Chapter 14 -What a devil can offer-

Uh so last time I ended up in this fight with a woman and a man.Both of them were demons but they both looked like people,it still bugs in a way but eventually I'll probably get over it.We managed to win even though they were literally too powerful,honestly if we didn't have captain Bloom we probably would've been overwhelmed.We fought our best and even we came back bloodied and battered we managed to pull through and beat them.I passed after the battle and I woke up weeks later in my room to me it felt like an instant like a few minutes though.I ended up at the palace in a medic room,the king and his daughter were there to see me.

King golem:it is true....you and iris ?

Tylor:I.....sir,please forgive me

King golem:for ?


King golem:I've already talked to iris boy,she told me she approached you first.

Tylor:s-s-so I'm not gonna be killed ?

King golem:if I wanted you dead,you would be right this second.It's king's duty to protect all who reside under him,that includes you.

Tylor:I....thank you for your mercy my lord,I apologize too,I would get up and bow but--

King golem:we know you aren't in any condition to be moving around for now,you used a lot of mana on your mission.Bloom told me how hard you fought and that if it wasn't for you--

Tylor:WHAT ?! No,he did--

King golem:all of you deserve praise and I thanked each one of them personally.You aren't any different from them,I was just impressed.

At what ? I mean we fought demons nothing more.I mean I did expect a pat on the back but he says he's actually impressed !

King golem:Bloom rarely ever compliments anyone and the people he has complimented are part of the royal guard.He's the captain of the royal knights for a reason you know.

Tylor:uh...I'm glad I could be of service

King golem:....tell me though,what reason do you have to go stand for my people ? Do you know why most of the men who were asked to join refused ?

Tylor:uh...no--no sir

King golem:those demons you battled with were apart of the main force of the demon lord.

What ?! The actually demon lord here too !!! Am I in one of those fantasy things those nerds talk about all the time ? So am I the hero or something ?!

King golem:to some extent the fact that you survived speaks to your power but....on the other hand,risking your life to that extent for people you barely know and for a place you have not called home yet is surprising to me.

Tylor:I--uh...I just wanted to protect the people of the--

The king released his aura and I feel his blood lust coming over me.I started shaking a bit.He looked at me dead serious and I knew I had to be honest.

Tylor:i-- cause I didn't want the-- the princess to lose of her people

Princess iris:....Tylor

King golem:you're telling me that's reason enough for you to risk your life boy !?

Tylor:i-- well I didn't think I was going to die actually,I thought I was going to beat some weak demons and I would get rewards and stuff,I mean protecting that smile was my main goal.

King golem:....which smile ? Her's ?

Tylor:i--uh--sorry ! Sorry,sir.

King golem:so you want to be with her too ?

Tylor:...I....I'm--im not sure...

King golem:speak your mind boy !

Tylor:--uh yes sir,I--i....I'm not worthy of her,I mean she's....wow ! And I'm...well me,I'm not sure if she'll keep me or end up replacing me.

King golem:you younger generation honestly need to get over yourselves.What is a relationship without commitment boy ?

Tylor:... it's--its not exactly a relationship then sir.

King golem:good,now we're having a party in the main room of the palace,I want you there to celebrate,do you here me.

Tylor: y--yes sir

King golem:....good

The dude got up after that and without saying another he left.it was just me and iris in the room,honestly she was so quiet I forgot she was here and listening to us talk.She came and sat next to me on the bed.

Princess iris:....so...you did all that for...me ?

Tylor:(playfully)so are you gonna make fun of me too ?

Princess iris:make fun of that sweet of a gesture ? And I mean you did it out of love right ?

Tylor:what ?! --I--i--....

She laughed at me.

Princess iris:What did you mean by protect my smile though ?

Tylor:...well I....I noticed that you actually really enjoy helping your people.I mean when we were handing food to the refugees...I saw how happy you were helping them get food and playing with the kids to put a smile on they're faces.A lot of those people were broken and some didn't have a home but you were actually able relieve them of they're worries and put a smile on their faces.I'm sure if any of those people outside the capitals walls died,you would've been sad cause of that.

Princess iris:i-- well you aren't wrong but....

She hugged me as she said this.She held me tight in her arms and she laid her head on my chest.

Princess iris:your life is important to me too you know...

What she just said caught me off guard too but I mean I should've guessed that much though.I mean she was so worried about me before I even left.

Tylor:thanks...I'm glad I'm actually getting there

Princes iris:(confused)getting where ?

Tylor:to being someone you can depend on and you can love wholeheartedly.

She looked at me shocked and then she quickly moved her face away from mine.She was blushing so hard and I could hear her giggled to herself.Its like she was feeling giddy about or for something.

Tylor:uh so...aren't gonna go enjoy the party ?

Princess iris:well I did go and greet them but....I made to act a little under the weather.A lot of people here think I'm sick and those who don't arrived late.The palace and streets of our capital are filled with people partying right now.

Tylor:oh yeah ?

Princess iris:we call it the "pride for life",it's a celebration that has everybody enjoy a day of celebration,dance,music,women,men,alcohol and almost everything in-between.It can be held any time of day as long as we have a big enough reason.

Tylor:and what's the occasion this time then ?

Princess iris: we're celebrating the lives of the villagers you guys saved.Before encountering those demons you had evacuated a few villages right ? Those people managed to make back safe and unharmed all because of you guys.

Tylor:mh...that's dope,I'm happy everybody is enjoying themselves.Wait--actually is ava okay ?

Princess iris:oh her ? Yeah,she was healed like you were as soon as you came here.remember your arm ?

And then it hit.My arm was broken at some point and Bloom could only help stop the bleed and close the wound but he couldn't put the bone back into place.I looked at my wrist and it just sent a chilling feeling down my spine that had scared.

Princess iris:by the way,how did you get these tattoos on your body ?

Tattoos ?! What --

Tylor:what are you talking about ?

Princess iris:when we asked Bloom and ray they said they just appeared on your body.I thought you might have a clue about them.

Tylor:i--wait,I really have tattoos on my body ?!

Princess iris:why would I lie about that ?

Tylor:good point...

I wonder if they anything to do with that thing I talked to or maybe what I did with tier ? I don't know,actually that thing said it's job is to make me the demon lord.

Princess iris:by the way,what power level are you now ? I mean you were already strong when you got here,I'm guessing around lv 30+,I'm sure you've leveled up a lot.

Wait....so people actually do level up here.Like in those rpg fantasy games ? Am I in a game or a fantasy world here ? Nope,I don't want to find out what will happen if I know,I'll just leave it at that.I mean back if they were told they were in a simulation they'd freak,I'm sure this is another reality I'm in.

Tylor:...by the way,sorry,I don't know how to show you that...

Princess iris:oh yeah,I keep forgetting a lot of these things are new to you.well um,in our world we use a spell to check our own stats.It shows us every detail from strength,mana pool down to your skills and abilities.here look at mine.

Iris raised her hand and closed her eyes.She took a deep breath in and exhaled.A blue glow covered her body which made her look even more divine,I can't get over how beautiful this girl is.She opened her eyes and even her iris was sparking electricity.

Princess iris:[with the word of the holy one,show me what I'm blessed with]

A blue box made of light appeared Infront of her,it was like a projection only her's floated Infront of her and she moved it Infront of me.

Her stats read as follows:





Mana pool:400 000/400 000

Skill:healers hand,rewind,goddess of ice

Titles:saintess,Ice Queen

I just stared in disbelief,mostly cause I didn't know even what half of this meant in terms of her power,like with speed,would she be fast as a bullet or something then ?

Tylor:so does that mean you're strong or something ?

Princess iris:(giggles)no,far from it.See with my below average physical skills I'm incapable of fighting long drawn out battles,I can heal myself almost instantly and my spells are powerful with mana to match,my body just can't uh...take a beating like yours can, I'd probably die from a strong punch at full power from the weakest knight we have.

Tylor:seriously ! How high does your endurance need to be for a person to survive anything in this ?!

Princess iris:well papa's 5 000 000 clean so I'm sure he can tank a lot and that's in his base.

5 000 000,are you fucking kidding me ?! Why didn't he fucking go fight those fucking things then--actually she talked about levels earlier.I checked her's and she was a lv 80 healer and lv 92 mage.Impressive but for some reason she only specialized in ice magic.

Princess iris:anyway it's your turn,for your thoughts on discovering how strong you've become.Uh it helps to think of every experience you've gone through so too and then say the incantation.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes,raised my hand.I exhaled and I felt a sudden Surg of mana flow out from my wrist.I opened my eyes to see myself glowing in a dark red aura.I saw my status box Infront of me too,I looked at iris and she looked shocked.

Princess iris:s-s-since when did you get that powerful ?! Tylor what the hell is going on ?!!!

Tylor:I--i don't know,honestly !!!!

My stats read as follows😅: 

Strength: infinite 

Stamina: infinite 

Endurance: infinite 

Speed: infinite 

Mana pool:infinite

Skill:elemental god,martial arts master,god of destruction

Titles:demon slayer,demon lord,ruler,chosen by Lust

I kinda just stopped to check my eyes again,I rechecked my stats and everything was still the same.Me and iris sat there dumbfounded at what was going on and something actually got my attention "chosen by Lust" does this all have to do with that devil I was talking last time then ? What the hell is going on.I checked my level and it read ??? And I just stopped switching off the damn spell.we kinda just sat there for a while.

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