: “This is really stupid. Forced! Drinking and drinking make money.”

Twenty minutes later, Wang Jiazan walked in with a cold air, but he still carried a big box in his hand.

Yang Jing asked curiously: “What is this?”

“Clothes!” Wang Jiazan said irritably.

Seeing Yang Jing’s curious look, Wang Jiazan shook his head and said: “Last night the boss and the sixth had a recipe. On the way back from the restaurant to the hotel, they both vomited all the way. It is estimated that the sanitation worker should scold his mother this morning. And they are both full. I can only go home and find two sets of clothes for them to change first, or else the two of them don’t want to go out today.”

“The fourth child is okay?”

“You and the fourth brother have good wines. After drinking, you two sit in chairs and don’t know what to say. One said that you will go to the moon to open a mine, and the other said that you have found the legendary Atlantis. Say, I heard that I was covered with goose bumps all over. When you two finished, you put your head on the dinner table and fell asleep. If it wasn’t for the help of the boss yesterday, I didn’t know how I did you on my own. return.”

“Then the four of us, you and the restaurant owner, how did you get it back?”

“How did you get it back? Haha, you four are as drunk as a dead ghost, and you don’t know how to fiddle with it. The hotel owner and I are a tricycle and pulled you back directly.”

After a pause, Wang Jiazan said: “Let’s stop talking here, let’s take a look at the three.”

The three brothers did come before they woke up. The two of them couldn’t open the door after smashing them for a long time. In desperation, they could only ask the waiter to open the door with the room card.

After the misfortune of the three people one by one, all three of them looked unhappy, and Wang Jiazan laughed.

The fourth child’s house is okay. This guy’s wine is not inferior to Yang Jing, except for the choking smell of wine in the house www.readwn.com The other places are clean, but the boss is in harmony. The sixth room will not be used.

After the staff of Renjia Hotel opened the door, when Yang Jing and Wang Jiazan walked into the boss’s room, the room was messed up. There were quilts and pillows all over the room, but no one could find them. The two looked around, only to find that the guy was asleep on the floor of the bathroom. Fortunately, the hotel was heated, otherwise the boss would have a serious illness if he slept like this all night.

The sixth is not much better than the eldest. This guy slept on the floor of the room. It seems that he fell asleep at night and rolled off the bed. Fortunately, this guy still knows the cold, and wrapped himself into a large mummy with a quilt…

Fortunately, the two brothers had already vomited all the vomiting out on the road, otherwise, if they put the recipe in the room, Yang Jingguang would have to pay thousands of compensation.

Wang Jiazan roughly recounted what happened after drinking last night. The boss, the fourth and the sixth all raised their heads in embarrassment. Especially the boss. When he was in college, he always claimed that he was not dizzy at two catties, and could not fall down at three catties.

Before co-authoring, it was all bragging. Force!

Seeing that the four brothers all looked pained, Wang Jiazan said badly: “It’s noon, we should have something to eat. I said, boss, what shall we eat at noon? How about going out again? Have a drink?”

Upon hearing this, the four middle fingers stood up straight.

Wang Jiazan said irritably, “Damn! The dog bites Lu Dongbin and he doesn’t know good people. You guys are taking care of you! If you had a big drink last night, it would be best to drink a little wine at noon the next day. Healing medicine, healing effect +10086…”

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