Chapter 19 -Loyalty part two-

Princess iris: they're already here ?!

Tylor:yup,you sensed too,huh ?

Princess iris:well yes but...I'm still shocked they came this early,don't we still have 3 hours or something together ?

Tylor:3 hours tops,maybe they think we ran away.I'll go out and talk to them.

Princess iris:I'm coming with you !


Princess iris:No ! I'm coming ! You can't --

Tylor:Iris ! 

I stopped talking,he gave me this glare that told me stop whatever the fuck I was thinking.Since he said so....I guess I gotta listen.

Princess iris:...fine but...be safe.

Tylor:...I will,stay here and please check if the others aren't on edge or anything,maybe someone felt their aura.

Princess iris:...okay and you make sure you go out there ready to fight,they might sneak you so please be ready for anything.

Tylor:...yeah I know,thanks I'll hurry,I love you😘

Princess iris:I love you too Tylor

He vanished with the window opening up after him.I decided to do as he said,I got up and got dressed.I really shouldn't be walking around after what he put me through.I went down stairs and I found my brother with the two girls he came with and the girls were topless both with their breasts hanging out and my brother playing with them while the maids cleaned around them.

Princess iris:Nathan are you serious right now ?! You're busy doing these vile things while Seth and Hanna are working,as the prince you should be an example not a fucking spoilt brat !!!

Prince Nathan:says the girl who was screaming at the top of her lungs at how good these vile things I'm doing were,I could hear you down here all the way from your room.

W--what ?....i--i was really that loud ?! I need to talk to Tylor after this.wow !

Princess iris:that's not the point !!! You're doing it in public !!! That's a stain to your image you idiot !!!

Prince Nathan:at least I'm not the only vile one in our family(chuckles)

He really gets under my skin !!! I wish i could just --- !!! Damnit !!! I left him there and I went outside,I saw Tylor talking to the demon.Something felt off though,I was seeing them as mana and not they're normal selves,maybe someone put up a weird barrier and only eyes can see through it then.I went into it and I knew Tylor was going to be pissed but I did make sure everybody else was safe and they weren't alarmed.It seems like these things were trying to do the same thing I guess.

Princess iris:why are you here ?

Tylor:huh ? Iris what are you doing here ?! I told you to wait inside !!!

Princess iris:I know but everybody else is okay and you guys aren't fighting so I figured everything is still okay.I am right,right ?

Law:well yes madam everything is okay,we were just informing your slave here that our lord wanted to see him,now.

Tika:Uuuh ! She's so pretty !!!🤯

Law:I know...almost reminiscent of an angel,huh ? Her beauty is simply....devine.

Tylor:don't get angy funny ideas my guy,I'd have your head torn off of your body before you can even do anything about it if you touch her.

Tylor at the demon with a scarier glare than the one he gave to me.Tylors killing intent also sky rocketed with aura around him darkening.

Law:(teasing)relax,relax,either way I was only teasing but as I was saying,our lord told us to come get you now.He said he can't wait anymore and if we didn't...he'd come get him,himself.

What ?! The demon lord would actually leave his throne and the safety to come get Tylor !!!? What's so special about him that he'd go that far ?!

Princess iris:so can I assume since he wants him so much you guys are planning to experiment with his body ?!

Law:(honestly perplexed)What ?! NO ! why would we even do that ?!

This dude started taking off the top he was wearing,I covered my eyes and moved to look away.I heard him chuckling to himself.I went to hold tylor's arm and I laid my head on his chest.His heart was racing for some reason...was he scared ?....and he still came out here alone to face them ?!!!...the thought alone almost made my knees buckle.

Law: we're all bound to not harm Mr Tylor here,we can't break our contract otherwise we'll die on sight,only our lord can.

Princess iris:fine whatever now put on your rags !!!

Law:(chuckles)your woman is beautiful as well as strong willed....lucky man.

Tylor:so like I said,I still just have to say goodbye to iris,you said I won't need to pack any clothing right ?does that mean I won't be staying long or I'm not coming back at all.

Law:or we could already have everything ready for you...

Princess iris:so you're saying you do have something ready for him ?

Law:if you mean we've prepared everything to give him the most comfortable time while he's there then yes.

Tylor:bae...just wait,okay.

Princess iris:but--


I kept quiet and moved back.I figured since he wanted to handle he will,something was funny to me.He was scared and still speaking them confidently and assertively.I'm only talking like this right now cause...he's here.I guess cause I know he'll protect me....i feel empowered.

Tylor:okay,I heard what you had to say Law and like I said,I want to say goodbye to my girl.if your lord can't except I'd rather not go meet him then.

I saw Law's face scowl a bit,then he fixed it with a fake smile.

Law:you do realize he might actually come here,right ?

Tylor:I know...but saying goodbye to iris is more important,he's your king not mine nor is he one I respect like king golem.

All be it,I think Tylor is actually terrified of papa he's talking about respecting him,huh.

Tika:(enraged)WHY YOU LITTLE--!!!!

Law:(firmly)calm down Tika !

I saw the girls fury disappear as soon as it spiked just from 3 words out of this.I could see the terror in her eyes.

Law:(sighes)fine,I'll give enough time for you two to talk and say your good-byes is that good enough ?

Tylor:fine,now...leave ! We'll meet where we were supposed to meet.

Law laughed and he laughed hard till he teared up.

Law:you're an interesting kid,interesting indeed,I've never had a human speak to me like that most of them are always busy running in fear of me...I LIKE you kid !

Tylor:(smirk's)I like you too demon,you're the first one to help me test the limits to my new power up.

Law:so I fought you while you were still trying to figure out your abilities,huh ? Which means you could be stronger than I thought you were(laughs)you just keep surprising me !

Princess iris:yeah but like he said though....please leave !

Tika:(annoyed)miss pretty over here wants to die,huh ?! She's really getting on my nerves.

I watched Law pick Tika by her face,he had his whole hand squeezing tika's face and hard.She couldn't even scream,I watched her body shake and quiver.Law let Tika go and she fell to the fall and she took deep breaths,breathing heavily,she looked like she'd just seen true horror.She quickly fixed herself up and groveled on her knee's pleading with Law.

Tika:(terrified)master I beg for your mercy and forgiveness !!! Please !!!

Law:then behave yourself...I won't warn you again

Tylor:don't be so rough with her...

Law:sorry you all had to see that but I'll take your suggestion and leave.i expect to see you in 20 minutes or less though.


Me and Tylor both watched them float up in the air and they started flying higher and higher then they bursted east.

Tylor:so what are you going to do while I'm gone ?

Princess iris:I...I...I want to inform papa of everything you told me about those two like I said I would.I want to also prepare captain Bloom and the other royal knights to launch an all out attack or rescue mission to get you back if you don't come back to me.

Tylor:come on,I said I'd come back yesterday too and I did...

He got closer to me and gave me a kiss.

Tylor:don't doubt me now,okay ?

Princess iris:okay,fine but what are you going to do if they really don't want to let you come back ?

Tylor:I have a few moves up my sleeves I'll try but it's only so I'll be able to escape,I don't think I'm anywhere near the level of the demon lord.

Princess iris:they say his strength is equal to all of the kings of the strongest nations and the only beings capable of challenging him are angels and true dragons or another demon lord.

Tylor:yup now I'm definitely sure I can't even touch him.

Princess iris:....I have faith you'll come back.My god has never abandoned me or his followers in their time of need.

Tylor:...I forgot y'all Falk's is religious too.

Princess iris:apparently though it's only when we're in need of saving,huh ? I'm pretty bad I know(sighes)

Tylor:I didn't say that.im just use to a world so far gone worshipping the devil is the norm.

Princess iris:well it's like that here too though...

Tylor:what ?

Princess iris:the are some humans in the world who worship the devil.

Tylor:that's messed up,you're telling me that no matter where humans are,they'll dirty the name of god !

Princess iris:well that's not totally true, there's still people like me,like us,who still praise and worship him,right ?

Tylor:well yeah...let's hope he's with in this one too then.

Princess iris:me too,where you're going...you'll need Devine intervention to make sure you don't die.

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