Chapter 21 -creater-

If you were going to face an immovable object,how would you go about tackling it ? Would you even use force to solve such a problem ? What I'm trying to say is in a game of strength you know you can't win it's better to use your whit's.The doors of the study swung open slightly,they were huge too maybe 30 or 30 something feet at best.I took a deep breath and I walked in,the place felt cold,like genuinely chilling as soon as I stepped inside.I used a barrier to cover myself in inside a warm bubble around myself.I looked around cause this place was massive.It was built in a rotating fashion,I guess,it keeps going up and up endlessly.i can't even see the top at all.

???:stand there

I heard a woman's voice tell me that,all the same it sent chills down my spine and not in the good kind of way.I looked around trying to find him--i mean her ! I finally saw a shadowy figure,like literally the person was fully covered in darkness energy.I decided to bow and introduce myself.

Tylor:I am Tylor,Tylor hype the human the demon lord wanted to be brought before him 

???:what do you think of this form of mine ? Does it suit your tastes ?

Why would she care about that ? I mean honest,looking at pitch blackness doesn't really help me calm down.Other crazy thing is that I feel like I've heard her voice before,since I've gotten here something's felt off.Why does it feel like I know these people,that nana girl and now her.I'm curious about something.

Tylor:it's okay but...can you revert back your natural state ? 

???:alright then.

The black shadows started moving around her and revealed a beautiful woman with pure red hair,the shadows shaped themselves into a dress around her.She had a very nonchalant gaze and piercing red eyes.She started walking towards me,I readied myself,she kind of put me on edge.

???:do I look desirable now ?

Tylor:honestly ? I wouldn't want you to begin with but uh...

???:that's harsh but hi,it's lovely to meet you Tylor hype,I'm Athena,Athena red.I'm the demon lord of this domain.

I knew it ! So I wasn't hearing things earlier and that voice,now I'm sure of it.I've been here in the past for some reason I just can't remember why.

athena:you don't seem shocked to hear that ? Did somebody tell you ?

Tylor:no ma'am,I don't know why but....I feel like I've been here before and in this exact room.

She kind of giggled,she stood Infront of me and looked me smirking.

athena:that necklace you're wearing,who gave it to you ?

Tylor:...it--it was my wife.Why ?

athena:it's a very powerful artifact,I'm surprised someone would just give it to another worlder instead of keeping it.

Tylor:maybe they aren't like your kind and they actually care about me.

She laughed and she laughed hard enjoying herself.I'd assumed I'd be fearing for my life the whole time I'm here but I guess....not.She used magic to create chairs and a table out of nothing Infront.She sat down so I decided to follow her lead.

Athena:so you think my kind is what ? Cold blooded and brutal just because ?


Athena:speak freely,I genuinely want to hear what's on your mind.

If she says so...

Tylor:then like from what I've read in the history books of this world,it's like your kind just started the war because you were filled with blood lust.I met one of the primordials earlier and all she wanted to do was kill and destroy nations,what am I supposed to think then ?

Athena:mmmh...in your world there's a saying that goes "history is written by the winners" or something like that.

Tylor:so what ? You mean to tell me the was another war before this one and humanity won it ?

Athena:good job,you pick up fast.In that war we lost someone precious to us...

Her aura shift and went dull and calm to a raging calm,it got darker and darker by the second.The table and Infront of me cracked and the whole study cracked with the books on the shelves falling to ground and the shelves breaking apart.She didn't even release any energy or expand any mana,this is just from seating and doing nothing ! WHAT THE FUCK !!!!? I think I'll have to retract my statement from earlier,I guess I gotta fear for my life.I'm not sure I could even lay a finger on a hair on her body before she kills me.

Athena:(deadly serious)I honestly wouldn't have stopped until every speck of human filth in this world was eradicated.

Damn !....

Tylor:w--w--what--what changed your mind ?

Athena:well cause you're here.

What ?

Tylor:what ?!

Athena:what ?

Tylor:what do you because "I'm here" what am I here for ?

Athena:let me ask you question,when you met nana earlier did somehow feel weird in any way ? Like de javu or something ?

I...well I did but should I really tell her that ? What's going to happen if I do,I mean I've already told her I felt like I've been here before.Honestly I do,maybe telling her will help me know why.

Tylor:well yeah,honestly if you'll permit me,she annoyed me before I said anything,it felt like an automatic reaction.I just felt like rejecting her and--

I was shocked cause I heard squill beside me like a little girl.She looked at me giddy while she laughed.

Tylor:(perplexed)uh....what's going on ?

Athena:(happily)you're really him ! 

Tylor:WHO ?!

Athena:you're not an owl stop it.wait,so what do you think about me so far ? Be honest.

Tylor:uh...you're sure ?

Athena:well now I'm not so sure,I made a bad first impression,huh ? Sorry.

Tylor:uh it's cool.i mean you're alright,I'm just saying you're a bit intense.

She giggled again,was something I didn't know going on or was I just getting ahead of myself.The study instantly fixed itself and the table plus the chairs disappeared restoring the room back to normal.i fell on my ass of cause but whatever.

Athena:you're able to use that skill are you not ? It's called restore.

Tylor:uh yes but it's not a skill,right ? Isn't it a spell ?

Athena:you think you use spells ?(Laughs)think back to everything you've experienced so far,what about your magic has been a spell besides your fire magic.

Uh mmmh,I think my barrier counts right ? And she's telling me restore isn't a magic spell for some reason so that won't count.That glowing aura I got while fighting law,I guess that wasn't a spell,I don't even know what that was.wait--does that mean besides my elemental magic I haven't used anything else related to magic.My martial skills won't count in magic too.

Athena:seems like you're unable to give an honest answer,that's even more proof on my part,huh ?

Tylor:I...I guess you're right but....what does mean ? Who am I then ?

Athena:let me ask you one more thing,did you get more powerful when you killed a demon ? You killed two If I'm not mistaken.

Tylor:yes but that doesn't mean anything,what are you trying to say ?

Athena:that you're there somebody we lost Tylor.

Tylor:what ?! What do you mean ?! What are you talking about ?!

Athena:you know being teleported to another world is a thing right ? So why can't you believe it's doable in reverse too ?

Wha--what the hell is she talking about ?! I felt dizzy a bit and I knelt down.She quickly knelt beside me.

Athena:are you okay ?!

I felt dizzy for real and like I wanted to vomit.All of a sudden my body started hurting like hell,it felt like i was going to burst.Everything inside me felt like it was on fire,I fell to ground heavily In pain.I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Tylor:(in agony)AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrreeeggghhhh !!!!!!!!!!

Athena:(worried)Tylor !!! What's wrong ?! Tylor ?!!

I saw fleshes of me,I looked older than I do now.At least that's how I would've looked.For some reason coming here changed my appearance.I saw myself walking along side 7 other people.All of us were happy,that nana girl was there and so was Athena.What the hell is--The pain I was in stopped as suddenly as it started.I saw me and Athena kissing.Wait--wait what ?!no,no,what the hell is--i saw me and the 7 other's fighting a huge white dragon.We didn't even put up a descant fight against that thing and it took us down with one of its strongest spells.Only I was left standing for some reason and that's as far as I could see.I was in pitch black place.Behind me two eyes made of light eyes opened,I turned around and to face whatever this was.

Lust:(teasing)hey master,long time no see

Tylor:what...what are you doing here ?

Lust:I'm here to simply update everything you've earned so far.Nothing out of the ordinary.

Tylor:wait so when you're done,I'll be sent back ?

Lust:pretty much,why is the something you needed me for ?

Tylor:I wanted to know something,how does my skills work ?

Lust:your skills are pretty straight forward as possible though,If I were you,I'd be more curious about my titles not the skills at my disposal.

Tylor:what do you mean ?

Lust:well you have the title of demon lord which still haven't used and you also have the title of demon slayer that title allows you to breaks through your limits everytime you kill a demon.

Tylor:so what about the other one's,ruler and chosen by lust ?

Lust:the title chosen by lust just means you have me,your trusty enhancer and demonic spirit.ruler gives you the ability to control any demon without them questioning your will.As long as you can control your mana better than they can of cause.Its kind of like a tug of war,I can help with that so you don't have to worry about it so much.Miss Athena here does it effortlessly.

Tylor:so that's why law couldn't kill me then ?

Lust:yes and it's not like he could.You know you're waaaay stronger than him right ?

Tylor:what ? What do you mean ?

Lust:see now,once you're in battle, you'll get this white glow and that ability of yours is an automatic skill that's called "limitless potential".It allows you to automatically scale to the same level as your adversary.even if they keep leveling up,you will too and at a much faster rate.Only problem is that it'll drain your life force the longer you use it and it automatically appears by itself in battle.so you must improve your skills until you can control it.

Tylor:so that must be why my body gets weaker,huh ?and besides that,does that mean those infinity tags on my status screen just mean I'll be leveling up to whatever level the person I'll be fighting is on ?

Lust:pretty much though your mana pool is limitless too.which means you can waste a great deal of mana in a weak spell and have it do devastating damage to your adversary's and surrounding area.As of right now Tylor,you could destroy nations if you so wished too.

Tylor:wait--what ?! Since when am I able to do that ? I can't destroy a nation,at best I could destroy a mountain but a full on nation ! Are you fucking nuts ?!!!

Lust:you should really stop looking down on yourself.(deadly serious)you saw the memories didn't you ?! You know what Athena is saying is true.you're just disturbed by the fact that you had parents in your other world isn't it.So you don't know how you came to even die and get there ?!

Tylor:...well yeah but....how did you know that ?

Lust:....mh,I guess I'll tell you but....when I'm officially free to wonder around,okay ?

Tylor:fine,fine but are you really serious about this destroying nations junk ?!

Lust:yes.Everytime I say I'm here to update your stats just know I'm here to transfer the stats you've gained spiritually into your physical energy.

Tylor:what do you mean ?

Lust:see same way you use imagination to manifest magic,upgrading your stats works in the same way.we just focus more printing out what your stats box says about you to your physical body.

Tylor:nope still don't get it...

Lust:just think of it like this,if somebody could lift a stone and not a boulder.When they get their stats upgraded they'll be able to lift that boulder.

Tylor:oh okay I get it know,so all of my xp is actually gonna be transferred to all of my status points then.

Lust:yes...but anyway,is that all you wanted to know ? How your abilities work ?

Tylor:well I honestly don't have anything else I'm curious about so....yeah.just another thing.You said that limitless potential skill works automatically and if I overused it,I would most likely end up dead ?

Lust:right again,though it is your most powerful skill in your hand though.You yourself can't use it when you want to,I'm glad you picked up on that(chuckles)

Tylor:did you forget to tell me that or am I just overthinking when I say you left it out on purpose ?

Lust:well eventually you'd figure it out so it's not so much as keep it from you, right 

Tylor: whatever 

Lust:good,are you ready to head back ?

Tylor:yeah, whatever 

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