Chapter 34 -weather the storm-

Uh so it was festival season and the streets of the Rosalie kingdom were lit up and buzzing cause of the excited faces of the hundreds that entered into the kingdom.Decorations were hung all over the capital and kids were playing around especially happy today.This whole is going to be a celebration for the king's and the villagers in attendance from any kingdom.Iris,Athena and I were placed in a room so we could meet the other royals,most of them were shocked to find out the person who's with both the demon lord and princess iris was just a commoner.We spent the whole of the first day meeting the royal families from different kingdoms,nations wide.I walked into iris's room after we finished to take a nap,Athena looked so calm when she was dealing with all those disgusted gazes,she didn't look like she cared.I felt bad for her though,I mean a lot of demons are gonna face hate now cause Athena decided to start a war over me.oh well,at least my girl I know Athena is willing to burn down the whole for me.I woke up and that nap had turned into full on sleep,I woke up so early the following morning,around 2 or 3 am I was standing atop the palace rooftop.I was surprised actually,inside the palace,the royal families were partying and enjoying themselves.Iris and Athena were stuck partying with them but when I saw Athena she didn't look like she wanted to be there.I sat on the rooftop just chilling,watching the capital at it's liveliest.It was a beautiful sight to behold,the capital has glowing lights floating above the buildings illuminating the streets.People enjoy the things sold within and outside the capital at the market place.Some were at the red light district and some fucking and or guys alike in alley ways.

Athena:is something eating at you ?

Tylor:huh,oh atty,no nothing's eating at me.I was just watching the festival.Tomorrow is the start of the tournament,I'm curious to see how everything will go.

Athena:well you've trained hard enough,right ? And with your skills you'll show then who's boss.

Tylor:(giggles)you really believe that don't you ?

Athena:well yeah ! If I don't believe in my man who will dummy !

Tylor:(laughs)I get your point

Athena:(sighes)I've been busy dealing with the royal families from all these nations,it's so exhausting.Everybody in there pretending like they didn't hate me,killing intent was so thick you could cut it with a knife.(giggles)sadly they can't do anything.....I hate myself too....jerks.

Tylor:woah,woah,where did that come from ? Don't say that kind of stuff.

Athena:(sadly)while I was out with the royal family and they were showing the places that were being rebuilt....I saw all the damage the demons had inflicted on those people,I couldn't even count how many lives must've been lost on those battles.Tylor I....I fucked up.(Holding back tears)I hurt people.

Tylor:hey,hey,calm down.

I pulled her in close and I held her in my arms,I let her cry on my chest.She's been going around and helping the king rebuild some of the places that were destroyed in the war with her restore ability.I guess it must've had a psychological effect on her,she probably blames herself for being the reason so many died.

Tylor:.....it's gonna be okay Athena,I'm right here okay.

I held her and she bawled her eyes out until she felt better.She wiped her tears and she took a deep breath then exhaled.

Athena:(being cute and looking sad)....thanks

Tylor:there's no need,I'm your man,right ? I can't do much so I might as well be here emotionally too.

Athena:(giggles)what the hell do you mean you can't do much ?! You the one who came up with the idea for me to go around rebuilding everything and with my massive reserves of mana,we were able to do it in a few months.A lot of the buildings are up and running now.

Tylor:yeah,sorry I couldn't help with the rebuilding though,my restore works on small scale for now.

Athena:yeah,mine has involved overtime so I get what you mean,it use to be like that for me too.

Tylor:oh really ?! That's cool ! So I know my skills can involve now.

Athena:(laughs)it'll just let you do more with the same skill,it's not like you'll be a god or anything.

Tylor:I know but I know I can still get stronger,I wanna be able to protect you guys.There was...a memory I saw and it was us,I think we were supposed to fight this dragon.I guess that's the battle I died in right ?


Tylor:....how did it....happen ? If you don't mind me asking.

Athena:(sighes weakly)you came to an agreement with the angel that had came to fight us that if you could tank his attack and still be standing,he'd let us live.

Tylor:dude was that strong ?

Athena:we didn't even scratch him and....you ended up dead after tanking his attack but....since you were still standing technically you kept your end of the deal so he had to keep his,he left us there alive but close to death.after that battle the experience points we gained buffed our levels so high,most of our demon soldier became lord level.I was the strongest out of them ofcause but....the price we paid was too high.

I held her hand to reassure her.

Tylor:....I'm here now,okay ?

Athena:yeah but....we don't have forever together.

Tylor:so stay with me for as long as I'm alive.Be mine for this life time.I love you atty.


Wait--did I just say that !!!?

Athena:(happily)you finally said it.

She giggled happily

Athena:I love you too Mr hype.

We watched as they shot fire works to begin the whole festival.Today was the start of the tournament.People had gathered at the colosseum of the Rosalie kingdom and it was full,even the VIP chambers of the king's,the was no seat that was empty,all 20 of them,the king's of each nations and their families were present.Everybody else was seated too and the lights rolled over,we had a few performances from singers that they trained and hired for the festival.After they performed,dragon riders from the dragon Born's kingdom showed cased their skills by flying their dragons and using their fire spells to put on a light show.It was a fun to watch but I had no time to play around and watch the fire works.I was in the locker room with my team,I stood Infront of them with captain Bloom.

Royal knight/Bloom:okay team,the first round of the tournament will take place in the rain lands.

The rain lands is like a rainforest back on earth,only problem with this world is that creatures here can be as giant as a skyscraper,some as huge as whole building.Tree's are that fucking tall there.

Kid:wouldn't it be better to introduce ourselves first ?

Royal knight/Bloom:no,first off shut up and let me finish talking.There first round will be a team event,you 5 will have to look for orbs in that forest that will be hidden in certain areas but be careful they're also protected by special kinds of monsters.

So in a way bosses for us to defeat so we can retrieve the orbs,huh.

Royal knight/Bloom:besides the location and monsters,you'll have to worry about the other participants,since the are only so many orbs to go around,you might have to defend yourselves from other teams or you'll have to attack other teams,mostly because only 3 teams can advanced to the next stage and there's 99.7 percent chance that of the teams will end up having to battle to survive and go to the next round.

So 5 orbs for each member in a team,huh ? Which means we might have to steal them from other teams,so they're pushing us to fight each other.damnit ! And I thought I'd avoid violence as much as possible.It seems like I'll have to fight wether I want to or not.So if each team gets their five orbs that means the last remaining 17 teams will be cut from the tournament just like that ?!

Royal knight/Bloom:and just so you know,this right here is Tylor hype,unlike you idiots he's been battle tested already,he survived in a battle with knight level demon.

Boyd:what ?! This dork fought fought with a knight level demon ?! You must be joking !

Emi:it's no joke

The room fell silent.The dudes looked at me amazed but the girl,emi looked at me with an expressionless gaze.She seems weird but whatever.

Tylor:I'm Tylor hype,I will also be your captain for this year's tournament okay ? It's cool to meet you all.

Boyd:yeah well whatever,don't think cause you have fought in battle you're hot stuff dummy !

Royal knight/Bloom:he's also the man who's married to both your princess and the demon lord,you idiot !

Everybody was shocked.Now I felt awkward,why would he go and tell em that ?!

Kid:so he's the guy who tamed the demon lord !!!?

Tamed ?! Like an animal ?!

I got pissed so fast and I had kid by his neck,I held him up against the wall and everybody else was shocked,some even jumped out of their seats.Emi looked at me perplexed,I squeezed at kid's neck.

Kid:(coughes in pain)what--what the hell is your problem !

Tylor:(deadly serious)don't dare ever refer to Athena like an animal ever again do you hear me ?!

What the hell came over me ?! I didn't feel like myself when I reacted like that,I got back to my senses after a bit and I dropped him.

Royal knight/Bloom:Tylor...apologize,now.

Tylor:.....yes sir

I reached out my hand to him and I sincerely tried to apologize.

Tylor:I'm genuinely sorry for what I just did.I'd still do it again though,never say that I tamed Athena,she's not an animal.

Kid looked at me uneasy with sweat running down his face.

Royal knight/Bloom:as you all can see,he is well capable of crushing all of your skull's in a blink of an eye.so any more objections ?

The room was silent.I sighed and I went back to stand next to captain Bloom.

Emi:sir,I've been curious about something,what if someone dies or gets seriously injured ?

Royal knight/Bloom:pretty much if you can't be healed or heal yourself,then you're pretty much dead.

Everybody was shocked.

Boyd:you mean we could actually die in this ?!

Royal knight/Bloom:yup,a lot of the teams pull out when they find out they could die.With every dead teammate that's one less orb for you to worry about though,you'll only collect the same amount as the teammates you have in your group.now you can introduce yourselves.

Kid:after saying all that ?!

Boyd:(sighes)fine,I'm Boyd layer,a noble of the layer family,son of duke layer of the layer family.I won't die in this competition.It's full of weak commoners.

Kid:well that's dumb,you saw what this Tylor dude just did.

Boyd:(uneasy)....mh,I'm not you weakling.

Kid:(giggles)fine,I'm kid heart,I'm a noble of the heart family,I can use fire,water and lightning magic,other than that,I don't have special skills to speak of.

Duke,the one dude who's been quiet this whole,stood up and the room fell silent.Dudes voice was deep and it commanded attention when he spoke.

Duke:I'm Duke,I'm a noble of the tower family,I mainly use earth magic though I'm blessed with all five elements.I have 2 skills to speak of,first one is perfect shell,it's a shield skill and the 2nd is holy knight,it's mostly for attack and if I use them together it's the perfect defence and attacking combo.thank you.

Duke sat back and fell back to his quiet state.We didn't know how to react to that but whatever.Emi,the girl iris told about stood up and she sighed,I swear the expressionless look she wears on her face is annoying but whatever,I wanted to see what's so special about her.

Emi:I'm emi,I'm a commoner from a village a little ways out of the kingdom.I can use all five elements perfectly,I don't have any favourites between them.I have only one skill to speak of and it's called Gods eye v1.It's an ability that allows me to see pieces of the person's future I would be looking at.

Royal knight/Bloom:Kim and her family are from a very special kingdom and they moved here year's ago as refugees.She's also your healer so make sure to protect her,understand ? I won't accept any casualties from the Rosalie kingdom,now Tylor reintroduce yourself,properly this time.

Tylor:i--yes sir(sighes)I'm Tylor hype,I'm the husband of iris your princess and Athena the demon lord of the demons.I can use about 8 elements,fire,water,wind,earth,lightning,light and dark.my skills include restore,it's a skill that allows me to restore whatever I want back to it's original state although its limited to the size of what I want to restore or the scale of it.I also have limitless potential,a skill that automatically let's me scale to the person I'm fighting.i also have a skill called elemental god,it just makes a breeze to understand elemental based spells and a even better ways to use them.I also have a skill called god of destruction,that's the only skill In my bag I don't know how to use or activate,I don't even know what it does.I have limitless mana and....I guess that's everything.

I noticed late that everybody was staring at me dumbfounded,I was perplexed at first and I didn't know what to do but captain came to the rescue.

Royal knight/Bloom:now do you understand why he was chosen to be your leader.

Everybody in unison:YES SIR !!!

Royal knight/Bloom:I want you all to show the other kingdoms what our people are capable of,do you hear me ?!

Everybody in unison:YES SIR !!! CAPTAIN BLOOM SIR !!!

Royal knight/Bloom:then prepare yourselves,make a plan and go destroy them all !

Damn the dude is competitive,I didn't know that about him.or maybe he just wants us to survive for real.or maybe it's both,I don't know honestly.

Guy Referee:excuse me captain,your team has 5 minutes left to prepare,we'll want them to head out after that time.

Royal knight/Bloom:thanks for the heads up.

Guy Referee:(screams like a girl) captain Bloom talked to me ! I fucking love this job !!!

The weirdo left and one thing was certain now.We had to win this thing,we couldn't let one member of our team die,I guess I'll have to go all out for this one.I could sense someone who has immense mana and a very devilish aura.....he's strong.

Tylor:he's the one,I should look out for the most.

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