Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 500: Harem Profile 4

Numbers if Sex Partners: 45 girls

1) Ivanna Reskina.

She is a former princess and commander of the Olga Federation. Being enslaved together with Hiro, they endured before finally turning their fate around. She is highly skilled fencer. The red haired beauty is the first lover of Hiro in that world. She is currently a Marchioness, the third highest rank in a newly established kingdom. She rules over the kingdom's military affairs and deals with the troublesome veteran nobles. 

2) Clementine Quintia.

Clementine was a former commander of Negara invaders. She is a sadistic manslayer and psychopath. She was brainwashed by Hiro's ability and now his loyal lover. Her fighting style relies on straightforward acceleration and two short swords known as dirks. She is now a countess of the kingdom and busy training the soldiers.

3) Sekrit.

Sekrit was a refugee in Negara during her childhood. Through sheer luck and willpower, she rose up the ranks and due to her fighting talent, she became one of Negara commanders. Contrary to Clementine, Sekrit fights in artistic way, like a graceful dancer. Her nimble body enables her to perform various superhuman acrobatic moves in addition to her super reflex. Like Clementine, Sekrit is now a countess of the new kingdom and busy training soldiers in Redcliffe. She adopts the King's family names and is known as Sekrit Hezri, causing the citizens to mistake her as the king's closest woman. 

4) Isolde Guerrin.

Isolde was a daughter of mid ranked noble of Ferelden who taken as a young wife of Marquis Eamon Guerrin due to her beauty. After Arkland war, the marquis and all Guerrin male heirs were killed, forcing Isolde to become the new Marchioness of Redcliffe. She lacks leadership quality causing dissatisfaction among the nobles. She has a son, Connor who was taken by the church because practicing forbidden black magic. After demonic disturbance caused by Connor and Connor abduction, Isolde became mentally unstable and fell in love with Hiro. She submits Redcliffe and region related to it under his kingdom. Isolde is appointed as Duchess, the most powerful rank among the aristocrats. She spends her daily life having lesbian sex with the female demon, Desire and the maid, Valena. Lately, the former prostitute, Nina has joined in the lesbian orgies.

5) Farnese Vandimion.

Farnese was a commander of Holy Chain of Templar division. She was involved in the chaos in the Saint Albion incident that killed a top church leader. She then participated in the second invasion of Orlais into Dioral but was defeated. She was captured and gradually became Hiro's lover. She is a poor fighter but Hiro had granted her a weapon from his ability. Farnese could now summon a top class modern shotgun, known as Liberator at will. When her family knew her relationship with the new king, they had lobbied by giving Hiro a lot of gold to install their daughter as the most important person in the kingdom beside the king. Farnese is now one of Duchess.

6) Myla Hyuutia.

Myla was saved by Hiro's life risking effort during the Orlais invasion. Hyuutia and other noble families in northwestern region of Dioral felt indebted to Hiro and pleaded allegiance towards the new kingdom. Hiro claimed Hiro body via tricks but then she fell in love with him. Her father, Albert Hyuutia was the head of the noble faction and was made a Margrave. Myla was appointed as Duchess of the kingdom.

7) Minerva Blare.

Margrave Minerva is the lord of Lothering who was responsible in evacuating Hiro and his women out of Abram. She then forced Hiro to be a king of new kingdom. Because her role, Minerva Blare is made a Duchess of the new kingdom despite not being Hiro's lover. Minerva is a lesbian.

8) Fleuret Valois.

Fleuret Valois is a heiress of Count Valois family. She is a lesbian and in relationship with a noble daughter, Viola Bryce. Although both of them are not Hiro's lovers, they are granted noble ranks by the new kingdom. Fleuret Valois is the marchioness and Viola Bryce is the viscountess.

9) Lanaya. 

She is the chief of Dalish tribe, after the death of Zathrian. After being Hiro's sex partner, Lanaya is made the Marchioness and currently living in Redcliffe castle.

10) Sylvia Virginia.

Sylvia was the gang rape victim of orcs and since then she has been suffering from trauma. She is being calmed by Hiro and becomes his lover. She is the daughter of Noir Virginia, the ruler of region at the north of Castall Kingdom. Sylvia has above average skill as fencers but her unique ability is lightning magic which was granted by Hiro's ability. Sylvia is now a Marchioness of the new kingdom, the  highest aristocrat rank. 

She had met her father and told him about her tragic fate. For that, his father is willing to wage war against Castall Kingdom for her. Her ambition is to hunt the orcs that raped her and avenged her dead friends.

11) Kurotsuchi Sarutobi.

She is heiress of the mysterious ninja clan who had sworn loyalty towards Hiro. Her most useful abilities are invisibility and passing through walls. She is Hiro's lover and now a Countess. 

12) Gertrude Albright.

A heiress of lowest ranked noble family but is powerful melee fighter. She could fight using long sword and axe skillfully. She is one of the latest addition to Hiro's harem. Gertrude Albright is now a Countess.

13) Mithra.

Mithra is former head of security unit of Dalish tribe. She is a melee fighter who is a ranger. She was moved to the great walls of Hyuutia to be the head border defence of the kingdom. She is Hiro's lover and now a Countess. 

14) Gheyna.

Gheyna was the best archer of Dalish tribe and was a girlfriend of a Dalish teenager. Hiro forcefully had sex with her and now she is in love with the king. She is living in Redcliffe castle and appointed as Viscountess. 

15) Elora.

She is beast master of Dalish tribe and living in Grand Forest Villa in Hinterland. She has become Hiro's lover andnis now a Viscountess.

16) Irijina Wolls.

Irijina was a former knight of Arkland. She was saved by Hiro after being defeated in Arkland war. She is the tallest woman in Hiro's harem and expert in spear. She travels back and forth from Redcliffe castle to Hyuutia for training soldiers. As Hiro's lover, she is now a Viscountess. 

17) Lyla Halpernias.

She was knight and sex slave of Margrave Lubreo Lambert, the ruler of Abram. She fell in love with him an arguably still has feeling for the cruel man until now. She is the strongest fighter in the whole Hezri Kingdom. She is Hiro's mistress and living in Redcliffe castle. Despite being Hiro's mistress, she is not granted any noble rank for two reasons. First, her lingering feeling for Lubreo Lambert. Secondly, she is a wanted person for attacking King of Ferelden in public. 

18) Mirai Sarutobi.

She is the youngest in the harem and granted Viscountess rank. Like Kurotsuchi, Mirai is from ninja clan. Her ability that had saved Hiro countless of times is Teleportation. 

19) Hanabi Sarutobi.

Hanabi is the oldest girl among the kunoichi but she has joined as Hiro's lover. Her most useful ability is telepathy that communicates people via minds. In recent months, she had developed her necromancer skills and that skill had defeated Orlais invasions.

She is a Viscountess.

20) Jill Gustav.

A member of high ranking count family in Abram. She worked in merchant guild in Abram.  She is now in the harem. She is granted Countess rank and a very high position as Minister of General Affairs for the new kingdom. She has special bedroom and office in Redcliffe castle.

21) Selene.

Selene is the only survivor of the legendary elf. She was saved during the zombies incident and is now living in Redcliffe castle. She is secluding herself and performing various experiments in magic and herbs. 

She has joined Hiro's harem and is now a Viscountess.

22) Charlotte de Vandimion.

Charlotte is the mother of Farnese and wife of Federico Vandimion. She is also the granddaughter of the previous lord of Montbelliard. She secretly becomes a sex partner of Hiro. Falling in love with her daughter's lover, Charlotte has donated a lot of her money to Hiro. At the same time, not knowing Charlotte's sexual affair with Hiro, his husband, Federico had also donated a lot of money to Hezri Kingdom to lobby his daughter to become a Duchess. 

She now lives in Redcliffe Castle to wait for Hiro.

23) Valena.

Valena is the daughter of Owen, the blacksmith. She has been working as normal maid in Redcliffe castle. She was raped by Hiro and since then, she joins into the harem. Since Hiro becoming king, Valena becomes a special maid living in Isolde's chamber. Isolde, Valena and the demon, Desire are engulfed in daily lesbian threesome in there. Lately, there is a new girl in the sex, Nina.

24) Bella.

Bella was a maid in Lambert castle in Abram who secretly became Hiro's sex partner. Suspected as being a spy, she was nearly killed by him but saved by Hiro's party. She fled to Redcliffe and worked in a tavern. After the tavern's owner was killed during the demonic disturbance, Hiro made her the new owner. The tavern is renamed as Isolde Tavern to show people that she is linked to Isolde. She was granted baroness rank, causing the customers to respect her. 

25) Amber Drake.

Amber is the only child of Dennet Drake, the horse master. Amber is a skillful sword woman but her most exceptional skill is horse riding. Riding on horse, her fighting skill is almost unbeatable. She acts as a messenger between offices in different regions due to her fast traveling. 

She has a godlike horse riding skill. Now, she is a Viscountess.

26) Suzy Huber.

A former colleague of Jill Gustav in merchant guild. She was also a sex partner to Lubreo Lambert besides Hiro when they were in Abram. Hiro forcefully brought Suzy to Hinterland. Now, she lives in Redcliffe castle and works as Jill's assistant. Her noble rank, granted by Hiro is Viscountess.

When Hiro left her for several months in Redcliffe Castle, she was hungry for sex that she slept several times with other men.

Now, Hiro had kept her close to him to prevent her from cheating.

27) Luca.

Luca is a matured and unyielding prostitute girl who led a group of young prostitutes in refugee encampment in Saint Albion. Hiro took a liking 

to her after having sex with her. She is now living in Redcliffe castle as maid serving Jill Gustav. 

28) Lucy.

Lucy, is Luca's friend who was also a prostitute in Saint Albion refugees encampment. She is now a special maid directly serving Myla Hyuutia in her mansion. She is a quick witted girl who in one event, saved the Hyuutia from committing irreversible mistakes against the trap of a central Dioral noble. 

29) Pepe.

Pepe was also former prostitute in Saint Albion refugees encampment. Now, she is a maid directly serving Myla Hyuutia with Lucy.

30) Nina.

Nina is a former prostitute in Saint Albion refugees encampment. Now, she lives in Isolde's chamber as a lesbian sex partner for Isolde, the Duchess.

31) Desire.

Desire is a high demon who switched side against other high demons. She then became Hiro's sex partner. She lives in Isolde's chamber, having lesbian sex with Nina, Valena and Isolde.

32) Hamadryad.

Hamadryad is a high dryad who oversees Korcari Wilds. She was sealed by Zathrian for many years before being freed upon his death. She has not yet joined Hiro's harem but Hiro has taken out many trees from Korcari Wilds and replanted them in a straight line connecting Korcari Wilds to Hinterland. Trees are being replanted until Redcliffe village. The plan is to connect Redcliffe castle to Korcari Wilds via replanted trees that form a straight line connecting the two places. Once done, Hamadryad could freely travels via the trees to Redcliffe castle.

33) Lupine Tirvac.

Lupine is dark elven girl who enter Redcliffe as special knights. She and the others are living in hostel adjourning to the Isolde Tavern. She bears hatred towards the Castall Kingdom. Her brother, Riheet Tirvac had asked her to seduce Hiro.

She is now the king's lover and Hiro even attacks Castall Kingdom to avenge her. She is Marchioness.

34) Brita.

A former lowly guard in Abram who lived in with Hiro the merchant as his lover. Her frugal life turned comfortable as her sustenance was covered by the merchant. She was killed by Lyla to save Hiro's life. Brita was then resurrected by Hiro's special ability but her race turned from a human to a werewolf. Since becoming a werewolf, her physical abilities increase by leaps and bounds. She lives in Redcliffe castle and holds the rank Viscountess. 

35) Claire.

Claire was a former bandit. After being robbed and raped by Lubreo Lambert, she worked in a merchant company in Venetian city state. 

She is now a Viscountess. Hiro is helping to form an independent company from Flitch company.

36) Soraya Zoen.

Soraya was a loyal enchantress of Lubreo Lambert. She was the mastermind of many Lubreo's schemes. She is cruel and calculative. 

She could fire small crystal arrows and her eyes could hypnotize people. She was abducted and brought away from Abram. Hiro used his final brainwashing ability on her.

Now, Soraya is loyal to Hiro and lives in Grand Forest Villa in Hinterland.

37) Anora Theirin.

Anora is daughter of Loghain Mac Tir, the Prime Minister of Ferelden and Count of Gwaren, who is well known as Hero of Ferelden.

Anora is married to King Cailan Theirin. Now, she is the Queen of Ferelden and lives in royal palace in Denerim. 

She is very frustrated with her current life as her husband totally ignores her. Her husband, Cailan is a gay who is only interested in man. 

38) Demia Harviala.

Demia is a childhood friend of Scarlet. She fights by using a saber and a shield with her upper body protected by a cutler armour. 

Her father usurped the throne from Scarlet's father but was killed afterwards.

After becoming Hiro's lover, she follows Scarlet and live in Redcliffe Castle. 

She is made a Countess.

39) Scarlet Carolingian.

The princess of former king of Castall. She is extremely good in wielding large sword and could give a good fight against Lyla. 

She has lost her father's kingdom but she is declared as the Princess of Hezri Kingdom.

40) Reina Hesse.

Reina was a second daughter of Baronet Hesse. His father, a baronet wanted to marry her off to a higher noble family but she rejected the forced marriage by escaping to wilderness. She has reconciled with her family during Orlais civil war. This orange haired girl was well trained in sword fighting but her real talent is in thief skills which she developed by switching between many bandit groups. Although she lost her chastity while in the bandit groups, she has little experience in sex. She has entered into Hiro's harem and is now a Viscountess. She often acts a scout has the talent to unlock anything.

41) Anaïs.

Well known as Speaker Anaïs, she was the leader of heretic group that rebelled against the Trinity church. The church based in Nicaea theocratic state, believes in the concept of three gods while her group preaches for only one God. Hunted by the Templars, her group fled prosecution to various places before seeking refuge in the abandoned castle in Hinterland, Winterwatch tower. 

Anaïs immediately recognized Hiro's potential and acknowledged him as the King. Hiro made the cult as the official religion of the new kingdom. The one God cult is proclaimed under a new name, Ebionite. All the churches in the whole kingdom are converted into Ebionite worshiping places, fully funded by the kingdom. The agnostic residents of the new kingdom easily embraced the new religion. As Ebionite religion doesn't have the concept of clergy or intermediary between people and God, the original nuns were hired as preachers and prayer managers.

Anaïs is Hiro's lover. Despite not being granted with any noble title, Anais is appointed as Minister of Religious Affairs, which is based in Winterwatch tower.

42) Lucino Escaote.

She is a widow and has married twice. Her son is twelve years old. 

Hiro had interfered with her son's punishment and for that, she becomes Hiro's lover.

She is now a Viscountess who rules Torun city and its surrounding land.

43) Nojico.

A village girl who is made into a Baroness ruling over Goglow Town and the whole western Castall after becoming Hiro's lover. She is given Hezri royal family surname.

44) Tina

An assassin from Ijaniya who was captured and abandoned by her leader. She had sex with Hiro and now loyal to him.

45) Shaela 

A widow who owns an inn in Tihany Town. Her inn is converted into a government office and she works in Ministry of General Affairs and now living in Redcliffe castle.

46) Cass Brankovic 

She is the head of Brankovic family and was a strategist in Dioral. Being discriminated due to her gender, she brought her whole family to Castall. 

She has became Hiro's lover and Minister of Military. She is a Marchioness.

47) Clarice de Dousy.

Clarice is the only child of Margrave Lothair de Doucy. Jilk de Chalons broke his engagement with her in favour of Selena Saxon. Her family was sabotaged and she turned to Hiro for help in return of having sex with him.

48) Gretel de Montfort.

Gretel is the youngest child of Cyril de Montfort, the most influential man in Orlais. The Crown Prince of Fanoss Principality has broken his engagement with Gretel in favour of Selena Saxon. She persuaded her father to cooperate with Hiro and Doucy faction.

49) Elen.

The maid previously working in Etienne de Chevin castle and tortured by him. She cooperated with Mirai and Reina to steal documents regarding coup d'etat planned by Selena Saxon, kept by Etienne. She now lives as a maid with Lucy. 

50) Hilma Cygnaeus.

Hilma was a former high class prostitute who now become the boss of smuggling division in Coterel mafia organization. She fell in love with Hiro after sleeping with him and now acts secretly for Hiro.

51) Edstrom Ollson.

Edstrom is one of the strongest fighter in Coterel mafia organization and a lover cum bodyguard for Hilma. Her telekinetic magic enables her to control floating blades to attack opponents. Like Hilma, she fell in love with Hiro after sleeping with him. 

52) Malty Melromarc.

Her family was overthrown by their subjects due to Saxon-Fanoss betrayal. She managed to escape with her life.

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