Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 569: 5 Women

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm golden glow upon the rolling plains where the Saxon-Fanoss Union clashed against the determined forces led by five remarkable women. Mounted atop their noble steeds, Irijina, Demia, Mithra, Sekrit, and Gheyna stood as beacons of courage and skill, their respective roles intertwining to form a formidable force.

Irijina, a seasoned cavalry knight, held her heirloom spear with an unwavering grip. The gleaming weapon had seen generations of battles and was now wielded by Irijina, who carried the weight of her lineage upon her shoulders. Her every movement was a testament to her skill and discipline, inspiring her the raiding unit to follow her lead.

Demia, a heavy cavalry warrior, adorned herself with impenetrable body armor and a shield, her strong arm grasping a thin sword. She charged into the thick of battle, her shield deflecting arrows and blades alike. With each swing of her sword, she cleaved through the enemy ranks, clearing a path for her comrades and striking fear into the hearts of the opposition.

Mithra, a Dalish warrior adorned in armor fashioned from the pelts of animals, fought with a fierce determination. Her connection to the Korcari Wilds and her people fueled her every strike. She moved with the agility and grace of a predator, leaping over fallen enemies and delivering precise blows with her weapons. Her presence instilled a fighting among Irijina's raiding unit.

Sekrit, a masterful swordswoman, defied expectations with her choice of attire. Clad in thin clothing, she danced across the battlefield, her fluid movements mesmerizing both friend and foe. Her agility and precision allowed her to weave through the chaos, slicing through enemy lines with her blade as if it were an extension of her own body. Sekrit's elegance in battle was a sight to behold, leaving even her allies in awe.

Gheyna, hailing from the same native tribe as Mithra, possessed unparalleled archery skills. With her sharp eye and steady hand, she released arrow after arrow, finding their mark with deadly accuracy. Her arrows whistled through the air, piercing the hearts of enemy soldiers from a distance. Gheyna's deadly aim served as a constant reminder to the enemy that their retreat would not go unanswered.

The five women led their soldiers with determination and strategic prowess, their voices rising above the clamor of war. Despite facing the Saxon-Fanoss Union, a formidable enemy, the combined strength, skill, and unity of the women and their soldiers enabled to survive against the more attacks from both sides.

Irijina's spear thrust forward, piercing through the armor of a Saxon knight. Demia's sword swung with unrelenting force, severing the chainmail of an opponent. Mithra's animal-clad armor offered her protection as she fought with unparalleled ferocity. Sekrit's blade moved like a dancer's, deflecting strikes and finding gaps in her adversaries' defenses. Gheyna's arrows soared through the air, thinning the enemy's ranks.


(Point of view of Achilles, the commander of Orlais-Fanoss Union.)

Achilles, the esteemed commander of the Orlais-Fanoss Union, stood atop a hill, surveying the battlefield before him. His forces had successfully encircled the soldiers of Count Ambroise and Marquis Cyril de Montfort, but he couldn't help but be intrigued by the resistance offered by Marquis Cyril's soldiers. What caught his attention, however, were the five women leading the charge on horseback.

Among them was a tall woman, her presence commanding as she brandished a gleaming spear. Her skill and precision were evident as she struck down Orlais-Fanoss Union soldiers with each calculated thrust. Her unwavering determination inspired those around her, bolstering the morale of Marquis Cyril's forces.

Beside her rode a blond knight, donned in an imposing suit of armor, complete with a large shield. She fearlessly defended her comrades, deflecting arrows and parrying sword strikes with ease. Her unwavering loyalty and unwavering resolve made her a symbol of resilience on the battlefield.

Then there was the nimble archer, her movements so swift that she seemed to blur into the background. Clad in armor fashioned from the hides of animals, she skillfully unleashed a flurry of arrows, striking down enemy soldiers from a distance with deadly accuracy. Her ability to swiftly eliminate threats made her a crucial asset in the fight against the encircling forces.

Next in the lineup was a fierce female fighter, her stature and attire echoing that of the native warriors. She fought with raw power and brute strength, relentlessly charging into the midst of the enemy ranks. Her ferocity and intimidating presence disrupted the enemy's formations, giving her allies the advantage they needed to hold their ground.

Finally, there was a woman of remarkable skill with the sword, clad in light clothing that allowed for unrestricted movement. Her every strike was executed with grace and precision, seamlessly flowing from one attack to another. She was a master of her craft, her fluid movements cutting through the enemy lines like a dance of death.

As Achilles observed these five remarkable women leading the defense, he couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and respect. Their diverse skills and unwavering determination were a force to be reckoned with. Despite the odds stacked against them, Marquis Cyril's soldiers stood firm under their guidance.

The battle raged on, the clash of steel and the cries of war filling the air. As the encircling forces, Count Ambroise soldiers were being defeated but Marquis Cyril soldiers led by the 5 women were killing Achilles's men and defending firmly.

Achilles watched as his soldiers fell before the relentless assault of the five women leading Marquis Cyril's forces. Despite the encirclement, these skilled warriors fought with unwavering determination, striking down Orlais-Fanoss Union soldiers with their impressive abilities. The tall spear-wielding woman commanded the battlefield with precision, her strikes taking down multiple enemies with each thrust. The blond knight, clad in her imposing armor, stood as an impenetrable wall, defending her comrades and deflecting attacks with her large shield.

The nimble archer swiftly moved through the chaos, her arrows finding their marks with deadly accuracy. Her swift eliminations from a distance weakened Achilles's forces, creating an advantage for Marquis Cyril's soldiers. The fierce fighter, embodying the strength of native warriors, charged into the midst of the enemy ranks, disrupting formations and creating chaos. And the swordswoman, with her fluid and graceful movements, effortlessly cut through Achilles's lines, leaving a trail of fallen soldiers in her wake.

He shouted his command, "Order the infantry to stop hunting down Count Ambroise soldiers. Cavalry concentrate on these 5 women while infantry go after the rest of Marquis Cyril soldiers!"

The Orlais-Fanoss Union soldiers swiftly adjusted their tactics upon Achilles's command. The infantry halted their pursuit of Count Ambroise's soldiers and redirected their focus towards the remaining forces of Marquis Cyril. The cavalry, recognizing the threat posed by the five women, swiftly maneuvered to engage them directly.

The battle took on a new dynamic as the Orlais-Fanoss Union forces reorganized their strategy. The infantry, now unburdened by the task of hunting down Count Ambroise's soldiers, surged forward, aiming to overwhelm the remaining defenders led by Marquis Cyril. They formed a tight formation and advanced with renewed determination, seeking to break through the lines and seize control of the battlefield.

Meanwhile, the cavalry charged towards the five women, their horsemen forming a formidable front. They sought to exploit any weaknesses and vulnerabilities in their opponents' defenses, leveraging their mounted advantage to disrupt the women's coordination and inflict decisive blows.

However, the five women proved to be a formidable challenge, maintaining their composure and adaptability in the face of the shifting tactics. The tall spear-wielding woman deflected the attacks of the cavalry with her expertly handled weapon, holding her ground and striking back with calculated precision. The blond knight, armored and resolute, stood as a bulwark against the charging cavalry, her shield providing vital protection for her comrades.

The nimble archer nimbly evaded the cavalry's attempts to close in on her, utilizing her speed and agility to maintain a safe distance. From her advantageous position, she continued to rain arrows upon the approaching cavalry, targeting both riders and horses alike, effectively neutralizing their mounted advantage.

The fierce fighter, undeterred by the charging cavalry, met their assault head-on. Her formidable strength and relentless attacks created chaos within their ranks, disrupting their formations and sowing confusion among their ranks. She fought with a fierce determination, unyielding in her resolve to protect her allies.

The swordswoman, demonstrating her mastery of the blade, engaged the cavalry with a fluidity and grace that belied her lethal intent. With each strike, she found openings in their defenses, swiftly incapacitating or dispatching her adversaries. Her skillful maneuvers and precise footwork allowed her to evade the mounted assault while maintaining a constant offensive pressure.

Despite their concerted efforts, Achilles's forces found it difficult to overpower the resilience and skill of the five women. Each of them held their ground, inspiring the soldiers fighting alongside them and bolstering the resolve of Marquis Cyril's forces.

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