Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 555: Ladies of Redcliffe Castle

In Redcliffe region, stood a galactic but unadorned castle. Its towering stone walls and majestic turrets exuded an air of mystery and enchantment. Within the castle's dining halls, an extraordinary dinner was about to unfold, attended by two guests who were filled with nervous anticipation.

Mirellia Melromarc, the wife of a late Orlais count whose territory was lost due to a coup d'etat, and Hilma Cygnaeus, the former high class prostitute who was now the boss of smuggling division within criminal organization, had received a rare invitation to live in this Redcliffe castle. As both of them could not fight, they were urged to travel far to here to avoid the bloodbath of Orlais civil war.

Their hearts fluttered with excitement and trepidation as they stepped into the grand dining hall, adorned with ornate tapestries and flickering candlelight. Despite being considered among important people back in Orlais state,they never experienced actual royal experience.

As they entered, their eyes widened at the sight before them. Seated at the head of the table were five stunning ladies, each radiating beauty and grace. Their gowns shimmered in hues of emerald, amethyst, sapphire, ruby, and gold, reflecting the splendor of the castle's opulence. They were greeted in the evening by these three ladies, Duchess Isolde Guerrin, Marchioness Ivanna Reskina, and Ministry of military, Marchioness Cass Brankovic. Hilma and Mirellia were immensely impressed by their captivating allure and captivating intellect. Now, there were additional three charming ladies seated at the table.

Hilma, a woman with medium length wavy blonde hair, felt her palms grow clammy as she approached her designated seat.

Mirellia, who herself was a youthful and pretty woman in her early thirties, clutched her fan tightly, attempting to conceal her fluttering nerves. They exchanged a glance, finding solace in each other's presence, and whispered words of encouragement.

At the edge of the long table, two women with yellowish hair were seated as if they were the highest ranked individuals among them. 

The woman who looked in her early twenties was Duchess Isolde Guerrin who greeted them early in the evening. Seated beside her was a teenage girl. Like the rest of the women in the hall, both of them had hour glass figures. However, Isolde was more of a plump woman with a very big chest while the teenage girl was slim with a moderate sized chest. 

Isolde gracefully introduced the teenage girl, "She is Duchess Farnese Vandimion."

The two visitors slightly bowed as a gesture of respect.

A beautiful woman whose hair resembled Farnese sitting on the first seat at the left side of the long table interjected,

"I am this girl's mother, Charlotte Vandimion. My husband is the ruler of Venetian city state."

The two visitors were so surprised that they almost stood up.

"Wh...do you mean you are the wife of the famous Federico Vandimion?"

"Indeed. I live here now accompanying my daughter."

Isolde clapped her hand cheer these two visitors and introduced a silver haired young woman sitting on the first seat at the right side of the long table. 

"She is Princess Scarlet Carolingian."

Those words made the two guests immediately stand up.

The Venetian ruled by the Vandimion family was a small port city state just beside Orlais. 

However, Castall kingdom was a country in the south west of Redcliffe and ruled by King Charlemagne. Although Orlais was located far east from Castall and separated by the Dioral kingdom and two great forests, they knew the name of the only heiress to Castall kingdom.

"Please sit down. This person is indeed the former heiress of Castall." Isolde explained.

"Former?" They couldn't sit down as another word shocked them.

"Please sit down, ladies." Scarlet persuaded them with a sad face.

After they sat for a while, the princess spoke,

"Castall kingdom is no more. The large land has now become part of this new Hezri Kingdom. His majesty Hiro Hezri allowed me to live here and bestowed with the Princess title, though."

When the two guests were greeted earlier in the evening, Cass Brankovic and Isolde Guerrin shocked them by telling them that Hiro Hezri, the man who asked them to live here was the King of the new country. The man himself remained in Orlais to fight in the civil war there.

Silence enveloped the hall for minutes before Cass Brankovic clapped her hand for the dinner to go on.

The meal began with a fanfare, as servers presented platters of succulent meats, aromatic vegetables, and golden goblets filled with exquisite wine. The nobles engaged in lively conversation, discussing tales. Laughter filled the hall.

However, Hilma and Mirellia found it difficult to immerse themselves in the joyous atmosphere. They worried that their modest backgrounds and lack of courtly manners would expose them as unworthy of such esteemed company. Each time they attempted to engage in conversation, their words stumbled, and their voices trembled.

Hilma, glancing at the captivating Isolde, summoned her courage and mustered a question. "Lady Isolde, your beauty rivals that of a goddess. How do you maintain such grace and charm?" Her voice trembled with a mix of admiration and insecurity.

Isolde smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling like the stars. "Dear Madam Hilma, beauty lies not only in appearance but in the kindness of the heart. True grace comes from within, and it is found in the sincerity of one's actions."

Inspired by Hilma's wisdom, Mirellia gathered her courage to address the enigmatic Cass Brankovic. "Marchioness, your wit and intelligence made you the minister of the military of this new kingdom that even conquered Castall kingdom. How do you acquire such knowledge?"

Cass Brankovic's eyes that were covered by spectacles glinted mischievously as she responded, "Lady Mirellia, knowledge is a vast treasure waiting to be discovered. Seek it with an open mind, and let curiosity be your guide. The journey of learning is as valuable as the destination itself."

Encouraged by the kind words and insightful advice from their noble hosts, Hilma and Mirellia gradually shed their nervousness. They found themselves immersed in conversations, sharing their own stories and experiences with newfound confidence.

As the evening progressed, the castle's enchantment wove its spell upon the guests. The noble ladies, recognizing the sincerity and genuine spirit within Hilma Cygnaeus and Mirellia Melromarc, welcomed them into their circle of friendship. Walls were broken down, and social statuses dissolved, leaving only the bonds of human connection.

Amidst the laughter and merriment, Hilma and Mirellia felt a sense of belonging they had never experienced before. The noble ladies listened attentively to their stories, showing genuine interest and empathy. They shared tales of triumphs and hardships, of love and loss, finding solace in the shared human experiences that transcended their different backgrounds.

Duchess Isolde, with her warm smile, revealed her own struggles and the strength she had discovered within herself to overcome them. Marchioness Ivanna, a woman of wisdom, imparted lessons learned from her past mistakes and offered guidance on navigating the complexities of life. Marchioness Cass, with her mischievous glint, regaled them with tales of her adventures and the valuable life lessons she had acquired along the way.

Princess Scarlet, the former heiress of Castall, shared her journey of resilience and transformation, finding solace and purpose even in the face of loss. Her presence brought a sense of hope and inspiration to Hilma and Mirellia, showing them that life could take unexpected turns, yet beauty and strength could still be found.

Throughout the night, bonds deepened and friendships blossomed. Hilma and Mirellia discovered that their own stories and experiences held value and meaning, despite their modest backgrounds. The noble ladies embraced them as equals, appreciating their authenticity and the unique perspectives they brought to the table.

As the night drew to a close, Hilma and Mirellia felt a profound sense of gratitude for the extraordinary opportunity they had been given. The Redcliffe castle, once shrouded in mystery, had become a sanctuary of acceptance and friendship. They realized that true nobility extended beyond titles and riches, encompassing compassion, resilience, and the willingness to connect with others on a genuine level.

As they bid their newfound friends farewell, Hilma and Mirellia carried with them cherished memories and a renewed sense of self-worth. The dinner had been a transformative experience, one that reminded them of the power of human connection and the potential for personal growth.

Returning to their quarters within the castle, Hilma and Mirellia couldn't help but reflect on the profound impact this evening had on their lives. 

The Redcliffe castle, once a symbol of grandeur and exclusivity, had now become a place of inclusivity and shared experiences. And as Hilma and Mirellia settled into their new lives within the castle, they knew that the friendships they had forged that night would continue to inspire and guide them in the journeys that lay ahead.

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