Harem in a dungeon from another world


Emerie and I circled each other. "This will be a one-on-one duel." Emerie declares. "So, leave your pet out of this." 

Well that felt rude... but really wasn't inaccurate. "Aya wont interfere..." I said, glancing at Aya to make sure she knew I was serious. The duel had to be fair, or else even if I won, Emerie could petition the guards for release. "Swords only?" I asked.

"Any means of combat is allowed." She said. "I aim to use all my weapons to win. I expect you'll do the same." 

I smirk. "Even magic?" I asked. 

Emerie scoffed. "Whatever pathetic spells a swordsman managed to learn don't scare me."

Thats all I needed. If magic was allowed this duel was likely to favor me. "Any additional rules?"

"We fight until yield or knockout. Non of this I pinned you crap. If I think I can fight I'm gonna fight!" She said, her tone boastful.

"Fair. Then, shall we?" 

"Yes!" Emerie charged and swung her sword at me, I brought my blade up to counter, the sound of metal colliding ringing out through the cavern. She was stronger than her size hinted at, but I held my ground. The sword grated, as the edges sought to cut into each other. A moment later we both pulled blades back again, and swung blades collided again, sparks flying as the sharp metal sound rang again.  We both kept eyes locked, then the fight truly started. For the first time since I got to this world.... the sword felt natural... there was... a thrill to this. It felt natural, and almost like a second nature.  

Time and time again our blades collided, the metal ring taking on a rhythm of its own as our swords continued to meet. Both of us trying to find an opening to strike to other, only to get blocked in the strike. Another blade lock and we once again where close to each other, trying to overpower the other. The blades grating, and scraping as we pushed blades, then we both jumped back for space. 

Emerie scowled. "Fine... you can fight. But I'm not just going to roll over and give up."  She once again charged, giving me no time to retort... for the best probably.  She swung, and locked blades again. And just when I when I thought we were going to begin the old dance again, she swapped the grip on her sword and threw a punch at me. I admit... it caught me off guard and I wasn't able to block it, the punch catching my shoulder as i attempted to jump back. 

I held my shoulder, her blow stinging. "Guh... that was a clever move. But it won't work again..." I said.

She chuckled and tightened her grip on her sword. "Oh, just you wait."

She charged, and I countered, but slower than before, my shoulder wincing in pain. Damn she nailed it just right... it wasn't dead armed, but it was definitely weakened. So, I follow her lead, as our swords break the lock, I switched grip to my non dominant hand. The next attack I was able to counter, but not as precisely.  Luckily the speed was back... I could work with that. I used my now free hand to prepare a spell, as I continued to block her attacks. When it came to it... I think she had me on swordsmanship. But luckily I wasn't solely depended on it.  When our swords locked once again, I took my shot. 

"Fireball!" I called, the ball of fire forming and hitting her square in the chest. She gasped as it sent her flying back, her sword in the opposite direction clattering to the ground. Emerie held her chest wincing in pain. 

"FUCK!" She exclaimed. "How in the hells did you manage magic like that!"

I smirked and walked forward. "Yield and maybe I'll tell you." 

She glared and got back to her feet drawing a short sword from her side. "Like hell."

She ignored her pain and charged forward, swinging her blade, and again I blocked. As the swords locked, she grabbed another blade from her belt and went to try to stab me. Only one thing came to mind, and it probably saved me there.... a simple word bought me the opening i needed.

"Dominate! " I shouted. And Emerie locked up. It was only a second, but it gave me time to dodge her attack. She grunted as she overcame the spell, but it was too late I grabbed her dagger hand and twisted the wrist, causing her to drop the blade. Then I headbutt her, causing us both to stumble back. I rub my head regretting that move, and Emerie seems to be doing the same.

"The hell was that right now?" She asked. "How did you get me to lock up? I thought you were a swordsman... how are you not only able to use strong spells.... but magic that I've never even heard of?" 

"I could take time to explain... but I wanna finish the duel first. When I have you tied up at camp I'll tell you."

Emerie grunted. "I'm not going to let that happen...." she said, but her voice didn't sound as sure as it once had. She lifted the sword ready to fight. I bring my sword back up as well. And once again, the blades met, sparks flying as steel tried to best steel. Her strikes were now desperate, focusing on speed and power instead of precision. She was leaving tons of openings now, obviously determined to overwhelm my offhand and break my defenses rather than defend herself. Probably figured best to end the fight before i used magic again since she couldn't block it.

I on the other hand knew any spell I used... was probably going to be the last one. My mana hadn't fully recharged while we rested, and now i was near depleted from the two spells I had already cast this fight. I was also beginning to tire, having fought all day, and now relying on my off hand.... I needed to use a spell... and to make it really count... but which one? Lightning cast. It was a new one so I wasn't sure what it did... but i doubted fireball would be enough... so I gave it the focus.... just then Emerie got past my defense. Splitting my focus, I had let my guard down just enough, that her blade caught me, though just a touch, leaving a cut on my off-hand arm. Now I really had to trust this spell. She came back for another strike, and I let the spell loose. Her eyes went wide as she saw it.

"Lightning cast!" I said in what felt like slow-motion. 

"Oh shi...." Emerie got out in what also seemed like slow-motion. Then the Lightning in my hand hit her and sent her flying into a pillar. The sword dropping.  She collapsed to her knees and fell forward. Even now she was trying to get up. I walked forward and stood over her. 

"Are you going to make me knock you out..." I asked as she struggled to get up. 

Emerie stopped, and after a moment grunted. "No... I can't move..." she pounds the ground. "FUCK!"  Then slowly brought her hands behind her back. "I fucking yield.... go ahead... claim me...." she said angerly. I sheathed my sword and crouched down to tie her wrists. I could hear her breathing fury as I bound her. Obviously, she still wanted to fight, her body just wouldn't let her. After I tied her wrists, I helped her sit up and she glared at me. "Don't think this means ill cooperate. I'm your prisoner... but that doesn't mean I have to make it easy on you."

I just shook my head and sighed. If resistance increased the will to dominate.... then Emerie was going to be a big help it seemed. 

"You won master!" Aya said gleefully bringing the gem over. I smiled at her.

"I did..." I say taking the gem. This think would put us well towards paying for a house. Plus, Emerie was an excellent bonus... but... we were two days into the dungeon crawl and.... I felt the need to head home. I pulled Emerie to her feet. "Let's go make camp girls."

Emerie grunted. "I ain't walking. You want me that bad... then you'll have to carry me out of here."

I sigh. She didn't have a binding crest, which meant she didn't have to follow orders yet. And I had already used dominate earlier. "Fine..." I say handing Aya my pack, then I turn to Emerie, and picked her up at the waist, slinging her over my shoulder. Emerie squirmed a bit, but a pop to her butt settled her down. Like me she was probably exhausted and didn't have the strength to fight it. Aya retrieved Emerie's weapons, and the three of us backtracked to the previous rest area.

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