Harem in a dungeon from another world

Emerie’s Next Day

  Emerie stirred briefly in the morning she was still next to her master. Seemed she was the first to awaken... she rolled to the side in an attempt to get up, only for the crest to stop her... right last order she had been given was to lay here... she sighed, the details of last night returning. She had done exactly what he had wanted her to... she had submitted. Hell, she was even thinking of him as master instead of Kiron... great... well, it's not like she could leave anyway... this was her life now. So why not find some way to enjoy it?  She lay there in the warmth of the bed, enjoying the feeling of a shared bed in the dim morning light. She was going to miss sleeping on her own... but that likely wasn't going to be an option for her anymore.
Her thoughts were interrupted as the master stirred, which in turn stirred Aya.

"Good morning, girls," he said, sitting up. Emerie and Aya followed his lead. Emerie was glad to be getting up... they were soon all out of bed, and the girls were untied and allowed to remove the gags. This pleased Emerie. Sure she accepted last night, but she still hated the gag.  As the master got dressed, Emerie and Aya brushed their hair and made ready. It seemed they weren't going to be allowed to get dressed quite yet... he must like to see them nude...

"You girls set the table. I'll go get some breakfast. Then we will start our day." Master ordered.

"Yes, master," Aya said bowing her head slightly.  Emerie hesitantly mimicked the gesture. With a satisfied nod, the master left, leaving the two of them to their duties. Setting the table didn't take long. 

"So, were your questions answered last night?" Aya asked as they sat to wait.

"Huh? Oh... yes, I believe I figured out how things work...it was.. more enjoyable than I feared." Emerie traced her finger on the table. "Not sure I'm a fan of being tied up... but I think I can tolerate it..." Emerie replayed last night's events in her mind. Unconsciously blushing as she went over the details.... wait...

"He came in me.... oh hells! What if I get pregnant!" Emerie said standing up.

Aya looked up at her. "Relax... the slave crest prevents that, without masters permission."
Emerie slumped back in the chair. "Oh... thank goodness..." she rested her head on the table. Seems the magic was actually good for something after all... 

A short bit later, the master returned. The breakfast was simple. Cooked egg and biscuits. Not far off from dungeon rations... but fresher. After breakfast, Emerie was relieved when he ordered them dressed. Skimpy as they were... her slave uniform was still clothes. She slipped the top on and fastened it. The belt with the cloth skirt... more like a loincloth in truth... she then slipped the boots on and tightened the buckles. She was still annoyed at her toes peeking out, but she had to admit the boot was high quality. She stood next to Aya as they waited for the master. With a signal, she led them outside. As soon as she stepped back into the street, she was reminded how embarrassing her situation was... and unlike last time, the evening wouldn't hide her... no, the street was busy. And here she was, undeniably, a slave girl. She kept her head down as she followed. She didn't even recognize where they were headed until they entered the building. 

"Oh my... Miss Emerie..." came an older woman's voice. Emerie tensed up. Her landlord... former landlord...

"Hey..." she said hesitantly. 

The old woman shook her head as she pulled out the file. "So...." she was addressing Kiron now. "Are you taking over or closing her apartment."
Emerie winced... right he owned her assets now. 

"Closing. Though I'd like to collect her personal effects first." 
The old woman nodded and led the group. Emerie wasn't sure how to feel about this... was he just going to sell everything? She didn't own much... but there were some things...

As they stepped into the apartment, Kiron turned to her. "Gather stuff you want to keep. A box worth... and you can keep it. The rest goes."

Emerie sighed... a box worth... not the first time she was given that restriction.  But honestly, it was more than she expected. "Yes, master. Thank you..." and with that she gathered the few belongings that mattered to her. A journal, a childhood toy, and a few other simple effects. She didn't bother collecting more than a few underclothes. Doubtful she'd ever get to wear anything more... but she might manage these. The rest she wasn't attached to. She hadn't even filled the box... a sad statement of herself... but oh well. She returned to her master. "This is all." She said. He nodded.

"Then we sell the rest. Put it towards a new place." 
Emerie nodded. Content with her one box as the rest were bundled up for sale. A few hours later, her apartment was empty, save for the furniture it came with.  After dropping the box back off at Kiron place, it was past mid-day. 

"How about some lunch girls?" Kiron asked. Both Aya and Emerie were more than ready for food after the work. But as they headed for the tavern and sat down, Emerie was regretting it. At least they weren't the only slaves here... fact... she hadn't noticed how many slaves were in Tarko... it made sense... one of the largest dealers was based here... she watched the others as she sat at the table... she knew him... and her too... in fact, she recognized a few faces. Adventures she assumed had left town or died in the dungeon. Seemed she wasn't the first to find herself on a leash... oddly comforting...

Then Leanne's party came in. Emerie hid herself as best she could, but still, she caught a smug glance from Leanne.  The bitch... may she find herself captured and owned someday!

After the three of them had eaten, it was back to the slavers... apparently, there was more to her outfit... like Aya, she had a battle version. A leather chest plate with strategic metal-covered segments, gave her decent armor while allowing maneuverability. Her midriff still showed some, probably for her master's pleasure... but the rest seemed to be a good compromise.  She also got bracers, like Aya, on her forearms and shorts to wear under her uniform. So, at least she wasn't accidentally flashing enemies mid-fight.  She still felt exposed in the armor... but she also felt like a fighter. And no doubt this gear was better put together than the gear she had scrapped together... even if more skin was exposed now.  

She was also given back two of her weapons... her sword, and a long dagger.  They could be used alone or as a pair in duel wielding... she was pleased that her life wasn't just decoration and sex. She would be able to fight! For her master's cause instead of her own... but nonetheless, feeling the weight of the sword in her hand once again made her feel complete.  And when the master went to the bounty board, she felt a thrill rise in her. 

This should be the last of the Emerie perspective chapters for a bit. Though i may switch to her again from time to time for a paragraph or two.

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