Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 15: Three Women

Clementine leads me to the back of the ship. There is a tall pole with a crystal light on top of it that makea the back of the ship so bright. As we walk into the light, we see a group of suspicious. There about 30 men. They should be Negara's underling. 

I shout in loud voice,

“Ah… what a lovely night. Don’t you think it’s wasted on a boring old ritual?”

A tall woman appear from the group. Sekrit. 

"I’ll decide whether the time is right for a ritual. Come to think of it, how are you fully dressed, anyway? How did you break through Clementine?”

"I am looking for a missing young woman… I trust you know who I’m talking about, even if I don’t state her name?”

As Sekrit is still finding hard to process what is happening, I walk closer to the group.

"If you let the woman return home safely, I can spare your life. How about it, men of Negara?”

They look at each other. Then, they laugh to their heart content.

"Quiet !!!!" They immediately become silent once yelled by the Sekrit. She walk to me in in relaxed manner.

"So, you you want to be a hero?" She stares straight into my eyes.

"My real name is Hiro." I answer short.

"Wow, now you know how to joke?" She still maintain her composure.

I smile and say reiterate honestly, "Yes. My name is Hiro. Sorry for hiding it."

She stops at 1 meter from me. She closes her eyes for a while. I never know, Sekrit with her eyes closed under bright night look like an angle. She she then open her eyes and sigh.

"You know you are not going to win. Why?"

I smile. "Ivanna will definitely be saved. So are you."

She furrows her pretty brows. "What do you mean?" 

I walk a bit closer to her. "Ivanna, Clementine and you will be safe with me " 

"So, you are out of your mind." She touch her bangs with left hand as the night breeze blows half of her hair to cover her face.

Suddenly, Sekrit automatically ducks when something comes from behind me at high speed. It flies through the cold air, piercing the chest of one of Negara men, who had scrambled towards me. He screams and tumbles to the floor. "Goooooooorg!" He gives a long, choked death knell. 

The other men look at the surrounding in panic.

"Barbaric woman, what the hell are you doing????" Sekrit shouts towards several meters behind me. She discovers Clementine's presence.

"Two." Clementine says playfully striking a man nearest to me with a dirk as if she is chopping firewood. 

He falls to my feet, the dirk is still buried in his forehead. Without slowing down, she pulls that buried dirk, and dashes to another man. The short sword evokes a strangled cry from the second goblin when it splits his head open. 


Another man stumbles back. She doesn't hesitate to grab the dagger the dead man had stashed in his loincloth. 


She kicks the retreating man in the stomach and send him flying, channel the momentum into throwing the dagger she had stolen. It flies straight to another man who is rushing towards her with a club. He holds the dagger that suddenly sprouts from his throat, then collapses. 


She steps on the body of the first man she had killed and pulls out the dirk, then promptly plants it in the head of the unfortunately man who is struggling to get up after being kicked away earlier.

"Five "

Only after that the men realizes the figure who had been killing their comrades left and right. 

"General Clementine !!!!"

"Care to explain what are you doing?" Sekrit seems find it hard to contain her anger.

"I am just helping my daaaarling, Hiro.." Clementine is still in his usual playful tone. 

"Don't tell me you fall in love with this slave..." Before Sekrit could continue her speech, Clementine dashes to her and make several thrusts which Sekrit parties with her medium length sword. Sekrit is forced to leap five times backward to create safe distance from the blond girl. 

"Don't you insult my Hiro!" For the first time, I see Clementine's furious face.

Sekrit is still flabbergasted.

"General Clementine. Please open your eyes." A Negara underling begs her.

The fight is over twenty against only two but one of those two is Clementine, plus they still can't comprehend what is going on. She concentrates on what is in front of her, leaving her otherwise vulnerable back to me. The are no wals for the enemies to attack from, she could see in all four directions and that's all she need. There are no easier enemies than men who is confused to treat her as foe or commander.

Suddenly, she begins to move to the right towards Ivanna. Without a moment's hesitation, I follow her. 

Her dirk begins mowing down the confused men. No matter how many times he hear it, I never quite get used to the sound of a blade cutting through flesh and bone. It is a bone-chilling terror for someone like me who spent over 30 years old in former world never involved in violence.

"Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten." She coldly kills an counts.

A man catches my arm. A moment of struggle soon begins to fall in favour of the man. Even a weak enemy could overpower the inexperienced me. With that minimal strength, he could easily pulls me off my feet, stabs at my neck.

I become pale, the gruesome images of men brutally killed by Clementine and Sekrit, flashes in the back of my mind.

But I wouldn't let it end that way. I punch his face without mercy. He falls back, clutching his face but is still standing.

"Eleven." Clementine, if course, is not one to miss an enemy who has left her an opening. Her dirk seems to trade places with me, it slices clean through the man's throat. His neck hung at a strange angle. Another kill.

"Barbaric bitch. One last warning. Stop or I am going to kill you as a traitor!" Sekrit barks.

Clementine ignores her warning by stab another still flabbergasted man.


"Men. Kill this traitooooor!!!"

The remaining over dozen men, acknowledging the reality, assaults the intersection from all directions at once. Even the quick Clementine won't be unscathed from this, especially when she has to keep an eye on me and Ivanna. 

Sekrit seems to lock on Clementine, looking for an opening when her former comrade is being outnumbered. The situation is bad.

I summon the translucent dashboard and select "Brainwashing". "No target available.". I turn my sight towards Sekrit and it prompts, "Target Eligible: Minimum Familiarity Achieved.". 

I activate "Brainwashing " against Sekrit.

On the translucent dashboard, I see words "Brainwashing is successful." and "Lifetime Quota: 0 Person Remaining".

Sekrit's aggressive expression suddenly changes. She becomes clueless, looking everywhere. 

"Sekrit, it's me, Hiro. Come here, help us!" I shout and she watch us and ponder for seconds.

Sekrit spins in between the men in the left and make rotating attack with a light sword in each hand. The men howls and fall back. The spinning slashes assail them indiscriminately, tearing flesh.

"Ooo." Clementine grins and exploits the confusion caused by Sekrit's sudden betrayal and attacked defenceless men near her. 

Twelve men left. Screeching and weeping their bike tears, the surge forward.

"So, you fall in love with my man, Hiro too." 

"Shut up, barbaric bitch. I had my eyes on Hiro first."

Now, the two woman is reduced to girly spat between them. I am quite amazed by the such radical impact of "Brainwashing " ability.

The enemy which had outnumbered us almost fifteen to one, is reduced to half its strength. It goes to show how crucial it is to take initiative in battle.

After all, there would always be more villains than good guys. The fate of good guys who sought to face villains without acknowledging that basic fact is a cruel one.

The men are still half confused by sudden consecutive betrayal of their superiors, their attacks are hardly worth worrying about. Clementine strikes out with gauntlet and dirk with both hands, dealing one man a mighty blow and rendering another to pieces. Ten left.

Just beside her, Sekrit stabs the men in their vital places- gracefully, dutifully, precisely. 

Throat, heart, head. It doesn't matter. Men tend to have a great many weak points. Sekrit personally prefer the throat. A stab there might not result in an instantaneous kill, but it would render the target helpless. She kicks a checking man and hurls her sword at another one farther away. 

Her target collapses, pierces through the throat. Even in the night, her aim is exact. 

Eight left.

Sekrit shoves a club belonging to one of the dead men with her foot, kicking it up into her hand. She catches and axe blow from an attacker with that club, use that momentum to spin 360 degree and hit him with the same club. Something disgusting pours from his open mouth. She strucks again. 

Seven left.

After dealing a vicious blow to his skull using the club, she nonchalantly sweeps the head away.

Meanwhile, Clementine stab the nape of a man who diverts attack towards me. Another man tries to lock her in an embrace from behind but she skillfully slips down like a snake. The man hugs air. She slips to his back and stab his neck. 

Five left. Hardly an excuse to take it easy, of course.

A big man jumps over her  small body. She doesn't have enough time to dodge. She merely adjust a dirk to her chest and the sharp edge is turned upward towards the man's chest. Her weapon pierces deep through the man as he his heavy body falls into the dirk and her body.

Four left.

Noticing how she struggles to escape from the heavy dead body, I help to lift up the body.

The Negara's men are no fools. They are definitely average warriors, but when it comes to cruelty and malice, they have no equals. And when this total lack of principles is joined to violence, the result is inevitable. 

Clementine and I just manage to remove the big body from her while Sekrit is busy engaging another three. 

The farthest man, putting these most basic facts together, ducks his head. Unfortunately, he is an archer. As his three comrades are keeping Sekrit's at bay, he keeps his head down, waiting for his chance, bow and arrow at the ready.

The arrow lands has lanced past me and strike Clementine. She stumbles.

"Damn. What is it now, barbaric bitch?" Sekrit shout while killing a man but she still is forced to parry another two men's continuous onslaughts.

A crude but sinister arrow struck cruelly out of the blond girl's left leg. A critical hit indeed.

The archer then prepares another attack. Both of us are helpless.

"Duck down !!!" Sekrit shouts helplessly and a man successfully strikes her left arm but she still manage to slightly dodge. So, it is not a clean hit.

Naked Ivanna suddenly rises beside him and strangles him.

He is forced to let go the bow and arrow. He pushes Ivanna down with his back but Ivanna doesn't let him go. 

We were too far from them and I have to remove the arrow from Clementine's leg and bandages her with a cloth when that happens.

Sekrit is kicked away to a wall but she kicks the wall to shoot herself towards the men. Her sword spun once in the air and then connects firmly with a man's head, provoking a scream. She kicks another man's wrist . His sword falls. 

He tries to get away but as he runs, she picks up a sword on the floor, covering the final few steps in one great lap. The sword plunged into his heart, twisted once, and it is over.

Only the archer remains. He is struggling with Ivanna. Although the archer looks strong and bulky, the terribly weakened Ivanna strangles him steadily.

We run towards her. When we reach there, the archer is already lying motionlessly.

When she confirms his death, Ivanna faints.

Ivanna is safe from any harm. Sekrit has light wound. Clementine suffers serious injury. Tonight, we need to tend ourselves but we need to abandon the ship by tomorrow as the enemy's great general, Zoldack will arrive two days later.

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