Harem and Empire

004 – CAT GIRL THREESOME!? [+18]

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The interior of the commander's tent was boring, it had no female slaves, there were no decorations or trophies, the rugs were plain and his dining table was piled with piles and piles of papers, likely what I can assume are letters, orders, and lists of logistics. I introduced myself in an attempt to get into the good graces of the commander and complimented his modesty, but he ignored my compliment along with the brief speech that I had prepared, and instead presented himself rather briefly as Manlius. 

"From what hole did you crawl yourself out?" He asked. It seemed like both a serious question and an insult. If this was about what happened earlier, I did not know. 

"Well, my villa is located just south of the Rubicon, a few days away from Ravenna." What I did not mention was that, despite my family owning parts of land on both sides, we constructed on the south for tax evasion purposes. 

"You look effeminate enough, do you know how to read and write?" He asked. I could hear Arya let out a giggle, but Manlius stared me dead in the eyes, expecting an answer. His stare was deep and cold, I couldn't help but feel that Manlius was the type of man that has seen too much for his own good.

"Yes, sir, " I answered

"Is that a 'yes, I can write' a 'yes, I can read', or a yes I am just an idiot?" He asked. His monotonous voice hiding well the sarcasm. 

"Yes, sir, I know how to read and write."

"Good boy, you'll be of some use to me then." 

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"From now on, you'll be my personal scribe," He said. 

"What!?" I exclaimed, "why would I lower myself to such a plebeian job, isn't that the work of a slave!?" 

"Boy, you have no right to decline, If you aren't back here tomorrow morning I will have you flogged. Now, leave my tent, I dismiss you" 

As I was leaving the tent, Manlius shouted one last annoying remark. "And if I see you riding that horse within the campgrounds again, I will flog you for that too."

When Arya and I left the tent, I was frustrated, raging with anger. My slaves and belongings arrived soon after I recovered my horse. Once I met up with them, I had them build five tents at the edge of the legionary encampment. Three tents were to be used by my swordsmen, five men per tent. My five household slaves were to have a tent of their own, and the last remaining tent was to be reserved only for me and Arya. The tents were placed in such a way, in which my tent was at the center of an imaginary square, with the other tents at each imaginary edge. From above, they must've looked like the number five on a die. We then used my carriage and caravan as "walls" to seal off two sections of the imaginary square.

Once the tents were up, Arya and I had some well-deserved wine and once I was really drunk, I invited my second favorite cat girl slave, Mika. She was surprised to be invited over. When she saw that Arya and I were already naked, she gave Arya a nasty look of jealously. Mika already knew why she was summoned. She immediately got naked and joined us in bed. Arya wasn't happy that Mika was here, but she didn't complain. 

I loved Mika's long brunette hair. She had small tits like Rhea, but unlike Rhea, Mika had a big ass. Although not as big as the Imperial ass of Aurelia, it was clearly bigger than Arya's. Unfortunately for Mika, today was not her day. Arya watched as I flogged a surprised Mika without mercy. Once I was taking out all of my anger at Mika, I fucked her while Arya forced her to eat her ass. Laying on her back must've hurt her like hell. I was too drunk to remember what happened next.

When I woke up, I found myself in between Arya and Mika. Arya was to my left, facing me. She was snoring really cutely and ladylike. It tempted me to poke her on the nose to see what dorky reaction she would make, but then my eyes got dragged to her big tits, which moved with her breathing. I now wanted to shave my dick down her throat.

I looked down at my erect cock and noticed that Mika, who was to my right, lying naked on her belly, had her head tucked underneath a pillow. Her toes were a few inches away from my face and her butt cheeks were exposed for all the gods of Olympus to see. The way she was holding the pillow against her head looked unnatural, She must be so embarrassed by the things we made her do yesterday that she either didn't sleep or she woke up before I did. I pinched Arya's breast, and she was about to slap me when she noticed my erect cock. I gave her a signal, and she looked at Mika, then back at me. Arya's smile grew maliciously. She was up to something no good.

I sat up with my legs crossed as if I was meditating. This allowed Arya to stand up to her knees and crawl up to Mika. When she was done crawling, I washed as Arya started fingered Mika from behind. Mika started groaning, but she didn't let go of the pillow, still pretending to be asleep. Arya kept going until she got Mika to cum. Instead of stopping there, she kept fingering her, causing Mika to wriggle on the bed, moaning with pleasure. It blew her cover. While Arya continued to finger her, I felt extremely jealous of Mika. I was getting no attention, instead; I was just sitting by myself with an erect cock as they two were having fun.

"Please don't stop," Mika moaned.

"You want me to finger you some more?" asked Arya.

"Yes, please, " replied Mika.

Mika couldn't see that Arya had moved all her attention back to me.

"Hold her down," She said. I followed her instructions and held Mika down by her ankles. Then Arya started tickling Mika. She squealed and tried to kick me, but found herself unable to, as I was pinning her feet down. Arya kept on tickling her, Mika did her best not to laugh. But eventually, the tickles were too much for Mika to bear and she let go of the pillow and cracked out laughing, revealing her face, red like an apple after all the blushing and laughter. Mika was no longer ashamed of her lust, and now desperately craved for more of Arya's affection. But Arya completely ignored Mika, as if Mika didn't exist, and turned her attention back to me. Ignoring her pleas. 

"Awwwww, look at you," said Arya. I couldn't tell if she felt pity, or this was part of her act. "You want some of it too, don't you?" She asked me, with a vile smile on her face. Her thoughts as dark as her black hair.

I couldn't deny the authority that her freckled tits held over me. But before I could answer, she crawled up to me and shoved me against the bed.

"Close your eyes," She said. I closed them fast. I then felt her wet kisses as she made her way from my neck to my groin. I smiled when I felt her hair as it brushed my dick. I waited for her surprise. Then I felt it. Arya's wet hand was on my cock, the same hand that she used to finger Mika's pussy was now stroking my cock slowly back and forth. She then noticed that I opened my eyes, and she got angry. 

"Close them, or I will stop." She shouted. It was an order. The first time Arya gave ME an order. I didn't know who was the slave anymore, but I was too horny and jealous of Mika to say no. While Arya stroked me, I could hear Mika crying in the background. She must be feeling jealous and impotent right now. I wanted to hug her and cry with her, but I was afraid of what Arya would do. After all, this was Arya's revenge. 

"Your body, soul, and mind are mine and mine alone, love me and only me, make love with me and me alone, think of me and no more." This was Arya's message. I had betrayed her trust by inviting Mika over, and she was letting it be known. Before long, just like Mika, I was a victim of Arya's godly hands, and I came in little to no time. Then she stopped. 

"Is that all?" I asked. 

"Well, are you not forgetting about something?" replied Arya.

"Hmm? And what would that be?"

"Well, Master, I can hear a certain old man shouting right now. Something about how he is going to have his scribe flogged for not showing up on time"

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK" I grabbed my tunic, somehow managed to put it on as I ran out of the tent barefoot. Putting my boots on the way. "SHIT SHIT, SHIT, MANLIUS IS GONNA FUCK ME"

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