Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 502: Montbelliard

Venetian city state.

"Welcome, Lord Solange. I am grateful for you travel to my country." A white bearded old man, with luxurious robe rushed from his desk to greet a similarly dressed old man who just walked past his office door. 

"It's nothing, Lord Federico. It is a matter of utmost significance after all." 

The host, Federico Vandimion accompanied the guest, Solange de Montbelliard to a sofa. The visitor sat and open a scroll.

Despite being the supreme leader of a city state, Federico Vandimion acted very humbly as the counterpart is an aristocrat of a large country. Furthermore, despite being at the same age, he married Solange's niece. Federico's second wife, Charlotte was Solange's niece and was thirty years younger than the 63 years old Federico.

Rather than immediately entering into conversation, the guest took time enjoying the painting on the wall, depicting Thedas ocean. Venetian city state, which was the land they were stepping on now was a port city. 

Several minutes passed before Federico restlessly started the discussion.

"Our neighbour, Florence port city state, has been taken over by a mysterious foreign entity.  Every noble family and their members were assassinated. They claimed it was done by Holfort Dukedom."

At first, Solange was shocked but then calmed down as if realizing something. He said,

"I don't think Hol..."

Federico interjected, "I know. The actual culprit probably was the new ruler, Selena Saxon."

Solange responded, "As you already knew about Saxon, I assume you must have known about recent civil war in Orlais."

"Yes, we in Venetian know about how a coalition led by Saxon family had turned your country upside down. Not only they are conquering lands but also purging noble families and the churches. My knowledge is limited to that."

Solange sighed and arranged the opened scroll on the table.

"Federico, this is letter from your son-in-law. As you already know, he has been laying low with his team for quite some time in other part of my country."

"Yes, the last correspondence with King Hiro Hezri was he personally led intelligence base in the south of Orlais. I never receive anything from him since that."

"Federico, he asked us to stand by our defence. Selena Saxon had formed a large coalition with neighbouring country, Fanoss. Orlais-Fanoss Union had planned to annex lands southward. Thus, we on the northern part of Orlais should be safe for the time being. That man, Hiro is helping the divided nobles to fight that ambitious coalition."

Federico listened intently, his face showing concern. "I see," he said slowly. "It seems that the situation in Orlais is much more dire than we thought. And with this new development in Florence, it appears that Selena Saxon is not to be underestimated. We must take action to protect our city state."

Solange nodded. "Yes, we must be prepared. Hiro has requested that we strengthen our defenses, and I agree with him. We must also gather intelligence on Selena's movements and intentions. It is possible that she may try to expand her territory further, and we cannot allow her to threaten our security."

Federico nodded in agreement. "I will instruct our military leaders to take the necessary precautions. And I will also send a message to our allies in other city states to inform them of this development. We must work together to resist this threat."

Solange smiled. "Thank you, Federico. Your support is much appreciated. Together, we can protect our people and our lands."

As the two men continued to discuss their plans, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on them. But they knew that with careful planning and cooperation, they could face this threat head on and emerge victorious.


Southwestern Orlais.

The sound of rain and thunder was loud tonight good Malty could use it to her advantage as she ran into the woods she could hear pursuers behind her.

"Dont let her escape! Catch the woman! Bring her body dead or alive to our queen!".

Malty kept running as fast as she could. Fortunately, her speed has increased a lot in the past year of running during training in the university.

To move faster between the trees.

She could tell that these wasn't the most experienced knights because they din't have any teamwork between them and obviously the gangsters getting in their way.

Which was reasonable since she was one of the most wanted people in the region.

Who thought that one day would come and Malty Melromarc the only child of glorious Count Melromarc family be running from her own people even though part of her know she deserves it.. ."

She had gotten these thoughts out of her head for now she needed to focus on escaping as she got deeper in the woods I had reached a swamp with water, a lot of it, which made it impossible for most people to move, but not for her, Malty climbed her way over the trees quickly and jumped from tree to tree.

"Fuck! the bitch is running away follow her!" "But sir how could we pa- You fuking idiots! I don't care find a way!don't you know how much money on her head?! We well be rich for life if we catch her alive or dead so move!".

Huh...look like the knight's stopped and took another way..smart Meanwhile the gangsters tried to climb the trees only to fall off after trying to jump to another one.

But the knights she was guessing they are going to split up and cover the exists of the forest.

And after a while her doubts were right when she got to one of the exit, there were four guards waiting for her the old Malty would panic in this situation but now that it's noting more than a warm up.

So she didn't waste any time. Before they could see her "she jumped from the tree with out even giving time to the knights to react she threw two dagger she had in her hands in the face of two knights the Impact made them fly away and hit some rocks. As a result, they lost consciousness.

"Shit! You bitch! Kill her!".

When she landed, the two guards were heading towards her the first one had a sword and the second have a spear.

The first one was angrily and without a plan of attack, coming towards her. So she just easily avoided the reckless attack and she knocked him unconscious by hitting him in the back of the head with her sword.

The spear guy attacked right after him he left up his spear leaving himself open. Malty was about to take that chance but noticed the spear start glowing so she took a fast steps to the back just before the attack hit the ground.

Before he finished his sentence she threw a knife towards him, not to kill him, but to distract him as he tried to to avoid the knife and succeeded, but he did not notice that the earth around them was all mud because of the rain, and when he tried to regain his balance, she gave him a kick in his stomach, so he fell and let go of his spear. 

She continued her run.

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