Happy Tycoon

Chapter 187

Chapter 187: 5 pieces of ice

In this era, when the Panjiayuan flea market arrives in the afternoon, there are a lot fewer stalls. At this time, the market is still full of greenhouses and ground stalls. Unlike the fixed shops in a few years, those who own shops can open their doors for a long time.

It was freezing cold this day, and there were no shops to block the wind and cold. The owners who set up stalls basically returned home after noon. Only some stall owners with stronger willpower still insisted on setting up stalls.

Maybe it was the ghost market that ran out of luck in the morning, or the stall owners who had good things all closed their stalls and went home. Anyway, Yang Jing spent an hour in the market, but he didn’t find anything worth doing. of.

It’s not that there are no good things in the remaining stalls, there are really no old things that can make Yang Jing willing to open the door.

In fact, Yang Jing was also worried. After counting the documents and materials purchased from the waste collection station in the morning, he ran this trip by himself. The precious manuscripts and materials alone bought almost 800 kilograms. If you want to bring these things back to the original Time and space are both a big problem. How can Yang Jing buy things that are not very valuable at this time?

Yang Jing wandered around, thinking about how to take these things home. In the end, he thought of a stupid but feasible solution.

That is to wait for a while to find a cloth shop, buy a few pieces of cloth, and then go to Lao Xue’s house to wrap everything in cloth and wrap them into several oversized packages. Anyway, when I travel through time and space, as long as it is in contact with my hand and body, it can be sent back together, so this method must be able to bring back all these precious manuscript materials.

Thinking of the way, Yang Jing also slowly swayed to the gate.

Raising his hand to look at the watch, it was less than three o’clock, but there was no good item worth selling in the market. Yang Jing planned to go out to buy cloth, but just walked out of the gate, a familiar blade cutting The sound of the stone attracted Yang Jing.

The sound came from a courtyard across the road.

“Could it be from calcite?” Yang Jing was also a little excited when he thought of this.

It’s not that the value of jadeite excites Yang Jing. It is indeed that Yang Jing suddenly remembered that he had worn it to this age. On this day, he was busy with the precious manuscripts and materials. The treasures with a lot of cultural treasures were collected a lot, but It seems that I haven’t encountered one of these objects with natural treasures.

Since there are two treasure qi pools in the holy ring, it naturally shows that the natural treasure qi is also very important, and Yang Jing subconsciously believes that the treasure qi storage of the two treasure qi pools should not deviate too much. If the deviation is too large, you will definitely be subject to certain restrictions.

Although it is not yet known what restrictions will appear, Yang Jing believes that his instincts should be correct.

Therefore, after Yang Jing heard this familiar voice, he only paused for a while, then turned and walked in the direction that the voice came from.

Sure enough, this yard facing the road is a place specially used for gambling on rocks.

After Yang Jing walked into the yard, he saw a hundred pieces of jadeite rough in the yard alone.

So many rough jade stones also surprised Yang Jing Snacks. He really didn’t expect that in 1994, someone would make the jade wool business so big. Before he crossed, there was not so much jade wool in the Baoyu Zhai opened by the Zhao brothers at the Tianqu Grand Canal Antique Market. In this age, it is really not easy to see so many jadeite wool in places like Yanjing far away from the origin of Burmese jade.

At this time, more than a dozen people were gathering in the yard, and the sound of calcination from the crowd indicated that someone was calcination.

Regarding jieshi, Yang Jing didn’t have that thought to look at, and he paid more attention to those head coverings.

These materials are all placed in the yard. The largest piece is more than one meter high, more than 70 centimeters wide, and more than 70 centimeters thick. It is estimated that this rough stone alone weighs more than two tons.

These masking materials are marked with various numbers with red paint. Yang Jing knows that these are the numbers made when he bought the wool.

Yang Jing walked over and stretched out his left hand to touch the head coverings one by one, only a few pieces were touched, and a cold breath appeared.

Yang Jing’s spirit was lifted. Judging from this cold breath, this piece of head covering definitely contained jadeite, which was at least ice-seeded, and there should be a lot of it.

The cold breath coming out of this about forty kilograms of material is not as cold as the old pit glass seed, but it is much stronger than the three glutinous seed materials that I once solved. , And the number should be more. Therefore, Yang Jing guessed that this uncharacteristically uncharacteristic head covering material should contain a lot of ice jade…

Yang Jing secretly wrote down the number of the head covering material, and continued to walk forward, touching the head covering material with his left hand as he walked.

As a result, after Yang Jing spent more than ten minutes walking around the one hundred pieces of material, he found five pieces of material containing at least ice jadeite in it.

It’s not that other materials don’t have natural treasures, but because of experience, Yang Jing simply doesn’t like those materials that don’t have enough cold breath.

He is now in another time and space. If he takes away some glutinous materials, he is really making trouble for himself. Even if you want to bring the material back, at least it has to be made of ice-seeded material. Yang Jing is really not interested in materials that are lower than ice-seeded.

These head coverings are not small, and the smallest piece weighs about 30 kilograms.

But these materials are really good. Out of more than 100 materials, there are about 30 materials in stock, and five of them contain jade of ice species or more.

This discovery made Yang Jing also have to sigh, this era is not only a good period for collecting antiques, but also a good period for playing jade.

If in later generations, you can find a piece of material containing ice-type jadeite in a hundred pieces of material, even if you are very good, but in this era, five pieces of ice-type jadeite out of a hundred pieces of material actually have ice-type jadeite.

This probability is simply too high, right?

Just as Yang Jing sighed here, a sigh suddenly erupted from the place where the stone was laid there.

“Oh, it’s broken! This knife can be regarded as broken to grandma’s house!”

“Fuck! A piece of material that performs so well is actually a green!”

“Oh, Pharaoh’s 20,000 yuan is a complete deal…”

“I just told Lao Wang to stop cutting, what happened?”


Hearing these sighs and complaints over there, Yang Jing couldn’t help but shook his head slightly.

“It’s hard for a **** to break an inch of jade”, “One knife is poor, one knife is rich”, that’s true!

There was noisy, Yang Jing didn’t even bother to join in to watch the fun. If a good jade is solved, it will make sense to look at it in the past, and it will be broken. Why did you look at the stone eggs in the past?

Yang Jing is now wondering how to take these five pieces of masking material back with him.

There are real things in these five head coverings, and the natural treasure contained in any one of them is far more than the old pit glass jade that he solved at the beginning. Needless to say, the ice jadeite contained in these five pieces of material is not small, otherwise it would not contain so much natural treasure.

Although Yang Jing didn’t use the holy ring to identify the five pieces of material, but through the amount of natural treasure contained in it, Yang Jing already had a certain understanding of the five pieces of masking material.

“This gentleman, the materials I have here are all shipped from Myanmar. If you have any needs, you can tell me directly.” A voice awakened Yang Jing from his contemplation. Yang Jing turned to look, but It was discovered that a middle-aged man about forty years old was standing aside with a smile.

“Oh, I just take a look. Of course, if I meet something I like, I will buy a few dollars.” Yang Jing casually dealt with it.

However, when the middle-aged man saw Yang Jing’s appearance, his face showed a surprised look. Obviously, the boss saw the difference in Yang Jing’s appearance.

Yang Jing ignored the boss’s surprise, and pointed to the head coverings in the yard and asked: “Boss, how do you sell these head coverings?”

When the boss heard this, he smiled on his face and said, “The prices of these materials are different, some are more expensive, and some are cheaper. It depends on which material you want.”

Yang Jing raised his hand and looked at the watch. He didn’t want to spend too much time here. Anyway, he bought these wools to absorb the natural treasures inside. As for the jade that was solved, it was of secondary importance.

So he simply pointed to the five pieces of material that he was optimistic just now, “This piece, this piece…and this piece, I want it, how much does it cost?”

Yang Jing didn’t worry about not being able to afford it. At this time, the price of jadeite wool was sluggish.

From the end of the 1970s to 2017 before the crossing, Jade has experienced two surges in total.

The first time the price of jadeite wool soared occurred in the late 1980s and early 1990s. During these three to four years, the price of jadeite wool soared about a hundred times. In the early and mid-1980s, a masking material that could be bought for tens of dollars, the price skyrocketed to several thousand dollars during this time period, and a slightly better-performing material, the price could easily Over ten thousand or even over one hundred thousand.

In this period, this kind of price is simply unimaginable. After all, the average monthly income of the Chinese people at this time is only one hundred and eighty yuan. In an era when ten thousand households can be praised by neighbors for a long time, one piece was worth a few years ago. A few dozen yuan, no more than a hundred yuan, suddenly soared a hundredfold, which is really unacceptable.

But no one can tell why the price of jadeite wool has soared so sharply in the past three to four years. Just like the sudden outbreak of Qiongdao real estate during this period, no one can explain why.

However, the Chinese people just like to chase high prices. Many things are not bought at reduced prices or at low prices. They have to wait until they skyrocket to donate generously, and they want to buy all the things that have crazy prices. In the late 1980s, China experienced two inflations. The most concrete manifestation of the fact that the people frantically grabbed soy sauce and vinegar and other daily necessities at home. Of course, in the 21st century, when housing prices skyrocketed wildly, the common people of China did the same. The more housing prices rose, the more people bought them. In the end, all those real estate developers were cheaper.

The price of jadeite wool soared in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the first time the price soared.

As for the second price spike, it was the price spike that lasted for more than ten years after entering the new century.

The second time the price soared, the price of jadeite wool was on average a thousand times higher than the price in the early 1980s! At that time, it was the era of the national jade fever.

It is 1994, and the price of jadeite wool, which has been crazy for three or four years, has returned to a reasonable price range. Although it is still about ten times more expensive than the price in the 1980s, it is still in its original form. Just like the real estate of Qiongdao, after experiencing the madness of those years, it was immediately beaten back to its original state.

During this period, the Chinese people did not have so much spare money in their hands, and the price of jade was naturally unable to maintain the high situation, and it was natural to be beaten back to its original state.

Among the five pieces of material that Yang Jing fancyed, the smallest piece weighed more than 30 kilograms, and the largest piece definitely weighed more than 100 kilograms. However, with the exception of a material weighing about forty kilograms of these five materials, which performed well, the other four wool materials performed very well.

After looking at the five pieces of material pointed out by Yang Jing, the boss took out a small notebook that he carried with him. After looking at it for a while, he said, “This piece of material weighs 33 kilograms, seven thousand and five. This piece weighs 62 kilograms, seven thousand www.readwn.com This piece of material weighs 104 kilograms, ten thousand one…”

In the end, the total of these five pieces is 49,500. The best-performing piece weighing about 40 kilograms is the most expensive, as high as 18 thousand, and the 52 kilogram piece is the cheapest. , Only need six thousand.

These materials total 291 kilograms, which only sells for less than 50,000 yuan, which is really cheap.

Don’t say that these materials are in the new century. If in the crazy period of the new century, the three-hundred-kilogram total bet covers people who don’t want you to count as your ability. Even in the first two years, these three hundred A kilo of material can cost you seven or eight million at least!

Although only one of these five pieces of material performed better, these materials were all serious old pit wool. Although Yang Jing didn’t know much about gambling, he could also tell which market the wool came from.

In 2017, when Yang Jing passed through, Lao Keng’s full gambling cover material has generally exceeded 100,000 yuan per kilogram, and now, one kilogram is more than one hundred yuan…

“Okay, I accept this price. Do you package delivery here?”

“Yes, where do you want to send it?” The boss was also very happy.

“Not far, just less than a mile to the west, the specific place is…”

“Dad, Dad, Uncle Wang wants to buy stones.” Yang Jing was about to tell the boss of the specific location of Old Xue’s house when he heard a tender voice. Yang Jing turned to look, only to find a little girl about seven or eight years old with pink makeup and jade carvings was running here.

Seeing this little girl, Yang Jing only felt a “buzz” in his head, the two familiar dimples, the vaguely familiar eyebrows, how can this little loli look more like Zhong Liwan from the Qishi Pavilion in later generations… …

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