Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 524: First Day Ended

Torose fortress.

"The enemy is shooting!"

Perhaps trying to retaliate for their battering ram getting destroyed, the enemy catapults flung many iron balls at us.

"Hiro-sama, let’s take cover!"

We wouln’t make it in time, Mirai.

It’s more dangerous if we turned our backs to the barrage.

"Stay behind me."

I took a large shield from a heavy cavalry nearby.

The iron balls were practically dropping straight down on us after being sent high into the sky.

14 of them in total―― only three on target.


I put my back into deflecting the first one with the large shield.

The iron ball was heavy as it was and dropped to the ground with added momentum.

If I didn’t use my full strength, I would be crushed.


A dull sound followed as the iron ball was deflected, flying straight up.

My hands hurt from hitting it too hard.

"One more!"

For the next one, I blocked the ball, almost like I was letting it slide on the vertical shield, killing all the momentum and dropping it on the spot.

I was more successful than before so I didn’t feel much pain.

"And the last......one!"

My eyes had adjusted and I'd gotten the hang of the method.

I could do something more interesting for this one.

I matched my timing and swing my sword horizontally to bat the ball right back at the enemy with a bright metal clank sound.

The deflected ball was as powerful as a cannon and knocked over several enemy soldiers.

It might not be significant damage to the enemy, but it helped to improve my mood.

"Now that we’ve come this far, it’s actually kind of scary......"

I thought I might have done too much.

"Sir! I brought objects from the city that you can use!"

The young soldier from earlier climbed the ladder with a bunch of things in his arms.

It’s too late now, although it would come in handy to stop the next attack.

A smashed jar, the remains of a bed, a broken brick...... it’s all trash, but it would all be the same when thrown.

Hm, this is――


I opened the box and then strangle the soldier.

"What were you planning to use this for?"

Inside the box was a rotting radish.

"I-in place of a javelin......"

"Idiot, there’s no way you can use it like that!」

After yelling at him, I grabbed the radish and hurled it outside the city walls.


It actually flew straight into an enemy soldier’s throat and killed him instantly.



I awkwardly released the soldier.

While my attention remained devoted to the west gate after that, Myla and Leonheardt took command in the other areas to safely ward off the enemy’s attacks.

I was able to step forward with peace of mind because they’re here.

It’s getting late now.

I think it’s safe to say we survived the first wave.

For some reason, I felt as if my enemies had increased, but maybe it’s just my imagination.

Anyways, let’s restore my energy and prepare for tomorrow.


Milbech castle.

Selena moved the "bishop" on the chess board and took out her opponent 's "castle".

"Check." She said nonchalantly.

Xanthippus moved his "King" to the left. Selena moved her "castle" straight across his "castle".

"Check." Selena muttered again uninterestedly. 

He sighed and looked helplessly at the Queen of Orlais-Fanoss Union

"Please go easy on me, your highness."

Selena looked away but told him off,

"You are my army's commander in chief. Get your act together. Our army is now besieging Count Rikat Guiscard 's fortress in Torose."

"Please, my Queen. I just recently helped you to steal the throne. Don't be too harsh on me." The large man begged by bowing before the seventeen years old girl.

"We pushed the only surviving opposing faction in eastern region by defeating them consecutive skirmishes and encircled them. We even outnumbered them. I don't want any excuse." Selena spoke while moving her "Queen" to her opponent's corner. 

Xanthippus watched as Selena moved her "Queen" , effectively cornering his "King". 

"But my queen... Marquis Cyril de Montfort reinforcement that defeated us yesterday there, and were already inside the fortress and helping the Guiscard." He seemed worried.

Selena furrowed her eyebrows and her mood suddenly changed. She asked,

"Oh, the Montfort army led by the mysterious foreign man, Hiro Hezri. The man who our spies suspected to have also spoilt our missions."

"Hiro Hezri. Who is that man? From his look, he must be not from this continent." He muttered.

Selena gritted her teeth in frustration. 

Suddenly, footsteps were heard approaching the room.

An officer entered and stood while breathing hard,

"Please forgive me, my lord. We failed to breach the fortress after the first day ended. Our catapults were mostly destroyed!"

Xanthippus and Selena were instinctively reminded of the foreign man, Hiro Hezri.

Selena stood up from her seat, her eyes blazing with determination.

"We need to think of a new strategy," she said firmly. "Xanthippus, gather your best men and meet me in the war room in ten minutes. We need to find a way to break through that fortress and defeat the Montfort army."

Xanthippus nodded solemnly and quickly left the room.

Selena turned to the officer who had just entered.

"Tell me, what else did you see?" she asked him.

The officer took a deep breath before answering.

"The archers were sharp, ours could not match them. But our catapults and battering ram were winning. But there was one foreign man who carried large rocks and threw at our catapults."

Selena's eyes widened at the mention of the foreign man. It had to be Hiro Hezri. She needed to know more about this man and his abilities.

"Describe him to me," Selena demanded.

The officer thought for a moment before replying, "He was tall, with dark hair and brown skin. But he is smaller than Lord Xanthippus."

"And..the some of his archers were too good. They didn't look like normal humans with their long ears. Look like elves."

Selena's mind raced as she listened to the officer's description. Elves? She had only heard of them in legends and stories, never in real life. 

She explained, "No. Impossible. But they could be half-elves. Dalish tribes and dark elves were descendants of true elves."

The officer nodded, "As they had fair skin, they must not be dark elves. Most probably Dalish tribes from the far west." 

Selena nodded, her mind now focused on this new information. She had heard of the Dalish tribes before, but she had never encountered them in battle. 

Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. "We need to change our approach," she said aloud.

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