Chapter 16 -what I define as love-

Uh we stood there both of us quiet as night.There more time that passed the less I wanted her to respond and the less I wanted to be Infront of her right now.That was so embarrassing,she just stared at me dumbfounded.I thought she....never mind.

Tylor:uh listen...sorry if I came strongly.Y--you can do as you see fit with that information.I'm gonna go dry up in the sun....okay ?

She still didn't respond so I decided to walk back to the grass.Before I could though,Iris grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me back to her.She went in straight for a kiss and she was doing something with her hands behind her back.

Princess iris:I'm...sorry,what you just said just now....it caught me off guard.i wasn't expecting you to...what I'm trying to say is...I love you too(softly)okay ?

Uh....well I guess I can work with that for now...

Tylor:I'm sorry if I made you say something y--

Princess iris:don't you dare even finish that sentence.Stop apologizing for minor things and plus you didn't make me do anything I...I've wanted you to say that since the day you...you agreed to be my future husband.

By the way.The fact that they have that law is because in the past one of the king's decided it would be beneficial for the kingdom if their queen's were strong willed and strong minded,so he developed a way to train the queens and princesses of the kingdom.He taught them the key fundamentals on being a supporter and on how to play their role to best support their future king and husband.This is drilled into them at a young age though and at the start the kingdom suffered because the women then were hard headed and Ill mannered.Until about a few centuries ago the kingdom's methods have been dedicated to their law and it's been going well.Infact the Rosalie kingdom is one of the few kingdom prospering in this world of war.I learnt that in this whole training to be a king thing.

Tylor:uh well yeah...I guess that's it,huh ? I mean I really don't know what to say now...

Princess iris:how about....(Playfully)you don't say anything

She said while putting her bra around my neck.

Princess iris:I swear sometimes I find myself unable to hold myself back.You're so sweet and innocent,I just want to guble you up.

Tylor:(sarcastically)talk to me like a kid why don't you

Princess iris:(laughs)it's not my fault you're adowable

I laughed at what she just said,it caught me off guard.

Tylor:you're annoying(laughs)

Princess iris:(playfully)and you're a jerk

We both laughed at each other.She pulled me closer to her for a kiss so I obliged.We kissed and I enjoyed this one more than usual.I wanted to shout or scream something,I feel like a winner right now.I shouted ''yeah" at the top of my lungs and she looked at me shocked for a bit and then she bursted out laughing again.I looked at her and I laughed too.

Princess iris:I didn't exactly come here expecting us to uh...officially confess we like each other(giggles)

???:so this is the one that killed them ?

???:yes my lord

Me and iris froze for a second.Before I knew it a huge ice wall exploded behind me,climbing high up.I turned around and I saw two demons floating in the air.

???:my,my,my....she's a fiery one.I like her

???:should I take her then my lord ?

I couldn't just wait around and see what was going to happen.I blasted a gaping hole in the ice wall with a small wind spell and released a cast for a fire tornado at the demons.I carried iris in my arms,she did say she wasn't as fast as I was.I bursted away from the area while my spell was still in infact.We managed to slip away,I think.We were deeper into the forest then I would've like but going back to the mansion would also put the others in danger.Coming out here was a bad bad idea ! Damnit ! I decided to check on iris.

Princess iris:(shaken)s-s-so those were the things you fought out there ?!!!

Tylor:uh--yeah,relax a bit okay...

Princess iris:no,no,Tylor you don't understand !!! I saw those things power and I could feel their killing intent.They're aura is more deadly and horrid then a grave site.

Oh yeah,she can see things normal people can't see.Why can't she see tier though ? And speaking about tier,I wonder where she is,I haven't heard a peep from her since that battle with the demons.

Tylor:I get what you mean but I'm sure I can take em.I just wanted to make sure you were safe.Can you cast a magic barrier around yourself ?

Princess iris:yes I can but...what about you ? What if something bad happens.Tylor please don't...go...

Tylor:come on,iris,we both know we can't have those roaming around here or they might end up hurting the others so...please

she cast a magic barrier around herself.She looked at me with a worried expression.I cast another barrier around her to make sure she was safe and well protected.

Princess iris:I'll wait for you here just....please...be safe okay.I want you to promise me,you'll come back alive.

Tylor:I....I promise,I love you,okay....

Princess iris:I love you too,focus and...fight hard okay,you have someone who loves you dearly waiting for you to return.

Tylor:and I will....I'll do my best

I bursted off and headed back to them.

???:well considering our approach,I don't blame him for not listening to a word we have to say.

???:b--b--but sir

???:silence Tika,he's returned

I landed Infront of them and they were both on guard but it seemed like they were just standing the casually.I could sense the magic barriers they had cast around them,no wonder my spell didn't get through,huh.Maybe a high powered one will,I charged up my mana and released it.the whole area around bursted under pressure,my energy blew dust and rocks up and created huge gusts of wind.They really had me pissed.

???:we are not here to fight with you human,matter a fact we are not here to fight at all.

Tylor:then why are you here ?!

???:well before that,introductions are in order

Tylor:what ? I--

Law:my master calls me law,I am but a humble scout of the demon king,I serve in the main army and this is my attendant Tika,being a demon to her is new,she hasn't been able to get ahold of her blood lust as of yet.

Blood lust ?! Does that mean they live off human flesh ? So they eat the humans they've killed ?! Or does he mean she just likes to kill ?!

Tylor:alright then,I--i'm Tylor,it's not really nice to meet you...

Law:(faking a smile)feeling is mutual

Tylor:now getting back to what I asked ! What are you doing here then ?

Law:we came to get you,provided you'll come with us without a fight.We'll promise not to destroy your friends in that little mansion of yours and...your little girl north of here,exactly 110metres from here.i'm surprised you covered that distance in a few seconds while carrying someone at that.

Tylor:what do you want with me ?

How long have these two been watching us ? Was since we got here ? Or maybe before that ? How could they know about us being here ? Looks like leaving iris alone back there was a bad idea,probably.

Law:honestly we don't want anything to do with you,it's our lord and master who's interested in you.

Tylor:the demon lord ? Why me ?

Law:I have no clue if I'm being honest with you.

Tylor:y--you promise to leave the other's alone ?

Law:yes,I give my word.

The girl jumped Infront of him,I was Infront of the dude ready to punch him.The area exploded and the ground erupted up.I quickly bursted towards law and I shaped my magic into a blade.Law did the same thing with a smirk on his face.He parried my attacks and tried to counter unsuccessfully.Law move out of the way slightly and the ground literally extended a fist towards me at bullet speeds.It hit me hard,I coughed up blood and it sent me flying back.I flipped and slid back on the ground,as soon as I landed I jumped out of the way.A huge fire ball destroyed the spot I was at.I bursted towards law but before I could attack him,I stopped and dodged ice shards that were being flung at me.I quickly adjusted and parried law's sneak attack.He smirked and I saw law behind law,the one Infront of me glowed.The clone ignited,releasing a massive explosion.I hid behind one of the trees,I had my clothes and iris's in hand.I took a moment to take a breather.I put on my outfit and I put iris's clothes in the storage box I had.I pulled out my daggers and I looked for them in the smoke.I healed my wounds,they were only minor burns,I had put a barrier between me and the clone before it exploded.The explosion was strong enough to break my barrier but not fast enough to completely to engulf me in it.

Law: you're really fun(chuckles)

He was standing Infront of me a bit away but close.I got ready for some reason I felt my body charge up,I saw a blue almost angelic aura cover my body.I saw law look at shocked,I glared at him.I exploded forward and so did the ground I was standing under when I jumped off it.Law dodged my slash by a hair and he even on the ground from the blow back.I shot passed him though,I landed and I hit the ground hard to stop myself quickly and bursted back into my attack.It was harder for him to block my moves now,I released my mana around our battle field.His girl was preparing to attack,huh.I continued to pressure law while dodging the ice shard's the girl was shooting.I landed a slash on law,he was shocked I managed to hit him.He roared out in a fit of rage,releasing his mana and on god he was strong.The aura around me glowed brighter almost responding to law's increase in strength.They both charged at me,I back flipped out of the way while casting a combo spell.I created quick send where I was.Law was able to pass by the mud by increasing his momentum with wind magic.The girl wasn't so lucky and she managed to fall in my trap.Law and I quickly bursted towards her,I created a barrier around myself and changed direction for him.Law looked at shocked,he managed to dodged.I felt some sort of barrier pass through,did he just release some kind of...I jumped out of its range just Incase.

Law: you're amazing boy ! Tika stop playing.

I watched the girl freeze the quick sand and she was lifted out by the ice.She chuckled as she walked to her master's side.

Tylor:damnit !

Law:remember the last demon you fought ?

Tylor:what about him ?

Law:he was called the needle demon,he was the weakest one in our ranks.Out of the 12 generals,I'm one of the top ranking one's.Earlier I lied to keep your guard down a bit but since you've chosen to hostile there's no need for me to keep up the facade.

Tylor:what difference will telling me that make ?

Law:I know you could sense my barrier right now.You purposely moved outside of its range.

Tylor:so what ? You want a trophy ?

Law:(playfully)I'd love one but...I'll get one for bringing you in.A big one if you're still breathing.Which means I just have to beat you within an inch of your life.

I felt his barrier pass me again.This time it stretched widely,I released my own to feel his out and mine had to be a 100 meters to match his from all angles.which means iris was 10 meters away from his attack.I knew one thing for certain though,he was getting serious right now.

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