Harem and Empire

001 – Why do cat girls smell like cinnamon? [+18]


The narrator of this story is and will be unreliable. You have been warned.

It took me more than what I expected, but I was done painting Arya's fluffy cat ears. Perhaps another artist might've taken forever to do so, but I have been painting Arya for ages. 

Her lavender eyes sparkled back at me as I continued to paint her likeness into a canvas. She was naked from head to toe, except for a leather anklet that displayed her status as a slave. She always wore that black anklet no matter what, I bought it for her because it matched with her long black hair.

Her body was thin and pale, with freckles and big breasts. Her nipples were pink, and she had a bunch of pubic hair. All my Demi-human slaves did. There was a time when I didn't let them keep their fur, but my tastes have changed. In some regions of the empire, masters mutilate the tails of their Demi-human slaves, an obvious demonstration of power. But that is a very seedy reason.

As I kept gazing at her, Arya gasped.  Her breathing was caught in her chest, her pale and freckled chest rising and falling gently.  I could perceive her gaze on me, and dangerous thoughts raced through my mind. My face reddened with embarrassment. I've had this suspicion before, but today I'm sure. When Arya looks at me, she looks at me as something other than a master, something different. 

I avoided her gaze. Arya leaned in. "Master, you really should join me on the bed, you have been painting me for hours, and it's getting cold." Her tone of voice was gentle, but I almost fell for her temptation. "Arya, I need you to be a virgin to paint you, otherwise it defeats the point. Why don't you just stop?"

Arya pouted, and her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. "What point?" She asked me. It was clearly a genuine question, but it sounded like a challenge. She was right, there was no point. 

Flogging Demi-humans, particularly innocent catgirls, was a kink of mine, but Arya was special. She was the only servant in my household of the same age as me. We both survived my father together. He was not an evil person, but he was an angry man. Every time something didn't go his way, he would unleash his anger on his slaves, Demi-humans in particular, then on me.

Growing up, I received an extremely strict senatorial upbringing. My father wanted me to be ready for a future governorship or praetorship, but I just wanted to paint and read. Because of this upbringing, I had no friends of my own, and all the slaves in my household were at least half a decade older than me. But that changed when I met Arya, we were the same age and instantly became friends. Due to this friendship, she would hide on my bedsheets whenever my father was in a foul mood, allowing her to escape many beatings, and I in turn finally had someone to recite literature with. It was a friendship of mutual convenience, or so I thought. When my father died, I thought that my friendship with Arya was over, but instead, her bedsheet visits became more frequent, and then my room became our room.

With father dead, I began to paint, and at Arya's insistence, she posed as my naked model. Hormones and youth got the better of us and we started making out. I loved it, but she loved it more. Not only were Demi-humans more emotional, but they matured faster than humans. I was still young and sheltered. She knew what she wanted; I did not.

I still saw Arya as my little sister, my companion. We kept sharing my bed until one day, what started as a simple flick of her finger turned into a full-blown hand job. After this, she was no longer allowed to sleep in my room. Fucking a Demi-human is a taboo worse than getting cucked or sodomized by a male prostitute. Suppressing my desires for Arya only made my obsession worse. That's when I started unloading on my Demi-human slaves. I started inviting all my catgirls into my room and fucking them to my heart's contempt, all of them except Arya. This calmed my lust, but I still felt empty inside. As such, I kept painting Arya every day, and that is how things have been ever since.

I decided to confront the situation directly. "I love you"

Arya sighed, she knew she was defeated. I just watched as she fell on her back, moving out of the pose as a final "fuck you" from her part, ruining the painting.

"Fine," I thought, it was time I went out and took care of my cabbage. 

I was attending to my cabbages when abruptly I could see a regiment of legionaries approach my villa, uninvited. My field slaves saw the regiment too. They all dumped their farming tools, perhaps waiting for their new owner to provide them with instructions, as expected of dirty Visigoths.


My heart pounded. I was debating whether to make a run for it or kill myself, so at least my whore of a sister could inherit my land. But it was too late. Before I had time to act, a mounted scout was galloping towards me. I closed my eyes and plunged to my knees, praying to Mars as I awaited the killing blow. But then, nothing happened. The horse for whatever reason had halted a few feet away from me. 


I opened my eyes, and the legionary was just standing there, dismounted, staring at me, just as confused as I was. "Tiberius?" he asked. "Why are you on the floor?"

I recognized this man's voice. We played dice when my father forced me to visit the city. It seems he has reached higher places. 

"Oh... Cassius... It's you." I replied, letting out a faint laugh. "You aren't here to kill me?" Cassius just frowned. 

"No..." He said. "Since I know you, princess Aurelia ordered me to inform you of her presence, preparations to receive her excellency is to begin as of now." As soon as the slaves saw that I stood up, the look of relief on my face made them all get back to work. I for sure will have them flogged after this. 

"Excellent," I responded. 

My friend Cassius then gave me a ride all the way to the entrance of my villa, at once, I ordered my slaves to prepare dinner for the troops and a separate luxurious banquet for the princess, her officers, and me. I had all my catgirls wear their best clothes and sandals. I sported my favorite leather boots and magistrate ornaments. Then I had all my household slaves line up at the door, among them my favorite catgirls Arya and Mika. All my slaves carried either flowers or wine. The princess was to receive a true Roman welcome. 

We only had to wait a moment before her carriage arrived, as Aurelia got out of the carriage and entered through the door the first thing that I noticed was her red, velvet cape and shoes, a color reserved for the emperor and his kin.

Aurelia was attended by two cat girls of her own. Each carried a mace. Maybe they were her personal bodyguards. The catgirls were both dressed all in white, like dolls, with a black ribbon on their necks. They both had silver hair, likely twins, only being set apart by the color of their eyes, blue and red respectively. Their stares had no life to them, making eye contact with them was like starting at a husk. Whatever training the princess had given them, it broke them. 

"Welcome to my humble home, princess," I said, bowing politely. 

"Please call me Aurelia," said the princess, with a taint of her Frankish accent. Not surprising from a half-barbarian.

"As you wish, prince-"

I was rudely interrupted by one of her catgirls. Her blue eyes had a subtle and repressed look of disgust "Her majesty has ordered you to address her as Aurelia, do as you are-"

She was not to finish that sentence, for the sound of a vase shattering against the floor made her redirect her attention to someone else. When this happened, I could hear Arya hissing. The two catgirls started hissing at each other. I would've loved to see the cat fight, maybe Arya would win, but the least I wanted was my head to roll on the floor. Before anything bad happened, Aurelia assumed control with the sheer authority of her voice, shifting all the attention to her. 

"Tiberius, if your sister could see how much you have grown, she would be proud," said Aurelia. With a humble, calculated smile. My sister could in fact choose to see me at any point if she wanted, but she was too busy riding dicks at Ravenna. 

"I am sure I would be proud of her too," I said. "So, Aurelia, to what do I owe your visit?" Instead of responding, she waved her hand.

"Rhea, explain, " she said, referring to the catgirl that had interrupted me.

"Aurelia will discuss such matters given time, but right now, she would like to proceed to dinner." Said Rhea.

"Very well" I responded. I couldn't decline. 

My slaves came out with soup for the legionaries that were camping outside. While I guided the officers along with the princess into the dining hall. 

I purposely diluted the wine poorly to get the non-Romans drunk. No one other than Cassius noticed my little scheme. The rest of the officers were of barbarian origin or plebs. Adalbert, the captain of the guard, took a bit more effort to neutralize. The man was a beast; I had to dispatch two Alemanni slaves to attend him, at least I was lucky when he took them to bed. When that happened, Cassius gave me a wink. His expression read as "Please, throw your fellow brother a bone." I had one of my catgirls attend to him. He soon enough pretended to be drunk and he and the girl disappeared into the night. Now I had Aurelia all for myself if only I could ignore her two cat slaves standing guard at the door and their blunt weapons.

"Aurelia, I will be unable to provide the manpower and funds that you so dearly requested," I said. 

"But Tiberius, the empire is a desperate need of assistance. The funds I need from you are nothing but a small fraction of your family's fortune." 

"I am sure that I haven't been the only Senator that you have asked money from, what is there in it for me?"

"Eternal glory and satisfaction of saving the empire with your most humble contribution." She said. "And... you could borrow Rhea or Rita for a night, they are trained to do everything they are ordered."

"Are you truly insinuating that I, Tiberius, would sleep with a Demi-human?" I asked, briefly acting offended. "Nevertheless, do they really do anything they are ordered to do?" I asked, sipping more wine.

"They won't take their own life, although they might do so if I asked them to."

"Interesting," I said. "You sure train them really well" Looking over at Rhea, imagining all the things I could do to her. "Maybe I should do the same with my own catgirls. More obedience would be nice." As I said, someone tripped in the kitchen, likely Arya, who was eavesdropping on the conversation. Not intentionally, Demi-human ears are more sensitive and can hear things at a greater distance. 

"Aurelia, it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope that when you go back to Ravenna tomorrow morning, you'll say hi to my sister for me" I grinned. Her plan to get money from me had failed. Her bushy blonde eyebrows just frowned at me. I made my way out of the dining hall, but before I did so I stopped next to Rhea and whispered.

"Tonight, after your master goes to sleep, come to my chambers."

I left the dining hall with a shit-eating grin on my face. I was going to take everything and give nothing in return. 

I waited, naked, on the bed with my favorite leather paddle at hand. The door to my room opened. As expected, it was Rhea. She was wearing nothing but her nightgown and a black ribbon on her neck. 

"What does Tiberius want of Rhea?" asked Rhea. 

I grinned, "I order you to refer to me as master from now on." 

"Yes, is that everything that master Tiberius wanted out of Rhea?" Her gaze was void of any emotion.

"Get undressed." 

She was obedient, and after untying her gown, it dropped to her toes. She was about to untie her black ribbon, but I stopped her.

"Keep it," I said. "You look cute with the ribbon," it was a choker of sorts. "Good girl."

I grabbed the paddle and stepped a few feet away from the bed, stretching for a brief second "Come over here" 

Rhea was obedient, and as she walked over to me, I couldn't help but take a good look. She had small breasts, no pubic hair, her skin was pale like Arya's. I would've assumed that they were related if it wasn't because of her silver hair. 

"Rhea has done as she was ordered to do." She said. 

I wouldn't be doing this had she not disrespected me in front of the princess. It was her fault. I grabbed her by her silver hair, pushed her to her knees, and then shoved my dick in her mouth. 

"Now suck."

Her lips were tight, and her tongue wet and soft. It took only three or four strokes to make me grow in her mouth. My dick slid along her tongue until it met her throat. She gagged but didn't object, her eyes were soulless. I started spanking her ass cheeks with my leather paddle, every stroke harder than the last. The sound of clapping along with her grunts spread across the room.

"I forbid you from swallowing." 

She went back and forth from gagging to sucking. I watched in a stupor as the thin flesh of her tits bounced with every hit. I pumped my dick in and out of her mouth and then pushed it in deep, drool started slipping from her lips and falling into the carpet. I felt like I was going to shatter the heavens when the door to my room opened, and two girls in nightgowns emerged from the corridor. 

It was Aurelia, along with Rita, who on her hands had her mace. I, Tiberius, was a dead man. 

"Evening, Aurelia, would you like to join us?" I jested, slowly pulling away from my erect and wet dick out of Rhea's mouth, then throwing away my paddle before anyone asked funny questions. Rita, who was just staring at me and frowned. I am sure she was ready to bash my head in as soon as Aurelia gave the order. Instead, Aurelia tossed aside her red slippers, then snapped her fingers. Rita removed Aurelia's nightgown, exposing her imperial tits. 

"I could use a man like you." Said Aurelia, then she started walking towards me, I didn't know if I felt guilt, fear, lust, or if I was in the process of dying. Aurelia grabbed me by the wrist and then started pulling me. "Follow me," She said. It was difficult not to do so. As we walked out of my room, I couldn't help but stare at her bare ass cheeks. Her ass was huge. I only broke eye contact when I passed by Rita, who gave me a murderous look on my way out. Once we stepped out into the hallway, I could hear Rhea vomiting. 

"Serves you right," I thought. 

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