Happy Tycoon

Chapter 973

Chapter 973: Trembling

“Elder Wang, there are five extremely domineering organs in this divine way. If each organ does not know the way to pass the pass, it is almost dead or no life. Even if they know the way to pass the pass, most people will definitely not be able to pass it. This point, There are already hints on the memorial stone tablet just now. It is estimated that Senior Yuechengzi tried many times before getting the clearance method. I didn’t know that this was the tomb built by Wu Zetian, so I thought it was Senior Yuechengzi. The repair mechanism.” Standing in front of the divine way, Yang Jing calmly said to the old man.

The previous section of Shinto is four meters wide and thirty meters long. With the spotlights on Yang Jing’s head and shoulders, it can only reach a distance of more than 20 meters. Therefore, the blackness is not long in the distance. Dong’s divine way, like Godzilla’s open mouth, made people shudder.

With regard to the inscription on the memorial inscription, Mr. Wang could understand a little bit, but he was still a long way from understanding all of it. After all, this kind of text is the text that is shown to the dead in the legend. It is the text of the underworld. It is only circulated in a very small area of the deep mountains and old forests in the southwest of China. There are not many people in China who know this type of text. He can recognize two hundred words, which is already very remarkable.

So he took out the camera and called up the content that he had just shot. After zooming in, he pointed to one of the texts and said to Yang Jing: “Xiao Yang, are you talking about this text? This should be the way to pass through the Shinto mechanism, right? ”

“Yes, when you look at this passage, the translation means that every third is one to the left, every six is one to the left, every six is one to the left, and every nine is one, to pass the trap. This is the way to pass the first organ. Just follow this method. , Then you can safely pass the first trap.”

Although Zhao Yong on the side is a captain officer, he is the first time he has participated in this kind of tomb archeological operation. Everything before has already made him very exciting. He did not expect that after entering the cave, there will be more More exciting organs.

So he asked: “Brother Yang, this passage is so wide, how do you know where to start? This start is also very important. If you make a mistake at the beginning, even if you know how to pass, I am afraid you will not be able to pass this safely. One level, right?”

Yang Jing smiled and snapped his fingers, “Brother Zhao is right, but if you look closely, you should be able to see that there is something unusual in this section of Shinto.”

Hearing Yang Jing’s words, Wang Lao and Liu Yue both moved their expressions. They both began to look carefully at this divine way, and Zhao Yong did the same.

However, I have to admire that Zhao Yong is a specially trained soldier. He may not understand archeology at all, but he has extremely keen perception and observation power for certain killing organs.

He was the first to discover the clues.

Zhao Yong squatted on the ground, tilted his head and looked at Yang Jing and said, “Brother Yang, is the difference you said about these slight bumps on the ground? I just looked at it, and the bumps on the ground seem to be the same as yours. There is a connection between the passing method mentioned earlier, I think it is necessary to step on these bumps every step, and then follow the passing method to finally safely walk through this shrine?”

Yang Jing laughed loudly and gestured to Zhao Yong and said: “Brother Zhao, you are really a loss if you don’t become a treasure hunter. With your eyesight, if you are willing to be a treasure hunter, I think There shouldn’t be many agencies that can block you on this day.”

Zhao Yong smiled and waved his hand, but did not answer.

Wang Lao and Liu Yue looked at the ground carefully and nodded thoughtfully.

Yang Jing said: “Okay, let’s not waste time. The length of these four divine ways is not short, we have to hurry up. However, I will walk through this section of divine way first, walk through it according to the method of clearance, and then I will try again. Check if the organ is activated. If the organ is not activated, then you can just walk over.”

With that said, Yang Jing began to move forward in accordance with the way of passing the customs. He had already walked once, so naturally he walked very skillfully this time. In less than twenty seconds, he had come to the end of this divine way. However, when he reached the end, he tried to walk two steps backwards, and after confirming that the mechanism had not been activated, he walked back swaggeringly.

“Elder Wang, Brother Liu, Brother Zhao, let’s go. I have confirmed that the mechanism in this section of the divine way has not been activated, and we can safely pass this section of the divine way.”

The three people lined up in a line behind Yang Jing, a distance of about three meters from each other. Zhao Yong was in the first place and Liu Yue was second. Wang Lao wanted to follow Yang Jing, but was squeezed in the end by two young men.

Wang Lao wanted to get angry and didn’t have a place to send it. He naturally knew that these two young people were thinking about themselves.

Yang Jing didn’t care, after all, after the test just now, all the mechanisms in Shinto should have been turned off, so there should be no danger here.

Sure enough, the three of them, led by Yang Jing, passed through this trap mechanism and came to the second flying blade mechanism.

Yang Jing also walked through the pass according to the method, the organ was not triggered, and then the four people passed the second pass smoothly. Of course, in the middle of this level, the three of them also saw the location where the flying blades ejected under Yang Jing’s guidance.

These insidious flying blades need to be ejected. Although the mechanism cannot be activated again because of the loss of power, when Yang Jing explained to them the situation when the mechanism was activated, the three people even did not see the flying blade with their own eyes. , Seeing the exit of the flying blades ejected, they could also imagine how insidious and powerful these flying blades would be once they ejected.

There were a total of three flying blade mechanisms, and the flying blade exit of each flying blade mechanism made three people shudder.

The same is true for the Rolling Stones mechanism in the third level and the arrow-arranging mechanism in the fourth level. After Wang Lao and the others saw the layout of these mechanisms, even if they knew how to pass the level, their backs were soaked in cold sweat.

Especially Wang Lao and Liu Yue, they both specialize in archaeological work. They have seen more ancient tombs. Although there are also institutions in Han tombs, Tang tombs, Song tombs, and Ming tombs, Those institutions are like naive children in front of the Shinto institutions of Wu Zetian Mausoleum.

Even the organs in the world-famous Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang are not comparable to these four divine ways in the eyes of the old man. Although there are many organs in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, most of those organs are protective and it is not difficult to crack. The difficult thing is how to protect the treasures in the tomb after cracking.

But the organs in this Wu Zetian Mausoleum were different. These organs were simply built to kill people. It is estimated that when Wu Zetian built this tomb, he was worried about being patronized by tomb robbers, so he set up such a powerful killing agency.

The three elders, who had passed through the four shinto organs tremblingly, finally stood in front of the broken dragon stone that had fallen again.

Wang Lao looked at the huge rock in front of him in surprise and asked, “Xiao Yang, this is the legendary Broken Dragon Stone? The Broken Dragon Stone mentioned by Yue Chengzi on that monument of death?”

“Well, this is the Broken Dragon Stone, after which you can enter the core of the tomb.”

Zhao Yong asked in a puzzled way: “When I watched martial arts, Zhong said that this kind of broken dragon stone is a one-off, and it can’t be opened again after it is dropped. Now this broken dragon stone has fallen, how can we? Turn it on? Is it just a drug?”

Old Wang smiled and said: “Xiao Zhao, you can be fooled by those martial arts authors on this point. This broken dragon stone is a mechanism that we often encounter in Chinese ancient tombs, but some broken dragon stones are indeed one-offs. Yes, it can’t be opened again after falling, but most of the broken dragon stones will be used after the tomb is repaired. After the emperor is buried, these broken dragon stones will be activated, and after falling, the tomb passage will be completely sealed to prevent outsiders. Enter into the mausoleum.”

“But inside the mausoleum, there are some broken dragon stones that can be reopened even though they are put down. I have seen such broken dragon stones in many ancient tombs. Such broken dragon stones are not so much a broken dragon stone. It is more appropriate to say that it is an organ door. However, this kind of organ door is also difficult to open. The broken dragon stone in front of you actually belongs to the latter.”

The broken dragon stone in front of them, because of the loss of power, has opened about two-thirds. The broken dragon stone in the tomb of Wu Zetian, or the existence of the organ gate, is different from the broken dragon stones in other ancient tombs. The broken dragon stone or the mechanism door in other ancient tombs is closed by its own weight, and it needs extra power to open it.

But the organ door in front of us is just the opposite www.readwn.com This organ door is closed by power rather than by its own gravity. As long as there is power, the Broken Dragon Stone will always be closed, and it can only be opened through the correct opening method. And once it loses power, this huge broken dragon stone will naturally not close.

Yang Jing had already cut off the power of all the organs in the divine way before, and this piece of broken dragon stone naturally lost its power, and only then has the way of opening up all the time.

Zhao Yong and Liu Yue looked at this super-thick stone slab, and they both slapped their tongues in surprise. According to a rough estimate of the volume of this large stone slab, it weighs more than 30 tons. Even if the broken dragon stone is directly hewn from the mountain with local materials, if it is hardly hewn from the mountain so large A piece of broken dragon stone, even if it is put into modern times, it is definitely not a small project, let alone the Wu Zhou dynasty more than a thousand years ago!

Elder Wang was also surprised by the huge size of this broken dragon stone. The largest broken dragon stones he had seen in other ancient tombs were only a few tons in weight. It was the first time he saw such a heavy broken dragon stone.

Moreover, the elder Wang was also very interested in the mechanism of opening this broken dragon stone. After studying here for more than ten minutes, he reluctantly left here and walked inside…

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