Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 505: Malty’s Mother

Borrowed bungalow in Val Royeaux.

"Your majesty, Lady Malty has woken up!" Lucy called me. I stride to the room Malty was in.

4 women were beside her bed- Gretel de Montfort, Clarice de Doucy, Myla Hyuutia and Clarice the merchant. 

Malty was now clean now. When we found her, her body was covered with blood and dirt. Her long hair was hidden in short braid. After hours of sleep, the dark circles around her eyes were gone. Her red hair was now loose, resting on her chest, shoulders and nape.

Her back leaned on the headboard. She looked like someone who had lost her will.

Claire, the most matured among the women in the room, started the quizzing,

"Most nobles had defected since Saxon-Fanoss purged the aristocracy. Count Melromarc remained to the end to heir bidding. Why they purged your family?"

Malty looked down,

"Selena Saxon betrayed us. From the beginning, they never wanted us. "

"I...no...my family,,,we were tyrants. Our people never like us. Selena used use as a tool and disposed us once we served her goals. It was easy as our people hated us."

Although Selena Saxon was not my type of woman, I understood her lines of thoughts, due to my origin. I was transmigrated into this medieval world from post-modern world. Her ideas were avant-garde. That's why medieval people perceived her as radical. 

Nevertheless, I had seen what happened in history after the end of aristocracy. Many bad things happened. Nobility had given a lot contributions. With its chivalry, nobility protected the people. Although there were ones who became corrupted like Melromarc family, generally nobility served its purposes. 

Claire asked further, "Any survivor from your family?"

When asked about that, Malty's expression changed. He turned to Claire.

"My father and uncle were given death sentence in public. My mother was imprisoned. She must be alive!"

She grabbed Claire's shoulders. Her breathing was chaotic and her voice reflected panic. 

The girls turned to me. 

Sekrit suddenly entered the room. From her look, she must heard our conversation.

"A daughter fighting to save her mother sounds like a beautiful story, but mobilizing the army for that reason can only be seen as misappropriation.

Not to mention the soldiers of the army to be sent there were handpicked elites, so it would affect the war as a whole if they were annihilated."

"It's true." Myla reluctantly concurred with Sekrit.

That might be a failure on their part as an aristocrat, however I didn’t feel any unpleasant emotions or anger.

Even I would prioritize someone close to me rather than the 100 000 faces I don’t know.

It went without saying if that person was my mother, but I’d do the same for any women.

"Is that so...... will you listen to the story about my mother?"

"Why not."

I was not particularly close to her, but the least I could do was hear her out.

"My mother......"

Beside me, a daughter began talking about her beloved mother.

Malty Melromarc reminisced and elaborated in a fluid manner, while I felt my own expression changing.

"The last I saw my mother, she was grumbling about how she was getting chubby. Her breasts were always big, so I guess it was easy for her to consider herself fat. Although her body is actually slim like me."

"Plump and big-breasted......"

"She is an easygoing woman who smiles a lot. She certainly won’t be able to survive harsh environments. Moreover, she is such a pretty lady. I can’t bear it when I think how she could have suffered because of that."

"So she’s a beauty too......"

"She’s whimsical and falls in love easily. She sometimes slept with other men behind my father's back. My father was 30 years older than my mother after all."

"How old was your late father?"

"64, I think."

"34 years old and a beauty who is susceptible to fall in love...... not to mention she’s curvy and has large boobs...... I see..like Farnese mother.. she's in my striking range."

Myla and Claire started sighing but my resolve stiffened.

"Malty, if a man existed who could save your mother, what would you do?"

"Hypotheticals are pointless. But if a man like that existed...... I would give anything for my mother to be saved. I will even give my body to him. There’s no question, in the end I’m just an unbelievably useless daughter."

"So, he wanted you as his woman?"

"My life had no future to begin with. My family and prestige is gone. I will give my body."

"And if he also wants your mother?"

"That’s a difficult situation, although she is someone who gets easily charmed. If a man saved her, she would likely follow him."

That decided it.

"I will save your mother. Your mother and yourself shall be mine."

She looked at me in disbelief. Tears flowed from her eyes.



"Unnh, majesty...... it’s thick."

"Munyamnya...Hiro... giant cock......"

I left Lucy and Suzy in bed after a threesome, then went make preparations.

I pounded them pretty hard so they shouldn’t wake up for a while.

"Sorry. But I have to go."

When I kissed their two faces, their expressions relaxed in content.

I would be heading to enemies den now with Malty.

We would arrive in no time if we went by horse.

I knew it might be a bad idea to leave the squad on my own.

Just when I snuck outside, female voices called out to me.

"Hmph, like I can let you go alone. It makes me extremely upset when I think about you dying somewhere I can’t see."

Sekrit was on her horse, fully equipped.

Irijina. Mirai. Reina. Gheyna. Clarice. Gretel. Myla. They were waiting for me.

I guessed bringing them was inevitable.

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