Happy Tycoon

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: Zhao Brothers

Yang Jing, who had understood some things, twitched the corners of her mouth slightly when she looked at those who were still chattering about the jade wool.

Yang Jing would not be so stupid to remind these people that since they choose to play rock, they have the consciousness of being cheated and deceived.

“What kind of material does this little brother want to see? Not only do we have head covering material, but also the half-betting material that opens the window, all of which I shipped directly from Myanmar. The material here is not ours. The materials were shipped from Jieyang or Pingzhou. These materials were definitely shipped from Myanmar, not the kind of materials left over by people.”

A voice suddenly rang in Yang Jing’s ear. He turned to look over, but it was the shop owner who had been talking to Zhao Tuzi just now.

Seeing Yang Jing looking at him, the boss smiled and said, “Welcome to Baoyuzhai. I am Zhao Dongsheng, the boss of Baoyuzhai. What do you call the little brother?”

Yang Jing smiled and said, “My last name is Yang.”

“Oh, hello, Brother Yang, if you want to see what kind of material, please tell me Lao Zhao, the material here guarantees your satisfaction.”

This Zhao Dongsheng has been making jadeite for more than ten years. In Tianqu City, he is also one of the best jade wool suppliers.

These people here are all stone friends who love jade, especially stone gambling in Tianqu City. Because Zhao Dongsheng started his career early, his Baoyuzhai has attracted a large number of stone gambling enthusiasts over the years.

All these people, Zhao Dongsheng, knew, but Yang Jing was staring at him.

But the Armani that Yang Jing is wearing, Zhao Dongsheng knows him well. He can wear tens of thousands of suits, plus the same tens of thousands of windbreakers, which is enough to prove Yang Jing’s wealth.

Eye thief’s Zhao Dongsheng immediately realized that Yang Jing was very likely to be a second-generation, and also a wealthy second-generation.

Such rich owners are their favorite shop owners! Especially in the field of stone gambling, as long as the second generation can be attracted, as long as the second generation can be addicted to stone gambling, then…

Zhao Dongsheng felt a little excited himself, as if he saw a lot of banknotes smiling at him.

This young man must be wooed!

With this thought in mind, Zhao Dongsheng took the initiative to talk with Yang Jing.

Of course Zhao Tianzi understood what his brother did. Oh, this Zhao Baldzi is actually Zhao Dongsheng’s own younger brother. His name is Zhao Dongshan. It’s just the relationship between the two people. Very few outsiders know about it.

Although they are brothers, they don’t look alike at all. The older brother Zhao Dong is warm and elegant, is over 1.7 meters tall, and has a slightly fat body. And the younger brother Zhao Tuzi, a tall man, is not a good person at first glance. If the two of them didn’t talk, no one would believe that they were actually brothers.

Unlike his elder brother Zhao Dongsheng who concentrates on doing business, Zhao Dongshan has been in the society with a group of people since he was in high school. Later, he didn’t even pass the high school entrance examination and left as a soldier.

After four years of changing jobs, this Zhao Balezi did not go to work in the assigned factory. Instead, he continued to mix with the previous gang of brothers and started trading in sand and gravel in Tianqu, and a group of people gathered under his hands. Little brother.

Bald Zhao is a tall man, coupled with a natural bald head, so he is very sturdy, so in the way of Tianqu, Zhao Bald is not small.

It was just that when he competed with other forces for the right to supply sand and gravel to a construction site, Zhao Tuzi severely injured one of them, but did not run away. He was quickly sentenced to seven years in prison after being caught.

After seven years of reformation from prison, Zhao Tuzi returned to society again. Now he is really honest, and the gang of little brothers before him have all fallen apart. He didn’t go back to his old business, but found his brother, Zhao Dongsheng, who opened Jubaozhai. , Began to mix with his brother.

But don’t look at Zhao Tuzi’s other abilities. He used to only know about drinking and fighting, but this guy has an outstanding talent for betting on rocks. Even Zhao Dongsheng’s elder brother, Zhao Dongsheng, didn’t expect that his younger brother, who had broken his family since he was a child, had an almost enchanting instinct for gambling on rocks.

With his younger brother’s talent for betting on stones, Zhao Dongsheng’s Baoyuzhai business has also started to flourish in recent years.

But the two brothers slowly discovered that it is really difficult to make a fortune by simply betting on rocks. After all, his younger brother Zhao Tuzi only has some talent for gambling on stones. He is not far from the masters who specialize in gambling on stones in major jewelry shops and the gambling experts in Myanmar’s major markets.

Zhao Bald’s bet on rocks can’t be said to be ten bets and nine loses, but it’s good to be able to catch two or three big ones in ten times. Although it will not lose money, it is really difficult to make a fortune.

So when the two brothers combined, they gradually began to change their business strategy, no longer focusing on gambling on stones, but on selling wool.

How hard it is to bet on stones, I am afraid of being frightened, for fear that one of them will lose all of this family wealth if he is not careful.

How stable it is to sell wool. I bought some wool from Ruili, Pingzhou, and Jieyang, and then spent a lot of money to pick a few good materials as bait, and even used it as a fake method to make a piece of masking material, and then let his brother Zhao Tuzi be in front of a large group of stone friends. The face is untied, and a scene of gambling on stones and getting rich all night is staged. Don’t worry about those stone friends not being fooled?

Although the price of the good half-betting is very high, after Zhao Dongsheng asked his brother to try it twice, he found that this method is indeed feasible.

Fortunately, for the first time, the two of their brothers saw a very good semi-gambling material from Jieyang, and Zhao Tuzi felt very good about this material www.readwn.com so Zhao Dongsheng gritted his teeth and spent 7 million. Bought this half gambling material. After buying back this piece of material, Zhao Dongsheng asked someone to cheat again and put a layer of stone skin on the part where the window was opened, turning the half-betting material that opened the window into a piece of completely masked material.

At the same time, Zhao Dongsheng bought back more than 50 pieces of “wool material” from Jieyang for one million yuan. It is said that it is woolen material. In fact, people have picked up materials that I don’t know how many times. The average one is only 20,000 yuan, how can these materials be so good?

After returning, Zhao Dongshan spent 400,000 “buy” the piece of fake wool weighing more than ten kilograms in front of 20 or 30 stone friends, and then untied the piece of material in front of everyone, and finally opened it. A piece of seedling-green ice seed material was directly purchased by Chow Tai Fook, who had just settled in Tianqu, for a price of 9 million yuan.

That piece of material Zhao Dongsheng did not make much money, but driven by this piece of ice material, the fifty pieces of material that Zhao Dongsheng brought back from Jieyang were all sold in just two days.

The total weight of the fifty pieces of material is more than 600 kilograms. Zhao Dongsheng only spent 1 million on these materials at the time. The price of 14,000 kg was all sold out…

These materials were sold for a total of 8.4 million, and after deducting the 1 million used to purchase the goods, the brothers made a net profit of 7.4 million!

Including the two million made by the ice seed material, the two brothers made nearly ten million in less than ten days! This is more than what the two brothers had earned after two years of working hard and frightened!

PS: I would like to thank the “Purple Flame Tianjiao” 500 for the reward, and the “Icy Octave” 100 for the reward.

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