Happy Tycoon

Chapter 916

Chapter 916: All bubbles

The Internet bubble that began in the last decade of the twentieth century was not only a gluttonous feast for investors, but also a tragedy that had been brewing for many years.

In 1993, the NCSA organization of the University of Illinois at Urbana, Illinois, USA, published the first popular web browser Mosaic in Internet history.

The Alpha version, the first version of Mosaic released in January 1993, can only be run on Xindo systems. It did not support operating systems such as Macintosh and indos until September of the same year.

At this time, Mark Anderson, the core figure in the development of the Mosaic browser, and Jim Clark, the founder of Silicon Graphics, saw the broad prospects of the Mosaic browser, and the two worked together on April 4, 1994 in the United States. California established “Mosaic Communication Corporation”

However, after the establishment of the Mosaic company, because the NCSA organization of the University of Illinois in the United States owned the trademark copyright of Mosaic, and the University of Illinois had transferred the technology to Telescope Entertainment, the Mosaic company development team had to completely rewrite the browser code.

On October 13, 1994, the browser MosaicNetscape 0.9 developed by the company was released. Although it was still a beta version, the browser was a major success and became the most popular browser at the time. On November 14, 1994, in order to avoid trademark ownership issues with NCSA, Mosaic changed its name to Netscape Communications, and this browser was also renamed the famous “Netscape Browser”.

Before the success of Microsoft’s IE browser, Netscape was the most popular browser on the Internet at the time. Although this browser and even Netscape eventually disappeared in the long river of history, no one can deny that the Mosaic browser is right. The great contribution of the Internet.

In fact, with the emergence of the Mosaic browser and orldideeb, the Internet began to attract public attention, and the Internet has truly entered millions of households. By 1996, for most US listed companies, a public website had become a necessity.

In the early days of the Internet market, people only saw that the Internet had the characteristics of free publishing and real-time worldwide information, but when people gradually began to adapt to online two-way communication, direct business using the Internet as a medium and global instant group communication It is completely turned on.

These new concepts have fascinated many young talents. They believe that this new Internet-based business model will emerge, and they hope to become the first people to make money with the new model.

This is the fundamental driving force generated by the initial Internet market!

An emerging market will inevitably attract the attention of investors, and due to the rise of new concepts, the share prices of Internet companies have skyrocketed. Those investors who ventured into Internet companies in the first place have obtained huge benefits, which attracts more people. Investor’s investment behavior.

Moreover, the immaturity of the Internet market at this time has led to the fact that even if an Internet company has only one concept, it can arouse the pursuit of many investors. Therefore, when more and more “concepts” appear, it will naturally be difficult for the Internet market to become popular. avoided.

As a result, with the success of a series of Internet companies such as Netscape and Yahoo, and the rapid expansion of established IT companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, and Cisco Systems, starting in 1995, the US Internet market began to develop beyond the norm. In just six years, the entire Internet market grew out of nothing. In the end, it took only six years to form a huge market with a market value of up to five trillion U.S. dollars, and the previously unknown Nasdaq index was also Soaring from only a few hundred points to a maximum of 5132.52 points in a short period of time!

The rapid rise of the Internet market has made this emerging market that has not experienced any market test been sought after by many people, and with it, the market value of those Internet companies has soared, and the owners of those Internet companies will inevitably experience psychological expansion.

For the owners of these Internet companies, the pursuit of many investors has made their net worth soaring. This is no different from Chafu.

As a result, these Internet business owners who have become rich overnight only with a “idea” or “concept” will inevitably change their mentality. The money comes so easily, so why not spend it energetically?

As a result, many Internet companies have begun to spend their internal expenses lavishly, such as carefully tailoring commercial facilities, providing luxury vacations for employees, and so on.

The most important thing is that most of these Internet companies pay corporate executives and employees stock options instead of cash. So when the company IPO, these corporate executives and employees immediately become millionaires. And a large part of these people will invest their new wealth in more Internet companies.

This created a snowball-like situation, which eventually caused the snowball to grow bigger and bigger. In just six years, a huge market with a market value of up to five trillion U.S. dollars was formed.

However, it is not tangible performance that supports such a large market, but one after another incredible “ideas” or “concepts.” In other words, under such a big market, as long as you can come up with a popular concept, then you will immediately become a billionaire!

This is equivalent to investors using “concepts” to build a skyscraper. Although this skyscraper is very tall, beautiful and majestic, its foundation is made of sand, which cannot withstand any shocks. Once the market shakes a little, the building will collapse immediately.

However, investors who have lost their eyes and souls by the popularity of the Internet market do not see this danger at all, or they do, but they subconsciously do not want to believe that it is true.

Therefore, on March 13, 2000, an inadvertent “coincidence” caused a shock, and then this shock was driven by other inadvertent shocks, and finally evolved into a very short period of time. A strong seismic wave that was enough to overthrow this building eventually caused this beautiful building to collapse in an instant!

On March 10, 2000, the U.S. stock market entered the last trading day of the second week after March. On this day, the Nasdaq index was still very hot and unusual. The Nasdaq even touched a high of 5132.52 points at one time. It finally closed at 5048.62 points, but many investors are still optimistic about the Nasdaq.

Then, after two days of rest on Saturday and Sunday, on the morning of March 13th, Nasdaq opened as usual, but on this day, the leaders of high-tech Hu, Cisco, Oracle, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Dell The company’s stocks have encountered a lot of selling. Of course, this kind of sudden selling is likely to be a profitable sell-off by some investors, but it happened to be one piece. So on this day, the Nasdaq dropped an incredible 259 points, a drop of more than 4%.

At the same time, many Internet companies published last year’s annual reports. These annual reports all reflected an unavoidable failure. During the Christmas period of 1999, the sales of many Internet companies did not reach the expected figures. .

The annual report and the sudden sell-off immediately triggered a series of chain reactions. In fact, the Internet market has developed to the present, and many organizations have seen the dangers in it.

Then, this inadvertent shock immediately caused many investment institutions and various funds to start liquidation www.readwn.com which led to an avalanche like collapse.

In just six days, the Nasdaq plunged by 900 points!

The bursting of the Internet market bubble has exploded irresistibly!

In the end, the crash lasted from March 2000 to October 2002, and lasted for 31 months, and the Nasdaq fell from the highest point of 5132 to 1,108!

In two and a half years, the Nasdaq lost 80% of its value! The Internet market has a market value of four trillion US dollars that has been wiped out…

In those two years, the entire Internet market was like the song “Bubbles” sung by Deng Ziqi-all bubbles…

For speculative giants like KY investment funds, with such a good market and such a gluttonous feast, is it not a violent thing to let go?

Therefore, Yang Jing is back. He wants to sit here and fire the first shot of the KY investment fund’s attack on the Internet bubble!

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