Harem and Empire

010 – The Brewing Storm [Plot]

This is an extra chapter for those who like plot

I kept running deeper into the alley; the Barbarians gave chase. I don't know if they wanted me dead, or if they thought that ransoming me would net them a fortune. I kept running. Those fools were not used to crowded and small streets that came along with civilization. Along with the rats, drainage creeks, and shat, I ran. 

After running for my life for what seemed like an eternity, I lost the barbarians in the slums. The deeper I got into the city, the more screams and moans I would hear. The barbarians were looting the place. Where were our legions? 

If I could make myself to the east, I could regroup with Manlius. It was already too late to run all the way back to the western gate and save Arya. If she was smart enough, she should've already taken my horse and fled through the western gate. My horse was a rather fine one, I doubt they could catch her if she pushed the horse to death.  

I then heard them, more marauding barbarians. I needed to hide. I ran aimlessly away from the sound of men. I passed by what looked like a den of prostitutes, then made my way forth. One house had a candle on, I could hide there and dump my armor. Then if the Barbarians captured me, I could pretend to be a wealthy merchant who was just passing by. They sure would ransom me for a bit less than if I was a Roman officer. 

I broke in, then the first thing I saw was the cute girl to who Manlius gave his coin. She was with two German soldiers. 

"I, Tiberius, was fucked." 

Before I could utter a word, one of the Germans caved in my nose guard with the blunt part of his ax. I fell to the floor with a bloodied nose. 

My vision faded. Before the German soldier finished the job, an unknown woman ordered him to stop. Her accent triggered me. 

"He seems like he could be a fine set for my collection." 

Even the devil has hobbies...

  • Point of View: Patricius 

The treacherous Germans somehow opened the gate from the inside. They first came down upon us like wolves. They annihilated all those who were asleep or wore no armor. But once we became aware of the attack, those of us who were lucky to have armor and sword at hand, pushed them back. 

We were down to around two hundred men. The best of the best. We couldn't let them breach the eastern gate, or else we would get encircled. 

"Don't falter, reinforcements shall be here in no time," I shouted. The vets knew this to be self-evident, but the half-Romans and our German cannon-folder did not know. It was likely their first battle. 

I slashed a few barbarians that tried to break into the center of the camp where we entrenched our eagle standard next to our fallen commander. 

"Come and get it if you can," I said. I put down the few Germans that tried. Luck did not last forever. Soon over a thousand Barbarians were trying to break into our encampment. Then we heard it. Another set of Barbarians started ramming the gate. We were trapped. 

The barbarians started taunting us back. They knew we were fucked. Some of our men started dropping their swords, surrendering. Moral faltered. 

"Let it be known that today, I Patricius Decius was abandoned by friends and comrades alike, as I fought to defend our eagle and honor." 

With all the willpower left on my body and a spirit in flames, I broke from the formation, dropped my sword and shield, grabbed the eagle standard, and charged. 

As I charged to my death, I could hear the rest of our men charge with me, shouting their battle cries. We fought with everything we had; the battle turned into a brawl. There was no order, formation, or plan. Guts were being spilled, brains were being splattered, shit and mud were being thrown. 

At any moment the Barbarians were to breach the gates and attack us from behind. I fought as fast as I could, at least my ancestors would be proud. Then the gate fell. But what awaited on the other side was not Barbarian. 

Reinforcements had arrived. When the Barbarians noticed that our reinforcements had routed their allies, they routed too. The entire Barbarian horde routed. 

I could hear the other legionaries shout "Ave, Imperator Manlius."

I felt euphoric and couldn't help myself "Ave, Manlius." I shouted too.

We were heading towards civil war. 

Scribblehub glitched and hid my previous chapter so I had to upload this ASAP to gain visibility, next chapter will have the things I promised.


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