Hardy Empire

Hardy Empire 1945 Chapter 5: : Get rid of the Jewish Gang

     ten dollars,


   twenty dollars,


   fifty dollars,


Hundred dollars.


  There are all kinds of denominations, all of which are old banknotes. An Yi guessed that the money was used to sell fans. It is estimated that the five thousand US dollars is only a lot more, and he puts it directly into the pocket of his coat.


   In the cabinet, An Yi also found an exquisite box, opened it and placed a brand new gold watch, to see that the logo was Rolex.


This gold Rolex watch is a new model that was just launched in 1945. It is made of gold from the frame to the strap. It is the ancestor of the Rolex gold watch. It was sought after by countless people as soon as it came out, and the price reached more than 1,500 US dollars. , A proper luxury.



   I was in the Orange County bar before, and there was a customer showing off to his friends. An Yi just happened to see it, and now he recognized it.


   This watch is very new, the bags are still on it, I guess that Cook is not willing to wear it yet.


   I just missed a watch.


   The cash was taken for Bill, and treat this watch as his own harvest tonight.


   put the box into his pocket.


   He didn't dare to delay too much. There was too much movement here, and someone would definitely call the police. It is estimated that the police will come soon.


   The pistol was inserted into the back, and he walked downstairs quickly.


   took off his hat from the coat rack, lowered the brim and went out from the front door, flashed by a street lamp, and soon disappeared into the darkness.


   Ten minutes after leaving comfortably, a police car pulled a siren and stopped at the door of the villa. The three policemen got out of the car and approached the gate cautiously with their guns.


open the door,


   The tragic scene in the villa shocked the police.


   There was blood everywhere in the room, and several corpses fell to the ground in all directions. The walls were full of bullet marks. At first sight, they went through a fierce gun battle.


   "Notify the FBI immediately that a major incident has occurred here!"


  Waiting for the FBI people to come over, many reporters have gathered on the street and kept taking pictures inside.


   The FBI personnel conducted an on-site survey and concluded that the gunman was probably only one person. As for other circumstances, it is completely unknown, and there is no clue of any value.


   asked the neighbors around, but no one saw anything. After all, it was around 1 a.m. and everyone was asleep.


   3:30 in the morning.


   The police carried the body and left. The FBI recorded the case as a major first-degree murder, and then evacuated.




   "Ring Ling Ling~!"


   The phone rang in the bedroom of an apartment.





  The lamp is turned on.


   Fred looked at the clock on the wall. It was three thirty in the morning.


   Fred is more than 40 years old this year, his cheeks are as sharp as a knife, and he is mature and capable. He is the boss of the Jewish gang in Los Angeles. He manages more than 200 members of the Jewish gang. He is definitely a man of Los Angeles.


The Jewish Gang occupies some of the most prosperous neighborhoods in Los Angeles, owns three underground casinos, operates loan sharks and smuggling businesses, and controls the supply of drinks to five nightclubs and dozens of bars in the jurisdiction, earning two to three million dollars a year. profit.


   The phone is still ringing, Fred picked up the phone, and the second in command Alan Payne's voice came from inside:


   "I just got news that someone entered Cook's house in the early hours of the morning and killed Cook and his five men."


   Fred was taken aback for a while.


   The subordinates reported to him in the evening that Bill, a small boss in the gang, was seriously injured by Cook of the Spanish gang when he was collecting the accounts. His life is unknown.


   Fred asked about the situation and went to the hospital to take a look at Bill.


   An Yi had already left at that time.


  After coming back, I discussed with some of his subordinates, and planned to see Bill's situation tomorrow, and then decide how to deal with it.


   I didn't expect such a thing to happen at night.


   "Who did it?" Fred asked.


"do not know."


   "Aren't they ours?"


   "No, I have asked all of my staff, and they have said that they have not done it."


   Fred was even more surprised, "Who would it be if someone who is not ours, do you know other things?"


   "I learned from the police that the FBI surveyed the scene and determined that there was only one gunman." Alan Payne said.


   Fred was slightly surprised, "One person kills Cook's six?"


   "Yes, that's what the police said."


   Hanging up the phone, Fred looked at the wall and thought, if it was a person who killed Cook, then that person is indeed very powerful.

But who is this person?


  What is the origin?


   Fred's wife turned around and put her arms around the man and asked, "Fred, what happened?"


   Fred kissed the woman's hair, "It's okay, my dear, it's just a small problem, go to bed, and I'll deal with it tomorrow."






   Cook's body was lying on the cold bed, his face was pale and colorless, and there were two deadly bullet holes in his forehead and abdomen.


   Dani, with a cigar in his mouth, looked at Cook's corpse, his face full of anger.


   Dani is the leader of the Spanish gang in Los Angeles. His gang name is "Red Dani". Dani is slightly obese. He is in his fifties this year, but for men, his fifties are the most powerful age.


   Dani has worked hard in Los Angeles for many years. There are more than 100 people under his staff, occupying two blocks, operating bars, nightclubs, Jiyuan, underground boxing arena, casino clubs and other businesses, and their biggest business is the sale of coca powder.


  Cook is Dani’s more effective subordinate, responsible for part of the drug sales, and can give him tens of thousands of dollars in profits every month.


   Now his capable man has become a corpse, which makes him very angry.


   "Who killed Cook?" Dani asked in a hoarse voice.


   "It is likely that the Jewish gang did it." A middle-aged man behind Dani said, this person is Dani's army instructor Burstein.


   "Jewish Gang?" Dani frowned deeply.


   The Jewish Gang is the biggest power in Los Angeles, followed by the Irish, and then the Spanish.


   Other forces include Mexicans, Chinese gangs, and small groups of Russians, Polish and French descent.


   "I just found someone to understand that Cook lost a lot of money in our casino some time ago, and now he still owes a lot of money to the casino." Burstein explained.


"Yesterday the Jewish gang asked Cook to be divided, and Cook prepared to delay. For this reason, the two sides clashed. Cook sucked fans and shot and wounded a small Jewish gang leader in excitement. The attack happened in the evening. "



   Dani's face was extremely gloomy, biting his cigar hard, and suffocating for a long time, "Damn it."


   I don’t know if this sentence is cursing Cook or the Jewish gang.


  Leaving the morgue, Dani returned to the mansion with Sergeant Burstein, and the two lit up cigars and poured a glass of whiskey.


   Dani pondered for a while, seeming to make up his mind, and said to Burstein in a deep voice,


   "I want to get rid of the Jewish Gang!"


In addition to businesses such as loan sharks, casino clubs, bars, nightclubs, Jiyuan, and underground boxing grounds, Red Dani’s biggest source of income is coca powder, which can bring him nearly one million dollars in income every year, two or three times that of other businesses. .


He occupies a small territory. The Jewish gang has the largest territory in Los Angeles, but the Jewish gang has banned drug trafficking. This gave Dani a chance. He found the Jewish gang boss Fred and was willing to take a large profit as a share. Only allow them to enter the site to sell goods.


to this end,


  He would give three to four hundred thousand dollars to the Jewish gang every year.


   Dani has been very upset about this huge protection fee.


   Hearing Dani’s words, Burstein was shocked and frowned: "The Jewish Gang is very strong, and we are not opponents at all."


   Dani sneered, "I have considered that we can cooperate with the Irish, and even bring in Mexicans, Chinese, Russians, and Poles. will work together against the Jews."


"As long as we unite these people, we are fully capable of killing those jews and then carve up their turf, we can have more bars, nightclubs, sell more coca powder, make more money, and don’t have to give the jews. Divide."


   Dani said that the prospects are attractive, but Burstein is still worried.


   "But behind the Jews there is an Italian mafia!"


   "The Mafia..."


   Dani groaned.


   Today's Italian Mafia is absolutely thriving in the United States, but Dani seems to have already thought about it.

   "So we want to draw the Irish, the Irish are enough to contend with the Mafia, and there is hatred between them, otherwise, how could we call ourselves the "White Hand"."


   "The main power of the Mafia is on the East Coast, with its base camp in New York, as well as Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Kansas, and Philadelphia."


   "The Irish on the West Coast are more powerful. When Fred brought people to Los Angeles a few years ago, the Irishman was actually the most annoyed because he was a nail that the Mafia penetrated into the West Coast."


   "We provoke conflicts between the Irish and the Jews, join hands to kill the Jewish gang, and divide the interests. As for the Mafia, it is entirely possible for the Irish to deal with it, and we can hide behind."


   I have to say that Dani is also a very smart guy.


   Army Master Burstein thought for a while, and felt that Dani’s idea was indeed workable, and even if it was unsuccessful, it would not lose much.


   "How are you going to do it?"


   Dani snorted a cigar and said with a smile on his face: "Burstein, help me have an appointment with an Irishman."


   "Okay, I'll arrange it at dawn."



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